Why do you expect Zelensky to stop his con game, until someone badass enough (like Trump) puts a blunt, humiliating stop to him. Trump’s not done destroying Zelensky! GO TRUMP🇺🇸
Zelensky is just a puppet. He does what he's told. All those celebs were paid millions to go and support him. Go research: 5 million to Sean Penn! Taxpayers dollars of course!
It's all a Truman show:
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
Who’s got THAT kind of power?: censor a ratified Amendment of the US Constitution!
Sasha, you deliverred a truly extraordinary piece. Since Obama, The Dems have blurred the line between celebrity and politics so far that we are living a Wag the Dog parody with Zelenskyy on award shows.
Love the TikTok--they know more about foreign policy than everyone at CNN & MSNBC. In fact, they should get a show on cable after your viral tweet.
I am Canadian. I have always been careful. When I grew up here, there was mutual respect on both sides of the border. All of this fabricated rancour is new.
Just as with Americans, some Canadians are brain-challenged WOKE, and some of us are perfectly normal.
I did not mean to offend. My apologies. I love Canada and have been there on vacation more than any other place. Canadians are obviously great people, I would bet that 99% of Americans think that. I’m just not crazy about what their current leadership has done to such a fine country. I hope that Canada will solve their problems and rise again, no different than what I hope for the US.
Thank you, Ataraxis. No offence taken. The sane Canadians are not crazy about what Troodo and the Liberals have done to Canada either. In fact, we weep. He needs only 30% of the vote, in strategic ridings, to become PM. It was arranged that way by his stepfather Pierre Troodo decades ago. What did we do to deserve them? What is the answer to this mess?
Mark Carney grew up in Alberta, Canada, but he holds passports for Britain and Ireland too. The Irish passport was so that he would have a stake in the EU.
He has spent a lot of time outside Canada, including as Governor of the Bank of England (the Brits could not get rid of him fast enough). He is in a senior WEF position, is the King of the Climate Change narrative, and is as leftwing WOKE as it is possible to be. Mark Carney has been one of the prime Globalists, and is said to take orders from Beijing. He is ready to bulldoze Western civilization for his new world order.
Carney has never even been an elected MP. Despite this, he is running as a private individual for the opening in the Liberal Party leadership in Canada, because Troodo is resigning. If Carney wins the party leadership on March 9 (he is predicted to do so...in fact most people believe it is arranged that way), he automatically becomes the Prime Minister of Canada.
The Parliamentary rules call for a federal election sometime in 2025, which the Conservative Party may win. Until that comes to be, a lot might happen.
I love the Canadian's - Truly. I was an Army guy who worked with them often, and lived amongst them often. It's not them, it's their goverment. Just like my father used to always said about the British - who killed all except on of our family from his - "We love the British but hate their govervment." That's all it is, to me at least.
That great logic works in most countries, I would venture. It’s the damn politicians that create divisions between people for no good reason other than to line their own pockets.
There has been a lot of propaganda and mind-control going on north of the 49th since Pierre Troodo arrived in office in 1968. Same kind of mind-control and Behaviouralism used on the American Baby Boom generation, many of whom became very leftwing.
You see the effects more in this country though, since we have such a small population compared to the US. We had only 21 million people in Canada (second largest country in the world, in terms of land mass) when Pierre Troodo took power here as PM. One state broadcaster, few national newspapers. So the propaganda was easy to spread.
I am a canadian and i grew up in canada...i know hundreds of canadians, relatives and friends. I can count on one hand those who have not gone totally woke...and no, they do not all live in ontario. Canada has changed beyond recognition. Both factually, and spiritually. I spend 5 months a year there. It is a travesty what has happened to the average canadian's thinking. A few of you left who are still aware...but not enough to swing the direction of the country...my 2 cents.
I am Canadian and I live in Canada. I agree with you that the WOKE brigades here are very plentiful. That is the result of national brainwashing. And I use that term formally. I have seen the same national brainwashing in Scotland...where the population is extremely different in thought and values to even their recent ancestors. Some process interjected in order to cause this. Although the people did indeed have a choice whether to accept it or reject it.
