First, thank you for sharing your journey. The threat (very big elephant in the room) to Trump is election integrity. It seems to me that “too big to rig” is the only weapon for Trump and very diverse coalition has to win this election for the sake of generations that follow us.

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There’s another threat right under the surface getting little attention. Illegal immigrants voting. Where’s the polling data on that? I bet the Dems have those numbers. That’s why the border is open and the Republicans should have been ringing this bell for the last 4 years.

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Yes… it’s a must to have at least voter ID (including citizenship) for election integrity.

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There is NO identification at all required to vote in:





New Mexico





New York


District of Columbia


New Jersey



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....of that list, I think Nevada and Pennsylvania are the only swing states we need be concerned with for THIS election. Good list tho....

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

That is a Democrat "power list". Those are the states that the Dems rely on to win elections and transform America into their own image (even if over half the people oppose that Marxist / authoritarian image). The GOP, or better, a unity party crafted from the GOP populists and the moderate populist Dems like RFK and Gabbard (leaving the neocon right to join with the Establishment and "progressive"(not) Democrats), need to focus on taking back control of states on the above list and reversing the laws that are anti-Constitutional

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Here is a hint most of those states vote Democrat willingly no cheating.

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I was about to say the same thing. The others are too far gone.

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One ray of hope, however, at least here in New York: every candidate, and every party has a "poll watcher" at every polling place who has the absolute right to challenge any voter's residency, citizenship, age, or any other qualification to vote. Upon that challenge, the "voter" is offered/required to vote on a "provisional ballot" which is not counted until the official recanvas of the election two weeks later. At the official canvas, every candidate and party has an official representative who has the absolute right to examine the person's credentials. The other party has the right to defend that person's right to vote, and the two county elections commissioners must unanimously rule yes or no before the envelope can be opened and the ballot itself be examined and counted. SO...while it would be a damn sight easier if we had voter ID, it is not impossible to defeat cheating. We are not without resources in the law.

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Who challenges the mail-in ballots

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Brian, mine was challenged here in Oregon because the person counting my R ballot didn’t think my signature matched my voter registration card I signed way back in ‘96/‘97. I loath mail-in voting and wish we could return to in-person voting. I think if we don’t do this eventually, then a soft totalitarianism will prevail and we no longer have a country. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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Same thing. Those party/candidate reps have to be (that is, they have the right to be) present when the mail-in envelopes are opened. They can challenge each or any one. Of course, candidates/parties can be sloppy, indifferent, or otherwise decide not to attend. In that case, if there's no one to object, the ballot is counted. To exercise this right requires thousands of volunteers in every state to have one at every polling place as voters come in, and then to have one at every county board when the re-canvas takes place. Furthermore, these volunteers have to be trained or experienced. And, most important, they have to have "cojones" to stand up to the dirty looks and other methods of getting them to shut up and sit in the corner like good boys and girls. It takes a lot of courage. There's a famous account of a poll watcher in 2020 (Philadelphia? Atlanta?) who whined about how "they" wouldn't let him stand close enough to read the names on the envelopes. In New York, at any rate, that poll watcher would know his rights and would insist on seeing them, and if still denied, would get on his cell phone and call the number he had be given for just such purpose. A lawyer standing by at that phone would answer, get the details (polling location, time, etc) and immediately file a pre-prepared injunction request with an (honest) judge, who would issue an injunction.

The volunteers and the lawyers cost money (food and transportation for the volunteers, nominal legal work fees for the lawyers). In NY from 1992-1998, our state party raised and spent one million each year on this voter integrity program. It paid off. In the most serious place, Kings County, their efforts resulted in the disqualification of more than 100,000 ballots each year. Rudy Giuliani and George Pataki were elected mayor ('93) and governor ('94) by less than the number of ballots caught and disqualified. It takes a lot, but cheating can be defeated.

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

Here is something on what the Constitution has to say about the requirement of citizenship in voting in Federal elections (state elections are and always were reserved to the state by the 10th Amendment). It is the 14th Amendment that really spells out the Citizenship requirement in Federal elections (naturalization is the word used) which would naturally require positive Identification. Note that the 14th Amendment was championed by the Republicans while the Democrats fought it tooth and nail, another piece of evidence about which party supports the rights of minorities, and it is not the Democrats. https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/articles/amendment-xiv/clauses/700

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Since it is unconstitutional and illegal for a non-citizen to vote, I wonder how those states have gotten away with no id. I remember one of James O'Keefe's first video series was him going to vote, claiming to be some famous person and being allowed to vote, no questions asked. We were all asleep.

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Even though the States control their own voting, per the Constitution, it does establish minimum requirements for elections, like the age of the President. I am pretty sure it was hard to get into America in the 1780s and so the Founders never gave the requirement of citizenship much thought, it is so obvious. Now, it needs to be added. I wonder if there is enough support (38 states) so that it could be amended into the Constitution. I would definitely like to see that.

