Sasha, you are so special. I keep saying that, but you are. I am so happy for you that Matt and Meghan have given you exposure that allows more to find your introspection, creativity and humor. Keep on keeping on. You add to our collective world.

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I wholeheartedly agree and if I didn't have the expenses of a special needs son, I'd be giving regularly.

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Cat C. Bless you for your outpouring of love on behalf of your special needs son. We belong to your community, as there are special needs people in the family. Keep reading and posting. Your views are important to all. There is no group that has higher stress levels than that of special needs mothers; this proven by research. As I tell the parents in our family, they are not doing work

of the world, they are doing “Kingdom work”. The Word says, “The First shall

come last and the Last shall come First.” This applies to single mom families.

You are the first person that I have seen on Sasha’s blog that spoke of a special needs child. When people like to talk about pro-life, I say’ “well, come out and hang out with us; we’re are one of the most pro-life groups you will ever see.”

I am hoping that when Trump is further down his path that he will redo the ACA

insurance . He has said in the debate that he has a group working on a plan

that could do it. He has said in another interview that, yes, it would include preexisting conditions. I also wish private citizens could start a non-profit group in each state that could repair, and recycle equipment for this special needs population.

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Agreed. Well said.

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I ditto that! I read an article last year from her that saved my sanity - and consider her a part of my mental health routine ever since.

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Day Seven of the Great Un-Bidening of What Has Been and it's been a phenomenal week. Hope the new week is even better.

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We are rapidly becoming unburdened from what has been and it has been awesome. Still a long way to go but Donald and company have been throwing down hard.

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Loved “the Great Un-Bidening” words! Haven’t seen that before!

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Just don't get tired of winning!

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Right on, neighbor!👍

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Jan 27Edited

Ah, how I miss the best of masculinity absent from the new modern dystopia. Or maybe men have just gone underground. Can't blame them.

Speaking of which, if this WOKE world had been written-up as a novel even 30 years ago, no publisher would have touched it. Too bizarre.

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Oh, we're still here, Trust me. We knew this stupid shit had to pass, so we waited.

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Wise fellow. I look forward to the days men can come out of hiding.

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Daniel Penny instinctively knew it was time

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...been here all along A.A. It was the 'media' that was hiding us, and 'the media' is on the run now.

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I am looking forward to seeing good men back in the forefront.

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Men have had a raw deal with WOKE feminism, Texyz. My apologies from the female side of things.

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Not really hiding. Just being a "Grey Man" as it's called. Waiting, biding our time, not drawing attention to ourselves, but always prepared to act if needed.

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Guys with families couldn't afford to get canceled so they went along to get along, or at least kept their opinions to themselves.

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Not all men.

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You are correct in missing things. YHWH made Adam to protect Eve and their offspring Cain and Able, then Seth, and their wives and children. This is the main purpose that YHWH gave to men. Adam failed. Here we are thousands of years later now. YHWH never changes. So men, we have the same calling. Protect your wives and children from harm. And also the widows and orphans around you. And the women in your families and your neighbors, and their widows and children. This is the true meaning of being a Godly macho man. All of it is to help women and children and none of it to glorify yourself. This is what actual men do. Am I perfect? Heck no. Do I try to assist? Yes.

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Men used to protect women, but the sexual revolution culture -- started in the late 60s, and cemented by the late '70s -- taught men that it was ok to USE women....right up today.

This needs to stop now.

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You want to travel back in time? Do you want to go back to the days when, up until 1975, women were considered property to be transferred from her father to husband? Or do go back to the 20th century when women didn't even have the right to vote? Or do you want to go back to the years when it was legal for a man to rape his own wife, even if she was trying to divorce him.

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You sound a little hysterical like the female Senators at those confirmation hearings. Calm down. That’s not what he was suggesting and you know it.

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And you sound brain dead, incapable of summoning normal human reactions. That is all that you Republicans can do is judge and assess. Unfortunately you lack the wisdom and character to be able to bring any good to the collective. You are horrific and strange people. Even the greatest minds cannot teach people as you .This is why I strongly wish that the country will be divided in two. May the California seccession lead to a scission in the nation, that I may never have to hear from any of you again. May you foolish MAGA people go to the right so that you may continue to commit atrocities such as killing immigrants, Black people and women as you have been doing, destroying the American educational system and all the other foolish things that you have planned.

