The not standing for a sickly 13 year old whose eyes got bigger than dinner plates when Trump made him an honorary agent was bad. Not standing for Laken Riley and the other murdered was worse. Then came the 13 dead at Abbey Gate...and not standing for the murderer being caught...and by then I was convinced they all have a screw loose. But the worst of all, without question, was not supporting him finding peace in Ukraine and an end to the war and killing. I've been saying for a long time: these people are in a death cult, and you are either on board with the death, or you aren't.
It’s your projection that is so disgsuting and repulsive. Allnofnu act like 3 rd graders cheering for cruelty and avarice. His THSI COUTNRY is so fucked up by Magas and their cult ! All of u r sick
And if you go farther north to Canada, the death-cult encompasses MAID, which is the 2016 federal legislation for state euthanasia. It has caused the largest suicide cluster in the world, of 15,000 - 20,000 such deaths annually. And growing in number.
Most of these victims did not really choose to die this way. They were heavily coerced by the state, and many were coerced by family pressure too. This was never about offering a pain-free death for the terminally-ill. That was just the cover story to tug heart-strings and get everyone to buy into it. Remember the COVID-mania cover stories?
We have known for a century or more that suicide can turn into a social contagion. Which is why responsible media never used to report any death as a suicide. What happens when a federal government starts spreading the idea that they think state euthanasia is a good approach? They cause massive numbers of these suicides...that's what. But of course the social engineers knew that all along. It has been their goal. Ahem. All they need do is tinker with the more vulnerable minds a bit.
Jim Jones knew all about this tactic, back in the 1970s.
The state killing in Canada -- unlimited abortion and MAID euthanasia -- is a Psychopath's dream.
Canada can not afford the healthcare promises that they have made. The vast majority of healthcare spending is on people in their final few years of life. They feel they can shore up their failing healthcare system by offing the old and infirm. I guess they can, but it is also heartless.
Yes, this is one of the reasons for the state-killing. Michael. Troodo has admitted himself that it is to save on the cost of socialized healthcare (without losing votes for withdrawing that government promise). Though the mess of the healthcare system has not stopped his party from bringing in vast numbers of third world immigrants every year.....who are some of the biggest users of healthcare. Because it's FREE! And too few of them pay through the tax base to support it.
Can you imagine -- mass killing to save healthcare bucks? That's our Troodo! Psychopathy runs in family lines.
The other reason for state-killing is to try to wipe out the British-European genetic lines in Canada....those who built the country over four centuries. They are more likely to respond with guilt to the tactics being used -- the old "kill yourself for the greater good" satanic con-artistry.
"Free" healthcare is never free. In the end, there is always a bill in some way or other. This time it is worse than Canada they want our lives for it.
Most Americans would be utterly shocked at what passes for healthcare in Canada, anyway.
A great swathe of Canadians cannot even access a GP. Need a specialist? Get on the list. Expect to wait at least a year for an appointment...maybe up to five years (if it is a serious issue, they are hoping you will die while you wait). And then the day before that appointment, a receptionist can phone you to say it is cancelled, so you go back to the bottom.
Mexico is considered ahead of Canada in healthcare offerings. About twenty years ago, we were #37 on the WHO list of countries rated by healthcare systems. Now? Don't ask.
However, if you want an abortion (even up to 9 months and the moment before natural birth) problem. They will find a way to do it. If you decide to be killed by the state -- whatever age or condition you are in -- you just fill out a basic form, and within days you can have some psychopathic doctor kill you in hospital. When their numbers get high enough to boast, these "MAID Providers" give media interviews about their accomplishments. Sounds surreal, doesn't it?
MAID is pushed upon not just the old and infirm. That is what Americans do not realize. MAID gets its clients in large part from outside of the old and terminally ill.
It is pushed on military vets with PTSD, on Autistics, on the poor (just for being poor), and on reasonably young people with treatable conditions (only, the treatment is unavailable in Canada). Depression? Line up to be killed.
Really, they will take almost anyone. Parliament even discussed allowing those under 12 years to request state euthanasia, without parental consent.
