This is painful to read as I have a transgender daughter. I still don’t and won’t call her by her pronouns which she wants to be they/them. She’s legally changed to a male and had her beasts cut off. I love her as a person. I can’t call her my son. I have two other sons. She said she doesn’t even feel like a man. My heart hurts for how she was misled by society and I worry for her health mentally and physically. But i need her in my life so I will do all I can to love her. I’m a mama bear. She chose this as an adult. The military supported her and pushed her along in her conversion. She was all the way across the country. I mourn it all when I really think about it so I try not to. But it’s all around me these days. I want to join the fight but I don’t know how to do that and still have my daughter know I love her no matter what.

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Let love win with your daughter. You can do that without giving up what you believe. So very hard!!! I’m so sorry you are having to deal with this.

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Love for your child cannot be broken. I feel for you as you had no control or choice in the matter. I am embarrassed that the military I served in for many years actually encouraged and paid for this - the military used to be the ultimate backbone of American values and this is frightening.

You can join the fight by simply standing for truths like XX and XY.

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My heart breaks for all the mothers out there fighting for their children and for those like Jen's trans daughter, who confessed, the she she once was, does not now, feel like a man. Where does this child go from here? Where do all the rest of the children ,who have bought into this notion of being the opposite sex, who have altered themselves with surgeries and with hormones and drugs, go from here when they wake up one day to discover transitioning wasn't their issue after all? Big hugs to you Jen and to all the mothers and fathers out there who have found themselves in your shoes. I can't imagine what that feels like. I'm a 72 year old woman who raised a daughter, who was a self professed tom boy. She is grown now, married to a man and has two beautiful young boys to raise. As a grandmother of these boys, I pray they remain boys and escape the Cult of Woke that has taken over what once was. One thing being among many, that there are two sexes and only two sexes. Male and Female. The trans movement, with their notion that men can have babies, is magical thinking. And yet this month's UK's Glamour cover says otherwise. Heaven help us all! Blessing to all and keep the faith. We're going to need faith collectively to navigate this Clown World being constructed by evil global elite and their minions, who now want to control everything and everybody, envisioning a future planet of transhumans connected to the Metaverse. Babies will be designed and grown in labs in test tubes. A sexless society will be formed born out of the destruction of the family. That is what I see when I look into the future if people do not speak up now with the utterance of one word. That word is simple. That word is NO! NO, to those alphabet agencies and those who run the planet as their personal empire, now wanting a future technological transhuman society, a one world gov't, a new world order with all the trimmings of control - NO! The pushing of this trans movement is part of their planned agenda for the future of humanity. Let us adults strive to keep the children safe in order for them to feel secure and loved - and once they become adults - support their right to make their own path in the life they choose to live.

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Gender dysphoria is social contagion. This one sentence describes the huge number of gender identity issues with our country’s youth. It’s like a cult, and pure evil.

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I agree! Kids just want to fit in and they are being brainwashed to believe this is what it takes. So sad what is happening to our children. It is sickening to see what is so acceptable in our society. They are attempting to change the norm to be this rainbow hysteria.

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"The nail that sticks up gets hammered down." From Japan.

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I thought the "What is a Woman" controversy really demonstrated the dishonesty of the Left. Our "wannabe" overlords first told us we could not see the film due to several instances of "misgendering", which they call "hate speech". Now that we've all seen the film, it's clear that it was never about a few random pronouns uttered by interviewees. It was always only about shutting down public discussion. Thank God Elon is in charge at Twitter now!

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This has ALWAYS been about compliance, not acceptance.

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Thank you for highlighting this fact! It is so true, but it somehow is so easy to send it to the background, and focus on what the cult wants us to see, what "kind people" they are, how superior is their judgment of what the downtrodden really should have, and their judgment of the badness of the rest of the country.

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Transgender is the new state religion. If you don't believe me, compare transgenderism to any other religion.

1. There are rituals. (getting your group together to announce that you're trans)

2. There are statements you're not allowed to make.

3. There are statements you're required to make.

4. There's the whole idea of a magical re-birth. Once you accept your place in the trans community you are born again as something you have never been, and, unless you have faith, could never be.

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Add to the list: 5. Shunning anyone who questions the dogma

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Look for Peter Boghossian's chart (on Substack) describing woke religions (Taxonomy of Woke Religions). Your comments and points mirror many of his and his co-author's.

