Fine with me. Every time these lefties and comms that have wormed their way into the fabric of this country do these things--Trump just emerges stronger, with more resolve-- and those that support him reaffirm their support. They're so consumed with visceral hate, they cannot even see they've run out of feet to shoot...
Fine with me. Every time these lefties and comms that have wormed their way into the fabric of this country do these things--Trump just emerges stronger, with more resolve-- and those that support him reaffirm their support. They're so consumed with visceral hate, they cannot even see they've run out of feet to shoot...
Fine with me. Every time these lefties and comms that have wormed their way into the fabric of this country do these things--Trump just emerges stronger, with more resolve-- and those that support him reaffirm their support. They're so consumed with visceral hate, they cannot even see they've run out of feet to shoot...