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That is a shameful list. I will be a poll worker in Florida for early voting and Election Day; valid photo ID with a signature is REQUIRED.

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NV has voter ID on the ballot this yr. While it won't impact this election hopefully it will be in place going forward.

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They like to gaslight us saying it’s illegal for noncitizens to vote.

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It is illegal. Says so right on the form. So therefore it doesn't happen. Like crime—just your imagination amid all the feverish fantasies of wingnuts.

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It is illegal for non-citizens to vote. That is not "gas-lighting" (a favorite Democrat term to put down opposing views), it is fact, the Truth. If you argue against it, then you are automatically a liar

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It's also illegal to walk out of a Walgreens with a toothbrush without paying. But that seems to happen every day.

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

Here in Oregon, along strict party lines the D’s in 2019 gave illegal aliens the right to driver’s licenses:


Here in Oregon, everyone who obtains a driver’s license is automatically registered to vote (Motor Voter Law).

A local newspaper (Willamette Week) now broke story that “hundreds” of illegals have been registered to vote. But could it be in the thousands? The hundred of thousands? How can we trust what the government reports?


Motor Voter Law is wrong because its enactment has violated State and Federal Constitutions.

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It is also illegal to cross the border but once you break one law might as well keep doing so. Drive without insurance, why not? Vote in an election, why not?

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A great many of our “fellow Americans” follow the msm and believe that it’s racist to have borders so these people have a right to be here plus countries like Venezuela refuse to take their people back so they’re our problem now. An impossible situation.

How bloodthirsty Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua used NYC migrant shelters to build a criminal empire: ‘Hiding in plain sight.’

Real Clear Politics. New York Post. Sept 26, 2024


“Chicago gangbangers rage against newly arrived Venezuelan migrants as Tren de Aragua moves in.” (7 min)

New York Post. Sept 23, 2024


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Gangbangers should know you only own what you can defend. That is their basic business model.

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No matter what happens to the more innocent illegal immigrants (all are illegal if they come in the back door) the hard core criminal element must be dealt with. I favor hiring all the fired military people who are conservatives and would not vaccinate, and assigning them to ICE. Give them permission to "shoot to kill" upon confronting illegal criminals. That way, those criminals are no longer a problem

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Here’s an article on Yahoo News from AP which is a good example of why so many democrats are willing to vote for what is, in effect, open borders. And this is only one of the many ways we now lack a common reality which means we no longer have a common truth on even the basic essentials, such as secure borders, to be a country. If so many of our fellow Americans can so easily be manipulated to believe open borders are a good thing then where is the limit to what they will believe?

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump promises the biggest deportation event the U.S. has ever seen if he is elected — a promise he has predicated, in part, on the notion that immigrants in the U.S. legally and illegally are stealing what he calls “Black jobs” and “Hispanic jobs.”

“But government data show immigrant labor contributes to economic growth and provides promotional opportunities for native-born workers. And a mass deportation event would cost U.S. taxpayers up to a trillion dollars and could cause the cost of living, including food and housing, to skyrocket, economists say.”

“Data shows migrants aren’t taking jobs from Black or Hispanic people, despite what Trump says.”

Yahoo News. AP. Oct 12, 2024


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YOU AREAN IDIOT!! Read the 14th Amendment to the Coinstitution of the United States of America!

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You don’t even know how to spell your insult you illiterate dummy and you also mangled “Constitution.”

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It appears that most republicans want to keep the status quo. I always assume that they are the ones with some serious skeletons in their closet. Always.

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Why such an enormous generality? "Most Republicans have skeletons in their closet". Really? How unthinkingly partisan of you.

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About that... I have already voted in CA for RFK, Jr. I forgot to ask on the last Tucker thing, when Newsom's name came up, why did Tucker immediately say the words "he's worse." Why? How? I am serious. Curious and serious. Please anyone, tell me in what way, any way, would he be worse than Kamala?? the only theory I have is this status quo thing. She will do nothing, it will seem like Biden part 2, he might do something, so that's worse. Right?

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As you're probably aware, in CA, WA, and OR your vote for president very likely doesn't matter, and also, it's your right as a citizen to vote for who you want. I think you've hit the bullseye on the Kamala /Newsom difference Tucker mentioned--simply that Newsome would garner more power to make it worse. I am a WA State dem turned rep who still doesn't like to listen to Trump ramble, but I will I vote for him. I look at what politicians do and results, not what they say. Hands down Trump is more likely to reverse the ruinous course our country has taken under Harris/Biden which began with Obama. Glad RFK saw this as well.