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Someone in your life owes you an apology.

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DB, I'm with you there -- you mentioned 3 things I don't agree with.

Just sayin, the sex.revolution and feminism have badly damaged our culture, and women and children got the worst of it while men generally skated. By tradition women already had the big share of cooking/cleaning/child rearing, but then they were told/sold they could have a career too. So when she gets home from work, he's in the driveway drinking a beer with buddies. Then the husband finds a woman who is sexually liberated, and the marriage collapses. Latchkey kids with little supervision, woman progresses thru live-in boyfriends who use her for freebies. She loses her looks and heads toward old age, babysittin' her out-of-wedlock grandkids, broke and disillusioned. This hit black culture first, and then white.

Men should fulfill their God-given responsibilities to protect women -- protect their emotions, protect them financially, and protect them from 'other men'. Women have been groomed to let-down their natural modesties so as to be sexually 'equal' to men, and this only served to put men's libido into high gear. Biblically, sex outside of marriage is sin for both genders, yet we accept it on a wholesale basis today. The results have been devastating to millions of individuals, and society at-large. I'm a man, and I'm disgusted with men for 'using' women in a highly selfish manner.

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I am 68 my son 42, married with 3 sons, None of the men I know that have had careers and raised families and none of my son’s friends, married with families act the way you describe or treat their wives in the manner you describe. What an old caricature of men, drinking beer as their wife slaves away after a day of work. I am throwing a a flag on that and calling a penalty. Modern men (real men) are fathers, husbands and family caretakers. They contribute to the home and help in all of the work. I am so effing tired of men being portrayed as you just did. Get real.

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Oh hey DV. NFL booth review has 'overturned' your call.

I totally agree with your description of 'real men' -- I am one, and raised my son to be, as did you.

However, way too many men -- the majority I think -- have fallen away from God, they indulge in porn and certain low stds of 'the world', and they have no clue how to be respectful to women, how to take care of them.

It is easy to hang with our own tribe and be somewhat oblivious to whats going on in other parts of society. But I would compare say, the divorce rate today compared to what it was prior to WWII. Selfishness in people, men, has run amuck in the past 50 yrs. My2Bits.

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"All of it is to help women and children and none of it to glorify yourself. This is what actual men do."

White-knighting online to get likes from women. Never seen that before!

ACTUAL MEN!!! Yeah, that's how George Washington and Bismarck talked, for sure. "Doing this all for WOMEN, you know."

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...do Tell, clarify ?

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I find it cathartic to post links that they must confront. For example today they were all excited with the president of Columbia not allowing the U.S. planes to land that were repatriating illegal aliens. I posted the article that the Columbian president capitulated to Trump within a few hours after Trump threatened sanctions.

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Simple. Why are they so lame?

Phase 1, extreme threat

Phase 2, extreme panic followed by capitulation

Phase 3, From Trump…. “Let’s make a deal”. 🤠. And if not, then…

Phase 4, “bombs away, now you get regenerated towards the benefit of your common peoples.” With government force. I don’t want government force at all.

I truely hope Trump wishes to help common folks. We will see what happens. We actually know that a lesbian bishop of a false church can not help us in her false church in Washington DC. She was never qualified to be a Christian oversear/Elder according to Holy Scriptura, from 1st Timothy and Titus. She should repent and then turn back to King Jesus.

I am a Christian and my only hope is Jesus the Christ, the Messiach. For keeps, for eternity. That ain’t Trump. We will see what happens. I am a sinner. Washed in the blood of the lamb. Jesus Christ. With His stripes i am healed. With His righteousness I will be clothed and prepared to enter His Kingdom .

God is good, God is glorious , God is gracious , with mercy, for His church.

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It is not nor has it ever been the role of the United States government to help the common folk. Government's role is to facilitate an environment for the common folk to help himself....provide equal opportunity for one's own pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness, while keeping us safe and protecting our God given rights.

