The Five Rules of Propaganda

1. The rule of simplification - reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.

2. The rule of disfiguration - discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.

3. The rule of transfusion - manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.

4. The rule of unanimity - presenting one's viewpoint as if it were unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure , and by 'psychological contagion'.

5. The rule of orchestration - endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.

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The vaccine is "safe and effective". Just trust "The Science". "Do your part!" "Be a good person who cares about others." "Be responsible"! The unvaccinated are killing people. The unvaccinated are anti-science. The unvaccinated are highly contagious. Don't invite the unvaccinated into your home. The unvaccinated are selfish. The unvaccinated are ignorant. The unvaccinated are uneducated. Just Trust "The Experts." Sadly, I could go on. How people didn't recognize this as evil propaganda, I'll never know.

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In my case, the unvaccinated is a retired cyclotron physicist.

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Honestly I didn’t even question the Covid vaccine when it first came out. I was just SO grateful that it would (I thought) allow life to go back to normal and that I wouldn’t be forced to wear a mask anymore. We all know how that turned out.

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Yeah, I totally get it. I didn't question it at first either, but wasn't in a hurry to get it. A friend sent me an article by Dr. Judy Mikovits who warned against people with inflammatory conditions from receiving the vaccine. Being someone who struggles with Lyme Disease, I decided to abstain.

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Same here. And I spent 6 months in a wheel chair, and took 4 years to get back to normal-ish.

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I'm so sorry, Karl. As someone who still struggles with chronic Lyme Disease and had a very hard time walking for awhile, I'm very sorry for all the suffering you've had to endure. I hope you continue to make good progress in your recovery.

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At this point I will be happy if I don’t get some crazy cancer.

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I hope you continue to progress in your recovery and are protected from any additional illness.

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‘If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor’ one of the most egregious oldest canards

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Sounds about right… I imagine there are many other tactics, as well. The question then becomes, how will they capitalize on this ‘sentence'? I assure you, they will. Otherwise, they would not have fought so hard to get it. I believe much is happening that we do not see or understand.

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War in the shadows.

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And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.

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That is horrific… NO ONE should go through all that. This has all been ABSOLUTELY CRAZY

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Alinsky's Rukes for Radicals comes to mind. You know, that dog-eared book on the shelves of the WEFfers, globalists, demon-carrying elitists being rapidly revealed. Dangerous times aa the snakes recoil in dark corners worldwide...

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Welcome to current media in both political spectrums... its a truly dreadful place today

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This was all just a waste of the taxpayer's time and money for a meaningless political persecution, just so the Commie fascist far-left can say 'convicted felon.'

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There are a lot of their ilk on X decrying that this proves Trump is above the law. They're the types that will hurry to get the good spot on the wall when it's their turn. A whole lot of people can seriously use some good, deep, self-introspection.

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Above what law? No one is even certain what law Trump violated. It wasn't the NDA since that is legal. It wasn't illegal election contributions since the FEC already declined to indict for that (and they have the say in federal law, not some city court judge), was it misrepresenting personal expenses as business expenses? That is an IRS claim and again, the city court has no jurisdiction. The judge instructed the jury: "there are several possible charges here, you can pick whichever you like" which is an absurd instruction. There are so many Constitutional violations in this trial that you could keep a law class happy for a year arguing them all.

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Calling it a farce was an understatement. The fact that all of the MSM went along with it shows how little they care about journalism. The network anchors should have been calling this shit out from the rooftops, but they love being part of the good crowd.

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That jury instruction was the sort of thing that a prosecutor, instead of a judge, would make. Of course, Merchan isn't a judge. He's just a prosecutor, pressed into service for this trial.

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....immerse in TDS, they are.

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They are incapable of that introspection … or, what I call critical thinking.

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Lefty instructors do not like critical thinking in students. Now why would that be?

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Meanwhile it's not safe to ride the subway. Priorities are important, you know.

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Parker, 💯. The complete waste of time and treasure is just sickening. Not to mention the energy people put into it. Imagine what they could accomplish for the good, if they put that energy to work.

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"Hang you heads in shame"? When did Democrats ever have shame?

