Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
All the News that's Unfit to Print

All the News that's Unfit to Print

You offer up sound and fury, signifying nothing

Dear New York Times Editorial Board,

In your haste to make nice with your paying subscribers—I am one, too, by the way—you decided to swap out journalistic ethics for fear and hyperbole once again. Trump, you declare, is “dangerous” and unfit to lead.

Now, I know it’s been hard on you folks lately, with your otherwise reliable audience turning on you once you spoke the truth about Joe Biden. You had to show them that you’re still on their side. But in so doing, you fail to make the case for why Trump is unfit and end up looking like Goldilocks, who can’t decide which bowl of porridge is just right.

The one thing we know for sure is that your commitment to destroy Trump remains unshakable. Even a president with dementia or possibly Parkinson’s isn’t as big of a threat.

With a desaturated, billowing United States flag bathed in a sea of darkness, we get three definitive statements:

How so? Are you referring to when he said, “march peacefully and patriotically to the Capitol to have your voices heard”? Or the time he and his supporters chanted “Lock her up” but then didn’t? Or is it his threats to deport immigrants who flooded the border by the millions under Biden’s watch?

Or was it how he didn’t order the military into the streets to quell the protests in the Summer of 2020? The fascist you all predicted never emerged. He could have shot them on the spot. He could have called them insurrectionists and terrorists like all of you did to the Americans on January 6th protesting the 2020 election.

Or maybe it’s your phantasmagoria around Trump supporters that they are harassing judges and politicians with death threats. Do you think only people on the Left get death threats? Maybe you should try following Ben Shapiro or Tucker Carlson around.

Or how about Trump himself, the target of unending fantasy roleplays that envision his death? There is a whole section of TikTok that shows a Trump doll people can buy so they can burn, torture, and kill to satisfy their incurable Trump Derangement Syndrome.

A friend of mine never misses a chance to tell me that if Trump were shot on the street or hanged in the town square, he’d cheer.

So you tell me, who is more dangerous?

You probably never covered the violence against Trump supporters, not just in 2015 but for years after Trump won. Angry leftists felt encouraged by the media’s insistence that Trump and his supporters were racists, and therefore, anything could be done to them, and it didn’t matter.

Don’t you think it’s a big story that there was this level of political violence leading up to the election to threaten and intimidate voters?

Or how about the violence on inauguration day?

Violence against Trump supporters is so casually accepted and went on for years, from spitting on them to knocking hats off their heads to banning them from restaurants. If you’re looking for Germany in the 1930s, and all of you are all of the time, look no further than right in the mirror.

The reason we still need a full investigation of January 6th is that I know what you and everyone else on the Left do not. MAGA is not violent. They mock the Left for being the violent side, which is why so many of us smelled a rat on January 6th as we watched events unfold that were out of character for the Trump movement. Or, I should say, the one that exists in reality, not the one splashed all over the pages of the New York Times.

The second reason you state Trump is unfit:

He puts self over the country in a race that has cost him dearly, both financially and personally. He was impeached twice, indicted four times, and his home raided by the FBI, with fanatical prosecutors still hoping to bankrupt him and destroy everything he ever built, and he’s still standing strong, optimistic as ever.

Dana White:

You and every other outlet in the country have been trying to paint Trump as the ultimate villain, an existential threat, the worst human being who ever lived. The truth? Trump is a hero to a lot of people in this country. It’s just that those people do not matter to you.

When Trump visited East Palestine, Ohio, your reporters covered it only as a self-serving event.

This story of why Biden didn’t go to Ohio after the train derailment:

This story:

So, it's no wonder you think he only serves himself. You would never have bothered to see the event through the eyes of his supporters, how much it meant to them that he showed up on a cold, muddy day, with sirens blazing in a motorcade and hung out with people abandoned and forgotten in their polluted town.

Here is a different view of what happened at East Palestine.

The third reason Trump is unfit to serve, according to you, is that:

And what laws would those be? The law that allowed Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the FBI to spy on the Trump campaign in 2015 to paint him as a Russian spy. That law didn’t exist, but they did it anyway.

