I have chronic Lyme Disease. I've had it for seven years. It's totally upended my life in many ways and I will never be the same. I went undiagnosed for over three years and finally was able to receive a diagnosis when it became so bad I could barely walk. The damage that my joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments have endured cannot be put into words. After seven years, I have yet to find a treatment protocol that works. Insurance does not cover the costs, so financially it is very hard to treat. Most doctors want nothing to do with it and are ignorant about the disease.

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Blair, one thing that may help is hyberbaric oxygen treatment. Find a really good integrative medicine Dr. And read all the lyme groups on X - good info there. Regular insurance will cover nothing but doxycycline and rheumatoid arthritis drugs. It's unbelievable. Keep fighting.

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Nice of you to share that, Ellen.

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Thanks, Ellen! I greatly appreciate it.

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Yes, I've been in the same boat, with rheumatoid arthritis/edema and a thousand other symptoms (from about 2010-2015). Got them into remission with dietary changes and long-term herbal protocols.

Steven Harrod Buhner's "Treating Lyme" and other books are excellent resources. Equally important was ditching the "western diet." Especially wheat & sugar. Do everything to quell inflammation. If I want a relapse of RA symptoms all I need to do is eat some pizza & donuts, etc. These things worked for me and I saw gradual improvement. Now I feel healthier than most others my age. Good luck to you.

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Thanks for the info! I greatly appreciate it! Do you mind sharing more details with me about your herbal protocol and maybe your personal diet? If you would like to DM me, that would be great. Thanks again for responding to my post. I greatly appreciate it.

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There is a doctor in northern CA (Eureka)named Willard (bill) Hunter

He has been treating Lyme disease since early 80s. Considered an expert in the field.Has had great success in treating it.

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Thanks so much for the info! I wish I would have realized it when I lived there. Now I'm over 2000 miles away. I do appreciate you letting me know.

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Might be worth a phone call but maybe you have good doctors since Lyme disease has become so prevalent. I no longer live there either but I remember that he helped certain friends of mine. Good luck to you and your trials in fighting this. So interesting to me that we battle ailments that are originated by bio-warfare. We are our own worst enemy and will bring about our destruction. Very sad. I’m sure that Victoria Nuland retired very wealthy

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Victoria Nuland will be in eternal Hell before her coffin is closed.

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I’m pretty sure she is living the best life money can offer. It’s too bad that the ticks were. not genetically wired to suck the blood of evil

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So sad Blair, i am truly sorry (and angry) you must endure this. All i could suggest is, Do you know master herbalist Stephen Buhner's famous book on healing lyme?


the man has departed, but his books and mastery remain

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Thank you, Yolanda. I greatly appreciate it. I have heard of it. I will buy the Buhner's book.

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May 11·edited May 11

9 years misdiagnosed, crossed the blood-brain barrier, still impacts my processing speed, word blocks, depleted energy levels and memory issues. I forgot how to spell and calculate simple math, it would take me half an hour to put together a short paragraph. Used to get frequent seizures. 7 years of abx... on again off again. Diet was the biggest game changer, sub-lingual Pinella and Burbur herbal drops very useful in calming flare-ups. Still have serious auto-immune issues, dysautonomia (POTS),stress triggers, increasing food and environmental allergies. Very frustrating. Tired of hearing 'but you don't look sick'... except when I was basically bed ridden for a year and couldn't drive. Get a good Integrated Medicine doctor who is experienced in working with Chronic patients. (Many of the covid symptoms reminded me of the early positive phase of Lyme.) I am absolutely convinced, at this point, that my Rocky Mtn, Babesia, Lyme from one bite (no bulls-eye) was a bio-weapon.

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I'm so sorry to hear it. It's devastated me as well. I contracted mine while backpacking in Northern California. I never saw a bullseye either, but I never checked after being out in the wilderness for days. I didn't even know anything about Lyme. It wasn't something that was even on the radar screen for me. It's been horrendously difficult. Yes, it's easy to feel lonely, depressed and abandoned. Nobody understands and I've heard people say "you don't look sick" too many times as well. Many people have written me off. Some think it's psychological which always angers me. They have no idea what we go through. Many people would fold like a cheap deck of cards.

