This is the corrected version. The old version had missing audio.

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I've been pretty depressed about our current state of affairs. I'm off Twitter, and the only SubStack (of the six I still pay for) that I still read is yours. Thanks

And this quote seems apropos:

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”

-Voltaire, 1765

Can't be said enough

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The current situation is dismal & depressing. But since all life is energy, all impulses, waves, & vibrations that are about natality, creativity & joy matter. The total nihilism & death drive of this moment must be countered moment by moment by the vibrations, the energy of Creativity, Gratitude, & a keeping of faith with Truth, with the phenomena. A thousand sparks of light, as Gotthold Lessing put it, as I recall, will transform the darkness.

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Hi, I don't equate Truth with vibration. Where do you read that equivalence? Keeping faith is an action. My words do not place an equals sign between vibration and Truth. Naturally that wouldn't be apt. I'm curious how "vibration" is the father of all lies? Could you explain that? I don't understand what you mean. Thank you in advance, if you can.

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I have never heard the saying that vibrations is the one lie are the father of lies. I have no idea what means.

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Very nice.

Thank you

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A beautiful thought, but I have to quibble with your analysis. Truth isn't a form of "energy". It is not a "phenomena", but reality itself.

"Vibration", in contrast, is the apparent denial of Truth. It is the one lie and father of lies.

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Voltaire was an idiot. The “best of all possible worlds”? His philosophy? Nonsense.

The only true philosophy of life is theology, the most pure form of thought.

Jesus Christ is the only answer to the problems in our failed world.

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You do realize Candide was satire, yes? If not, read it again. Pangloss is a fool....thats the point

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Of course I do understand that.

But Voltaire’s primary interest was to destroy faith in Christianity. Well, then what happened in France in their Revolution? The Reign of Terror, the guillotines. Where people had their heads chopped off in great numbers. Eventually Robespierre got his head chopped off as he deserved. What did France lose in that episode of extreme stupidity? We will never know. Probably nothing at all.but more stupidity. What say you?

The American Revolution was very different than the French Revolution. The Americans were Christians or Deists. They drew from the Holy Scriptures, Greek philosophy, and history, to create our Declaration of Independence and US Constitution and Bill of Rights. Our results were extremely different. There was no reign of terror.there were no mass murders sanctioned by the American government. There was, after the American Revolution, a general reconciliation of Americans. There were no guillotines. No reign of terror.

Why? Because Americans were Christians, motivated by the Holy Spirit, to make peace and love with each other. Why don’t we try this again, right now?

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No reign of terror? Tell that to the native Americans who were hunted down and either killed or confined to reservations...

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Which natives? Aztecs? Where Montezuma’s priests would march the men up the pyramid, then cut out their hearts and eat the heart in the sight of the people below? And then cut off their heads and roll them down the pyramid to the ground below? That one?

Or the natives of Assyria where Sennacherib’s vast army would capture their enemies and then peal off their skin and make tents out of their skins ?

If you wish to play the blame game, then please bring some ammunition far stronger than you have already.

What it seems you are saying is that people, mere human beings, are evil and they do evil things to each other. Welcome to world history. It has always been so. So… what can we do? We can stop being evil to each other. How can this happen?

It can only happen when King Jesus, the Christ, the Messiach of the world, returns to redeem His people. And when He creates a new earth and a new heaven. Without sin, without death, without tears, without disease, without violence in any form.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all ye creatures below. Praise Him all ye creatures above. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost….. Amen, amen, amen….

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There was no reign of terror in the wake of the revolution, but an evil faction started early in this country’s history in government as evil people used hatred to dehumanize a segment of the population. Sound familiar? The same thing still happens today. Divided we fall is not a warning to these people but a strategy.

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What about the slaves owned and worked by the 5 civilized tribes and who fought with the Confederate nation against the north. After Wounded Knee, I can't say I blame them.

Then ask about the people who were here before the arrival of your native Americans who were slaughtered by your native Americans. You can go out to Arizona, New Mexico and northern Mexico and visit the graveyards of those people.




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I'm not in disagreement re: French vs American revolutions. But ours wasn't exactly as cut and dry as the history books portray, either. Anyway, I have always considered Voltaire, and Candide specifically, as a necessary critique of Christian values. Which is necessary to reinforce those very values. He was a satirist. I dont think he intended to undermine Christianity, but rather hold its feet to the fire in order to reinforce it. The characters in Candide do this marvelously, from Candide himself to Cunegonde to Pangloss, et al. Satire is the Court Jester of philosophy...w/o it, there is no growth, wisdom, or, most importantly, self reflection.