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Minnesota won't charge young adults for murder because their brains haven't fully developed - but they will let a 14-year-old undergo genital mutilation because "affirming."

Childhood is supposed to be a time for exploration without danger, a time to try out new things. But now a boy who plays with a doll or who tries his mom's nail polish, or a girl who likes baseball and first-person shooters, is told they're in the "wrong body" by their teachers and counselors and other supposedly trusted adult figures, and if the kid even haltingly agrees, they're put on a fast track to surgical mutilation with almost no guardrails.

And the real crime in all this is that in Minnesota, as in California and a few other states, it is illegal to so much as ask them if they're sure? Adults are allowed to suggest a kid is "trans," but nobody - even their parents - is allowed to to push back on that.

And we also know - from the McMartin Preschool scandal 40 years ago - that kids, even adolescent kids, are eager to tell adults what they think adults want to hear. So if a teacher, a doctor, a counselor appears ready to give approval to such a declaration, the child will give it - without possibly understanding the ramifications of what that means.

It is a crime against humanity, by any definition.

Sadly, it will likely take a few such declarations from The Hague or elsewhere before we can protect our children's interests without being declared criminals.

In the meantime, we take Dr. King's advice and fill the jails with the righteous.

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Imagine a 10-year old who wanted to become a pro wrestler and his parents gave him steroids to help him bulk up to achieve that goal? What kind of punishment would the parents face?

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Or a cape on the edge of the roof to fly like Superman.

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Yes, Minnesota, the political-cultural nightmare of the mid-west.

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Michigan is a close second

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As a fellow Minnesotan I am bamboozled by all of this.

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As a mother and grandmother, this was your most powerful piece yet. Thank you. I’m sure it was gut-wrenching to write it.

Nothing, nothing matters more than our children.

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Spoiler Alert:

This Movie Doesn't End

Until After They Get The Young People

To Kill Their Own Parents.

Or At Least Turn Them In


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What makes me sick to my stomach is the sheer hatred and lack of humanity in the response to her death.

Maybe becoming an "activist" DOES really turn you into a giant asshole? Or perhaps it's a chicken and the egg situation?

May she RIP 🙏

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Its the activism without any real cause that is the source of assholery. This is about compliance, nothing else.

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Yup I agree

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My guess is these not-so-famous SM personalities gain five minutes of fame by ripping apart someone more successful. "Calling them out" as a homophobe or TERF. Boosting their own egos and reputations by tearing down the reputations of others. Sad and disgusting.

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Absolutely. Toxic social media in a nutshell

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As always, Sasha, your writing is poignant and powerful. The accumulation of "little harms", outlined so well by Megyn Kelly has created a twisted movement far more powerful than it's part in real life.

Have we come to hate ourselves so much that we will latch on to even the sickest of false ideologies to gain a moment of perceived, but still false, moral superiority? That moment is so fleeting and so unfulfilling - because we know it is a lie - that we must exert even more effort at the next opportunity to grasp that irrevocably elusive ring of self acceptance.

I would like to feel empathy, as Megyn Kelly describes, but, in all honesty, hope that those perpetrating the pain on others feel it ten times worse if that's what it takes for them to hit "rock bottom" and decide to get off that drug.

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Very powerful, thank you for your courage. I agree, it’s time for the mama bears to stand up.

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Sasha, pitch-perfect. As usual.

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My goodness what a painful topic. I can't thank you enough Sasha for this thoughtful article. I just want to cry when I think of all the children being misled. It is so important that we show nothing but love to all these misguided people, yet we have to find a way to stop those who continue to spread this madness on minors.

Don't play the pronoun game, it's been said on Sasha's site before, it's a gateway drug.

Live to truth, meaning live in accordance to truth, you are not helping when you don't want to potentially hurt feelings.

Be humble, be loving, turn back to God.

If we all turned back to God tomorrow, we would fix these messes, but being human, we would create a whole new set of issues and problems, as I'm not naïve. But, the bigger point is, you have a much better chance for happiness in your life when you return to the word, the truth.

God bless you Sasha for helping to enlighten on this horrible problem in our society.

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Well said, William. Btw - I pray the Surrender Novena most days and find it helpful.

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Excellent advice, thank you!