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Petro then posted an unhinged rant about President Trump, including boasts that "his people" were in the Americas long before Trump's. So much for white settler colonialism


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Wasn't that hysteria? Watch Mahyer Tousi cover it. https://www.youtube.com/live/OgB6oLOQNDo?si=-0qToqD0bXuZkOaC A delight.

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Yes! It made me think of the expression, 'F around and find out.'

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Italy's nationalist government is setting up a camp in Albania (where they're always looking for Western money, no matter what scheme it is) to house "refugees" from Africa while they're being processed. (About 90 percent young men.) We would really need a large land area in Africa to house tens of millions in, from all over the West. There is actually such land in eastern Africa that isn't used for much and could be bought, or you could buy patches of land in different countries. But I guess that will never happen.

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Too bad it's not WHERE THE FOOD IS!

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The UK once had a plan to use Rwanda as a holding camp for illegals, but it never got off the ground.

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This is a great post. One of your best. I aways appreciate your perspective as a former hard leftist.

However, there needs to be peace and forgiveness for this to end. Hold the powerful leftist elitists accountable, but forgive the gullible majority for being persuaded. There are many reevaluating their positions right now and we need to let them know they are welcome to reconsider their thoughts rather than dig themselves in deeper. We need to embrace the conversation, not deny it, especially since it has become obvious the only discussion has been with the minority opinion.

We cannot unite if this social media battle continues. Lets be like JD Vance and approach social media like he did on Face the Nation.

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That's the difference between the left and MAGA, The left tolerates no discussion: MAGA wants to find a way. If the two sides communicate on the common ground, solutions develop.

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Indeed. I have seen so many posts since the election along the lines of "If you voted for Trump, de-friend me... etc." I have never seen a "If you voted for Biden, de-friend me." post.

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Part of totalitarian behaviour is that if anyone inside or outside the group questions or dissents to their group narrative.....they will shun/smear/punish. It is almost automatic. Hence, modern Cancel Culture. Or the more severe behaviour of radical Islam.

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Since the election, I have seen consistent deep, dark disdain by the MAGA crowd against anyone that felt anything good whatsoever about the accomplishments of Biden/Harris administration.

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Yep. There's a reason for that, though. The Orange one is antithetical to goodness and trust.

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Just yesterday I was talking to my 27 y/o uber-woke neice who said she would not allow anyone in her life who votes Republican... including her *current* friends AND family. She barely has any real friends as it is, so I told her it'll get lonely real quick in that little bubble of hers. She shrugged me off, of course.

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Time for a $150,000 grant to figure out why.

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Money means nothing in eternity.

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Most of the time. But go to Revolver News and write in the comment section that you love Trump's promises, but you point out the many times he broke them in the past and you hope he won't do it this time, and you'll see the hate you're met with. Realism not allowed.

Or go to Breitbart and write any criticism of Israel's mass slaughter of Palestinians, with facts and statements by doctors who have witnessed it, and you'll be downvoted and shouted at. That is, of course, if your post even appears, since if it includes the words "Jews" or "Jewish" it will be hold up in moderation, meaning it will only appear much later when it will be far down and buried by other posts.

These fanatics were not the people who actually campaigned for Trump in 2015 and 2016, online and offline. These were cruzbots back then. They hated Trump intensely, calling him a "racist". Then they changed their Twitter accounts when he won.

Oddly, these fanatics will talk about the Deep State and about the need to attack foreign countries, but they avoid the topic that actually got Trump elected both times, to stop the mass immigration of tens of millions of people. Their MAGA simply sounds like something you'd say during Bush.

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Sure, that's why they chanted "Hang Mike Pence" and tore apart the Capitol. I didn't hear one "let's get together and discuss this on common ground". your statement is quite humorous, if you THINK about it.

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Both only tolerate it only if they are in the same sphere of influence.

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“…dig themselves in deeper…” That’s what the DNC did over the weekend. Choosing two white men to be their top two leaders instead of a black woman or one of their 64 genders. Seems the party is content being the ‘resistance’ and never wanting to win anymore national elections for the foreseeable future.