As I keep saying, Canada passed the slippery slope long ago. The MAID regime is now an ice-chute here. Compare our killing numbers to California, and this is the one time that California looks very reasonable .
Like I say: follow the money. It works every time. They are paid off, to some extent or another. They get in on a 180K salary with high expenses--but, in no time, they are putting in an offer on a high$$ home and eventually a second home. How is that? They are 'compensated', but they, of course, must adopt the approved narrative and vote a certain way. And, defy anyone not embracing globalism (that would be DJT...) Follow the $$$$$$$$$$$
The destructive insanities actually began being pushed back in 1963, by the members of the Marxist Frankfurt School of Germany who were hired in the US for various professional positions. They spread the totalitarian poison.
In the banana republic state of Colorado, by a margin of 62% in the 2024 presidential election; the voters amended the Colorado Constitution to "enshrine" the decriminalization of ending (infanticide) an infant's life, after delivery.
This amendment cements a right to legal abortion in the state constitution and constrains future legislatures from passing laws that limit access. It also lifts a ban on public funding for abortion that voters approved 40 years ago. This will now allow Colorado's Governor Jared Polis to cover more abortions under Medicaid and for the state and local governments to add abortion coverage to their employee health insurance plans.
The abortion amendment to the Colorado Constitution, was aggressively supported by Democrat Governor Jared Polis and the Democrats of Boulder/Denver.
Some of those mothers either do not care one iota, or are gleeful to be part of the feminist movement pushing abortion. Most unfortunate.
In Canada, there has been no abortion law whatsoever since 1988. They always meant to get around to it..... Therefore, abortion is unlimited and legal to the moment of birth. Terrible situation.
Don't you wonder why in the 21st century, in some places in the West, their main claim to fame is baby-killing? And they are proud as punch about this?
Some days I call it a sickness. Other days I call this an evil.
Immediately after the SCOTUS Roe v. Wade decision was leaked to the press on May 2, 2022, Colorado U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet a Democrat said; "If this draft opinion reflects the Court’s decision to overturn Roe, it represents an attack on a fundamental constitutional right enshrined in law for half a century," "We always knew overturning Roe v. Wade would be the worst case scenario of this radical Supreme Court," Bennet's email said. "Now, we need to fight to enshrine this fundamental right."
Furthermore, Colorado Governor Jared Polis personally hand carried state legislation through both state houses to counteract the soon-coming Roe v. Wade decision and within three weeks, Polis appeared on the steps of the state capitol in Denver, (with a full front page colored photo in the DENVER POST), boasting of Colorado's legislative response to the leaked SCOTUS decision and the new Polis/Colorado abortion statutes.
And finally, by a margin of 62% in the 2024 presidential election; the voters amended the Colorado Constitution to "enshrine" the decriminalization of ending (infanticide) an infant's life, after delivery. Be very cognizant; it is now constitutionally lawful in the banana republic state of Colorado; for a physician to murder another human being, even after the baby is out of the womb and breathing.
In the early 1990s there was a Dem movement called "Nix NAFTA." I was living in a lefty major university town at the time, and went to the giant statewide rally held at the local "labor temple." Still have the metal lapel button. The effect of NAFTA on American jobs was predicted with absolute accuracy.
At the grassroots where I lived and worked (my work took me outside of that town most of the time, into the rural and industrial areas of the state), Democrats were unified in opposition to NAFTA and the Gulf Wars...while the GOP neocons cheered it on.
Then all of a sudden Carville and his dark minions had reprogrammed the Dem masses to support war war war war and claim that Bubba's utter degeneracy wasn't a problem for this republic and its international standing...and his tendency to bomb Christians in Eastern Europe....
And then suddenly we were being told that the US was the most racist country in the history of a communist named Barack Obama was being chesspieced through the Chicago checkerboard.
He'd go on to gut the Smith-Mundt Act (barring government propaganda campaigns targeting Americans)...with the help of a Jesuit-schooled commie named Adam Smith, WA Congressional district 09. (Smith also voted for US invasion and ongoing war in Iraq, warrantless wiretapping of Americans, and more of the usual communist garbage.)