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Where in Northern California did you get it? I found a tick on (in) me in 1991 after hiking in the Santa Cruz mountains. I started reading about Lyme and was kind of freaking out so I went and got tested, even though I never had symptoms. It came back positive! So I took a round of antibiotics and that was it, never had any issues. (I read later that false positive Lyme tests were fairly common) 10 years ago I got another tick bite in Humboldt county, but never had symptoms or got tested. I guess I’m lucky.

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I think I contracted it along the Smith River, not far from Crescent City. If I had the pinpoint it, I think that's where I ended up getting it.

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I’ve learned to live within my limitations and be happy. I find peace and hope in Jesus, He helps me be positive, regardless of my situation. A valuable lesson I have come to learn. Peace.

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God bless you and Peace, LDT and Blair.

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Thank you. Peace to you.

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Thank you, Libertarian! Much appreciated.

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Yes, same here LDT. My faith in Jesus has been renewed as a result of my own pain and tribulation. I also have seen great evil occur during this worldwide push toward authoritarianism the past several years, which has caused me to repent and turn my eyes upon Jesus. I don't say that as some kind of cliche. It's been hard. I am reminded each day that I am weak, but He is strong.

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Better pain here on earth than eternal suffering later. Earth is a blink of the eye compared to eternity. I’m praying for both of us.

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Thanks, Libertarian! I will pray for you as well.

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Follow AI. You’ll soon find help there.

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May 10·edited May 10

LAB 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government's Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory by by Michael Christopher Carroll

Book overview:

"Strictly off limits to the public, Plum Island is home to virginal beaches, cliffs, forests, ponds -- and the deadliest germs that have ever roamed the planet. Lab 257 blows the lid off the stunning true nature and checkered history of Plum Island. It shows that the seemingly bucolic island in the shadow of New York City is a ticking biological time bomb that none of us can safely ignore.

Based on declassified government documents, in-depth interviews, and access to Plum Island itself, this is an eye-opening, suspenseful account of a federal government germ laboratory gone terribly wrong. For the first time, Lab 257 takes you deep inside this secret world and presents startling revelations on virus outbreaks, biological meltdowns, infected workers, the periodic flushing of contaminated raw sewage into area waters, and the insidious connections between Plum Island, Lyme disease, and the deadly West Nile virus. The book also probes what's in store for Plum Island's new owner, the Department of Homeland Security, in this age of bioterrorism.

Lab 257 is a call to action for those concerned with protecting present and future generations from preventable biological catastrophes."

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The facility at Plum Island was moved to Manhattan, Kansas. Yes, that's correct. A facility so dangerous, that it was intentionally placed on an island off the coast of Long Island, was moved to the center of the United States. An area which is essentially cattle country. What could possibly go wrong? 🙄

"The facility is slated for closure in 2023, with work moving to the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility under construction in Manhattan, Kansas."

"The National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) is a biosafety level 4 research laboratory in Manhattan, Kansas, operated by the United States Department of Agriculture. The facility opened in June 2023. The facility is designed to combat biological threats involving human, zoonotic, and foreign animal diseases. The NBAF replaced the aging Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) on Plum Island, New York. The primary research tenants of the facility are the Agriculture Research Service (USDA-ARS) and Animal Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services (USDA-APHIS-VS). Construction on the 574,000-square-foot (53,300 m2) facility officially began in May 2015, and was scheduled to be completed by May 2021. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, however, has delayed scheduled commissioning to October 2021, followed by further delays to Spring, and finally summer 2023. Operations will be fully transferred from the Plum Island facility by 2023.The facility employs between 250 and 350 people.The facility is a constituent member of the Biosafety Level 4 Zoonotic Laboratory Network, and is currently led by Alfonso Clavijo."