“Hello, Whigs? Need some company?”

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Back at ya. From the "gullible majority". As far as JD Vance goes, in his own words, "If I have to make up lies to get people to pay attention then I will". No thanks.

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Ryan, in theory it sounds good to say let’s talk, forgive, and make peace. Unfortunately the left tends to be bullies and they won’t back down unless they’re made to.

The others on the left who aren’t bullies still don’t want to be corrected. It makes people feel stupid to admit they were wrong.

I honestly don’t see a way through.

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I get it. I guess it has to do with how you define who is the Left. I'm all for holding the hardliners making the most noise accountable, but that is not the entire Left, which swung about 10 points towards Trump this election.

I'll offer my daughter and her boyfriend as examples. They were sure Trump was a corrupt Nazi 3 years ago and believed everything they learned about him from teachers and professors. Now they're starting to see reality. I'll forgive anyone like them, or Sasha. I don't want this to continue they way it has. I don't enjoy the fighting, I just want us to win it and be done with it.

Now if Maddow or the hosts of the View wanted forgiveness, that is a different story.

Anyway, that's my POV and thanks for the response.

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Yes, understand. I was thinking more the View type people, and not people like your daughter.

To my point, today a lady on this platform called me a bunch of names and said she wants CA to secede from the US so she never has to deal with MAGA people again. Pretty sure we can’t have a conversation or peace with someone like that.

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Nah, no peace and forgiveness. Can’t we just burn them at the stake? Asking for a friend.

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Fabulous expose of the new liberal. They’ve completely lost their common sense in an attempt to turn truth upside down. And the accusations and ridicule against those of us who see the truth just leaves us scratching our heads.

You’re an inspiration! ❤️

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Jan 27Edited

Funny you should mention the Puritans. I will state my opinion here, and then anyone who wishes to can do all the background reading first if they would like to debate me. How's that?

The Puritans of early America were rightwing totalitarians. Yes....rightwing. Totalitarianism is not solely political, and it is not solely leftwing. It is a highly dysfunctional group dynamic which is found on either polar extreme of a given spectrum of thought or experience.

If a group goes too far left or too far right in their narrative and leadership, they will begin behaving in a totalitarian manner. And oddly enough, the far left will eventually meet and triangulate with the far right, as in a circle. They might cooperate for a period, before they make war and eat one another.

Getting back to the Puritans....the witch hunts were about projecting their own faults onto scapegoats, and then getting rid of them. Precisely the same as the Catholic Inquisition period of medieval Spain.

And...we saw the same pattern of totalitarian behaviour during COVID Mania. Designating scapegoats, then attempting to hurt them and drive them out --- as a means of getting rid of one's own fears or sins.

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Your point is dead on. It matters not where totalitarians arise. Their evil nature destroys decency and usually life, regardless of the excuse for doing so. The only effective cure is to vehemently deny it while speaking truth.

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I always say the the middle ground is where we need to live life for best results. The Via Media. Moderation. Homeostasis. Balance. The polar extremes are bad news.

Greyrock your totalitarian predators. And calmly speak the truth to them if backed into the corner. You are right about that.

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If only I had learned to speak calmly when I was younger.......

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Ah-h, I know. It does feel as if high emotionalism in these situations should win the day....but it doesn't. It makes things worse. I learned that too. State just the facts, briefly and calmy. Then take yourself out of the situation as much as possible

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If you are calm they are much more likely to listen the next time you question their premises or sanity. Plus, they can't figure out why you are not being as unhinged as they are.

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The Spanish Inquisition was about rooting out those who falsely converted to the Church only in order to subvert it and Spain. False converts were preaching heresy from the pulpits and were working with Muslims to conquer Spain. No Inquisition, no Europe. Also, it only had authority over self-professed Catholics; no Jews or Muslims were tried by it.

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It was the Catholic Church behaving this way, though. Went against everything they purported to believe in. Seems to me they themselves were doing a good job of undermining Christian Europe with these intimidate/torture/kill tactics. Not the way that Christ recommended.