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

"Kamala will do nothing" (if elected). Really?! Nothing? How about she stuffs her cabinet full of her San Francisco Left-wing radical buddies who draft a bunch of EOs for her that she then signs, just as Biden did. A President can do a lot of damage with EOs without any support from Congress. It may not be as permanent as law, but it can be even more damaging, like how Biden opened the border with his power, even though it is illegal (does not uphold the law on the books, even though Biden swore on a bible to do so at his inauguration)

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yes, but as a practical matter, Gavin would expect to be asked about this at a press conference and would be prepared to answer. With Kamala, you will never even get an attempted explanation of anything she is told to do...

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Why in the world would you vote for RFK rather than Trump???? You just defeated yourself. Thanks a lot from the rest of us, NOT!

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1000000000 likes. Why would anyone KNOWINGLY waste a vote?

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see above what NS said. I did not defeat myself. My presidential vote did not really count. I live in the most blue dye in a jar dem will win state.

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

I live in the PNW, will vote Trump (again) and yes I know my blue state will electoral college go to Harris. But I’m pulling the Trump lever for the 3x because I want my State and fellow citizens to know how many support Trump and his positions. Especially with how divisive politics is (and lack of yard signs anymore in metro areas) as a result - my voice is heard by counting up with others who feel the same.

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He lives in California. A Democrat one party state with no voter ID. There is zero chance Trump would win there. If Republicans were smart they'd vote for Kennedy in California and push younger Democrats to do the same.

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"when Newsom's name came up, why did Tucker immediately say the words "he's worse." Why? How? I am serious."

It's a matter of one's point of view, Mr. Dandebairen. As a California resident and voter, you have already been subjected to the destructive actions of both Newsom and Harris.

So have I, and my suggestion is to try to falsify the assertion by inverting it, just as a thought exercise.

If we can manage to momentarily "forget" real-world outcomes and consider what each of those two has said and what they advocate, what do we conclude about their relative effectiveness at convincing voters to acquiesce to their activities? Which is of them is "better," more effective?

Success in this exercise requires suspension of disbelief and of strong emotion. Inverting a viewpoint always does.

My own takeaway from repeating the procedure, is that it's become easier to express compassion and understanding toward those around me who succumb to what is a studied inculcation of conditioned response patterns.

It also convinced me that Newsom is the greater threat. He has that same persona of faux-erudition that former president Obama has, or had (it appears to be losing effectiveness through over-repetition.) He can compose sentences that are internally consistent (however flawed the priors,) remembers numbers and sprinkles them throughout his utterances (accurate or not.) He lacks the nervous tics of Harris.

In short, he is a competent demagogue, where Harris is pure appeal-to-identity; without the party machinery and appeals to prejudice, she is nothing.

They both express dark triad traits aplenty, but Newsom has that talent we see so often among psychopaths, the ability to suborn and manage proxies. Harris is a blunt object, in that regard. She does not use craft to suborn and direct spheres of malign influence; she coerces only, where her appeals to prejudice do not suffice.

Harris represents main force, while Newsom manipulates those over whom he lacks the power of to impose violence. They share a goodly measure of low cunning, those two, but they deploy it in different ways.

Harris more readily reveals herself for what she is, which makes her a clearer object for opposition. Newsom has the longer view, selectively employing the calculated retreat that induces cognitive dissonance.

If we look a bit deeper into subtle influence, Harris' appearance doesn't elicit the visceral titillation of libido among men, that Newsom does among women (broad generalization, but readily observable in situ. Watch people closely as they view speeches.)

Try the thought exercise, see what you think afterward. If you come to a different set of conclusions, I hope that you share them; different perspectives are always needful when facing existential threats.

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false on the demogogue/idiologue charge. He is simply not that. I have great sympathy for the several stupid causes he had to accept rather than to upset the stupidest craziest woki-iest blue people who demand that they are his base. Yes, COVID warped him. but being in that restaurant for his friend's birthday party is how he really is. He's very much, that's not working, I'm tired of reading the criticisms, they have a point, we'll go to plan B next week. He runs circles around Kamala is hard working. She suqs, he doesn't.

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I would have loved to have seen Larry Elder get somewhere in CA politics. He is a very smart man and reasonable with a good personality. He didn't have a chance.

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...and don't forget, he told the stupidest in my party to stop sending him ban tackle football bills--because he would veto them all.

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Thank you for your reply, Mr. Dandebairen, all perspectives are meaningful.

Newsom did, after all, get elected, and it's helpful to understand the viewpoints of those who facilitated that event.

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Similarly, I'll be going along with a Gutfeld or Hannity show and think, 'these are reasonable dissenting questions,' but then Bernie's name will come up and their heads will explode. Why? Kamala is the worst. Can't we agree on that?

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I think Newsom is more dangerous. He is well-enough liked to push his agenda forward. Nobody but nobody likes Kamala.

