Apr 22·edited Apr 22

Thanks, Sasha. You keep on keepin' on. If Tucker's talking to someone about something I'm not interested in, I skip it. If I'm listening to him and he wanders off some place I lose interest in, I move on. No big deal. On the other hand, he's done some brilliant interviews that are very much worth listening to. I appreciate your diligent effort to bring this feature to us.

Thank you!


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They are terrified of Tucker Carlson because he too close to the truth and he isn’t afraid to point out the lies the MSM and the DC Swamp which is an direct attack on their power which can never be tolerated. Just look at what FOX did to Tucker out of the Blue. Murdoch’s got a phone call and they complied.

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I’m 58 and long for the days when we could sit around a table for hours and have deep conversations with friends who didn’t always agree with us. When did this become verboten? We relished having friends of many different belief and political systems. Those days are over. And I didn’t end those relationships. I still value their thoughts and respect their right to voice them. They, however, don’t reciprocate. How do we even approach this chasm?

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I completely disagree with you on evolution. And I completely support you having and expressing your view on evolution. We need to be able to disagree without being disagreeable. Whenever I see that it gives me hope.

On evolution - it supports a belief system, it is not supported by scientific analysis. Evolution or change can be seen within a species, but has never been found from one species to an "evolved" species. My opinion is that evolution is a belief system that allowed removing God from the equation. That is, that there is a supreme being that ultimately has created all the wonders in nature. If you put a theory in that removes us being under God, then all manner of chaos comes forth. Including losing our inalienable rights, having an underlying moral code, and fearing the judgment of God more than the judgment of man.

I appreciate your open mind and continuing to seek truth.

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Please do yourself a favor and watch the video Sasha embedded from Tucker, "Millions Love Trump," about a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania in November 2016. I still get choked up. Not over Trump, but over the country, and what greedy wicked people have done to it, and at great speed. Think about the DOJ.

It's obvious now there has been a long-term plan to saddle Americans with one party rule. Many believe we are already there, and no Republican will ever again win a national election. Some of the Left are literally communists of the Stalinist variety, and they don't play nice at all. It was all working swimmingly until 2016. Since then, they've acted irrationally and dangerously to make up for time lost during Trump's "accidental" term.

Our system only works with people who at least pretend to be nice most of the time, as they wouldn't want to be shamed by the media. We're discovering what happens when one side doesn't have to worry about the media.

"God Bless us one and all." -Tiny Tim

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I wouldn't call what the Left feels about Tucker "fascination"...I'd call it "obsession!" And I think you nailed the reason why the Left is obsessed with Tucker. He's not afraid of them and he's not afraid to go after them, and that's something they can't tolerate. If we're not afraid of them, they can't control us.

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They just don't like that he gets unapproved ideas out there. They want control of the Overton Window.


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They are not after Tucker because he is a skeptic of evolutionary theory, they are after him because he speaks candidly about the role of the Deep State in American politics. The evo stuff is just click bait to incite the mob.

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So if humans evolved from what, gorillas than why do gorillas still exist.

They should all be bright eyed bushy tail humans by now.

Anyway I agree with you Sasha, let’s believe in what we think got us here as long

as we don’t force each other’s opinions on one another.

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He's hated because he is a vociferous critic of the military industrial complex. Just like Glenn Greenwald. That complex has massive influence and money behind it.

I respect Bari and Ben a LOT less than Tucker or Glenn. Bari is a snake imo for her smearing of Tucker and for calling Tulsi an Assad toadie. Ben just comes off as dishonest for the Candace situation. He really expects me to believe it had nothing to do with Israel?

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I like you don’t agree with everything Tucker says but I learn a lot from his interviews. We need to hear all points of view then come to our own conclusions. I prefer listening to someone who doesn’t have to “tow the party line “.

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At this point, as certain "Spud boys"* predicted, I think we are DEvolving.

Agreed on Tucker. He may get goofy on occasion, but he is a national treasure.

(*Hint: "Are we not men?!?"

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Tucker drops much appreciated here in Australia. They seem to out to get him.


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I love your Tucker links. Tucker was lucky to have been removed from Fox. Now he is really a journalist, asking questions that the captured corporate media wont touch. We all benefit from that.

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I watched the entire 3 hour JRE last night with my wife. It was at times fascinating and scary, but I was truly impressed with Tucker. He's speaking what he believes to be the truth. Contrast that with Joe Scarborough who I used to watch 2-3 hours a day prior to 2017.

That JRE episode was, imho, the best I've seen. If I had to bet my house, I'd say evolution is the correct theory, but there are a lot of holes in it that have never been proven. It's not 'settled science', but that's not something you say out loud.

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Evolution and belief in a creator God are not incompatible. Just as big bang theory and science in general, and belief in a creator God, are not incompatible.

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