16 hrs ago·edited 16 hrs ago

Here’s an excellent video of Rep. Massie trying, and failing, to get some answers from a government official about FBI involvement in the Jan 6 “Insurrection!” A very good example of why I so totally distrust the despicable Democratic Party, their media, and our “fellow Americans” who support this monstrosity that has ruined our once great nation with their open borders, demonization of “Whiteness!” and their war on meritocracy which is being replaced with Equity aka race based Equal Outcomes. Excerpts below are from the description of the video. Trust is an essential ingredient for the cohesion of a country and ours is gone. Check out the comments on the video.

“Rep. Thomas Massie accused Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday of lying during a House Judiciary Committee hearing about his knowledge of federal law enforcement activities during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot.”

“Massie (R-Ky.) previously tangled with Garland in October 2021 over the same issue, questioning whether undercover FBI agents were present at the storming of the Capitol.”

“Breaking: DOJ report shows FBI field sources stormed the Capitol on January 6th.”

LiveNow from Fox. Sept 25, 2024


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Massie is my hero

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There was nothing "unfortunate" for Trump, as you say, in his debate with Harris and the 2 "moderators".

Only if one is listening to the media's propaganda do they think Trump lost that debate.

Trump gained popularity on his performance.

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Actually Trump did not gain popularity from that debate. That is laughable to say that.

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Very well said, Seva. I completely distrust the upper reaches of our federal government as well as many state bureaucrats.

There is absolutely no accountability and that is very scary.

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What's worse is there is absolutely no accountability on the unbalanced conservative Supreme Court that we have. That is a crime. A supreme court giving Donald trump, if you wins this election, which he will not, they have given him immunity to commit whichever crimes he wants. That needs to change. Plus the policies of this current Supreme Court is repulsive. If Trump gets in there again and starts enacting some of this project 2025 60% of our population will be doomed.

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

I saw Representative Massie attempt to get answers from Mr. Horowitz too, first on Julie Kelly’s (Declassified with Julie Kelly) substack. Below is a slightly adjusted version of my take on how absurd, or let’s say, SLICK, Mr. Horowitz’s non-answers were.

“Under further questioning by Massie, Horowitz said he intends…”

Watching Representative Thomas Massie attempt to get specific information from Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, was like watching someone trying to take two eels from a water tank with their bare hands.

Massie: “…We’re four years into it. What we do know is that you’re gonna expose that there were confidential human sources at the Capital. Can you tell us today, how many of them went into the Capital?”

Horowitz: “I’ll have that information in the report. I’m not able to speak to information in there. Both because it’s in draft, and we get a response from the department and the FBI, but also, because I don’t know yet what is classified and not classified.”

Something niggled me. “Where have I seen this guy, MR. HOROWITZ, before?”

“Winston wondered whether COMRADE TILLOTSON was engaged in the same job as himself. It was perfectly possible. So tricky a piece of work would never be entrusted to a single person; on the other hand, to turn it over to a committee would be to admit openly that an act of fabrication was taking place. Very likely as many as a dozen people were now working away on rival versions of what Big Brother had actually said. And presently some master brain in the Inner Party would select this version or that, would re-edit it and set in motion the complex processes of cross-referencing that would be required, and the chosen lie would pass into the permanent records and become the truth.” --1984, George Orwell

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Then there is this.


Complaining about the Democrats or FBI means nothing until we clean our own house.

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For once, I watched a GOP politician speak with nary a worry about how the words would come out. Vance was magnificent, the best debate performance I've seen in years.

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

Yes, Vance VERY refreshing after my frustrations with Trump's inarticulation during his debate with Kamala.

Remember how they pointed to Obama's 'coming out' party when he spoke at the 2004 DNC Convention....he was the future for Dems.

This was Vance's coming-out party for the future of the GOP. Trump has been the MOST valuable jagged spearhead of our conservative revolution -- now lets embrace those who can carry it forward without hostility, without alienating certain groups. Vance can make our big tent bigger.

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Agree 100% !!