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Newsom is several orders of magnitude smarter than Kamala dim bulb

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I live in California. Newsom is slick and grossly incompetent. I don't say that in a partisan way, he's just really that bad. He's sort of the opposite of DeSantis who is very competent but not so great in being slick. Newsom is the absolute worst we've had in my lifetime and that is going back to the days of Edmond Brown (who was a great governor).

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wait. because he's more likable, he's worse?

how about more intelligent? How about he can go on Meet the Press or whatever or even Fox, and field the toughest questions, no problem. and yes, I could say the same thing about Desantis over Trump. When say disasters in the world arise, you know, crises, the job requires some manner of diplomacy. See how Kamala behaved with this hurricane, first bratily declaring Desantes 'playing politics' and then, even after Biden supported and complemented Desantes, she doubled down again. She is an idiot. Newsom was actually my mayor in SF, and was considered the 'conservative dem running' (when he defeated the gay guy. It was funny to see the supporters of the other guy, walking down Geary with signs and slogans about Newsom being the same as republicans and so forth. UNTIL they got to 19th avenue, where rather than crossing what passes for the only North/South highway in Western SF, and enter the outer Richmond (which has more 1st generation Russian, Irish, Italian, Jewish, Chinese, so naturally, less crazy woke...), they turned around and went back presumably to the safety of the crazy middle of the city.

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Both have Skeletons in their closet. I'm from Chicago. My Dad worked for the Democrats. Apples and Apples.

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In 1996, Peter Brimelow wrote a National Review cover story warning the Republicans, who at the time controlled both houses of Congress, to take immigration control seriously lest they find themselves eventually in just the position you and so many of the rest of us are intelligently fearful of. And The Stupid Party ignored it, which was predictable.

Not long after, John O'Sullivan, who edited National Review when it published the Brimelow cover story, was fired, and National Review has been a neocon rag ever since.

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It wasn't about being the "stupid party". It was about big business and their donations controlling the policy of the Republican party. Immigration is good for corporations and the gentry. It is bad for workers and renters.

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

Legal immigrants which aren't citizens aren't eligible to vote either. As a canvasser who had voter rolls, I came across residencies with multiple voting records where people say "we don't vote, nobody in this house is a citizen". There is also plenty of citizens who claim they're not registered and never voted. I don't believe that many non-citizens vote on purpose, it doesn't work this way. Instead, corrupt officials register extra names and addresses, citizens and non-citizens alike, then use extra ballots to "fix" the election. Remember, ballots are anonymous.

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Greetings peace and love hopefully you're aware and prepared for the upcoming Global currency reset? If you need any information you can send me friend request for More info okay!

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There are zero cases of this happening. More likely that republicans are voting for their parents.

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Yep, always glad to hear matters from S.Stone's perspective, and here's the deal. As a lifelong conservative, I have tried and failed to convince/persuade liberals that they are on the wrong side.

BUT, when S.Stone -- a recent Dem who came from their world -- when articulate Sasha sez she can't get thru to them either, as she sed in this article....then that tells me they are truly brainwashed and 'blinded' to the truth.

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Same with Brandon Straka…and HE’S GAY, which should give him creds on the left.

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

Gays, men or women, lose their LGBTQ card as soon as they vote Republican. A Democrat squad comes to their door and takes it from them and tears it up in front of them

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Barry - I agree. I just joined "Common Sense Elections" to "Stop Bogus Ballots" to receive their emails with updates and information on what we can all do regardless of where we live. You are right, this is URGENT.

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I didn’t say they outnumbered the Dems, but I’m reluctant to give most republicans a pass.

(McCain, Romney, Cheney). This was a war-for profit party and until I see them move as one against the party of death, I will assume they are part of the problem.

If you have details as to who is on the side of life, I will consider them. I know there are a lot, but I didn’t see them standing up to the tyranny of Covid.

I see most politicians as ‘seeing a parade and jumping in front of it’.

I think that anyone who stood up for freedom during that time, deserves to lead. I have no patience left for the rest of them who now suddenly see the light.

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

Well, you should have seen it. The Cheneys, the Bushes, John Bolton, Mark Esper, Gen Mille and other neocons who are not as well known on the left, have already joined up with Kamala and the Dems. Yours is the war party. The Trump "Unity" GOP (Trump hates war and death in general) is the peace party, which is why Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr have joined forces, to say nothing of long time Dem and pacificist Elon Musk. So you just aren't paying attention if you did not know all of this

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

I didn't believe in voter fraud on the scale that others believe in and that they could never prove in any tangible way. I'm sorry but "Trump was winning til everyone went to bed and then around 2 am all TV stations were calling for Biden, how's that even possible? Fraud!" is not a proof. It's the laziest way to give up or circumvent criticism that campaign or candidate did something wrong.