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I was surprised to see this Tucker interview about Lyme disease. Just a couple of days ago I watched the video “Under Our Skin” which is mentioned in this video. It popped up on my YouTube feed and looked interesting so I watched it and it is. There’s also a 60 min Part 2 which I’ve so far watched 40 min of. One of the things mentioned in this one was that the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012 in Newton, Conn by a 20 year old man who also killed his mother, had severe neurological problems which were most likely caused by Lyme disease. Just imagine how far ahead on this issue we’d now be if the media had focused on that as the cause instead of immediately blaming it on guns. Our dem media is despicable, evil and profoundly destructive. In other words, they’re Woke aka Satan’s lapdogs.

“Under Our Skin: Exposing the Hidden Epidemic of Lyme Disease.” (1:40)

Gravitas Documentaries. June 27, 2022


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Wow, thanks for that info about Sandy Hook! So much misinformation out there!

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Another good one to read is by Stanford's Kris Newby, who published Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons in I think 2019. She and her husband both bitten and misdiagnosed, struggled for years - runs through the whole history. I didn't know whether to be relieved or suicidal to have all my worst thoughts about our military/gov't confirmed. Even NYT opinion columnist Ross Douthat writes about it - not conclusively, or he'd get fired - in his recent book about his terrible experience with Lyme. You can read a very short review (free) here: https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2022/01/ross-douthats-wrenching-lyme-disease-battle/

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Excellent book review from the Federalist below about Ross Douthat and Lyme. I personally have never needed healing for any health problem but I am familiar with what chronic pain and suffering looks like since my brother died of AIDS 26 years ago. A truly ghastly death with chronic pain from severe nerve damage although he used barbiturates to commit suicide shortly before he would have died anyway.

I have read books about people who live with chronic pain. I’m curious about all those among us who live in pain which is invisible to others. Who are these people who live among us but at the same time exist in an entirely different reality where even the simplest actions can cause pain that others are quite unaware of? I have read books by these people who live in this parallel world of pain and illness. The “Kingdom of the Sick” as the writer Susan Sontag called their world so I do know of them.

“The Deep Places” reminds me of the book "Life of Pi" where Pi says of his experience after a shipwreck of finding himself alone on a boat with a Bengal tiger in the middle of the ocean, "Solitude began. I turned to God. I survived.” I did also read “The Deep Places.” Our fallen world is often deadly and terrible so we should share information with others less fortunate than we are to help them.

“It’s these transparent accounts of raw pain that give Douthat the credibility to speak on the larger questions. “What I learned from my illness,” he writes, “is that chronic suffering can make belief in a providential God, if you have such a thing going in, feel essential to your survival, no matter how much you may doubt God’s goodness when the pain is at its worst. To believe your suffering is for something, that you are being asked to bear up under it, that you are being in some sense supervised and tested and possibly chastised in a way that’s ultimately for your good, if you can only make it through the schooling — all this is tremendously helpful to maintaining simple sanity and basic hope.”

“The Deep Places.”

Ross Douthat’s New Book Details His Personal Battle With A Mystery Illness.

‘The Deep Places’ is a worthwhile read for all who need healing.

The Federalist. Jayme Metzger. Oct 28, 2021


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Thanks for writing all that, Seva. I'll read the review for sure. That also struck me - the invisible people among us who are suffering - and not just from physical pain. I read Douthat when I was suffering from Lyme, and it reminded me - I need reminding over and over - that you never know what is going on in another person's world, sometimes even if you talk with them. A whole other perspective on the guy who cuts you off, or is rude, etc etc. It also helped me to read C.S. Lewis "The Problem of Pain". Peace.

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Seva is a great treasure and adds value with his relevant and well referenced commentary.

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Seva, check this out. Chicago mayor wants another $1B for schools even though teachers are 43% chronically absent. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/chicago-mayor-wants-1-billion-more-schools-even-though-43-teachers-are-chronically-absent

What a disaster for the state taxpayers. Plus the money will necessarily be moved from benefits for the middle class to go direct to the teachers Union. Political Corruption in action.

