Gaza was not “occupied.” The Israelis left lock, stock and barrel in 2005. Since then, the elected leaders of Hamas have used the land as a launching pad to attack Israel. If the Gazans are poor, blame their leaders. The world has poured in millions to help them and it’s all gone to their tunnels and war machine. “Gaza delenda est.”

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Wow. There's a lot to this. I will do the shortest meaningful comment I can.

1) "From the river to the sea" means "kill all the Jewish people." Whether Jewish person or Arab person or something else - all have been in the region for milliennia and rightfully lay claim to ground in the region.

1a) I track "One for Israel", a group of Messianic Christians in Israel consisting entirely of Jews, Arabs and others. They are not trying to kill each other. Can anybody take a hint?

2) The war in Ukraine was caused ENTIRELY by the political hacks in the state department who sit with elevated pinkies sipping port and telling each other how eevil Mr. Putin is. Sasha is right about Brandon. Mr. Trump would NEVER have allowed this to happen and the relatives of all those people in Ukraine and Russia who died can blame our elites, the democrat party and Brandon for putting NATO on Mr. Putin's border after we PROMISED not to do that.

And "they" complain about MAGA voters. sheesh.

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For those who wish to support funding Ukraine or Israel - great, do so out of your own personal charity. Please do not coercively tax the rest of us who do not wish to fund foreign wars.

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Quoting the great Scott Adams, "I'm on the side that doesn't want to kill me next".

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Yeah the idea that it's 'stolen land' is a childish point that people make. It's idiotic. Land has been stolen since time immemorial. To think otherwise is to imagine a world where everyone is sitting around singing kumbaya which is ridiculous. Political boundaries are dictated by power politics, period. If not an actual war then it's done by a recognition of the power of the various factions involved. So the people saying such things against Israel, all they're saying is they wanted someone else to have the land. And they're effectively endorsing myriad attempts to eradicate Israel by their Arab neighbors.

That said, it doesn't mean we have to co-sign every single Israeli action. Israel is such a tricky issue. So many people who I find otherwise very smart seem way off base when it comes to Israel. John Mearsheimer, Glenn Greenwald, Darryl Cooper. To name a few. They may make some cogent points but overall they seem to be misguided on that subject.

When it comes to Ukraine I think we've just been utter fools with NATO expansion. It's just empire building in Eastern Europe. It's an own goal with what has happened; it was foreseeable that Putin would invade. We knew it was a red line. You could argue well who cares about Ukraine, we're just in it for the US, which is highly debatable, but let's just say you want to look at it only from our perspective. Even in that view it's a bad look because this war makes us look like a bad ally to have; we led them into this war, and it has been a tragedy for that country. We've taken foolish decisions against Russia financially that damage our credibility with the global reserve currency. Overall it is hurting us more than it is Russia. Who knows where it will lead but it has been stupid. I agree that Afghanistan was the ultimate impetus, and it would not have happened if Trump were in office.

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"The winner is the one who outlives, outlasts, and outplays the others. " You forgot "out-reproduces."

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If Hamas is defeated another Hamas group will form. It’s a religious war and will only in with death to Israel and America. Check out the Quran, the Holy Book of Hamas. Lots of answers there. But it’s all funded by the elites.

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I am against people that chant “death to America”. And also commies.

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Not that it matters but my world view is the same. War is awful and only great leaders would prevent them. Biden has enabled the war mongers and neocons and world peace loses. Its all tragic, unsettling and exhausting.

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Israel is not committing genocide by defending itself. That is absurd. You accuse Israel of exactly what Hamas is actually guilty of -- do you realize that is what "From the river to the sea" means? They want to eliminate Israel and the Jews, wipe them out from the Jordan River to the Med. Sea. That's insane, and that's genocidal.

And I most certainly will unashamedly recount the promises that God has made in His word.

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So much for not having the hijacking of everything you post becoming about the “Gaza war’.

I tell myself I’m not going to engage, but I find myself calling out lies as I’m quite upset by the anti-Semites here.

The only reason this war is different is because… Israel. Israel is the only country on the planet that has its very existence questioned, and the only country that is held to a different standard. No one cares about what happens to civilians anywhere else and they don’t care about the Palestinians at all, but I digress.

Sasha, I remember you saying that your father was Jewish. In Germany, the Nazis would not care whether you were religious, identified as Jewish or anything else. They would come after you . Back then there was nowhere to go. Now we have Israel. The current antisemitism is so hot that many Jews are leaving European countries and moving to Israel, where they feel safer than they do in Europe. If things continue here the way they’re going, it could get worse for us and Israel is the only place that will take us in. Israel has to exist.

