I read a related article today that said it was journalists duty to be activists and not objective in covering Trump. NYT, WAPO, Guardian, etc have been doing activist hit jobs for at least decade; Whores have so much more integrity.

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The Far Left (I refuse to call them anything other than what they are) routinely fails to work out even the most obvious implications of what they believe. They just hear something, and think "Sounds good!" In this case, "activist" journalism inevitably means loss of credibility. And still all these people who think they are so intellectually superior are too stupid to work that one out. Their preaching has become restricted to the choir. Good: the election (if it is "free and fair") will be decided in the middle.

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Straight outta Columbia Journalism School.

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I happen to know two leftist schmucks who graduated from that program and I consider them personal enemies of mine.....

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Here’s the title; “At Its Moment of Peril, Democracy Needs Journalists to Be Activists


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The hubris and egomania of that claim is just . . . flabbergasting.

Democracy don't need sheeeit, and the way the DP and its press lapdogs throw the term around makes me think they are either ignorant of how the republic works or want to 86 the Electoral College. The US needs major institutional reforms, the main one of which is a bloodletting of permanent party bureaucrats.

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Just like Matt Talibi vocally said I have no interest covering anything Republican related it seems journalism is now being as biased as you can and hiding behind that status as a law shield.

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Oh Sasha, you are so good. This essay brought tears to my eyes. Don't we all just want our country back?

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The New York Times loathes Trump because he committed the unpardonable sin…he laughed at them, he mocked them, he pointed out for all to see that, truly, the gray lady wears no clothes.

The New York Times will stop at nothing, there are no depths to which they won’t stoop nor principles they won’t sacrifice to get Trump. They’re on a suicide mission and the end can’t come soon enough!

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Sounds like the story of Captain Ahab in Moby Dick. It didn’t end well.

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The election comes down to this: https://youtu.be/UkRaeGtEELY

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Sasha, I love you. Thanks.

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about time for Maher, with guest Bakari Sellers, Ben Shapiro, and Kevin McCarthy. Why not Sasha and Michael Moore next time? Make it happen!

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Jul 12·edited Jul 13

Like death and taxes, one can always count on the NYT to grunt out something fragrant and absurd. Most sane people, when they hit bottom, have an epiphany. The Times and its acolytes, forgetting the "First Law of Holes," prefer to get out the ol' shovel and dig.

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So many on the left are manifesting demons, I have never seen anything like it.

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Desperation leads to panic.

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True, but these people are more than panicked, they are losing their minds completely, not normal.

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Trump Derangement Syndrome is real. It's a propaganda-induced divorce from reality and objectively is a form of psychosis. Like other psychoses, the disorder results in the illogical, irrational, unstable words and deeds we experience from those who've succumbed to it. Tragically, recovery is unlikely because it requires an acknowledgement from those who do have it that they've been so very wrong - an act that's been all too rare in human nature lately.

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It is especially psychotic because Trump was already President for 4 years and none of this stuff happened. First time since 1892 that both candidates had a Presidential record that could be compared.

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Never let evidence get in the way ideological expectation!

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Mass Formation Psychosis....which I don't think could've been achieved in all of history prior to the electronic age....starting only about 100 yrs ago with radio, right up to the present myriad of electronic media.

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Hopefully the lemmings will follow the Biden clown car over the cliff.

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Despite an unbroken record of economic disaster and repression, socialism never dies.

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Well, it does when you run out of other peoples money.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13

Not for good. If the Jacobins, the Bolsheviks, and the Maoists didn't do it, nothing will. The Left hasn't changed since 1789. The problem is fake conservatives.

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Pray the morons follow the clown car!

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This made me laugh! Thanks for that :)

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The truth & prophecy of this scripture always stuck with me: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. Ephesians 6:12.

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...demons indeed, Un. Its Biblical. Because of their worship of false gods ( money, pleasure, power, SELF) , they have been given over to believe the lie. Its truly supernatural.

As per II Corinthians 4:3-4 and numerous other places in both testaments.

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And Psalm 73 also.

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Read the Demon Code by Dan Brown

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Also find & watch the movie “Nefarious “. Brilliantly done.

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I couldn't find a title by that name by Dan Brown. I did find it under David Leadbeater and another by Adam Blake. I am now reading "He Came to Set the Captives Free" by Rebecca Brown MD, very interesting.

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....to me its like, years of unrepentant sin, entitlement to sin. And we know that sin opens the windows of our soul to demons who live comfortably within. God help them -- God help us all.