That said, I agree with OP that if you win big, small irregularities that exist on every side in every election ever, will not add up to the whole to change the outcome (and I repeat I don't believe that was the case in 2020).

If you want to look at an objective problem for Republican candidates, it's that Democrats have far stronger GOTV ground game. And that's something the currently very optimistic Republican analysists caution about. "We see large movement toward Trump and he should be the winner but never underestimate GOTV which Democrats perfected to a science. There's no win without votes. So get out and vote vote vote".

I do believe that public polls show virtual tie or slight Harris lead because they don't want to show that she isn't in the lead. I don't think that public polls are a complete scam but they do skew Democrat and if Democrat was comfortably leading, they would show that. As it is, I think they keep them even cause they don't want to show that she's fallen behind but also can't cook a strong lead and lose credibility. And I believe she has based on her campaign behavior. They sent Walz on a pheasant hunt cosplay to sell tough guy authenticity to men. They sent Obama to tell black male voters they were a bunch of Nerdrotics and Critical Drinkers who just hated women, while simultaniously bragging that Harris couldn't match support he got in 2008. Harris hastily pivoted to hurricane when it appeared to be an election issue she missed out on while giving her abortion stump speech on Call Her Daddythat everyone knew by heart . There are murmurs among private polls on both sides that at least one state she needs to win is lost. There's murmur among private polls on both sides that Trump's stops in Coachella and later on Madison Square Garden are an attempt to win popular vote (they are not focusing on it but they are confident enough to give it a minor "why the heck not?" push). IMO, how campaigns behave is the key to understand where they stand. You'll also notice that media coverage went from:

Summer: "Harris is winning" "Does Trump know he's going to lose?"


September: "Harris can still win but____"


October: "Harris was a real problem with _________" (insert demos and swing states that different worried articles cover now on almost daily basis) "Harris supporters worried" "Harris needs to step up"

You will also notice that SNL started to (quite brutally) poke at her which never happened. So something is up but the key is to vote.

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

Sasha, here is my take on "dressing so fine" and the temporary satisfaction of being at the center of everyone's attention: you are "bound to fall". Dylan knows that and he warned about it. He was saying: don't take yourself so seriously. Don't think you have the world on a string, because you don't. Personally, I think as long as you have a roof over your head and can put food on the table, you are blessed. Here is another song with a message for you. "Simple Gifts", an old Shaker song that I sang in HS choir:

'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free

'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,

And when we find ourselves in the place just right,

'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.

When true simplicity is gained,

To bow and to bend we shan’t be ashamed,

To turn, turn will be our delight,

Till by turning, turning we come 'round right.

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This could be a lesson for Kamala Harris as well. She is mostly concerned about being the center of attention and obviously enjoys dressing so fine. She, like in the "Rolling Stone" song is "bound to fail". She she heed Dylan's words

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Please check out my first hand experience of growing up under socialism in Poland.


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Trump has stated that if elected, his justice department would investigate and prosecute all instances of election fraud. I think that Republicans should be repeating and emphasizing that. It could be effective at tamping down election fraud. They may think twice knowing Trump is likely to win and there will be serious consequences for fraud.

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Trump got busted trying to steal the election.

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Another California girl right here with you

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California boy, here with you both.

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My brother, sister in law and their adult son all are Trump supporters. Please pray for my brother, Dennis. He is very sick (complications of cancer treatment) and needs healing prayers. He is like a father to me.

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(... they live in the bay area.)

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Yup I’m a Bay Area boy, pretty lonely out here…

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California always seems like a hostile place everytime we visit family there. There's a kind of subterranean vibe that sends a silent message, "your kind is not welcome here. We are more highly evolved." People aren't very friendly (Oakland) and when you can go to lunch and watch a smash and grab in broad daylight and no one bats an eye, you really feel like you've entered another realm.

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I live in Marin. It actually seems to be pretty quiet politically - very few Harris bumper stickers or yard signs (of course, zero for Trump) and not much political chatter either. Just not a lot of enthusiasm.

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I’m in the east bay, and I see plenty of Harris signs everywhere (the collective delusion is killing me).

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I’m in Sonoma county, and while a few more Harris signs have popped up this week, I’ve been seeing an equal or higher number of Trump signs for a while now.

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Nice, I lived & worked near Santa Rosa from 2020-2022. I had to move back to the east bay for a job, but I’ve regretted it ever since and want to find my way back. Way more pleasant up there…

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Add me to the California girl group!

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I'm the type of person who basically wants to be left alone, so voting for Trump, who wants LESS control over my life, is the easiest thing I've ever done.

