I listened to the podcast. It’s the very best one you’ve ever done, Sasha. And that is definitely high praise. I wish you were an advisor for the Trump campaign, but I’d sure miss reading and listening to your work for the next 4 months. You’re correct that DJT’s PA speech on July 4th was his best speech, that the speechwriter must be br…
I listened to the podcast. It’s the very best one you’ve ever done, Sasha. And that is definitely high praise. I wish you were an advisor for the Trump campaign, but I’d sure miss reading and listening to your work for the next 4 months. You’re correct that DJT’s PA speech on July 4th was his best speech, that the speechwriter must be brought back into the fold and have a prominent role through Election Day and -most of all - that Ronald Reagan’s message from 1980 is precisely what is needed in these times. We are 4 years from an L.A. Summer Olympic Games - just as we were in 1980. Remember how fun that 1980-1984 period was after the embarrassment and “malaise” of 1976-1980? What comes around goes around; am I right?
I listened to the podcast. It’s the very best one you’ve ever done, Sasha. And that is definitely high praise. I wish you were an advisor for the Trump campaign, but I’d sure miss reading and listening to your work for the next 4 months. You’re correct that DJT’s PA speech on July 4th was his best speech, that the speechwriter must be brought back into the fold and have a prominent role through Election Day and -most of all - that Ronald Reagan’s message from 1980 is precisely what is needed in these times. We are 4 years from an L.A. Summer Olympic Games - just as we were in 1980. Remember how fun that 1980-1984 period was after the embarrassment and “malaise” of 1976-1980? What comes around goes around; am I right?