There is also a high disgust rate for Troodo as PM here. Until recently, the polls put the Conservative Party and Pierre Poilievre so far ahead, there was no catching up. That would have been the time to save ourselves with an election. But of course, the Liberals are going to shoo-in Mark Carney as PM on March 9, and then the election fight will be tougher. Troodo prorogued Parliament to help insure this.
However...who are all those Canadians siding with Conservative Pierre Poilievre? They represented the majority in the polls for a long time. Who are all the Canadians who supported the Trucker Convoy? And the Liberals have been losing soundly in by-elections over the past year.
There are still large pockets of sanity here. Although the newest con-trick designed to promote anti-Americanism amongst Canadians as a supposed pushback against tariffs (it is actually something else entirely) is gaining speed. It is being promoted as the election narrative. And I see too many people here falling for it.
Truly, Canada may be at the point whereby we fall to either Communist China or to the United States. I know which one I would choose.
Your experience with Hollywood actors is great experience that is excellent background for writing this article. Thanks for all your contributions to Substack.
And he works w the Azov Nazis who hate the multicultural Ukrainians! Most fled & ones who stayed - he put old men & young boys on front lines to die ! And our evil biased media did nothing to tell the truth ! No one noticed that news correspondent’s were not allowed there ? Many multicultural’s married innocent Russians living in Ukraine early on & they were arrested never to be seen again ! The leftist deceptive lying 🤥 media here has done America a great disservice ! Millions have died unnecessarily due to Zelenskyy only wanting War for gain & profit - blood money ! He could have sat at the table w Putin for peace but refused because he wants to be part of NATO & wanted them on the Russian border ! Putin worked out a deal w NATO long ago w the promise of that not happening ! Z wants the Russian occupied Crimea because of the Port so he can do his skulduggery internationally! Human & drug Trafficking , trafficked military equipment, weapons from Joe bye gone , bio warfare labs - etc. The Ukraine is mafia run & corrupt ! Putin just wanted it cleaned up & is against child trafficking of children- & persecution of Russians by the Azov Nazis Z works with like Soros - a relative ! Z has gotten immensely wealthy off of it. Owns over 15 properties & homes - including Miami , Fla ! His wife & family is wealthy now & stashed in wealthy neighborhoods in Europe , etc ! Maybe that’s why the taxpayer $ he continually got from JoeByeGone is unaccountable? The leftist Dem party & Rinos are complicit! We know who they are! So does President T & team ! Watch Hollywierd give their hero Z an award ! Despicable !
Ukrainian Michael Chomiak was a Nazi collaborator propagandist of the WWII years. He was also the grandfather of Chrystia Freeland, who was the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada until recently when she and Troodo had a falling out. She is now running to take over the PM job.
Michael Chomiak had a daughter, Halyna, who immigrated to Canada, went to law school here and married/had children. Then she returned to the Ukraine as a lawyer working for George Soros.
And presto-bango...her daughter Chrystia, who had a degree in Russian Literature, was suddenly an MP and the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada. Wonder how that happened?
Chrystia is awfully talented at freezing bank accounts and arresting journalists, however.
Zelenskyy worked w the Neo Nazis in the Ukraine & of course Soros aided as well ! Not really for multicultural Ukrainians & war correspondents/journalists were not allowed or were killed or murdered ! Filming not allowed I’m told! Neo Nazis there since WW2 & fought w the Nazis against the US & Russians ! And now propaganda used by greedy Zelenskyy who is really a war monger dictator!
Do you understand now the timing of the Ukraine war announcement in February 2022? The day the Trucker Convoy in Canada was in the thick of things.
Troodo needed a distraction, and his Deputy PM was Chrystia Freeland, who basically sides with her Ukrainian Nazi family line, which has long worked for George Soros.
Isn't about time that we place these Hollywood types into a more realistic perspective? These people play pretend for a living - some of whom are better than others and get paid handsomely. Personally, I have no problem with this as Hollywood is a business that sells stories for us to consume. The problem is that folks forget that these actors are mere mortals - many of whom outside acting are not very intelligent nor interesting. I mean would you want (pick your favorite leading man) backing you up in a fight? Now if we're talking their stunt double...sure...otherwise I'll take a pass. Or have you ever seen one actually articulate a contemporaneous argument as opposed to one that has been scripted? Layer on top of this how social media is supplanting much of Hollywood as far as entertainment is concerned and the importance of this group rapidly diminishes. Coming full circle one can definitely appreciate the skill associated with acting BUT elevating it beyond the land of pretend and that somehow this skill translates into some for of wisdom/intelligence is silly. Their opinion is no more valid than the next guys. Time for the consuming public to move on.