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Without a songwriter what does a singer sing unless they are a songwriter too? Vance is ONLY POTENTIAL VEEP BECAUSE of Trump ... can everyone who is not suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome stop going on about the character of Trump and making remarks like "now lets embrace those who can carry it forward without hostility, without alienating certain groups." Ok if you are suffering from TDS there is no hope, it is terminal ... but then are you not in the wrong club here?

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I ain't got TDS Tao.....I recognize Trump as an incredible agent of change for the GOP, a fighter we so desperately needed. I trust that Vance is also that same fighter, time will tell. But GOP must never return to the pre-Trump days of pablum and compromise.

In late October, I will have voted for Trump for the 3rd time.

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I think you're conflating criticism of Trump with TDS. From the moment Trump descended that golden escalator, his undeniably brash, obnoxious, tacky, celebrity style was a turn-off to many - maybe even most - people. I scoffed at the very idea of Donald Trump as a candidate for President of the United States - ridiculous! I'd even guess that his wealthy, New York persona alienated a majority of people. But as time passed, some were able to look past the brassy, flashy surface and listen to the ideas and policies he so ineloquently espoused. Oh that Trump had been gifted with the eloquence and grace of JD Vance.

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David, you nailed it, this is what it looked like, a man saying exactly what he believed. Just wow.

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6 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

He was good if slippery. Walz spent most of his time talking poilcy in engaging, appropriately detailed wondrous ways, particularly if you like the policy. Even moreso than Kamala, because Kams spent some of her time cleverly getting under Trump's skin.

Vance unfortunately had to cover for Trump and his presumed policies and behavior and the really divisive stuff that creates shock and awe so naturally becomes a point of curiosity. He had to do this without ever critiquing Trump in any way so needed to devote time to that. In part because of that, he talked about the issues questioned often without answering the question. The more noticeable examples of issues where he did this include immigration and separating families, abortion, Trump's attempts to steal power of the world's ultimate seat. Vance sounded human and humane (very impressive all things considered), which was a far site better than his boss is able to do, so yes, in that regard, magnificent.

One thing that's been slightly bothering me though. Walz was effective at telling stories of women suffering who live in states banning abortion. Vance said this was terrible and even added one of his own abortion stories with dignity and compassion. He then repeated the Trump policy - let the states decide. Which brings us back to issues Walz outlined - difficulty of getting an abortion out of state and high risks to health and life for some. Vance was compassionate, then suggested a policy that would require him to be repeatedly compassionate, particularly if he is instrumental in women's suffering. It seemed a tad disingenuous and tone deaf to me.

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Margaret Brennan did her best Progressive Nurse Ratched impersonation when Vance corrected her fact-check.

They cut off his mike, which was ineffective since he could still be heard.

The two moderators represented everything people dislike about the media and the left in general.

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i would have paid to see someone come up betweent hose two sour bitches and knock their heads together.

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As Matt Walsh said, imagine people who had only heard he’s “weird” then seeing it is Walz who is the freak.

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....you mean 'the knucklehead'.

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I had wanted Tulsi Gabbard as Trump's running mate. I had regarded Vance as too young and more polemicist than politician. After last night I have to say that Trump chose wisely. Unlike Governor Walz, Senator Vance is ready for prime time. He projected confidence, clarity, and command.

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Although, I believe Tulsi would prove his equal.

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Clarity in terms of not clearly answering the questions posed when truthful answers would have exposed the cruelty and lies? Examples - abortion bans, mass deportations, the 2020 election.

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Six questions on abortion, which is not in the top 3 areas of concern for Americans, and nothing on price controls, taking private insurers from 200M people, Ukraine, or Harris flip flopping on fracking.

Otherwise a very balanced debate, huh knucklehead?

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The 2022 red wave that wasn't might beg to disagree. And while it's abortion / pro choice, there is a much bigger picture. it's what it says about hard right beliefs at the expense of single cat ladies and others that don't fit the traditional heartland family. It's about not being thrilled with Project 2025.