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It wasn't a revolution in America so much as a secession. King George didn't let it stay peaceful. Worth noting the colonies were self-sufficient and did not send troops to London to depose George III.

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Agree. It’s been a long while since I read Candide, but my memory is that it was a satire of arrogance and pomposity from any source, including the Church.

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Amen and thank you for your comments after this post.

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"The best of all possible worlds" was the philosophy of a fictional character Voltaire created. Dr. Pangloss. Candide is like Gulliver's Travels by Swift. Pangloss satirizes some of the insane optimism Voltaire saw around him. Not to be confused with Voltaire's beliefs.

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FYI Sasha i don't believe McVeigh drove a truck into the federal building in OK city. I know it's irrelevant to the story.

"On the morning of April 19, 1995, an ex-Army soldier and security guard named Timothy McVeigh parked a rented Ryder truck in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City."


Not to mention the local reports of unexploded bombs on the Murrah building that were only reported on once and never heard on air again, and so much more involved.


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Thanks for this. I know a lot of your readers are those coming in from the left and I hope it resonates. The whole situation - and I mean the WHOLE ridiculous, dangerous, f*cked situation that is the US at the moment - is beyond comprehension. I’m in a red southern state and so am fortunately never confronted with these issues in my own life, but I just returned from 3 weeks in an African country where I’ve worked since 2009 and I can tell you that they are running as far and as fast from the US as they can. To whom? China and Russia. Where I used to hear all kinds of gossip and political opinion about what was happening here, I didn’t hear a single one in 22 days. Nothing about America. At all. The airport lounge wasn’t even playing CNN as it always has (this was my 16th trip there). It was on Al-jazzeera. Even last year the US was still a topic, CNN was (unfortunately) on the tv. How far and how fast we have fallen... and I’m afraid we won’t come back from it, at home or on the international stage.

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Apr 15, 2023
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But why are we doing this? The citizens don’t want it. Who is pushing this evil on the rest of the world? I just don’t get where it’s coming from. Enough already.

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The World Economic Forum is a source - our nations wealthiest people are the dumbest we have had in decades. Think about it, some 24 yr old writes some code and becomes an instant billionaire who then thinks they know what is best for everyone else. The certainty without experience that some of our youth possess is scary.

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Apr 15, 2023Edited
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We have, and have always had, gay people and others in the "community" of the rainbow flag. The organist at my conservative Episcopal church growing up was gay, and there was a (what we called then) transvestite who rode a bicycle and worked at JC Penney. No one cared. And still no one cares, when it's adults and people just live their lives. Your comment of going to a "more welcoming environment" assumes that all people in this group want to be something other than a regular person living a regular life. Many do not! They want to raise families and life their lives in peace. Many gay people fought for that right - to just be like everyone else - and are horrified at what's happened to their efforts to achieve it.

But it's not adults most people care about... they're after the kids. And it's not "live and let live," it's "you must actively affirm and lift them up" or you're racist/bigoted/evil/homophobes. It's violent, Marxist, and becoming a terrorist movement.

We care because a) there's no way the rainbow mafia is going to be content with just big cities and universities, so we know they'll come after the rest of us, and b) it's WRONG. Indoctrinating and militarizing and traumatizing and transhausen by proxy-ing kids is WRONG. Full stop.

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Apr 15, 2023
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Birtha, can you please explain why it's not enough for us normies to adopt a "live and let live" attitude so long as the behavior is confined to adults? Why do lefties insist that there must be active affirmation of alternative lifestyles, or else we are "coming after them"? Why do you feel you have a right to determine what our children must be taught? And I do mean "our children". My guess is that very few of the activists have any children of their own.

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Apr 15, 2023Edited
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Thanks, but you didn't really respond to any of my questions. You simply reiterated your belief that those of us who disagree are bigoted.