Look up Tucker Carson's interview with Russell Brand and his conversion to Christianity. Brand tells it like it is for those caught up in the celebrity and adulation that goes along with it. Amazing testimony.
Yes! I'm a big fan of Russell, and greatly admire his transition from Hollywood to political commentary. Comments under his videos reflect that many are pleasantly surprised by how articulate, intelligent and insightful he his wrt world events.
I refuse to give my $$ to go to their hideous movies anymore! I will not feed the demonic beast and fund their pedophilia, lies, puppet news, whatever! The word “celebrity” is off my radar screen anymore!!
I can say in two words that extreme wealth and a belief that extreme wealth equates with intelligence and so can everyone who reads this. A first name and a last name. There are countless.
Are you sure about this? Given what I’ve observed of late … as how large swaths of the general public aren’t overly savvy on so many topics. Doesn’t make them bad people… just not engaged. Thus the plethora of vapid offerings for entertainment.
Well first off I had a typo since corrected that in general I was meaning to agree with you; the typo threw off the point. And I definitely agree that disengaged does not mean bad.
If the Ukrainians would have capitulated from the start, they would be governed by Russia. And yea, Putin is an asshole and would have killed a few thousand Ukrainian assholes. Instead, Zelensky decided to sacrifice a few hundred thousand men and a lot of his infrastructure to show the world that he's not just a short, insecure poser, but an actual Hollywood bad-ass. Oh, and if you can stick a few hundred million in your bank account and spend the rest of your life in Switzerland, why not. The whole scene is just disgusting, even more so cause they're all doing it on my dime.
Ukraine's problem is they are losing (slowly but surely), they no longer have any clear path to victory other than the extremely improbable event of total Russian collapse, and they are totally dependent on charity from foreign powers, mainly us. Ukraine needs a cease fire, then ending Martial Law and holding elections, and then Zelensky's successor can negotiate a final armistice. That is what needs to happen.
An Ukrainian friend of a friend said (while we ran into each other at a farmer's market about 7-8 years ago) that her family and friends back home didn't fear Putin, they feared war. Lately, she's been saying (along with her family and friends back home) that Zelensky is worse than Putin. Zelensky's jailed opposition, shut down press he doesn't like and threatens or actually does jail little old ladies who don't speak Ukrainian and instead speak the only language they know - Russian.
Z thinks the dems are his real friends. He met with delusional Senator Chris Murphy prior to meeting with Trump. Murphy told Z to reject the deal, a deal he had already agreed to 3 times. Murphy should have to answer for that.
'Breaking News' Now Z wants to sign the deal. Well that's good but now we should get a new deal and that includes Europeans paying us $100 Billion for our loses. Our military base's in Europe should also begin a 5 year departure and let them fill the barracks with their own. Uncle Sam is done paying for your security. NATO rules should be changed and if they start provoking war we should have an option to decline to help. FAFO
Thank you Sasha for watching the Oscars so we don't have to. I know it's painful but 'you got this'. Peace Out
USA membership in NATO is making less and less sense. Can we take a timeout until and unless the Euros pay their fair share. Why are the Baltic nations protected under Article 5? Why did Finland bordering Russia, enter NATO? These are not nations I’d send my kids to fight and die for.
Dena, I read about the Murphy/Z meeting and don't understand why no one else seems to be reporting it? Then I thought that maybe I was overreacting, but isn't that sedition or something? Chris Murphy is a nasty, dangerous guy who despises Trump and also has his sights set on being the next president, which would be an absolute catastrophe for this country.
Mark Levin reported on it Sunday night on his Fox show. But you’re right I haven’t seen it widely reported - yet. I think it should be bigger news. Especially as Trump says Z is toying with ww3 if there isn’t peace.
Per DOGE's expose on USAID: Stiller got paid $4 Million for that photo op, Angelina Jolie, $20M, Orlando Bloom, like $8 Million. Even their "support" is subsidized like a promotional tour. Though I also wonder how much of that money made it back to campaign coffers?