The Democrats incisively lost their way in the '90s, and on top of that the GOP went to court every year for 36 years, agreeing to allow them to cheat and steal votes and elections. Wouldn't want to be called racist in the media!!!!
Today the Dems are a leprous distillment poured into the porches of sleeping ears. A thanatophilic shaman-show projected on the cave wall for the engagement of people who are very angry, and sad, and confused, and numb, and lack the capacity to analyze and address their own emotions.
If they dare stand up, they're primaried, right? Is Pelosi still running that show? It led to almost complete power, but for the wrong reasons- to govern against the will of the majority of the American people and for their own interests---and the people now know it.
I agree here, a real lack of humanity to NOT stand up for those broken, incredibly sad looking mothers, wives, and children of those murdered, I actually said a prayer for some of them it was so moving---- that really stood out to me.
Are they even trying to win more voters? Aren't they supposed to include everyone? 🤔
I know, right? I think some of them actually were compassionate; Like Sasha, Tulsi and RFK, JFK and RFK Jr, but there was always the dark undercurrent like slavery there.
Their branding however WAS outstanding. Not so much anymore.
Someone is running the show, because they were acting in unison, just like they were speaking in unison, spouting the same talking points...word for word, just as they voted in lock step to maintain men competing in women's sports.
Yes, exactly. I think of them as a death cult as well. When Nancy Pelosi was in charge during Trump’s first term, she was running around, squawking ‘People are going to die!’ I saw her do this on a regular basis. They are death obsessed, and so is Joe Biden. They ramped it up during Covid, gleefully talking about people dying on a daily basis. They couldn’t get enough. And their policies, also death oriented: abortion worship, trans and gender aberration worship, always going after kids one way or another. It’s truly sick and demented. Of course, they couldn’t cheer a child surviving cancer (for now), or the naming of a nature refuge in the memory of another.
I have always been nauseous at seeing masses of women marching together in glee that some legal authority has given them the right to kill their unborn children. What are they celebrating? Evil?
And I am a woman myself.
The whole thing strikes me as satanic. If this isn't the end of Western civilization, I am not sure what might beat it for heinousness.
I just checked to see whether it's true that abortions are performed in Mass. up to 24 weeks (6 months!) and to save the life of the mother up to birth -- it's true.
I cannot fathom performing an abortion on a 6-month old fetus. Talk about a death cult.
In Canada, there is no abortion law. Troodo heavily pushes abortion in every way, in fact. As if it is a proud accomplishment. Tries to punish those who do not go along with this. Total lack of morality.
An unborn child can be aborted in Canada, for no reason, up until the moment of natural birth.
I too believe that they are a death cult. Their worship of abortion, from conception to 28 days after birth is evidence enough. Throw in their desire for depopulation, assisted suicide and euthanasia is three more solid examples of the cult. The part I don’t understand is that they oppose a death sentence penalty for convicted killers, unless that’s a sop to evil’s own hand.
The Left treats the good as sinister and the sinister as good.
Marriage, family, faith, patriotism, law and order, pride in your country, all sinister to them. Abortion, crime, drugs, pornography, sexual deviance: all good.
Sadly for the children with cancer, Trump has cut funds for research into pediatric cancer. He also claimed "Our goal is to get toxins out of our environment, poisons out of our food supply, and keep our children healthy and strong ..." How does gutting the EPA get toxins out of our environment?
Have some empathy… the poor things are starting to realize they won’t be able to use the apparatus of government to control what we think, say, and do. They are losing access to our children to indoctrinate them into self destructive behavior. They will not be able to pick our pockets incessantly to fund war and every form of creepy deviance they discover. God forbid, some of them may even have to resort to getting a real job. Maybe we should start a go fund me account to buy them big boxes of Kleenex.
These people are evil. Truly evil. Their minds and souls are twisted. I cannot get on board with empathy. I cannot empathize with the suffering of genuine evil. I can only rationalize that evil must be fought and destroyed. Evil never reforms. Evil never changes for the better. Evil is relentless in its pursuit of more and more evil. The Democrats the country saw last night are evil.
Agreed. I have admitted at times that Republicans can be "stupid". But, stupid comes from the brain. Democrats, on the other hand, are evil. And evil comes from the soul. I'll take the former.