Does it all get back to the 2020 election and how we were all supposed to say nothing about what we saw all of you do? We watched your struggle session to suppress the violence in the Summer of 2020. We watched you all lie about the Hunter Biden laptop.

The laws were changed to better suit the Democrats’ new scheme to use one billion in dark money to collect ballots from voters who were not motivated to get up, walk outside, and mail their ballots.

And now you’re all paying the price for that grand deception. Had you listened to those who protested the election you might have heard them say that there was something wrong with Joe Biden, even back then.

And finally, you write:

Next week, for the third time in eight years, Donald Trump will be nominated as the Republican Party’s candidate for president of the United States. A once great political party now serves the interests of one man, a man as demonstrably unsuited for the office of president as any to run in the long history of the Republic, a man whose values, temperament, ideas and language are directly opposed to so much of what has made this country great.

I think the hyperbole diarrhea would sound more impressive if I didn’t come from your world. I know the game. I know how big words like “demonstrably unsuited” sound so important but don’t really mean anything because they are, to quote the Big Lebowski, just like your opinion, man.

I’ve heard the “34 felonies” as though it means anything or the defamation case distorted to look like a rape conviction.

But at least here we get a glimpse into what you really mean when you call Trump “dangerous.” You mean he’s a guy who says whatever he wants to say, and that makes you nervous. It really just comes down to that, doesn’t it—something Trump said.

And finally, I spit out my coffee when I read this:

The Republican Party once pursued electoral power in service to solutions for such problems, to building “the shining city on a hill,” as Ronald Reagan liked to say. Its vision of the United States — embodied in principled public servants like George H.W. Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney — was rooted in the values of freedom, sacrifice, individual responsibility and the common good. The party’s conception of those values was reflected in its longstanding conservative policy agenda, and today many Republicans set aside their concerns about Mr. Trump because of his positions on immigration, trade and taxes. But the stakes of this election are not fundamentally about policy disagreements. The stakes are more foundational: what qualities matter most in America’s president and commander in chief.

You can sell this revisionist swill to your readers if you’d like, but I lived through all of it. I remember how we all thought Ronald Reagan was the devil incarnate. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were the greatest evil the world had ever known until, you know, Trump beat Hillary Clinton.

We now live in a very different time than in all of human history. We have millions of voices being heard at once. It’s not easy for the legacy press to keep up, but you’d have to imagine what other election years might have been like in such a time. Imagine the hive mind on X in the Reagan era. Or YouTube and TikTok in the HW Bush era. Or in the Nixon era.

Social media, TikTok, YouTube, podcasts and independent press have all changed the game. The New York Times, like so much of the Left, has not caught up with this fast-changing landscape and seems hellbent on wrestling the narrative to the ground. But by now, you’ve manufactured your own version of reality.

There’s just one problem. It doesn’t fit with actual reality. It serves the members of the Royal Court to say Trump is unfit. But if you really want people to take you seriously, you’ll have to be more specific.

You don’t understand why so many voters need the one guy in the country, maybe the world, who could withstand the attacks thrown at him by this massive power alliance on the Left. You want a “normal” Republican because you can destroy them. But not Trump.

You’ve convinced yourselves that they are all angry white men who support him, but you’re wrong. Every kind of person, especially those who struggle in life, appreciates what a fighter Trump is.

But more than anything, Trump offers hope at a time when no one in any position of power can or will. All you folks do is sell fear. After almost ten years of it, it’s time to turn the page.

There is a yearning for a time when we can all let our hair down and relax. Trump shows up and does his dance, plays music, and shows everyone a good time. Tell me, when was the last time the Democrats did that? They spend every minute at the microphone saying how great America could be if only we could get rid of all of those millions of people over there. That’s no way to lead a country.

Tomorrow, July 13th, Trump will return again to Butler, Pennsylvania, drawing the kinds of crowds poor old Joe Biden wishes he could manifest. Butler is the town featured in this viral Tucker Carlson video. No one has ever explained the Trump movement better.

Trump rose because you failed. And that’s all the news that fit to print.


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Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
Essays on politics and culture from Sasha Stone's Substack. A former Democrat and Leftist who escaped the bubble to get to know the other side of the country and to take a more critical look at the left.