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No, it didn't go against "everything they purported to believe in." You might want to read about it some more: https://www.fisheaters.com/spanishinquisition2.html

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Jan 27Edited

Sorry Mink. I do not agree with you. You are welcome to your opinions, and I am free to have mine. I was raised Roman Catholic in family lines which had been RC since the 4th century. Are you a newcomer?

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Nope, not a newcomer; I'm Italian-Irish.

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Ma’am, you know nothing about Puritans at all. My ancestors were Puritans in 1635, who were part of John Winthrop’s Massachusetts Bay Colony. They were Calvinists with English translations of the Geneva Bible, approved for worship in the new World. They created the USA as we know it. The King James Bible wasn’t used for many decades until much later. King James was not a Protestant Christian . He was a royal who was an irreverent sort of royal. Personally, I don’t understand why the British people don’t demand to depose their royal parasites, then throw them off their wicked thrones, and recognize that they actually do nothing whatsoever for the formally great British peoples. The Pakistani taxi rape gangsters destroy young English girls first and the royals say nothing and do nothing about it. I guess King Charles enjoys his girls in his kingdom to be raped like his wife Diana decades ago by a Muslim royal from Saudi Arabia. The very same dude that owned Harrod’s of London near Diana’s castle at Kensington Palace near our hotel. I took my wife to Harrod’s and she bought 2 fancy hats there. Princess Diana died when the Saudi Prince was raping her during a car crash. He died as well then. How can the British people stand for it? Depose the royals. They hate you. They are imbeciles with genetic diseases from the Hapsburg lines that makes them unfit to govern British peoples.

I understand that life presents us with many difficulties and contrary ideas.

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I do agree with you about the British royals. They are part of the Globalists. They care little about the British people.

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Jan 27Edited

OK. I will keep my opinion, Tom, and you will keep yours. Best way to handle it.

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I think we just ended an era, and it seems like these eras gradually exhaust themselves and then abruptly collapse.

The Civil Rights Era, which began in the late 50s ended with Jimmy Carter and stagflation. The archetype was the Hippie. If you had to put something in a time capsule from that era, it would be a "Don't Trust Anyone Over 30" T-shirt.

The Free Markets era, which began with Reagan ended in 2008 with the collapse of the real estate bubble. The archetype was the Finance Bro. If you had to put something in a time capsule from that era, it would be a stock split beeper.

The Great Awokening, which began with Obama ended with Biden, COVID, and cancel culture. The archetype was the hectoring liberal white woman. If you had to put something in a time capsule from that era, it would be a In This House We Believe yard sign.

Not sure what follows, but if history is any guide, leftism is going to be on the defensive for a couple of decades.

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Gee, I sure hope so! A couple of decades? That would be so freakin' awesome!