The Democrats are so self unaware. They're very much like unreflective, acting out teenagers.
Last night they let us see that up close and personal.
It's one thing to not stand and/or applaud Trump's political and governing agenda, but when they didn't stand/applaud Laken Riley, or the other young woman who was killed by an illegal, or the young boy who was fighting brain cancer, they showed their true colors. I don't think they have an ounce of human decency. They are so self absorbed they can't look outward and see/feel another's pain and suffering.
I hope the Democrat party becomes irrelevant here in the USA and disappears!
Nor could they applaud the capture of a terrorist who killed 13 service members or the release of an American prisoner from Russia. Despicable human beings.
Sadly for the children with cancer, Trump has cut funds for research into pediatric cancer. He also claimed "Our goal is to get toxins out of our environment, poisons out of our food supply, and keep our children healthy and strong ..." How does gutting the EPA get toxins out of our environment?
I do hope your admonition to "have some empathy" was made in jest because I have no empathy for the Democrats. They dug their own hole and last night, at Trump's address to Congress, they dug their hole even deeper with their adolescent response. They are empty vessels that have nothing positive or uplifting to a majority of American voters. The results of the Nov 5 bear witness to that.
Right, I'm a little surprised they even bothered to show up. Truly, they knew it would be a miserable time for them, but I guess they thought they cud score points with their little signs and shouts.
I think they're so smug and unreflective they believe they will retake the house, as is typical of the opposing party to the president taking back the house.
I don't think they've even considered the other option.
A very revealing evening in congress. The difference between the two parties has never been more stark. A once valid liberal
Democratic Party has been totally hollowed out by the hard Left. And the too often milquetoast Republican Party of the past is growing some balls, led and inspired by our truly transformational America First president.
Thank you lovely Sasha for your bravery and your insights. Sleep well !
Democrats have been manipulating the public for decades with "messaging" and "narrative." Much of it is playing tricks on the public about what they need to do to be seen by others as a good person. As one among dozens of examples, you're a good person if you support biological males competing in female sports and using female locker rooms and bathrooms. If you oppose that, you're a bigot and a hater. Those ideas are madness.
They've finally overplayed their hand; it's become so absurd they and their media allies have destroyed their own credibility.
Their ideas for fixing their problems are all about better messaging. Listen to what their campaign gurus (e.g. James Carville) were saying before and after the election. Kamala's path to victory was through superior messaging. Her $billion plus campaign didn't do the trick. Now, they can put Trump's genie back in the bottle through messaging, on stuff like "reproductive rights."
It never occurs to them that making people's lives worse with high crime, open borders, and a bad economy has any relationship to how they vote.
Sadly for the children with cancer, Trump has cut funds for research into pediatric cancer. He also claimed "Our goal is to get toxins out of our environment, poisons out of our food supply, and keep our children healthy and strong ..." How does gutting the EPA get toxins out of our environment?
Except for gutting women's rights and ruining our sports and making us unsafe in our own locker rooms.... Oh, and they stand for making sure women are at risk and abused in prison by the delusional men they put into women's jail cells. That's what they chose to stand for.
My favorite moment? Other than the young man with brain cancer getting into the Sectet Service and the obvious love and respect between PDJT and the border patrol guy?
PDJT letting the mask fully slip for one brief moment and in that moment uttering one word that will live in infamy.
I am not happy to be 70 and on the far side of my time on the planet. But, I am thrilled to have had 70 years to have seen what I’ve seen and know what I know…and to have PDJT replace Mr Reagan as my favorite POTUS.
Sadly for the children with cancer, Trump has cut funds for research into pediatric cancer. He also claimed "Our goal is to get toxins out of our environment, poisons out of our food supply, and keep our children healthy and strong ..." How does gutting the EPA get toxins out of our environment?
Because the EPA, in its current form, is a bureaucratic nightmare, not a steward of the environment. Like so many other federal agencies, it needs to be reformed from top to bottom.
Agree- his best speech ever. I was riveted the entire 2 hours - not usual for me. Seeing Pocahontas only clap & smile after a Ukraine mention of more years of war was bizarre. These dems are absolutely clueless - and this spectacle after not one of them voted to protect women & girls in sports from the pretenders yesterday.