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I just want to be left alone to live my life as well. Hopefully J.D. Vance's strong ties to Peter Thiel and Palantir won't disrupt that. Here is an interview that Jimmy Dore did with Whitney Webb a couple of months ago that everyone needs to watch. It's very disturbing.

"J.D. Vance Deep Ties to the Surviellence State"


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Politico did a hit piece on JD a while ago. Given the source I don't necessarily believe it is an accurate description of Vance's beliefs but it is true nonetheless. Short version is there will always be a ruling class and we should make sure it is us.

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

We don't need third party sources to tell us about Vance's beliefs. We have his autobiographical book and his movie, "Hillbilly Elegy". It is completely true. There has been no one to come out and claim any of it as false, including his mother, who was not in a great light in the movie

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He seems to have changed a bit since the book. There he blamed the dysfunction on the culture, now it is more the globalists.

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Is it change or just further connecting the dots? The dysfunction of culture JD wrote about was largely a function of lack of jobs/hope for future in area that once flourished. And it was the Globalists that touted NAFTA and other off shoring (at the expense of the Rust Belt) that fueled that cultural despair. Did JD change or just start connecting the dots of bigger picture?

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Both I think

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Trump is a fascist, he wants authoritarianism.

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SJW always lie

SJWs always project

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Yeah: female supporters of Harris couldn't possibly be fascists. No, they are Dominatrix: https://shjacobsberg.substack.com/p/dominatrix-democrats

Either way, they will tell you what to think, how to vote, and how to be a man.

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Eric, your projection is showing. Nobody here is buying what you are selling. Your attempts at inserting your "thoughts" into the conversation are funny and cute, like child's play. Are you, in fact, a child?

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A benevolent dictator would be so much better than a totally corrupt regime.

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Libertarians get demoncrats elected

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Thanks for having the gumption to say what you believe, no matter the cost. The silent majority of this country has to learn to speak up!

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Courage has been the virtue most lacking. I am beginning to hope that is changing.

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Thanks for following your gut and heart. I understand your sentiments and I live in a blue state too. It was the Michael Brown narrative of “hands up don’t shoot” in 2014 that woke me up to the false narrative being told – after reading the grand jury interviews of the many witnesses.

But, still so many people are voting for Kamala Harris – clearly a DEI candidate - when no one voted for her in the 2024 or 2020 presidential primary? People believe the Darndest things: https://lizlasorte.substack.com/p/people-do-the-darndest-things-trying?r=76q58

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Yes! For me as well. I watched Shelby Steele’s documentary and confirmed my belief that “hands up don’t shoot” was totally fabricated for the narrative. The lies they have told.

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As were “Russian collusion” and “Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinformation” and “That packet of cocaine left at the White House must have come from a tourist.”🤦🏽‍♀️

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

All three of Michael Brown’s autopsies; the injuries to Darren Wilson’s face; and Brown’s DNA inside Wilson’s vehicle all agree with you.

And at the grand jury proceedings, no witnesses had ever seen Brown put his hands up. Witness testimony indicated people had been told that happened, so they reported that to investigators and media… but not witness actually saw it.

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And now on the left the made up story is legend and proof of police being monsters.

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I have lots of liberal friends who think I’ve drunk the kool-aid. We tend to stay away from politics when we are together. Whenever we stray into that lane they love to tell me I’m brainwashed. I ask them: who believed Trump was a Russian spy? (Most seriously still believe he was or is!) who believed the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation? Etc. But they just laugh. Complete cognitive dissonance. They mainline the NY Times and MSNBC and can’t be bothered to have a real conversation about any of the issues. It is actually pretty frightening as these are not stupid people - just purposefully en-bubbled.

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“Complete cognitive dissonance.”

Many people believe that America is simply too big and too powerful to collapse but many people also believed that about the Soviet Union. No one in 1985 would have believed that the USSR, the mighty "Evil Empire,” would be a disintegrating mess in just a few years. I told that to someone last year who said "But the Soviet Union was a collection of separate countries.” What we have here though is a collection of separate realities which is a much deadlier situation.

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“collection of separate realities”

Well put, so true, and so dangerous

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Interesting perspective. What's the difference between different countries and different states from the United States? Russia is a controlled situation by Putin & associates. Then they are essentially the federal government of those countries, then. Now that I think about it. Maybe I'll do more research on this Russian comparison that could take out America next.

Nice catch !

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My best friend and I were recently discussing what it takes to make really intelligent people vote Dem… We both have very intelligent relatives, who both hold advanced degrees and who are also very bright, who are committed Leftists.

It’s like they live in a different universe.

Both like the NYT and NPR; one has spent most of adult life in academic settings. But still…

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It's called pathogical empathy which creates this sense of moral superiority. It's just part of human nature. It's a misguided sense that the world is not fair and if some elites could just guide us all would could eliminate these inequalities. The guiding ideology of Marxism. We all know how that ends each time

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History clearly shows how that ends, every single time. We all know it. And yet, devoted leftists simply refuse to acknowledge that obvious truth. Their hubris, thinking they are the ones who can make it work, knows no bounds.