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No one teaches their children humanity is just straight white people. That’s ludicrous. You and your masters are the ones pushing the idea that some in our societies do not rise to the level of human and marking them as targets for your hatred and violence. One of the most consistent features of a lefty ideologue is the constant projection of their own sins and character flaws onto those you see as enemies. So obvious and consistent that it would be hilarious if it weren’t so serious. Sexual deviants are the new black, huh? Does that mean your masters have a new plan to make them Democratic vote slaves for the next 200 years? Will they be another group of perpetual victims that can be frightened into voting for the same people that put them in chains? They want to be defined solely by their sexual activities and still be taken seriously? Just listen to your own nonsense. Grow up.

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Surely you know that no state is a monolith of opinion. I live in a blue state, and while not the majority, there are nearly as many conservatives who live here. We do care, and don't believe we should surrender our children to the delusions of the leftist majority.

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Apr 15, 2023
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By all means, move to the vibrant, welcoming environment that characterizes blue cities these days. I nominate Chicago.

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You have to live in one of those cities. They have gone from ok to disaster!

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Don't forget San Francisco. Definitely in the running.

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Sasha, your incredible bravery continues to take my breath away. You are saying what we all KNOW to be true, but cannot say. (Or we do not say, out of fear of personal, social or professional annihilation.)

This insanity brings nothing but harm. Harm to society at large, harm to direct victims, incredible harm to the people it purports to protect. The only ones who benefit are the destroyers. And like the Manson “family” you so brilliantly mention, the destruction is the benefit to them.

Thank you for building a voice and bravely using it to speak the truth, for giving support to other brave souls like Riley, and encouraging (literally) all of us to find the courage to at least amplify voices of clarity like yours.

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Stop saying that Sasha is brave. She is not brave at all. She is just waking up from hell. And seeing truth for her first time. Sasha can be brave in the future if she wishes to take on the media complex. She has not yet done that at all.

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Oh, I disagree wholeheartedly. Sasha takes on the media complex every time she posts. Her entire professional life has been mired in that industry, perhaps the most warped (well, besides education.). She takes enormous risks speaking the way she does.

Her history includes writing for major entertainment industry magazines, including Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, and The Wrap… among others. For 2 1/2 decades she’s run one of the preeminent Hollywood-watching entertainment news sites, and as such, she’s been profiled by major National news outlets like NPR.

She is very visible to (and dependent on) an industry full of some of the most ridiculously woke people around. Her entire career is deeply intertwined with the Oscar industry; an incredibly facile, group think world.

You’re entitled to your opinion of course; the psychotic wokies believe that Audrey the child-murderer is brave. But in my estimation, Sasha is *incredibly* brave, as is anyone (like Riley) who speaks out against the enforcers of the toxic fog, and I will certainly not stop saying that.

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I agree with you. At least Sasha is doing something to help correct some of the mistakes her former party has done to this country. Others on the Left who have awakened need to do more.

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She’s brave.

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You would come across as more credible if you lightened up a little.

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She is on point. There is no lightening up when you tell the truth

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My reply was to Tom Potts and not Thoughtful Reader. I think you made a mistake? I’m pretty sure Tom is not a “she” also :D.

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I remember a previous era where some men cross-dressed, did adult drag shows and referred to themselves as drag queens or transvestites. They also didn't insist, with threats of violence, that every other human cater to them and refer to them as "she." They did what they did and nobody cared. They also didn't insist they were actually female, or try to go in private, female spaces. "Trans" is an entirely different animal and I am a "trans" phobe. This is a vicious group that even went so far as to bully a transvestite, Daphne Dorman, to take his life after he showed support to his friend Dave Chappelle. Ironically and sadly, from what I've read, Daphne was a million times more feminine than the trans handmaidens that were screaming their threats at Riley Gaines. Those handmaidens are more like the Manson butchers you mentioned. As for Hale, sociopaths can model "appropriate" behavior and cover their true nature. Until it comes bubbling angrily to the surface. We do what we can to protect our children from this deviance and make a better future for them.

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The new thing is Drag Queen Story Time at public libraries and grammar schools. These men don’t wear underwear. They flash their genitalia to children. They have no interest in anything other than the grooming and rape of our children. These men should be lynched on site.

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Apr 16, 2023
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What statement? Please explain. Don’t you wish for peace and love? Seems to me that most folks desire this intensely. True peace. True love. Even much much more than that, the total and complete sense of well being…… this is pure Shalom…

Shalom Birtha…… be well….