Your reference to Civil War sparked thoughts earlier today after an experience I had w/my graduate school professor…which was how many Democrats truly believe they are morally and intellectually superior to us, and how frankly we are “worth little” (not even 3/4’s of a person).
Remember how they used to think of slaves? How eerily similar the parallels are.
What Dems don't understand is that they made the estimated 100,000 missing women and 350,000 children slaves by their open border and I have made sure they know it on X.
If we were in the Civil War from 1861-1865, we would have been on the side of the Union Army and the Dems would be on the side of the Confederates.
A year or so ago, a guy claimed Repubs were for slavery. I love all things so Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War and have artifacts and weapons, so I was happy to school him with facts.
The Dems, as a party have always thought of other people as property: they supported slavery; they supported Jim Crow and the KKK; they supported denying black people access to the benefits of the New Deal; then they turned around during LBJ’s administration and decided to fully capture the black vote by giving them access to all kinds of federal funding thereby turning them into being dependent on them. They then celebrated victim hood, mandated mRNA shots. In sum, you are right: Dems deeply believe they are our moral superiors because we are property as far as they are concerned.
People under the mind-capture of a totalitarian ideology/leader will dehumanize their targets. Makes it ethically easier to demean and hurt them. You know...the Nazis/Hamas to Jews, parentally-alienated children to the "wrong" parent, gang members to their targets. And so on.
My god I was once a Democrat. Thankfully i woke up. There is no life left in the Democratic party. They are soulless creatures slouching from one debacle to another. They stand for nothing and now finally find nothing good about America.
Look at the youth, vigor and actual new ideas and solutions coming from those that Trump has made Team Trump. The dem-comms are a pack of fossilized has-beens and some more resembling a corpse, than a vital US Representative...
They’re appealing to the Democrat voters who’ve been stewing in their own bile since 2016. Do you know any of those voters? I do, unfortunately for me. They were nasty, rude, uninformed, self righteous and unhinged before, but since the election they’ve become possessed by demons.
They’ve living in an existential hell of their own making, with help from their daily dose of “news”, i.e. propaganda.
It sucks to be them. They deserve Pelosi and vice-versa.
I don't know a single Dem these days that I can respect, whether national, local, family, pundit, professor... anything and anyone. They disgust me in the truest sense of the word. No hyperbole, no smear, no agenda... they simply disgust me. It's almost like they're some kind of slimy worm: You can't blame the worm for what it, simply, IS. That's how I now view Dems.
Isn't it sad? I manage to do a balancing act with certain people, but the balance is very precarious and requires that I not bring up anything of a political nature whatsoever.The slightest thing sets them off and they turn into hostile, rude, self-righteous, offensive lunatics. I know it's because their fear mongering media repeats the same doomsday scenarios every day, which keeps them in a state of rage mixed with existential dread. The combination of wokeness and TDS is really toxic. I can't help them, because anything I say that they disagree with just convinces them that I'm their mortal enemy. I've had to hang up on people who were once my best friends. Family members too are going by the wayside. I feel sorry for them, I really do, but I can't help them. I have to save myself.
Hi Beeswax! It's always good to see you pop up on these threads.
Sigh, I feel you about the friends, I have lost at least two over politics since Trump got elected the first time (weirdly, the specific disagreements weren't about him). I'm fortunate in that most of my family members are either conservative or apolitical.
But the few liberal friends I'm still trying to hang onto - because they're otherwise great friends - I have to be like you. Avoid politics like the plague. Which isn't always easy. One friend laps up the doomsday scenarios from the fearmongering media, and throws them into random, nonpolitical text conversations. I can only keep mum for so long.
It's annoying enough when political references are about something real over which you have opposing points of view. But to be expected to respond to hysterical fictions? If this is the way things are going to go, it's going to be a long four years.
When everyone had the same, generally reliable sources of news, we could find some common ground. Those days are gone. We receive our information from very different sources. It's a toxic stew.
Absolutely, it’s the indoctrination of their media and the persistent stream of doomsday lies they ingest every day like a bad drug. It’s emotional terrorism, literally.