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I think those places also teach/indoctrinate the policies and attitudes (academia, multiple degrees that 'prove' their intelligence, medicine, etc.) so they are not only taught it but then move in circles and read information that is constantly reinforcing their world view and their view of themselves. If you challenge it, they get angry because everyone around them agrees with them. They are also told horrible things about you. And you reinforce that world view when you challenge them. It's a bit of a sick propaganda parade of circle logic.

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Suggestion: go to Winston Marshall's YouTube channel and watch his over two hours long interview with Miranda Devine. The information in her new book about the Biden crime family has been there all along, but only she had the determination and courage to write the book about it.

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We travel in the same sorry circles Dunboy!!

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Because it's too scary to admit otherwise.

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Hey, there's no need to be skirrrd. We got this.💯💜💯

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“It was the humiliation of a former president when they raided Mar-a-Lago, with the whole world watching, that was the last straw for me. It seemed there were no limits to what they could do to Trump, and all of the legacy press and their obedient voters would go along with it, believing any wild fantasy they manifested.”

For what it’s worth, according to an article by Margaret Clark entitled “WATCH: Dennis Quaid Made a Perfect Speech Supporting Trump at Coachella Rally- 'Time to Pick a Side'” you are now also rubbing shoulders with Dennis Quaid. (Sort of.) ;)

"And, I was ready not to vote for Trump until what I saw as—more than politics—I see a weaponization of our justice system and a challenge to our constitution…" – Interview with Piers Morgan

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They were not real friends of they abandoned you and turned on you. They are tolerant, kind and inclusive only when you agree. No actual discussion allowed. If you think it’s been hard, try running for local office. I suggest getting involved on a local level first as a delegate and then running for something local- I’m running for my cities State Representative in a blue area- it’s not easy with the media pushing for Trump derangement syndrome daily and one party scrutiny but there’s also a liberation speaking for thousands who are afraid to speak out against the machine and being the spokesperson for moderation and common sense. God bless!

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Also I’m a former lifelong Democrat from California- my neighbor just moved here from CA and he asked why are people voting for Dems here? I’ll tell them why they don’t want California to come here! He’s voting for Trump!

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

My epiphany occurred on 5 July 2016, when FBI Director Comey, after reading off a laundry list of crimes committed by Hillary Clinton and her private staff (and her former State Dept. staff) concluded with the perplexing statement "....but, this is not why we are here," followed by "No reasonable prosecutor would make this case." I, along with millions of veterans, active service, and contractors who have held security clearances knew that this is HORSESHIT(!) and that we were witnessing an audacious cover-up in plain sight... protect Hillary no matter what. We knew that if any one of us had been caught red-handed, as Hillary had, with just one of the many violations of the Espionage Act the FBI found in their criminal investigation of her, it would be at least 5 years if not 10 years in Lompoc Prison. It was at that moment that I finally recognized that our government is a sham, a fraud, a Kafkaesque Oz. In fact, we witnessed this happen again just months ago with Biden: Operation Protect Biden No Matter What. Everything following Comey's nefarious press conference has been an effort by the DNC, DNC-Media, & the Deep State to defraud the people and to deny us the truth.

I'm not sure that Trump is the antidote, but he is at least a viable treatment.

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Yesterday, I ventured into Waynesville, NC - not the heart of the Helene destruction, but certainly a victim of it. Many homes and businesses damaged, some destroyed. Many out of work, in need. Tourism - the life-blood of the area - down over 90%.

I wanted to visit long-time friends, who own a small antique store (fortunately, more or less unscathed). They were very concerned about the lack of business, about the homeless drug addicts “emergency-housed” in the formerly-vacant building across the street (who seemed to be keeping too many eyes on their place), about the increasingly desperate ‘pickers’ coming by every day, trying to sell them damaged “yard sale stuff,” about the lack of concern the Federal government seemed to have about “the people who pay taxes around here.”

I thought it might be a good time to suggest they might want to switch parties in the upcoming election.


“Trump said he wants to be a dictator!”

“Did you listen to his whole speech?”

“No! He said, ‘You never have to vote again!’”

“Did you listen to that whole speech?”

“No!! He said there would be a bloodbath!”

“Did you listen to any whole speech?”

“No!!! We’re not going to listen to that monster!”

“Would you do any research if I sent you some links (now that they finally have cellular service)?”

“No!!!! We don’t have time for that!”

Luckily for them, a new customer came in to interrupt the conversation. After we said our goodbyes, wished them well, and headed to the door, we heard the new ‘customer’ ask for a hand-out. We didn’t wait to hear their response.