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Only AI can save us. Ilya Sutskever is one of the world’s top AI scientists. In this 2nd video below he’s being interviewed by Jensen Huang, CEO of Nvidia. Huang is super smart but in this interview it’s clear that he’s just really impressed by the intelligence of Sutskever. First video is of Ilya talking about AGI. Very strange video although fascinating. He thinks of AGI the same way Elon does and the fact that two of the most brilliant men alive, and perhaps ever, is a pretty big clue that we should believe them. I’m not afraid of AGI. I’m afraid of the fact that we’re ruled by criminally insane fanatics who want us dead. At least with AGI we have a good chance to survive and flourish. Hope springs eternal.

Ilya Sutskever: The chief scientist who single handedly changed OpenAI and reshaped the world. (11 min)



Excellent conversation between Jensen Huang, CEO of Nvidia, and Ilya Sutskever, one of the world’s top AI researchers. They both expect tremendous advances in AI even in just the next couple of years and Elon Musk also agrees with this.

“Ilya Sutskever. This will happen next year. I totally believe.” (16 min)

ChatGPT. Sept 2023


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Seva and I were both in the military. With regard to how much to trust our military, i remember distinctly that if we were ordered to fire, there would be no hesitation; and whether the target was friendly, foe or American didn’t matter after the order was received. Now I see better our own military and politicians willingness to sacrifice Americans and American values and treasure for their own gov paychecks and pensions. That explains why they have fomented neocon wars for the last 60 years; hundreds of billions of dollars for them, family and friends. How do you think the neocons pushing Ukraine and Israel slaughter funding got so rich?

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“There is a precedent, according to Ilya Sutskever, for a less intelligent being ensuring that radically smarter and more powerful ones act in their interests. That precedent is the human baby. “We know that it’s possible,” says Sutskever, chief scientist at OpenAI. “Parents care very deeply about the well-being of their children. It can be done. How does this imprinting work?”

In Sutskever’s view, the task of understanding how to impress certain values onto significantly superhuman systems could not have higher stakes. “The upshot is, eventually AI systems will become very, very, very capable and powerful,” he says. “We will not be able to understand them. They’ll be much smarter than us. By that time it is absolutely critical that the imprinting is very strong, so they feel toward us the way we feel toward our babies.

Time100 AI

Ilya Sutskever.

Co-Founder and Chief Scientist, OpenAI. Sept 7, 2023


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And why am I not surprised?

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ah-ha, another reason to coral us into 15 minute cities ~ "to protect us"!

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Years ago I was working for an architectural company that provided services for the major pharmaceutical moguls. Merck, etc. In order to familiarize with operation of Bio Safety Labs, I was sent to already operating labs in Fort Dietrich with animal facilities where they keep monkeys needed for their research.

Gain of Function was presented as a research to minimize impact of viruses on human organism, or disable the pathogens entirely. In reality the scientists were dedicated to enhanced function of toxicity of the viruses and they were, and still are SUCCESSFUL. Disease X.

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Thank you!

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I’m being successfully treated for Alzheimer’s. Dr told me eat no grain, sugar or dairy… I am Improving.

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Follow AI. This will surely soon be able to help you. Fascinating video about how AI will be used for gene editing in the near future. Well worth watching. A good example of how powerful it is and how fast it’s moving in all areas of medical research.

“In this work, we introduce CRISPR-GPT, an LLM agent augmented with domain knowledge and external tools to automate and enhance the design process of CRISPR-based genc-editing experiments. CRISPR-GPT leverages the reasoning ability of LLMs to facilitate the process of selecting CRISPR systems, designing guide RNAs, recommending cellular delivery methods, drafting protocols, and designing validation experiments to confirm editing outcomes.”

“Our work aims to bridge the gap between beginner biological researchers and CRISPR genome engineering techniques, and demonstrate the potential of LLM agents in facilitating complex biological discovery tasks.”

“These new AI breakthroughs will change Life (literally).” (33 min)

AI Search. May 7, 2024


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That's wonderful! Wishing you the best.

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Another wjn for the conspiracy people. Plum island makes deadly pathogens carried by insects—and now we’re being encouraged to eat insects as food.

This conspiracy theorist is going call out the controllers on this diabolical plan to have us eat ourselves to death.

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Does anyone think that vaccines cultured on bovine calf serum or any biological cell cultures are/were screened for spirochetal contamination?