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Apr 16, 2023
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Yes, that is what trannies are doing during Drag Queen Story Time with little children. Flashing their genitalia. These freaks need to be lynched. Immediately. Why? Because their only desire is to groom and then rape young children. Do you love children? Do you wish to protect them from harm and rape? Please, give a rational defense of Drag Queen Story Hour. Please explain why parents would wish for their children to be raped by freaks. Go ahead. Please explain it all to normal people. Not psychotic people from big cities.

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Apr 16, 2023Edited
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Apr 16, 2023Edited
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Apr 16, 2023Edited
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But they are. We see them do it daily. Why lie about this?

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Apr 16, 2023
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Ok Sasha, thank you for this post. You seem to get it now.

The worst evil thing that Obama inflicted on simple, innocent Americans during his presidency, was the promotion of fake Transexual psychopaths. At the time, it seemed harmless. For me, it set off five alarm fires 🔥 at that same moment in time. I knew it was evil. I seriously underestimated how evil it was at the time.

Why is this a thing at all? Why? Because the World Economic Forum and the psychopaths who are the Democrat Party, are unified in their intense desire to destroy the USA. Why? Why is always the most and always the most important question. Why? Because freedom loving Americans are the only resistance left on planet earth to prevent these monsters from creating a totalitarian unified world government where all freedom dies. It is just that simple.

Molon Labe….

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I like your point, but I would argue that the worst thing Obama's team of cretins did was weaponize the unelected 4th branch of government - the intel agencies - against American citizens.

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As I said in my last post, this shows that Democrats only supported the feminist movement for the votes. They've moved on, and are probably waiting for their sammich.

I feel bad for the women who sincerly fought for the cause, but you were used. The female check box isn't worth what it used to be.

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I don’t feel bad for them. They should have studied Eve.

Feminism is totally dead now. The only actual women in popular culture now are men with a penis and testicles who beat the wholly snot out of actual women with a uterus and Fallopian tubes. Real ones, not fake fake ones.

Hello femenazis ! How does it feel to be beat down and dominated by freakish men now?

You could have made a different choice. Boring actual men, who wish to love their wives intentionally and intensely. Actual men are quietly macho, and they love God Almighty first, and then they love their wives , and then they love their children, and then they love their church family. And then their community. These actual MEN are rock solid, and they will love you for life and protect you from harm. They will provide for all your physical needs and only wish for you to love them back, and give you both many children. And then live your lives together into your golden age, and then help each other die gracefully in peace and love.

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There are good men just as there are good women, including many good women that are "feminazis." As an older feminazi, I was always amazed at the number of women who would often make a show of stating they weren't "feminists," as if it was a dirty word. In reality a feminist is one who believes in self-determination for females (as for males), whether one chooses to be a married homemaker, a single or married career woman, a theologian, an athlete, etc. We were told we had the same rights as men (we did) and feminism was pointless. The T cult is a prime example #1 that old-school feminists were right to stay alert. You see, we are the ones who know how SOME men and SOME women hate women. We are the ones who hear the snide, underhanded comments. These creeps never went away, they just went underground. Until now. The T cult attacks women and children and the old-school feminists are on the frontlines of the fight to stop them.

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Feminist is a dirty word and a complete badge of dishonor. There are no good feminists at all.

Feminist is in opposition to what exactly? Being feminine. Being a woman, being a lady of honor and dignity. 99% of all men wish that their women would be feminine. More feminine. More frilly things and sweetness and lovable. We would literally move heaven and earth, kill giants, slay dragons, and move mountains for our feminine women. Feminists? Go to hell, we don’t love you at all. We would not piss on your grave if you died. Just go away and leave us alone. Forever.

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Not all women care for frilly things but are 100% women. Good wife’s and mothers

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Feminism isn't in "opposition" to anything. You go on to tell me how "men wish" women were more feminine, but last time I checked, women get to be whatever they want to be. My thoughts, ideas, actions, clothes, pursuits and my life aren't arranged around the emotions of others.

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Plenty of feminists have frilly minds though. Back in the day young men preferred silly, shallow girls for dating.

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Yo Tom, that is one hell of an unrealistic portrait of the average Joe out there. Anyway, any guy that good is bound to be gay.

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Back in the 80's and 90's a lot of good women got passed over for minxes, morons, and parasites. Men love shallow, silly bad girls. As long as they're hot. The "material girls" know how to flaunt their bodies and flirt like nobody's business. Lots of church guys preferred them. Some married them. (Often they got divorced.)