Wow. That is just....really....I just cannot ...ugh
Thank God that President Trump won this election, and thank God that Elon Musk has joined the Trump team and he is exposing all of this fraud and crap. I hope it doesn't just end with firings. There needs to be prison time!!!
It astonishing how Americans in such large numbers have simply lost the ability to figure reality in their political judgements. Totally adolescent. Zelensky's supporters are like drunks and Zelensky himself is apparently a drug-addled delusional.
Exactly. Much of my social media feed was filled with pro-Zelenskyy/Ukraine sentiments and memes the past couple of days. I’m tempted to comment with some counter-narratives, but I just can’t anymore, at least online. Many of these people I consider friends, but I don’t feel like getting into it with them because I feel they operate in an echo chamber and lack proper context. Even in person I tend to bite my tongue, but I should probably suck it up and change that.
Try doing a gentle push. At a small women's group luncheon, one woman mentioned finding a particular item at Target. Then the woman to my left (a "woke-ster") said "I don't shop there anymore, because of their change to not caring about marginalized people anymore". I said "Oh, I am now starting to shop there again.......I'm more into "Judged by the content of character rather than the color of skin" and the conversation moved on (and there was a lot of cross talk during this, from all the other ladies, but I know she heard me. And after that, no problem with the conversation moving on. She was fine. A friend of mine, who was across the table, didn't hear it all and asked later "What did you say about Target?". She's in agreement with me, btw.
A very important interview took place this morning on ABC's This Week during which Stephanopoulos spoke with the British ambassador to the U.S. The ambassador implored Zelenskyy and all EU nations to "give unequivocal backing of President Trump's peace initiative." This is important because it took place after Zelenskyy ran to 10 Downing St. where he was fawned over by PM Starmer. So, either Starmer told his ambassador to get the word out to support Trump's plan or the ambassador has gone rogue. What's the more likely scenario?
Yes, Zelenskyy was 30 minutes late to that very important meeting with President Trump!!! How insulting is that? Would you go to a bank to ask for a bunch of money and arrive there dressed casual and 30 minutes late??? Why was he late? Oh he was in a meeting with war monger politicians. Trump's deal was a great idea, beneficial to both countries but whiney Z said he wants more. Money he gets from EU is in the form of LOANS. OBiden gave him BILLIONS of our tax money with no strings attached!!! What's the one thing Putin doesn't want? He doesn't want NATO soldiers and weapons along his border w/UKR. But let's just antagonize him some more and see what happens, right??? WWIII that's what will happen.
I think it's twofold - they don't want Trump to broker this peace deal, and they don't want to lose the money they are making from the American taxpayers who have been funding this shitshow.
Someone in the UK is clued in that the entire NATO alliance is now at risk, and that’s not good for that island. Watch in coming weeks for every other NATO nation to wake from their slumber and realize the same. Show is over.
Why do you expect Zelensky to stop his con game, until someone badass enough (like Trump) puts a blunt, humiliating stop to him. Trump’s not done destroying Zelensky! GO TRUMP🇺🇸
Zelensky is just a puppet. He does what he's told. All those celebs were paid millions to go and support him. Go research: 5 million to Sean Penn! Taxpayers dollars of course!
It's all a Truman show:
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
Who’s got THAT kind of power?: censor a ratified Amendment of the US Constitution!
Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?
Weaponization of Justice
Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:
Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:
Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:
Chisholm, father of the WHO’s global pedophilia
Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Please share, not the articles, but the information! I'm expendable. Saving the free world, is not!
According to Politifac, No, USAID didn’t pay Hollywood actors millions of dollars to visit Ukraine.
I don't always trust fact checkers because I have known things to be true, but fact checkers said they were false.
USAID did in fact pay millions to these celebrities to go over to Ukraine and suck up to Zelenskyy.
How much money did Politifac receive from USAID? Trump and Vance spanking Zelensky on national TV was one of the better things I've watched in awhile.
Yes. Amazing his game ! Shameful
Trump didn’t want to do what he did, but he had to.
Sasha, you deliverred a truly extraordinary piece. Since Obama, The Dems have blurred the line between celebrity and politics so far that we are living a Wag the Dog parody with Zelenskyy on award shows.
Love the TikTok--they know more about foreign policy than everyone at CNN & MSNBC. In fact, they should get a show on cable after your viral tweet.