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In this case, I have to respectfully disagree, Sasha. What the COVID regime (which played a huge part in creating and emboldening the Intolerant Liberal) taught me is that all the the tolerant interesting smart talented liberals turned into the Intolerant Liberal. All of them. I had many personal experiences with this and observed it endlessly as well. A couple of people did not follow suit. I know because I relied on them and they were the only ones who spoke out and came to the anti-mandate protests I attended in NYC for two years—Glenn Greenwald, Mark Crispin Miller, Dr Christian Northrup, RFK Jr, Naomi Wolf, and a handful more. I am a native New Yorker artist, writer, and professor, who grew up around artists and intellectuals all of my life. I stupidly attended graduate programs (I always hated them but needed the degree to teach). I refused the vax and mask mandates, which were terrible in NYC, and I literally became a pariah in my world, which was all liberals basically. I couldn't go anywhere in my city for two years. So I fully believe (and have written about this at great length on my own blog) that all these people became the brainwashed intolerant liberals because they probably always were this way! At the very least, their so-called big brains should have questioned the corporate media and the endless lies they told about COVID and everything else. That's what the Left always did, right? Question the media, the Govt, Big Pharma, the war machine, the secret intelligence agencies (now they just make endless movies glorifying the CIA, govt spies, and professional assassins). But no. They did none of those things. And why didn't they? Because they finally had all the power at their disposal and they didn't care if it was wrong or right, true or a lie, only that they had total control of all cultural discourse. Look at the Associated Press writing that in his final years David Lynch was afraid to leave his house for fear of contracting COVID?! How pathetic and cowardly is that. Look at the films that man made and he's afraid of COVID after 5 years? They’re still publishing this fear-mongering junk? Lynch who questioned the 9/11 narrative on Charlie Rose but not the COVID narrative after 5 years? Maybe chain smoking all his life was the problem. Or Laurie Anderson cozying up to Anderson fucking Cooper in 2022 on CNN, when they did a profile on her. She was my hero growing up. The list goes on and on. No musicians spoke out, apart from Eric Clapton, who got torn apart even though he was vaccine injured! What all of this taught me is the Left has always been authoritarian and mob-minded. They just hid it well and didn't have the cultural power/majority they acquired in recent years to express their true agendas. I am now full convinced that Gorge Carlin, Richard Pryor or whoever else would now be on the wrong side. Look at Joni Mitchell and Neil Young going after Joe Rogan in 2022, and trying to get his podcast cancelled for talking about curing his COVID with Ivermectin instead of the jab. I think maybe it's time (and this has been my difficult trajectory as well) to admit that the Left was never tolerant, or normal, or particularly bright. I mean we know that the CIA had artists and intellectuals working as operatives. So, who the fuck were these people, really? And this is coming from someone who was on the Left all her life, and in the arts and academia in NYC. But even when I was a teenager, and in my 20s, I always felt oppressed by these people. I hated academia. I felt their lack of true critical thinking and their fakeness--always. Looking back, I also see the militancy and the degeneracy and the mob mentality and all the identity politics shit has always been there. When I rewatch old movies, I see it. Luckily, I came from a dissident family and was always a loner/outsider and critical thinker, so there was no way I was going to let anyone tell me what to do during COVID. I wasn't following my so-called “party” off a cliff, even though it meant I literally lost everyone and everything, in mid-life, no less. In the end, I learned what I always knew and what my parents taught me: there is nothing more important than being free, independent, thinking for yourself, and being true to your principles. No matter what! After all, it's all about what you do when the chips are down. Thanks for doing the same.

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Massive walls of texts are impossible to read. In the future please divide your comments into much smaller and spaced paragraphs.

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Are you my long-lost twin? Based on my own experience, I could've written your comment word for word. :)

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In everyday language, the people who became attacking zombies during COVID Mania had gone into what was called the Mind-snap -- coined during the 70s Cult Revolutuion.

The other funny thing about human minds that I have noticed over these recent years is that you can explain these things over and over to most people, at great lengths, but they really don't take it in. I could post here that this is what totalitarianism looks like, and then in two seconds the listeners would move on and forget it. They would start asking all over again,..."What WAS that odd zombie-ism during those years?"

The books about these concepts are out there, but the answers are not all in one place. So you have to do a lot of targeted reading.

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So nice to hear that! It's been brutal out here. I'm in the belly of the beast (NYC).

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I’m seeing SOME signs that it is the intolerant liberals who are starting to go underground. Suddenly instead of scary, they are starting to sound just silly. The Elon Nazi salute was a great example. Everyone is laughing at the lame attempts to make Elon a Nazi. Even funnier when all the videos emerged of AOC, Hillary, Kamala, etc., all doing the same thing. I predict we will quickly see independent filmmakers catch on to this new zeitgeist and return some semblance of normalcy to their industry. The pandering to the milquetoasts will stop.

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Right? I feel like an extremely heavy weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and I can finally fully breathe now.

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>But sooner or later, the worm will turn. Then will come the apologies and the denials.

This is the only thing you say in this essay that I disagree with. The modern day, perpetually aggrieved, liberal will never apologize. I'm not even sure they will even recognize that they are wrong. They will continue to insist that men can have babies and women can have a penis, as well as their other very many fictions, until the sun turns into a red giant and engulfs the earth.

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Did you notice the facial expressions as Mariann Edgar Budde delivered her toxic political diatribe this past week in the National Cathedral?