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I understand there are a lot of lonely men out there now who don't want to be single. Things have changed since I was young. Not for the better. Internet dating took what was already bad about the dating scene and inverted it. Making it unnatural.

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Apr 15, 2023
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I'm getting wrinkles, prunes and I've always had soe cellulite, even when in great shape when I was younger and my husband still loves me. Most of my friend's husbands are the same way. Maybe you should try dating conservatives.

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Wrinkles , prunes, and cellulite are pure beauty to a man who loves you intensely. The very best part of a good woman who loves God Almighty, is her heart, filled with love. Any normal man who also love God Almighty would do anything to love and protect you from harm. Every single inch of you is pure love to such a man as this. The heart of a good woman moves mountains. Heals children. And makes our world a more lovely and beautiful place…..

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Berta, I think you're painting with a pretty broad brush.

But then, that's the problem now. On social media, nuance is dead. It's all black and white....or is that a term that makes me a racist for posting it?

I should add that I don't necessarily feel the same way as Mr Potts, but I think he makes a valid point about women, sometimes, choosing their mates for the wrong reasons.

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Bullsnort. Sorry Birtha, you do not know any actual men at all. You seem to be a femenazi. Enjoy your life of loneliness. Actual men will find actual women. We will love each other. We will have congugal relationships and make many children. And we will love each other for many many decades. And you will stew in your nasty juices. Too bad. You missed life. Perhaps you should rethink your entire life and find a new way to live in more happy circumstances.

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Maybe she's unlucky enough to know a lot of bad ones. And few good guys like you.

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Apr 15, 2023
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I am not a lady, nor a femenazi. I am a man, full on, man. I have a wife of many many decades that loves me and takes good care of me. I take good care of her as well. We will die together. It will be fine. We will live together in eternity after Yahweh burns this evil world out of existence. And starts the new heaven and the new earth. The global warming scam idiots were correct, but not the way they think. Our current earth will burn up. Extremely fast, within milliseconds, not decades. And then? The new heavens and the new earth that we will live in. No lights required. Our King Jesus will glow and light up our world so that we need no other artificial light sources at all.

Praise God, praise Yahweh, from who all blessings flow !!!

And yes, she has wrinkles and flaws and I have medical issues far worse than her. So what? We live as “one flesh” in this life. In our new life after death, we will live as sister and brother in Christ, for eternity. But then, we will love each other far more than now, after we shed our sin nature, and live in the direct light of Jesus Christ in the new earth, Corum Deo, directly before the face of God Almighty.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

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Why do we let the mentally ill dictate the terms of engagement? Why are we afraid to call them out for what they are?

Our weakness permits this kind of horror to go on. And I'm looking at myself in a mirror when I say this.

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Without doubt, the erupting trans "community" is the most dangerous group in the country. It's mostly composed of emotionally unstable boys/men on dangerous, mood and physiological altering hormones and drugs, who hate the world for making them this way and truly despise anyone who questions what they're doing to themselves, our culture, and our country. They make a total mockery or real women and lash out if someone objects or even looks at them wrong. Any resistance is met with equally dangerous and irrational reaction by normies who are terrified of being labeled "homophobic" or "racist" and bend over backwards and forwards to enable trans rage and hate, particularly on our children and women. I hate to think of the potential backlash. I'm thinking about what happened in Indonesia when regular people revolted against a small, but very vocal (and violent) communist movement, but blamed Chinese merchants whom they associated with communism (thanks Red China) and murdered hundreds of thousands of them with knives and clubs, much like the Hutu/Tutsi troubles. Even the pacific island of Bali was wracked by this backlash on which every Chinese person who didn't skedaddle fast enough was rubbed out. I lived there in the early 1970s and the locals spoke about how they had no choice but to kill every Chinese man, woman, and child they could find in order to save their beautiful culture and drive out the hated communists. History has forgotten about it, because there were no survivors and those that committed the atrocity were bound by never speaking of it again. Not implying that could happen here, but this is what can happen when people are pushed too far. Look at what happened in Sri Lanka last year. The people had had it with their government and financial institutions. Mobs were chasing government officials and indiscriminate rich people out of their offices and mansions and beating them to death with rocks and their fists in the streets. Thousands on all sides died. Horrible. We've seen the same kind of violence here, in America. Don't think it can't happen here. We've got to figure out a way to live with each other without being an unsufferable scold or unbearable pain in the ass. And leave the kids alone. Don't involve them in adult games. That's a red line. It has always been a red line. Until future humans can grow new humans without an umbilical cord connecting them, it will continue to be THE red line.