That was meant to be CNN. Fat fingers. Ugh.
You can edit a comment by clicking on the three horizontal dots.
Yeah, but you lose all the likes and comment replies
Uh no. I do it all the time.
Ukraine war in 2 acts:
Guy pokes bear with a stick.
Bear eats the stick guy.
The End
Canadians have long had a saying about living beside the United States -- "If you sleep next to an elephant...be careful when he rolls over".
They need to be more careful.
I am Canadian. I have always been careful. When I grew up here, there was mutual respect on both sides of the border. All of this fabricated rancour is new.
Just as with Americans, some Canadians are brain-challenged WOKE, and some of us are perfectly normal.
I did not mean to offend. My apologies. I love Canada and have been there on vacation more than any other place. Canadians are obviously great people, I would bet that 99% of Americans think that. I’m just not crazy about what their current leadership has done to such a fine country. I hope that Canada will solve their problems and rise again, no different than what I hope for the US.
Thank you, Ataraxis. No offence taken. The sane Canadians are not crazy about what Troodo and the Liberals have done to Canada either. In fact, we weep. He needs only 30% of the vote, in strategic ridings, to become PM. It was arranged that way by his stepfather Pierre Troodo decades ago. What did we do to deserve them? What is the answer to this mess?
Well said.
Not all Canadians are great people. If Mark Carney replaces Trudeau, the world's going to see evil personified in Canada.
Mark Carney grew up in Alberta, Canada, but he holds passports for Britain and Ireland too. The Irish passport was so that he would have a stake in the EU.
He has spent a lot of time outside Canada, including as Governor of the Bank of England (the Brits could not get rid of him fast enough). He is in a senior WEF position, is the King of the Climate Change narrative, and is as leftwing WOKE as it is possible to be. Mark Carney has been one of the prime Globalists, and is said to take orders from Beijing. He is ready to bulldoze Western civilization for his new world order.
Carney has never even been an elected MP. Despite this, he is running as a private individual for the opening in the Liberal Party leadership in Canada, because Troodo is resigning. If Carney wins the party leadership on March 9 (he is predicted to do so...in fact most people believe it is arranged that way), he automatically becomes the Prime Minister of Canada.
The Parliamentary rules call for a federal election sometime in 2025, which the Conservative Party may win. Until that comes to be, a lot might happen.
I love the Canadian's - Truly. I was an Army guy who worked with them often, and lived amongst them often. It's not them, it's their goverment. Just like my father used to always said about the British - who killed all except on of our family from his - "We love the British but hate their govervment." That's all it is, to me at least.
That great logic works in most countries, I would venture. It’s the damn politicians that create divisions between people for no good reason other than to line their own pockets.
Except for one small detail....these nice people keep voting for more of these leaders..
There has been a lot of propaganda and mind-control going on north of the 49th since Pierre Troodo arrived in office in 1968. Same kind of mind-control and Behaviouralism used on the American Baby Boom generation, many of whom became very leftwing.
You see the effects more in this country though, since we have such a small population compared to the US. We had only 21 million people in Canada (second largest country in the world, in terms of land mass) when Pierre Troodo took power here as PM. One state broadcaster, few national newspapers. So the propaganda was easy to spread.
I am a canadian and i grew up in canada...i know hundreds of canadians, relatives and friends. I can count on one hand those who have not gone totally woke...and no, they do not all live in ontario. Canada has changed beyond recognition. Both factually, and spiritually. I spend 5 months a year there. It is a travesty what has happened to the average canadian's thinking. A few of you left who are still aware...but not enough to swing the direction of the country...my 2 cents.
I am Canadian and I live in Canada. I agree with you that the WOKE brigades here are very plentiful. That is the result of national brainwashing. And I use that term formally. I have seen the same national brainwashing in Scotland...where the population is extremely different in thought and values to even their recent ancestors. Some process interjected in order to cause this. Although the people did indeed have a choice whether to accept it or reject it.
There is also a high disgust rate for Troodo as PM here. Until recently, the polls put the Conservative Party and Pierre Poilievre so far ahead, there was no catching up. That would have been the time to save ourselves with an election. But of course, the Liberals are going to shoo-in Mark Carney as PM on March 9, and then the election fight will be tougher. Troodo prorogued Parliament to help insure this.