Last night I was Face Timing with an old friend who suffers from serious TDS but, to her credit, is non-confrontational politically so we’ve been able to maintain a friendship. I forget the context, but for some reason she SAID TRUMP’S NAME, THEN APOLOGIZED AND TRIED TO TAKE IT BACK, as if she had sinned and was about to be struck by lightning. I thought, no, this is nuts, I have to say something. So I said his last name, over and over, trying to break the spell, and she cringed as if I was throwing acid on her. Finally, I said to her, I don’t care if you say a person’s name. A PERSON’S NAME! WHO CARES?
Yep, Bible explains in multiple places that those who forsake the one true God in favor of false gods...those who sin but do not repent, they will be 'blinded to the truth'. Its supernatural and we all know them -- they truly are 'blinded'. Their false gods are money, power, pleasure...power. Satan is having his way with them and it is sad to watch...
Pink is a "girl's" color. They could have any other color than pink after voting against having men staying out of women's& girls sports and their locker rooms.
Democrat Congressman Jayapal called the speech "racist & xenophobic." Yet no racism or xenophobia existed anywhere in it.
Democrat Al Green accused Trump of "taking away Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security", yet none of these things are true for LEGITIMATE CITIZENS. I know, I am a recipient.
It's time for the true moderates to reject this rejection and become part of the solution by leaving the Dementocrats.
Trump is surfing the collapsed quantum wave and the Democrats are drowning in it. Now we have a face, many faces, revealing what it means to be on the wrong side of history, i.e. the wrong side of the aisle. Those that famously crossed over (RFK, Jr., Tulsi, etc) called out by Trump are the superstars of a new era.
....succinct and true AnnR. Just look at the Senate Dem vote on the bill to protect women's sports from tranny pretenders. NOT ONE of them could vote for it. That defines a cult.
They never leave the plantation. It could be the most vile legislation, one that no rational human being could support, yet they do not have the integrity or self-worth to speak "truth to power" of the Dem cabal they somehow feel beholden to. So hard to understand.
Herd mentality maybe? Not wanting to break free from the group think and be ostracized? Believing they are the party of compassion? Too many drugs and alcohol to the brain? Or is it $$$$???
...unrepentant sinners become 'blinded to the truth' as they continue to worship their false gods of : self, pleasure, power, money, self.....did I say self ?
The not standing for a sickly 13 year old whose eyes got bigger than dinner plates when Trump made him an honorary agent was bad. Not standing for Laken Riley and the other murdered was worse. Then came the 13 dead at Abbey Gate...and not standing for the murderer being caught...and by then I was convinced they all have a screw loose. But the worst of all, without question, was not supporting him finding peace in Ukraine and an end to the war and killing. I've been saying for a long time: these people are in a death cult, and you are either on board with the death, or you aren't.
The ideology -- the mind virus -- has taken over their psyches. They worship a cruel and barren god.
I have always believed that human beings can go backwards in the evolutionary sense, as well as forwards. Well illustrated here.
Powerful and accurate comment.
mutation is far more likely to result in illness and death than something beneficial. exhibit A - democrat party
About 30% of our country is not salvageable due to mental illness, health issues, and over medication.
That you are serious is sad.
Democrats have a new symbol for 2025:
A gold handled cane stamped with ‘USAID’ and shaken at the sky
Correction: shaken at a cloud, while they yell at it.
Sounds like you sat through out the entire speech also.....
The dems did it to themselves
Wake up Neo
It’s your projection that is so disgsuting and repulsive. Allnofnu act like 3 rd graders cheering for cruelty and avarice. His THSI COUTNRY is so fucked up by Magas and their cult ! All of u r sick
You’re insane and sad
Demon possessed much? You’re incoherent and frothing at the mouth. Scary shit.
Get the Pfizer vaccine for TDS.
I think we have a Jasmine Crockett voter here.
A death cult is exactly right.
They cheered for killing babies in the womb.
They stand for more war, death & destruction in Ukraine.
They stand for mutilating the bodies of children.
They stand for bullying & the destruction of women’s sports.
They stand for criminals destroying our cities.
They will only stand for death & destruction.