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A couple of superb videos about the exponential advance of AI in the medical field. I have no health issues but I just turned 74 and the older I get the faster time goes so my luck is fast running out. AI will soon not only cure diseases but also be able to extend life with good health. I look forward to a time in the near future when we’ll be able to kick the can down the road and just keep on living rather than simply dying because our time has run out. That’s my personal hope for AI plus I also believe it will help our disintegrating society and our rapidly unraveling world avoid tumbling into the abyss. Hope springs eternal as does wishful thinking but there really are very good reasons to be hopeful. This is not at all just wishful thinking.

“Google Deep Mind CEO on Drug Discovery, Hype, Isomorphic.” (13 min)

Bloomberg Television. May 8, 2024


“Stunning Medical AI Agents Outperform Doctors, trained in the simulation, continuous improvement.” (28 min)

Wes Roth. May 8, 2024


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“Yes, there used to be a vaccine for Lyme disease.” (2 min)

Verify. May 19, 2022


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May 12·edited May 12

My neighbors both took it, as they lived in one of the areas with earliest cases north shore of boston. They had no side effects, and whenever they get bitten by a tick they know because it gets very itchy at the site neither has ever gotten Lyme, despite many dozens of bites.

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Too bad they didn’t start producing that vaccine again and warning people about the danger instead of just ignoring it. Hopefully this new vaccine works better than the Covid vaccine. I never got that. Didn’t trust the government then and even less now.

“New Lyme Disease Vaccine Enters Final Phase: What To Know.” (2 min)

Today. Aug 2022


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yeah, I didn't get it either, and don't think I'd get this lyme vx either.

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Lab leak?


More like calculated bioweapon deployment on the general public to observe its effects on victims in the wild, as it were.

The same is true about so-called ME/CFS.

In fact that was a two-pronged bioweapon release in the United States and in the United Kingdom to calculate which was more effective at incapacitation.

Isn’t it odd that in the mid-1980’s so many young people fell ill with unresolved mononucleosis that eventually was termed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (which is doctor-speak for we have no idea what’s wrong with you)…while almost simultaneously in the United Kingdom, a related bout of glandular fever (mono) was attacking the young as well???

In the USA, the chief symptom of CFS was fatigue and immune dysfunction. While in the UK, the chief complaint was neurological dysfunction, along with pain and immune destruction. It looks like the UK bioweapon was the more damaging of the two.

Isn’t it odd that the victims of BOTH bioweapons were similarly gaslit, marginalized and went largely untreated for over four decades?

The U.S.A. & U.K. are separate countries with extremely different health care systems, yet the victims of both bioweapons were treated in the same appalling manner. It’s as if this abusive treatment was mandated and coordinated , so that the general public would never comprehend that there were millions of ordinary citizens falling prey to military bioweapons releases.

What does this remind you of in present day? No prizes for guessing…Long COVID. It would seem that lessons learned from incapacitating bioweapons research in the 1980s were applied to today’s lab-created viral bioweapons and, of course, the Magic Elixir™️.

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"Some claim that Lyme disease was introduced into the northeastern region of the U.S. by a man-made strain of Borrelia burgdorferi that escaped from a high containment biological warfare laboratory on Plum Island. However, there is ample evidence to indicate that both Ixodes ticks and B. burgdorferi were present in the U.S. well beforethe Plum Island facility was ever established. An examination of museum specimens ofIxodes ticks showed that the presence of Lyme disease spirochetes in suitable arthropod vectors preceded — by at least a generation — the year (1982) when Lyme disease was first recognized as a distinct clinical entity in the U.S. (1, 2). More recent studies revealed that Ixodes ticks and B. burgdorferi were present in the northeastern and Midwestern regions of the U.S. in pre-colonial times and many thousands of years before European settlements were established in the U.S. (3). Lyme disease certainly existed in the U.S. long before anyone knew how to diagnose and treat it."

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ooh, i was looking for more on this Sasha! Perfect timing.

hang on, wait, let me go vomit again first.

ok, ready, go

that is as gross as it gets

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