However...who are all those Canadians siding with Conservative Pierre Poilievre? They represented the majority in the polls for a long time. Who are all the Canadians who supported the Trucker Convoy? And the Liberals have been losing soundly in by-elections over the past year.
There are still large pockets of sanity here. Although the newest con-trick designed to promote anti-Americanism amongst Canadians as a supposed pushback against tariffs (it is actually something else entirely) is gaining speed. It is being promoted as the election narrative. And I see too many people here falling for it.
Truly, Canada may be at the point whereby we fall to either Communist China or to the United States. I know which one I would choose.
And why are all those canadians not screaming like hell about how parliament has been prorogued? And an unelected PM to be installed?
Well put, your grace!
Zelenskyy is a legend in his own mind. And also, Hollywood's.
Your experience with Hollywood actors is great experience that is excellent background for writing this article. Thanks for all your contributions to Substack.
And he works w the Azov Nazis who hate the multicultural Ukrainians! Most fled & ones who stayed - he put old men & young boys on front lines to die ! And our evil biased media did nothing to tell the truth ! No one noticed that news correspondent’s were not allowed there ? Many multicultural’s married innocent Russians living in Ukraine early on & they were arrested never to be seen again ! The leftist deceptive lying 🤥 media here has done America a great disservice ! Millions have died unnecessarily due to Zelenskyy only wanting War for gain & profit - blood money ! He could have sat at the table w Putin for peace but refused because he wants to be part of NATO & wanted them on the Russian border ! Putin worked out a deal w NATO long ago w the promise of that not happening ! Z wants the Russian occupied Crimea because of the Port so he can do his skulduggery internationally! Human & drug Trafficking , trafficked military equipment, weapons from Joe bye gone , bio warfare labs - etc. The Ukraine is mafia run & corrupt ! Putin just wanted it cleaned up & is against child trafficking of children- & persecution of Russians by the Azov Nazis Z works with like Soros - a relative ! Z has gotten immensely wealthy off of it. Owns over 15 properties & homes - including Miami , Fla ! His wife & family is wealthy now & stashed in wealthy neighborhoods in Europe , etc ! Maybe that’s why the taxpayer $ he continually got from JoeByeGone is unaccountable? The leftist Dem party & Rinos are complicit! We know who they are! So does President T & team ! Watch Hollywierd give their hero Z an award ! Despicable !
Ukrainian Michael Chomiak was a Nazi collaborator propagandist of the WWII years. He was also the grandfather of Chrystia Freeland, who was the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada until recently when she and Troodo had a falling out. She is now running to take over the PM job.
Michael Chomiak had a daughter, Halyna, who immigrated to Canada, went to law school here and married/had children. Then she returned to the Ukraine as a lawyer working for George Soros.
And presto-bango...her daughter Chrystia, who had a degree in Russian Literature, was suddenly an MP and the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada. Wonder how that happened?
Chrystia is awfully talented at freezing bank accounts and arresting journalists, however.
Explains much ! Unfortunately! 🙏🏼. All corrupt .
Yup. Chrystia was always far more Nazi Ukrainian like her family line than she was Canadian. Her behaviour is foreign to us.
Zelenskyy worked w the Neo Nazis in the Ukraine & of course Soros aided as well ! Not really for multicultural Ukrainians & war correspondents/journalists were not allowed or were killed or murdered ! Filming not allowed I’m told! Neo Nazis there since WW2 & fought w the Nazis against the US & Russians ! And now propaganda used by greedy Zelenskyy who is really a war monger dictator!
Do you understand now the timing of the Ukraine war announcement in February 2022? The day the Trucker Convoy in Canada was in the thick of things.
Troodo needed a distraction, and his Deputy PM was Chrystia Freeland, who basically sides with her Ukrainian Nazi family line, which has long worked for George Soros.
Nailed it!