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Who is promoting this idea? I think that Chairman Xi, who is demon possessed, is promoting this now. Who is Chairman Xi? I believe that Xi is paying Biden to shut the what up. Just take the money and then just do nothing to protect actual Americans from harm. President Biden, that’s who. Every single little blip of truth that comes out, Xi gives Hunter Biden a few million bucks. Chump change, to destroy our country and our people. When will Americans wake the what up? Sasha, you woke up. Can you please explain how and why that happened right now? Time is short. Normal Americans are getting ready for what is next. God Almighty trumps all of it. My greatest hope is that King Jesus comes back soon. He may return tomorrow . He may return in another thousand years from now. Yahweh makes everything happen in the perfect time. Read Ecclesiastes. For every time, there is a season. All is vanity, all of life is vanity. Except for when we live to please Yahweh.

Everything happens in the perfect time. Lord Jesus is coming soon.

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It comes from the technocratic globalists at the WEF. Transhumanism and transexuality are linked. But most transexuals never heard of the former. Psy opp/propaganda. Check out https://patrickwood.substack.com

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Apr 15, 2023Edited
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If you had school aged kids, you’d think differently. Everything is trans or gay from schools to churches to the overarching culture. It’s so demented.

We are not joking when we say we want this s-t away from the kids. The Left has managed to make kink and drag boring as hell. It used to be transgressive which made it fun, now it’s just reeks with bitterness and anger. And a lot of eye rolls. Nobody would have cared if it stayed in adult clubs and venues, but you had to involve the kids. That’s the entire problem. ‘Hey teacher, leave those kids alone’ has a totally new meaning for parents these days. I haven’t watched FOX for years - so find a new argument.

I’ll raise you an ‘all news in our country is propaganda, so you are the fool for thinking CNN and NPR are truth-tellers’.

School isn’t not math and reading anymore, but what color in the rainbow are you. 10 year olds are having middle age crises over their sex lives. WTF. That’s not the purpose of education and at this point most schools aren’t fit for purpose. You wanted to be shocking, well, you’ve got the shock. Not the normies fault that you couldn’t leave well enough alone.

This is exactly how the Left lost Roe too. Suck it up buttercup. The backlash is here and we are only getting started. You don’t interfere with other people’s kids and expect not to pay a price. That used to be an unspoken thing, but I guess the younger generation needs more than subtlety to get the memo, so a more heavy handed reminder is needed. Welcome to you F’d around and now you are finding out what’s what. A lot of us have no empathy for the weirdo teachers and the men in dresses at this point. Own it. You really are the problem.

Did you really believe you’d get to behave like jerks forever and nobody would ever call you out? Get over yourselves.

Do what you want, but nobody likes an entitled ass, just like the Christian right found out in the 1980’s. They also F’d around and found out back in the day. We still listened to our Madonna and 2Live Crew and had gay friends in college. What makes you think you are any different?

Every human person has dignity. Period. That doesn’t mean you always get your way just because you are some kind of special weird and different. That’s just BS. Everyone is special, unique and weird....even the straightest of white guys. Everyone has their own unique heritage and stories. Nobody is particularly unique above all others for their preferred kink. That would be a lie.

And! Nobody is required to agree with your personal choices for you to have self worth or dignity. That is another lie that needs to just die. I am not required to go agree with dumb ideas and I’m allowed to say and think something is dumb, regardless of somebody’s feelings. Especially if you put it in the public arena for people to dissect and pass judgement on. Don’t want people to have an opinion- don’t ask random strangers to validate you. It’s actually really easy. You don’t get to determine my opinion on anything.

Free markets, free minds. Free will to choose Christ, any other religion or not.

You don’t get to dictate what my reaction should be to what you do or say. That’s manipulation, not freedom. I want to live in a free society, not whatever it is the Left thinks they are creating. It’s ugly, evil, and empty, and I don’t want any part of it.

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Well said & I totally agree.

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On point. Thanks for your post. Radicals always go to the extreme (like abortion up to birth--that’s not abortion but murder) and push it beyond what people will allow to continue. We are getting pushed again. These children with mental illnesses are being subjected to harmful drugs and being manipulated into a trans psychosis.