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This is the most truthful, accurate, and best summation of where America stands that I've read or heard in the past 8 years. It clearly merits my first-ever 'restack'.

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THANK YOU SASHA, for writing this article to show the hypocrisy and propaganda from the MSM

and the DNC that manufactures the lies about Trump and sells them as truth. Isn’t there an equivalent of deceptive trade practice for the groups that keep doing this?

Favorite line, “Trump is a hero to a lot of people in this country. It’s just that those people do not matter to you.” RIGHT. Because the ‘you’ represents the attitude of the Elite who believe that they are the smartest people in the room. And how is that working for all of us lately?

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There are, in fact, plenty of dangerous and harmful things in the world. Trump ain't one of em.

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Got that right.

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Well said! 😊

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I was barely involved in politics until Hillary Clinton ran for President. I knew in my gut if she won the USA was over. I started knocking doors for Trump in 2016 and wept on my knees when he won. I thought we'd get a break from the fight after that victory but it hasn't stopped since. The HATE of the Left for America will never stop. The Communists are relentless. I admire Trump so much. His love for America and Americans is what motivates him. That's obvious. I pray for the will to keep fighting against tyranny. Like Trump.

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It's not just the US. Witness Macron delivering France to the commies in pursuit of his globalist vision. And the self destruction of British so-called Conservatives for the same end.

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Agree. This is a worldwide phenomena -- especially 'the west', only I think the US is getting hit the hardest, by logic. If US fails, the rest of the world should be easy thereafter. Most 'western nations' have seen semi-socialist for a long time anyway.

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And yet leftists still riot in Paris. They appear to be motivated to destroy what's left of their republic, no mater what sort of government is in power, using this absolutely dogshit label "far-right" as the bogeyman.

I'm a bit worried about what Labor will bring down on the heads of Englishmen until Reform UK gets more representation.

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Labour isn't the problem, it's the fake Conservatives. If they had kept faith with their voters this wouldn't have happened. Hopefully Reform UK will destroy them. Labour actually got fewer votes this time than in their massive defeat of 2019.

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I agree, but after the total trashing of the Tories, doesn't Labor have a majority now?

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They do. Lowest vote count in a century and one of the biggest seat majority. What Farage is trying to do is make Reform the real oppo party and then win the next election. But Labour could completely wreck the place first.

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As far as I'm concerned, someone can stick a hot poker up the collective a$s of The New York Slimes, as this will be the strongest education those morons will ever have about the problems that they create and Donald Trump has come as the cure. The fact that they praise such bozos as John McCain and Mittens Romney as the idealists shows how out of touch with reality they really are. Those two were the worst examples of leaders that tried to become President in the 21st century.

This whole pile of excrement they heap upon their opposition seems like it comes from the Deep State, since they always find a way to use the same words every time, and they do it without providing any specifics. It's like watching that dipshit Nicolle Wallace on the Mostly Stupid Nitwits Belittling Conservatives (MSNBC) network trying to find the way through an interview with a like-minded fool.

And that's all the news that's fit to print by the retards at The New York Slimes.

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Bravo 👏

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OMG, I loved that!!!

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Looks like fat stupid Donald is pretty damn resilient.

My money goes on the guy who you can hit and who gets back up.

Not the guy who doesn't know where the everlivin' F he is or who he is talking to or which country we are allied with or his opponents name or what color he is or how to finish a sentence or what is happening with social security or or or or...... I'll stop now - but I could go on.

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Sasha, this was one of your best and you have tons of them! I especially loved the video with Dana White and it is no wonder that he will be introducing Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for President. Thank you and especially for the last song…

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I am so glad that Ms. Stone has put her talents to work for decency and the goal of reclaiming "our Democracy". From the moment Trump came down the escalator I've been a supporter and when the now exposed as faux conservatives of the National Review and the Weekly Standard came out with their Never Trump issues and essays I dubbed myself the Forever Trumper.

I was very glad to see Ms. Stone give Trump credit for the fortitude he has demonstrated. I think he's shown himself to be the toughest man in the world. He has taken a daily beating from a hundred voices in the media every day and yet he sallies forth to continue the fight.

Remember that the bad guys are planning to flood the system with bad ballots and illegal votes.

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When the Democrats say electing Trump would destroy democracy, they may be right. They just don'y how or who will destroy it. It will be the Democrats and their winged monkey's like Antifa and BLM. Maybe with all the illegal aliens that have sneeked into the country will start riots and right out violence against Trump and America.

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