Isn't about time that we place these Hollywood types into a more realistic perspective? These people play pretend for a living - some of whom are better than others and get paid handsomely. Personally, I have no problem with this as Hollywood is a business that sells stories for us to consume. The problem is that folks forget that these actors are mere mortals - many of whom outside acting are not very intelligent nor interesting. I mean would you want (pick your favorite leading man) backing you up in a fight? Now if we're talking their stunt double...sure...otherwise I'll take a pass. Or have you ever seen one actually articulate a contemporaneous argument as opposed to one that has been scripted? Layer on top of this how social media is supplanting much of Hollywood as far as entertainment is concerned and the importance of this group rapidly diminishes. Coming full circle one can definitely appreciate the skill associated with acting BUT elevating it beyond the land of pretend and that somehow this skill translates into some for of wisdom/intelligence is silly. Their opinion is no more valid than the next guys. Time for the consuming public to move on.
Look up Tucker Carson's interview with Russell Brand and his conversion to Christianity. Brand tells it like it is for those caught up in the celebrity and adulation that goes along with it. Amazing testimony.
Interview begins at approximately 31:40
Yes! I'm a big fan of Russell, and greatly admire his transition from Hollywood to political commentary. Comments under his videos reflect that many are pleasantly surprised by how articulate, intelligent and insightful he his wrt world events.
I refuse to give my $$ to go to their hideous movies anymore! I will not feed the demonic beast and fund their pedophilia, lies, puppet news, whatever! The word “celebrity” is off my radar screen anymore!!
I can say in two words that extreme wealth and a belief that extreme wealth equates with intelligence and so can everyone who reads this. A first name and a last name. There are countless.
Are you sure about this? Given what I’ve observed of late … as how large swaths of the general public aren’t overly savvy on so many topics. Doesn’t make them bad people… just not engaged. Thus the plethora of vapid offerings for entertainment.
Well first off I had a typo since corrected that in general I was meaning to agree with you; the typo threw off the point. And I definitely agree that disengaged does not mean bad.
If the Ukrainians would have capitulated from the start, they would be governed by Russia. And yea, Putin is an asshole and would have killed a few thousand Ukrainian assholes. Instead, Zelensky decided to sacrifice a few hundred thousand men and a lot of his infrastructure to show the world that he's not just a short, insecure poser, but an actual Hollywood bad-ass. Oh, and if you can stick a few hundred million in your bank account and spend the rest of your life in Switzerland, why not. The whole scene is just disgusting, even more so cause they're all doing it on my dime.
Good for Trump
Ukraine's problem is they are losing (slowly but surely), they no longer have any clear path to victory other than the extremely improbable event of total Russian collapse, and they are totally dependent on charity from foreign powers, mainly us. Ukraine needs a cease fire, then ending Martial Law and holding elections, and then Zelensky's successor can negotiate a final armistice. That is what needs to happen.
All of which could have been done before stacking up a million corpses
An Ukrainian friend of a friend said (while we ran into each other at a farmer's market about 7-8 years ago) that her family and friends back home didn't fear Putin, they feared war. Lately, she's been saying (along with her family and friends back home) that Zelensky is worse than Putin. Zelensky's jailed opposition, shut down press he doesn't like and threatens or actually does jail little old ladies who don't speak Ukrainian and instead speak the only language they know - Russian.
Z thinks the dems are his real friends. He met with delusional Senator Chris Murphy prior to meeting with Trump. Murphy told Z to reject the deal, a deal he had already agreed to 3 times. Murphy should have to answer for that.
'Breaking News' Now Z wants to sign the deal. Well that's good but now we should get a new deal and that includes Europeans paying us $100 Billion for our loses. Our military base's in Europe should also begin a 5 year departure and let them fill the barracks with their own. Uncle Sam is done paying for your security. NATO rules should be changed and if they start provoking war we should have an option to decline to help. FAFO
Thank you Sasha for watching the Oscars so we don't have to. I know it's painful but 'you got this'. Peace Out
USA membership in NATO is making less and less sense. Can we take a timeout until and unless the Euros pay their fair share. Why are the Baltic nations protected under Article 5? Why did Finland bordering Russia, enter NATO? These are not nations I’d send my kids to fight and die for.
Who’s going to hold him accountable for that? Certainly not the compliant and corrupt media.
This is real life and Hollywood thinks it’s a movie.
Dena, I read about the Murphy/Z meeting and don't understand why no one else seems to be reporting it? Then I thought that maybe I was overreacting, but isn't that sedition or something? Chris Murphy is a nasty, dangerous guy who despises Trump and also has his sights set on being the next president, which would be an absolute catastrophe for this country.