I did wonder why the Trump staff arranged the service there, even though the cathedral had been the traditional spot. The Episcopal Church and the Anglicans/Cof E went high WOKE several decades ago They are no longer really Christian.

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Perhaps they were not expecting a nazi lesbian fake bishop from hell.

No woman is qualified to be a bishop in any Christian church. Maybe she was ordained by the church of Cannabis in Denver. Recent Archbishops of Canterbury were flaming homosexual men. I guess they didn’t read from the Holy Scriptura , the 1st Chapter of Romans. False teachers will not do well at the 2nd Advent. At the Great White Throne.

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I guess not. But someone on his staff should have vetted it first.

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I thought the same thing! Like how did this woman make it onto the agenda? His staff should have known better.

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That reputation at the National Cathedral would have been known in Washington power circles, I think. So it's a bit of a mystery why his staff arranged this.

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Jan 27Edited

Everyone knows about the Salem Witch Trials (1692-1693). But few know about the aftermath of repentance and contrition:

Ann Putnam Jr. was one of the primary accusers who accused many people of witchcraft. In 1706, she made a public confession at the Salem Village church, where she acknowledged her role in the trials, stating that she was "deluded by Satan" and expressed sorrow for her actions. She specifically apologized for the false accusations she made against many individuals, including Rebecca Nurse.

On January 14, 1697, all twelve jurors who convicted many of the accused witches signed a public statement of contrition. They confessed to being "sadly deluded and mistaken" in their judgments and asked for forgiveness from God and those they had wronged.

Judge Samuel Sewall was one of the judges in the Court of Oyer and Terminer that presided over the trials. In 1697, Samuel Sewall made a public confession in the Old South Church in Boston. He stood before the congregation while his confession was read, taking full responsibility for his part in the trials. He expressed his "blame and shame" and asked for forgiveness. Sewall also set aside a day each year for fasting and prayer to atone for his actions.

In 1702, the Massachusetts General Court, the legislative body of Massachusetts Bay Colony that officially sanctioned the trials declared a day of fasting for the errors of the trials, indicating a collective recognition of the injustices committed. In 1711, they passed a bill reversing the convictions of those accused in Salem.

What are the odds we see anything like that again?

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Thank you. Interesting they use the word delusion. This is at the root of what happened during the Salem witch trials, a failure of understanding and reasoning, a misperception of reality. Leftists are also deluded. I visited a friend yesterday and as I entered the room she had on the TV and there was Jen Psaki speaking. She also watches The View. She’s a lovely, intelligent person but her mind has been warped by the programs that she watches. We are still friends even though we disagree politically. At least we can talk to each other about these issues and still remain friends. But for me, I get so upset sometimes about how deluded she and others are that it becomes too stressful for me physically. i’m finding it’s all just been too much over these many years. I tried to also defend the J6 prisoners and explain that what she sees, the clips on leftist TV, are the violence that occurred at the tunnel that involved may be 100 or 200 people at most, and yet 1500 who were not violent have been prosecuted and tormented. When I think about the idiots at the Kavanagh hearings who were screaming in the halls of Congress and were not charged with parading in the capital or interrupting an official proceeding or anything else and then I look at how the J6 people have been treated, I just find it really hard to deal with.

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I'd like to hear Sasha review "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." To me, progressives are pod people. That is how I view them - without hate or animosity. They are handicapped in some odd way. Trump may be the breakthrough to reality for some of them. Many of them are terminal and beyond hope. Keep them at a safe distance. On a side note Sasha, how about a review of "Mulholland Drive"? My favorite movie of all time and I still don't get it.

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I've been thinking of them as Stepford Wives, stuck in their shallow group think, never realizing they have been programmed out of individual realization..

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Watching that Liberals of Tik Tok clip -- do these people have no shame? That they would film themselves behaving that way then post it to the world? That is the kind of thing you keep under wraps if it happens. And they all seem to have vocabularies limited to not much more than the F word, delivered with plenty of screeching and toddler tantrums.

How did Western humanity fall so far?

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I love watching the mentally ill 'Libs of TikTok' on X.

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So lovely to find you on Megyn Kelly. What a wonderful way to start my Sasha following 🥳

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