I didn’t care about Israel much my most of my life, but I understand things differently now and I did go there. It’s beautiful and amazing and the history is literally written in stone. People can say whatever they want, but they can’t argue with archaeology. The country is mostly secular. They turned a desert into an oasis, and when they gave Gaza to the Palestinians in 2005, they immediately burned down all the green houses. It could’ve been an oasis. Instead, it’s a killing machine.

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I think a trip to Israel is extremely necessary for you. I. Order to make ant criticisms of THE ONLY DEMOCRACY in tbe middle East it is important you bear witness. There are no "gay lgbtq++++++ centers in tbe Arab world that promote transgendrrs. There are no Jews in any of the Arab countries and most importantly Palestine was never a. ARAB NATION. I ask you to name who was the king or Prime Ministor of Palestine? What currency did they have? What artifacts other than menorah and Hebrew tablets have been dug up from the earth? Have the Palestinians created anything gthat is notable or that has benefitted humanity? Where are the Arab nation in taking in refugees during the Rafah cleaning out of HAMAS? The people of Gaza and HAMAS are one of the same. Tbey wear civilian clothing, they have oner 100 " hospitals" for a population under 4 million. Los Angeles has under 20 major hospitals fir a population of over 5 million. These are not medical centers. Tbey are terrorist military centers. The lies about Gaza are so abundant and abhorrent as are tbe numbers of deaths in Gaza. There is no way to distinguish soldiers from human shields. Martyrdom is a gift..they love death. What happens to Israel will happen to us. Look at MichigAn..a stronghold of Anti Amerucan supporters of ISIS AND HAMAS.

The lack of historical research and questioning of tbe sources and sympathy for the devil is terribly tragic.

Go to Israel and then speak. Your opinion ions are based on others opi ions and I. Today's world of propaganda and lies seeing is believing.

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We have zero national security interest in Ukraine. Ukraine is as corrupt as they come. Ukraine and Russia have a history that goes back to the 8th century. When the Soviet a Union allowed the reunification of Germany we promised the leaders of the Soviet Union not to expand NATO eastward the words used was not one inch. We have failed to stand by our word and have expanded NATO 1000 miles to the East. Putin has warned many times Ukraine being a part of NATO is not acceptable. We funded and conspired with people in Ukraine to overthrow the government that was democratically elected in 2014. We should never be there we have secret CIA bases in Ukraine we have secret biolabs in Ukraine. None of these should be there. After the start of the war Ukraine and Russia had worked out a peace deal between themselves we interfered and scuttled it. It’s time to stop funding this insane war. It’s time to bring our troops home. Europe needs to grow a pair and prepare to defend themselves if they fear Russia. Putin claims he has no desire to conquer other countries. Have no reason to believe him but again we have zero national security interests in Ukraine. They are not a democracy the president has declared him ruler and suspended elections. He attacks Christian churches there. He jails political rivals.

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While Ukraine wasn't the aggressor, NATO definitely was and Ukraine chose to be their agent. A promise was made with German reunification that there would be no more NATO expansion. That was broken repeatedly. The bear got tired of being poked and here we are. The longer perspective of history is that invasions in that area have happened repeatedly. Russia has certainly invaded E. Europe before and after the Bolshevik revolution. On the other hand, every nation in NATO except Iceland has been involved in at least one invasion of Russia. Poland took Moscow twice, came along when Napoleon did and got as far as Kiev and Smolensk as late as 1920. Sweden and the Ottomans were constantly warring with Russia. I think it makes sense to start the clock in 1989-91 when the Soviet empire collapsed and NATO started its expansion.

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Let me sum this up and cut through the BS. You see this situation differently because you have an affinity for one side, whereas you have an affinity for neither side in the Ukrain-Russia mess, so it's easier to see how you're being manipulated.

And I don't think any if those you mentioned really think the Israelis are going to give the land back, but they keep taking more and more land. Really, how would it go over if Canada suddenly decided to annex New England or Mexico to annex California? I'm guessing you wouldn't be too keen.

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Totally off topic but this caught my attention:

“More than one in four Indians live in poverty, the highest rate of any racial group in the United States.”

Why is this? The article you link to says this: "Poverty is not an Indigenous trait. Rather, tribal economies enabled their citizens to thrive for thousands of years. Tribal economies can thrive again. The federal government simply needs to start treating tribes like the sovereigns they are and always have been."

That doesn't ring true for me. Indian casinos, for example, rake in millions of dollars a year, if not in a month. Where is all the money going? Something doesn't add up.

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