Mark Levin reported on it Sunday night on his Fox show. But you’re right I haven’t seen it widely reported - yet. I think it should be bigger news. Especially as Trump says Z is toying with ww3 if there isn’t peace.
Per DOGE's expose on USAID: Stiller got paid $4 Million for that photo op, Angelina Jolie, $20M, Orlando Bloom, like $8 Million. Even their "support" is subsidized like a promotional tour. Though I also wonder how much of that money made it back to campaign coffers?
Wow. That is just....really....I just cannot ...ugh
Thank God that President Trump won this election, and thank God that Elon Musk has joined the Trump team and he is exposing all of this fraud and crap. I hope it doesn't just end with firings. There needs to be prison time!!!
Oscars...tonight? Dang, I won't be able to watch, I'm washing my socks.
"...an alignment of power like no other"...? Right! More like "legends in their own minds"
I'm gonna be busy flossing my teeth
I think I'll do some dishes and maybe wash a toilet or two. Much less dirty work than the mind-soiling activity of watching a wankfest.
It astonishing how Americans in such large numbers have simply lost the ability to figure reality in their political judgements. Totally adolescent. Zelensky's supporters are like drunks and Zelensky himself is apparently a drug-addled delusional.
Exactly. Much of my social media feed was filled with pro-Zelenskyy/Ukraine sentiments and memes the past couple of days. I’m tempted to comment with some counter-narratives, but I just can’t anymore, at least online. Many of these people I consider friends, but I don’t feel like getting into it with them because I feel they operate in an echo chamber and lack proper context. Even in person I tend to bite my tongue, but I should probably suck it up and change that.
Try doing a gentle push. At a small women's group luncheon, one woman mentioned finding a particular item at Target. Then the woman to my left (a "woke-ster") said "I don't shop there anymore, because of their change to not caring about marginalized people anymore". I said "Oh, I am now starting to shop there again.......I'm more into "Judged by the content of character rather than the color of skin" and the conversation moved on (and there was a lot of cross talk during this, from all the other ladies, but I know she heard me. And after that, no problem with the conversation moving on. She was fine. A friend of mine, who was across the table, didn't hear it all and asked later "What did you say about Target?". She's in agreement with me, btw.
A very important interview took place this morning on ABC's This Week during which Stephanopoulos spoke with the British ambassador to the U.S. The ambassador implored Zelenskyy and all EU nations to "give unequivocal backing of President Trump's peace initiative." This is important because it took place after Zelenskyy ran to 10 Downing St. where he was fawned over by PM Starmer. So, either Starmer told his ambassador to get the word out to support Trump's plan or the ambassador has gone rogue. What's the more likely scenario?
Here it is:
Have any of the usual TV bobbleheads mentioned this?
How about that rumor that Democrats met with Zelenskyy just before his WH signing event to convince him to nix the deal?
Yes, Zelenskyy was 30 minutes late to that very important meeting with President Trump!!! How insulting is that? Would you go to a bank to ask for a bunch of money and arrive there dressed casual and 30 minutes late??? Why was he late? Oh he was in a meeting with war monger politicians. Trump's deal was a great idea, beneficial to both countries but whiney Z said he wants more. Money he gets from EU is in the form of LOANS. OBiden gave him BILLIONS of our tax money with no strings attached!!! What's the one thing Putin doesn't want? He doesn't want NATO soldiers and weapons along his border w/UKR. But let's just antagonize him some more and see what happens, right??? WWIII that's what will happen.
I think it's twofold - they don't want Trump to broker this peace deal, and they don't want to lose the money they are making from the American taxpayers who have been funding this shitshow.
Someone in the UK is clued in that the entire NATO alliance is now at risk, and that’s not good for that island. Watch in coming weeks for every other NATO nation to wake from their slumber and realize the same. Show is over.
Great point.
Geez, and I thought all these Hollywood Libs were going to move to Canada if Trump won. 🤣
I'm sure that Kamala will get a very enthusiastic ovation from the Hollywood crowd which tells us a lot about the condition of Hollywood.
Having read Sasha's email about the celebrity of Zelensky is spot on.
Gee.....we've always been told the Dems were the party of peace and Reps were the party of war.
For over 4 years, we have been in a war between good and evil. We need to pray as hard as ever before.