Vance has deep ties to the Heritage Foundation, and in particular to Kevin Roberts, who has been president of the right-wing think tank since 2021 and is the architect of Project 2025. Vance has praised Roberts for helping to turn the organization “into the de facto institutional home of Trumpism” and has endorsed elements of Project 2025. Vance is also the author of the foreword to Roberts’s upcoming book, Dawn’s Early Light.

If Project 2025 is not a blueprint for the next hoped for Trump/Vance presidency, what specifics do maga disagree with? This question is never answered.

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The core of Project 2025 was the development of a vetted database of people who could fill the major slots within the Executive Branch agencies on Day One of a Trump administration, thereby nullifying the "Vindman Problem," agents of chaos and Deep State privilege within The State Department, for example, who worked tooth and nail to undermine every aspect of the first Trump Administration. Of course, there are no Margaret Atwood fantasy demons in there, like a calendar of menstruation schedules for the female population, or a national pregnancy database. Leftist women think conservative men are far more interested in their reproductive systems than we, in fact, are.

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There is something worse than the Vindman problem. We can call it the Mattis problem but a variety of other names will do. All those supposed conservatives who weren't. Both Republicans and Democrats maintain a shadow government when out of power to have people who.can fill positions

but the Republican version turned out to be Bushies rather than conservatives. You are correct that Project 2025 was supposed to provide this for Trump. How they got into policy, I don't know.

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Keep up with the news ... Trump disavowed Project 2025, Trump is running for POTUS not Vance ... but, by the way, why are you here? Its okay, no one is going to chase you away or cancel you or whatever else your side strives to do, but why are you here?

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Trump has not even read P2025, Cinderella, but don't you worry, that stagecoach ought to be here before midnight.

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Trump reads?

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MCTGA (Make Critical Thinking Great Again). At long last, this country saw the return of a scholar and gentleman running for public office. I felt such pride being a native Buckeye and from Cincinnati! It would be fun sport to talk about the contrast if only our country was not at such a perilous moment. I don't really like Trump but I love JD. If he is the future, we stand a chance. If Harris and her ilk get in, I truly fear it is the end of the Republic. There is a reason they bus these people into red states--it's for the votes. BUT, after dumping a few bus loads into Asheville N.C. only to be hit with the worst human disaster this country has seen, with no FEMA response, maybe even THEY will vote for Trump!

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Looks like I will have to repeat my other comment:

"Without a songwriter what does a singer sing unless they are a songwriter too? Vance is ONLY POTENTIAL VEEP BECAUSE of Trump ... can everyone who is not suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome stop going on about the character of Trump and making remarks like "now lets embrace those who can carry it forward without hostility, without alienating certain groups." Ok if you are suffering from TDS there is no hope, it is terminal ... but then are you not in the wrong club here?"

Your: "I don't really like Trump but I love JD." Really!? You have missed the point completely.

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Yes and no. It is true that Trump is the battering ram to break open the gate and that most negative opinion of him stems from leftover corporate media imposed TDS.

But, Trump will be gone in four years and the MAGA movement is bigger than him, so it is good to see future leadership starting to take shape.

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yes, but if you dont defend Trump, you wont defend JD. I have definite criticisms of Trump, which I refuse to utter, because the dems are no better on those issues and are far worse on many, many others.

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10 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

I think the point is that JD Vance brings a much greater chance of the Republican ticket breaking through to at least a few Trump-skeptical voters. Those with TDS, who lack the self-awareness to recognize it, are indeed terminal.

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Kiim, Emotions run strong with this one, your strong emotion for JD but not for Trump so much, well it was Trump that JD finally realized was the real "thing" making all the sacrificing and assembling the likes of Elon, Gabbard, RFK, Vivek, Peterson, Owens, Dr. Carson, so many more. They all can't be wrong trusting Trump to carry the ball for our Republic and needing and getting a lot of help. There will be very little future for us if Trump doesn't win this one..... I also was born in Ohio, graduated Kent State 1971.

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How has there been no FEMA response?