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Are you kidding? It’s infiltrated every fabric of our society. It’s not just a Fox News thing.

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Just because the other media outlets don't report on it doesn't mean it's not happening. They also ignored the Biden corruption story while promoting the phony Alfa Bank, Russiagate, BLMgate, Ukraingate, Twittergate, etc. narratives.

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I agree Birtha. We would all likely agree that M->F trans are generally recognizable. Vs say a decade ago I see lots more of them on Twitter but about the same number in Target.

I credit Sasha for being level headed. She shows decency in using people’s chosen pronouns. Her lines are trans surgery for kids and competitive sport. I hope all we wise up to accepting compromise. I’m seeing right leaning stackers saying “groomer” to anyone that’s not extreme on this. It feels just like when I started seeing friends calling friends “racist” starting around 2015. Let’s not do this again.

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These are adult decisions and should stay in the realm of adults. What is most concerning are adults that insist on forcing other peoples' children to make adult decisions without informing the parents and often, in spite of the parents. This is where the "groomer" charge is appropriate.

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Apr 16, 2023
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That's a good thing. Childhood is not forever. It goes by all too quickly. Many will decide against forever altering their bodies and minds by the time the reach the age of consent. They have to wait until 16 to get a driver's license and 18 to vote.

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Very thoughtful and powerful. Thanks for your podcast/writings. Keep educating people and making them think or rethink

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Thank you for addressing this, Sasha. People should understand that this is a coordinated global campaign to erase women. I recommend visiting this site: https://www.stopfemaleerasure.com

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This is outstanding. Thank you.

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Excellent article, very good and many great points made. Stand up to this violence and hypocrisy pushed by Dems, politicians, media, and unsurprising our pitiful President and VP. These trans activists don’t really care about trans, but just want to spew hate and act as terrorists with the media coddling them.

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Apr 15, 2023
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The vast majority are just activists who’ve switched blm masks for foundation and lipstick.

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The ‘movement’ or ‘protesters’ or ‘virtue-signalers’ is the same group of people who are PAID to create discord, hate, and violence for the cameras, while being pumped up by the MSM for their 15 mins of fame.

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Guess you missed their attack on Riley Gaines. She had to be locked away to be safe then police escorted to her vehicle. It’s not a Fox focus and glad some are showing these accounts, since it’s definitely hidden by the MSM who only mimic Dem talking points.

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Birtha's just here to spread her gaslighting denialism. "Don't believe your lying eyes." Trolls gonna troll ...

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Yep. Drag queen story hour is a thing everywhere.

Birtha said that the comment about drag queens flashing kids was "funny." Not something to laugh about even if untrue. Unless you're a progressive troll.

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Thank you for sharing your insights and speaking the truth.....you are very comforting to this older ex democrat

Keep sharing!!

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Excellent piece, Sasha; thank you!

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How do we make the madness stop? Nothing makes sense anymore. What is being done to the children is just wrong.

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Lynching works.

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The most ridiculous thing about the transgender spasm is that those who change genders and make a big deal out of it are called "brave". They are not brave - they know they will be celebrated, congratulated, and adulated for doing so (and that's what they really want). It takes zero bravery to do something that will be rewarded.

Riley Gaines speaking out - now that is brave. Bari Wiess has chronicled a number of truly brave people - those risking their livelihood and facing ostracism - who have taken a stand against woke religious artifacts like transgenderism and critical race religion (it's not a theory folks).

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Exactly right. So many will transition for reasons having more to do with money and attain victimhood.

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Apr 16, 2023
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As a guy, I know how guys feel. And now you are being disingenuous because you ignored my main argument that they will do it for money and to attain victimhood. Two powerful drivers. You say it is “beyond” but don’t argue why it is beyond. You can do better, Birtha.

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Apr 16, 2023
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Hi Birtha, I am not yanking your chain. I have seen many people do far crazier things for less compelling reasons. I am from Philly and I see an average of 10 murders a week and an average of over 2,000 shootings a year. Far more car jackings, robberies and assaults. Almost no arrests or prosecutions. You are a data person; check it out. Meanwhile 90% of the students fail grade level proficiency tests. But guess what? For three generations the people keep voting the same Democrats to run the place. And this is not unique to Philly; witness Chicago etc. To conclude, if millions of people are crazy enough to do that across time and space; then yes mediocre biological males in the thousands will be happy to identify as females.

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Apr 16, 2023
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