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“It shouldn’t be surprising that to gain control of our youth, they must first gain control of women by driving a wedge between them and their kids or co-opting them as happy cult members sending their kids into the lion’s den.” Thank you for this- perfectly explained. We have lost so much as women and mothers. My heart grieves, but I will not lose hope.

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You do realize that a large aspect of this stems from misguided and overcompassion by women, right?

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While most women are inherently compassionate (we are, after all, mothers) that’s just the symptom of a 3 - pronged larger issue. First, being the *paid* abandonment of fathers by the government within the welfare program (couldn’t get$$ if there was a man in the home). Add to this the corrosive Hollywood narrative that all adult men are imbeciles, incapable of taking care of a family and are the sum total of lobotomized hormonal teens led around by their johnsons. Just look at any sitcoms that debuted in the 70s and 80s- “Married with Children”, anyone? The third ingredient of this poison pill was the co-opting of the feminist movement, not by poster girls like Gloria Steinem, but by militant lesbian feminists who hate men with the heat of a million suns. Over time, 50 years at least, this cultural rot has trained women to believe that they must not expect help from any man because they are incapable, and trained men to set the bar so low for themselves they’d have to dig a hole to China just to get under it. And I don’t know what’s in the water now, because the incidence of low testosterone in men as young as 30 is epidemic (my unofficial theory is 50 years of residual synthetic estrogen from birth control pills in the water supply as well as estrogen-mimicking herbicides and hormones given to the meat supply). Women and men obviously are different, and bring different yet complementary elements to each other and to society, but this cultural rot has caused them to futilely work in a vacuum independent of each other. We haven’t been good to each other for a very long time. I am grateful my children have a dad and that they still have an intact 2 parent family.

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None of what you wrote here is inaccurate. I would note, though, that the Steinems, Griers and Abzugs of the world did very little to quell the Friedans, Davis' and Crenshaws. They ALL embraced the critical theory aspects of Leftism. And when a certain C Paglia spoke up in defense of ACTUAL Feminism, she was attacked, ostracized, and silenced.

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You're not wrong. But they were more invested in fighting what they believed to be the common enemy (men) then by getting to the real truth of equality through honest discourse. A large part of this, which was toxic pablum taught by liberal college professors more than 30 years ago, but that I rejected in my liberal arts education, was the feminist theory that women could only achieve real equality by making men suffer in the same measure that they had made women suffer (and let's be honest, we have suffered - in so many ways - not even getting the vote until 1920). But only then, when men had suffered sufficiently (a subjective quantity with no conclusion, really), would we be able to come out on the other side as equals. It's a fantasy, really. But this is the hallmark of today's militant liberals everywhere -- and the reason they won't say or do anything about the child sex trafficking at the border, fentanyl killing our children, the smash and grab retail thefts destroying our middle class, the BLM grift that didn't help a single black community, and the violent antifa behavior keeping people from having a peaceful day traveling to and from an honest day's work -- because it does not fit their end game of total transformation to a totalitarian government state. As far as C Paglia, I'm not an expert on the feminist movement, but she seems to be a one-off in the group; a "unicorn" as they say today. In the past she claimed she was Trans, and heartily supported pedophilia and NAMBLA, which was not "de rigueur" by the movement at that time (she's since retracted that support). It was also interesting to see her altercations with Naomi Wolf, who has since turned almost 180 degrees away from their manifesto.

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Sociological warfare.

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Prayers to Heather. And Marlo.

The Marxists figured out long ago that class warfare would not work here due to our class mobility so they turned 'critical theory' on every other facet of life in a free country.

This alphabet crap is nothing more than trying to destroy the family unit in the name of Marxism. The Left is the cult of death and I am glad people are seeing it. You DO NOT have to conform to any of this crap.

'Conservative Christians' aren't the old 'religious right', we are normal people you deal with every day and we don't try to tell you how to live your lives, just stay out of ours - I don't care if you want to have sexual relations with a tree just don't make me pay for sliver removal.

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I'm really sorry Sasha, it's so horrible, but they're enforcing a lie. Pretty much everyone here knows who "they" are. "They" would force us to accept a lie, actually a tissue of lies about gender which in God's creation is dual: two.

"They" think otherwise, and what "they" are enforcing is the modern equivalent of "War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength," applied to gender.

They're never going to change the truth found in the opening of Scripture, God's love letters to us.

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Thank you. Courage is contagious

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