By the way, the conservative blueprint for a second Trump administration calls for weakening the government's response to disasters by slashing public rebuilding money and dissolving federal flood insurance.

Trump, a couple of weeks ago: "Gavin Newscum [Trump's childish nickname] is going to sign those papers. And if he doesn't sign those papers, we won't give him money to put out all his fires. And if we don't give him the money to put out those fires, he's got problems."

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Trump will not decrease federal responses to disasters, he will increase it. Trump goes to disasters and wants to help (E Palestine, NC). Biden phones it in from the beach. Simple as that.

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Yes, and what he meant by his comment is not that he will not provide resources- but that he will provide them and he will be sending a bill for them right after the crisis is over.

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You missed the paper towel throwing visit by Trump to hurricane ravaged Puerto Rico.

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The democratic Island government of Puerto Rico was caught stealing warehousing equipment food and other resources instead of sharing them with its citizens. You might call them crooks, so if you trust anything the government tells you or their media, well your not seeing any sunlight.

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Keep on believing that ... :)

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First of all Trump is not your run of the mill brain dead bureaucratic politician, he is a businessman developer and very familiar with job costing, budgeting, efficiency analyst, problem solver, why doesn't he get recognized for these qualities? Along with Musk and RFK he will develop the most efficient federal agencies Americans has ever seen or realized. Not run by DEI principles that are used now and developed to destroy the American competitive spirit. Do you know what FEMA's current budget in now how much the head guy/gal makes? FIRE THEM ALL!!!

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dems will take any agency or concentration of power and turn it on us. just look at the evidence of this before us. therefore they should not exist. i do not want efficient agencies . i want them extinct so the natural human order can grow and thrive.

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I'm perplexed by your comment, although intrigued. How do dems turn back power onto "us"? What evidence? What are "agencies"? Specifics if you are able, otherwise, what on god's green earth are you talking about?

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He doesn't get recognized for budgeting etc.? His conviction on 34 felony counts relates to financial fraud, so that doesn't fall under budgeting?

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I think FEMA is in Ukraine. Gotta get some sort of housing ( trailers?) ready when the migrants are airdropped in.

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LMAO - hello Democrats pot kettle

Yes for once WE have a slick, polished politician. About effing time.

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"slick" … lol. This epithet will be a failed attempt to denigrate Vance's ambitious standards. Smells like the James Carville school of trash politics the Maddow-types will willfully continue to employ at their own demise.

They're jealous of Vance's aptitude and fuming at the prospect that they can't drag him into the gutter where they're more comfortable. It's not going to happen.

Working class got themselves a top tier prosecutor and defender all in one lawyer.

JD Vance's resilience was on display last night and he subtly and aptly pivoted Walz into agreeing with him far more than anyone could forecast. Ouch. That was a mastery of persuasive tactics where Walz was carrying Vance's bags by nights end, rather than his bosses.

D'oh! lol

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Perfectly stated, Papi!

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Yes, well said Papi!


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Its not about Who Won and Who Lost (btw Vance Won) its about Who got their message out. Tim Walz got the Harris/Walz message out. So did JD Vance. This does not help the Harris/Walz campaign. Their (IMO ONLY)message is We're Not Donald Trump, Vote For Us. JD Vance countered that Very Well.

Both Harris & Walz are pretty much Word Salad candidates. They Have To Be, in order to win the election. What is their campaign message? If You Like this administration Vote For Us, because, You'll get The Same. Yeah That's A Winner!

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their voters are word salad voters. they are conditioned to respond to media stimuli and will always do as programmed. their minds are irreversibly ruined.

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If you only got your news from Corporate media (*and A Lot of people do) you might buy the word salad.

*Not as much a a couple of years ago, but still A Lot.

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I only watched for a few minutes but happened to see the bit about January 6th. The moderator mis-stated the "question," which was actually a statement. She said that judges had found no evidence of irregularity in the vote (which is phenomenal since there have been irregularities in American elections dating back to the colonies.) The fact is that no judge actually conducted an investigation, the simply refused to allow the cases to proceed. The only "investigation" was by a left-wing think tank in California that the Trump campaign hired to conduct an "investigation." When Texas and other states sued for an investigation of the Pennsylvania vote, the Supreme Court sidestepped and claimed Texas had "no standing" to sue.