Oh, well.

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We lack a common reality, have become incomprehensible to each other and can no longer communicate. Where is the common ground in such an infinitely wide divide? There obviously is none. We always just talk past each other. An impossible situation. Could it be that the reason why America is so rapidly unraveling externally is because it no longer exists as a country internally?

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Oct 13·edited Oct 14

The blame is on the Left: Lefties these days can only perceive reality through the lens of ideology.

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Yeah, agreed. And essentially all that the leftist leaders have to do is bring up Jan. six and it shuts down everyone. But what about the Russian collision, right? It's like there's no due diligence done by the leftist base regarding the facts of the matter. Don't they know that it was a complete lie? Just because nobody that was involved in the scheme of falsely indighting a president of the United States with complete fabrications.

The Democratic party has complete control over the narrative and law. Even if they aren't above it.

Nobody with knowledge of what has been too obvious would ever become a Democratic party supporter. And since I can personally attest to the fact the boomers of the 70’s like My immediate family is from that period. It's fkn shocking how devoted to the establishment they are. Yeah, you can't debate with them. Facts don't matter or libs don't bother to care about facts. Two different worlds.

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Unfortunately, we Trump partisans have to concede that the man's gargantuan mouth creates all sorts of problems for him and for us which we didn't need.

Trump mystifies me, he really does, and I can understand why four years ago the electronically reanimated Biden in his basement struck just enough people as a plausible alternative to Trump.

As I said, I fail to understand the guy. We all agree he has a great political talent. How is it, then, that he cannot help giving our enemies grist which they can use?

Maybe he's like a great pitcher who has one flaw, an occasional tendency to shake off his catcher's signals. Much of the time, his headstrongness turns out not to have been catastrophic. But sometimes, it is.

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Yeah, agreed. And essentially all that the leftist leaders have to do is bring up Jan. six and it shuts down everyone. But what about the Russian collision, right? It's like there's no due diligence done by the leftist base regarding the facts of the matter. Don't they know that it was a complete lie? Just because nobody that was involved in the scheme of falsely indighting a president of the United States with complete fabrications.

The Democratic party has complete control over the narrative and law. Even if they aren't above it.

Nobody with knowledge of what has been too obvious would ever become a Democratic party supporter. And since I can personally attest to the fact the boomers of the 70’s like My immediate family is from that period. It's fkn shocking how devoted to the establishment they are. Yeah, you can't debate with them. Two different worlds.

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yes Roberta- de Nile runs deep!!

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13


You are right, but stary eyed. As any actual combat soldier will tell you, the war is NEVER over by Christmas. This election is just another battle, and the war is eternal. When Donald Trump wins, the deep state which has tried so hard to end him will still be, in large measure, intact. They arent going to suddenly return to proper values because of one setback, they are in far too deep for that. Your children, and mine will be fighting this long after we are gone.

I don't mean to be a downer, but the admonition "a republic, if you can keep it." was at its core, a warning. Evil, like matter, never leaves, it just changes form. Steel yourself, it's going to be a looooong bumpy ride.

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So true and wish it were not. The battle to keep freedom never ends. Our founding fathers did their best to place controls to facilitate individual rights, but even our constitution could be trashed if the dems were allowed to remake the Supreme Court. I liked DeSantis' idea to decentralize some of the federal government--might expose the deep state and move in another direction.

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I agree. Our next fight--for our children--will be the war on tech trying to mold our world into a surveillance state. Tyrants gotta be tyrannical.

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Sasha, you left the left because you have integrity, a moral compas, and the ability to tell right from wrong. The American left once had those qualities, but no more. Every one of your criticisms is spot on. Woke mind virus, cult, hive mind--all true. Speak truth to power. You are the best.

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When he won in 2016, I expected Mr. Trump would 'drain the swamp' but the swamp was to influential and powerful. During his first term in office we all learned the depth of the rabbit hole and I think he is better prepared this time to take it on. Here's hoping.

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Written from the heart and soul 👏👏👏

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Good morning brave Sasha! The pain of social rejection seems to cut deeply into your kind, lonely mother's heart, but the number of those for you rather than against you increases daily, thanks in no small part to the work you're doing!

When I see that you have posted something, I always put all else aside to listen! ❤️

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Beautifully written and narrated post, Sasha ❤️🤍💙 You captured the spirit of what is truly in the DNA of the citizens of our Constitutional Republic- at least for those of us who have studied our history and understand and love our Constitution and Bill of Rights. No matter the election outcome, I believe our country’s true spirit will not die. The clarity from the light and darkness of these times is causing more and more of us to awaken with the courage to demand accountability from our government — morally, ethically and legally. Peace, prosperity through cooperation, liberty and freedom are

our birthright and the light of these truths will eventually prevail 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙

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