An ounce of shame would have built water retention facilities in California. It would have hired more firefighters and bought more firetrucks. It would have cleared dry underbrush and cleared dying trees. It would have given taxpayers responsible government.


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Correct, Dems are shameless, Godless reprobates, unrepentant, worshipping 'themselves' and 'their government'. The ends justify the means.

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Mostly they worship Karl Marx.

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Jan 10
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Yeah, whatever. You dopes tried to unload an airhead prostitute on America.

Meanwhile YOUR newly elected president will make our country great again.

You can thank us anytime, princess.

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Tried to unload an airhead, after installing a dementia patient.

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Well said!

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You ought to get in touch with me. I got some property in Pacific Palisades to sell you. I'm going to fire sell it--courtesy brain-dead lefties who can't run a lemonade stand.

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Biden would also be a convicted felon if he were competent to stand trial. Biden and Hunter are no angels. Just to rehearse long known facts about Dem philandering—Clinton, JFK, ring a bell? Shamelessness is a sign of sociopaths— Dems are full of these.

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Jan 10
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Yep. And he's my president and I'm proud of it!!!!

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Shame is not known among Democrats.

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Remember that the H in Democrat stands for honesty.

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How could you possibly blame them?

It's not shameful incompetence, it's Climate Change!

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truth is not a left wing value :(

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When the justice system is corrupt the felony conviction is a badge of honor.

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There was zero chance that deep partisan Judge (should be an oxymoron?) Juan Merchan would ever take away the felony conviction. Now Trump can properly appeal to higher courts and get this abortion of a case overturned. Hopefully this judicial abuse costs Merchan his judgeship and he is disbarred. But in New York, probably not.

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They spent millions of dollars, screwed up downtown NY traffic, got the result they wanted, and then finally told us it was all a waste and there was no crime. Has there ever been another case even remotely approaching this farce? All of this so they can call him a felon.

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I've always been a bit to the right of center but I have voted for an occasional Democrat. Some were friends, some, especially in local and state elections, I thoroughly agreed with. But that will never happen in the future unless the Democrats swear off Wokeness and acknowledge that their rhetorical attacks and lawfare against Donald Trump was unfair but above all stupid.

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...and after all that, President Trump's most dangerous enemies, the ones that pose a truly existential threat, are not congressional Democrats but rather the UNDOCUMENTED Democrats in the HoR like Dan Crenshaw; RINO GOP Senators like Susan Collins, Bill Cassidy, Mitch McConnell, and Thom Tillis; who are accomplices and enablers of the deep state and its multitude of bad actors.

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All this was made possible by them. Never forget this.

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There has to be a price to pay for this and the many other instances of predatory lawfare. This crap will not end until it is PUNISHED.

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They'll do it again because they weren't hanged, last time.

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Right again, Not-head.

A return to quick and decisive justice in our courts and harsh, firm penalties would do a LOT to return us from the lawlessness of this administration, and the softness that liberals have won over the past 50 years.

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Yes, they must be punished; they need to be hurt, they have corrupted our legal system, for their own gain - they are far worse than felons.

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They have no shame.

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Maybe someone will take some cues from the left and dox the Judge, his daughter, and her firm to encourage protests outside of their homes and workplaces as they did with SCOTUS justices!

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Fine with me. Every time these lefties and comms that have wormed their way into the fabric of this country do these things--Trump just emerges stronger, with more resolve-- and those that support him reaffirm their support. They're so consumed with visceral hate, they cannot even see they've run out of feet to shoot...

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These actions were all done during a time of big Dem power and control.

When they couldn’t fathom they’d ever lose control. When they thought trumps rise back was impossible.

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Anyone with a brain knows that a convicted felon does not get released unconditionally. Merchan better lawyer-up, to use a Bannonism.

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It'll be overturned on appeal, if not by the New York court, then by the Supreme Court. There were all kinds of violations. I understand Roberts' and Barrett's rationale. He had to be sentenced in order to initiate an appeal.

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Robert's always finds some procedural reason to avoid doing what is right

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Or is it, Robert’s always finds some Constitutional reason to do what is right?

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Anyone with a brain knows that a convicted felon does not get released unconditionally. Merchan, better lawyer-up, to use a Bannonism.

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