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You are so correct about the barriers for The Trump campaign to have evidence officially adjudicated. Election rules and procedures vary among the States. There were plenty of characters and scenarios for mischief. Many election workers sounded the alarm via affidavits only to be told to “shut up”. I believe that someday everything will be unearthed and the public will be shocked by the facts. The same goes for January 6th. Stay tuned.

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Yes. The courts have traditionally been very wary of involving themselves in political questions. That tendency was never more in evidence than in the aftermath of the massively rigged 2020 election.

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That bugs bunny meme! Priceless 😁

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

....hoping the name ELMER FUDD sticks to Walz from here on out.

Kackling Kamala and Elmer Fudd.

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Vance won – even the left is admitting it but they are saying it doesn’t matter because of, you know, democracy:

“Ultimately, every issue discussed earlier that night comes in second to the fundamental question of whether America’s democratic institutions deserve to endure,” wrote VOX “On that question, Vance truly is radical, and his exposure as such was the only truly important moment of the night.”

Just as a reminder:

“Our democracy,” on its face, sounds reasonable, like “our constitution” or “our rights” as citizens. It seems inclusive, unifying, and based on a shared set of facts and beliefs. In other words, the “our” is meant to signify “everyone” and that’s good, right?

But in this case, the “our” specifically does not mean everyone but only some, as in “this is ours and not yours.

So, in the grand scheme of the election, did the debate change anything. A CNN poll before the debate showed people expected Walz to win, 54% to 45% After the debate, the same group was asked who actually did win and it was 51% to 49% in favor of Vance.

A shift, definitely, but enough to change top of the ticket votes?

Well, put it this way. Not a single Trump voter is thinking about switching to Harris because of the debate, but there is no doubt that at least a few of the more wobbly Harris voters might now be open to making a leap.

And in such a close election, that could make all the difference.

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The fact that that many thought Walzy would win shows you how brainwashed these people really are. The Democrat media propaganda machine works very well.

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Both sides appear pleased with their candidates' perfs. Walz gave more policy details in a clear and direct way than Vance, so Democrats no doubt noticed that. If you don't like those policy positions, then clearly you would be more dismissive of Walz's performance.

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The problem is that Walz looks like a cross between a demented Jack-O-Lantern and an overweight Don Rickles, without the sense of humor.

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Really, I don't understand how in the world Walz didn't know to keep his trap shut when not using it to say something. This is especially so after Biden's sagging jaw, just - revived - from anesthesia look in the June debate with Trump.

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If 54% CNN believed Walz would win before the debate, it just goes to show how skewed media can shape opinion. Thank God it was live event. Like a boxing match. The moderators gave Walz a 20 count to get back on his feet and fed him talking points, but they couldn't cover up the obvious knock downs, a big one --he lost on abortion (a DEM lost the abortion argument!!)

And Walz's China answer was pure absurdity. Politicos can't undo the live event we all witnessed.

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I have suspected all along that the Dems/media's intense efforts to attack and destroy Vance is because they are terrified that he is a younger, more polished version of Trump and thus needed to be destroyed. Vance's strong performance last night showed that they are right to be afraid of him.

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Watching the terrific performance of Vance I couldn't help thinking- here is a future President

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

"He was born to do this. You can tell when he’s about to give a really good answer because he blinks very slowly to show he’s tolerating their terrible question as he locks and loads."

Brilliant observation. Although I haven't seen the debate yet, I'm pretty sure I heard the sound as he "L & L'oaded."

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‘Slick’ connotes oily, sleezy, a fast talker. That’s not what I saw last night. I saw a man who showed kindness, and who was gracious. The media needs to take a look in the mirror. At the end of the debate, both Nora and Margaret looked stone cold defeated, and like they were attending a funeral.

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"We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to sustain ourselves, according to the Ten Commandments of God". James Madison

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