And if you go farther north to Canada, the death-cult encompasses MAID, which is the 2016 federal legislation for state euthanasia. It has caused the largest suicide cluster in the world, of 15,000 - 20,000 such deaths annually. And growing in number.
Most of these victims did not really choose to die this way. They were heavily coerced by the state, and many were coerced by family pressure too. This was never about offering a pain-free death for the terminally-ill. That was just the cover story to tug heart-strings and get everyone to buy into it. Remember the COVID-mania cover stories?
We have known for a century or more that suicide can turn into a social contagion. Which is why responsible media never used to report any death as a suicide. What happens when a federal government starts spreading the idea that they think state euthanasia is a good approach? They cause massive numbers of these suicides...that's what. But of course the social engineers knew that all along. It has been their goal. Ahem. All they need do is tinker with the more vulnerable minds a bit.
Jim Jones knew all about this tactic, back in the 1970s.
The state killing in Canada -- unlimited abortion and MAID euthanasia -- is a Psychopath's dream.
Canada can not afford the healthcare promises that they have made. The vast majority of healthcare spending is on people in their final few years of life. They feel they can shore up their failing healthcare system by offing the old and infirm. I guess they can, but it is also heartless.
Yes, this is one of the reasons for the state-killing. Michael. Troodo has admitted himself that it is to save on the cost of socialized healthcare (without losing votes for withdrawing that government promise). Though the mess of the healthcare system has not stopped his party from bringing in vast numbers of third world immigrants every year.....who are some of the biggest users of healthcare. Because it's FREE! And too few of them pay through the tax base to support it.
Can you imagine -- mass killing to save healthcare bucks? That's our Troodo! Psychopathy runs in family lines.
The other reason for state-killing is to try to wipe out the British-European genetic lines in Canada....those who built the country over four centuries. They are more likely to respond with guilt to the tactics being used -- the old "kill yourself for the greater good" satanic con-artistry.
Thank you for pointing this out about Canada, it’s problem with healthcare and the solution.
"Free" healthcare is never free. In the end, there is always a bill in some way or other. This time it is worse than Canada they want our lives for it.
Most Americans would be utterly shocked at what passes for healthcare in Canada, anyway.
A great swathe of Canadians cannot even access a GP. Need a specialist? Get on the list. Expect to wait at least a year for an appointment...maybe up to five years (if it is a serious issue, they are hoping you will die while you wait). And then the day before that appointment, a receptionist can phone you to say it is cancelled, so you go back to the bottom.
Mexico is considered ahead of Canada in healthcare offerings. About twenty years ago, we were #37 on the WHO list of countries rated by healthcare systems. Now? Don't ask.
However, if you want an abortion (even up to 9 months and the moment before natural birth) problem. They will find a way to do it. If you decide to be killed by the state -- whatever age or condition you are in -- you just fill out a basic form, and within days you can have some psychopathic doctor kill you in hospital. When their numbers get high enough to boast, these "MAID Providers" give media interviews about their accomplishments. Sounds surreal, doesn't it?
MAID is pushed upon not just the old and infirm. That is what Americans do not realize. MAID gets its clients in large part from outside of the old and terminally ill.
It is pushed on military vets with PTSD, on Autistics, on the poor (just for being poor), and on reasonably young people with treatable conditions (only, the treatment is unavailable in Canada). Depression? Line up to be killed.
Really, they will take almost anyone. Parliament even discussed allowing those under 12 years to request state euthanasia, without parental consent.
As I keep saying, Canada passed the slippery slope long ago. The MAID regime is now an ice-chute here. Compare our killing numbers to California, and this is the one time that California looks very reasonable .
Google Dr. Ellen Wiebe for more horror stories.
True. What happened to the once respected D party? I certainly
do not know.
Like I say: follow the money. It works every time. They are paid off, to some extent or another. They get in on a 180K salary with high expenses--but, in no time, they are putting in an offer on a high$$ home and eventually a second home. How is that? They are 'compensated', but they, of course, must adopt the approved narrative and vote a certain way. And, defy anyone not embracing globalism (that would be DJT...) Follow the $$$$$$$$$$$
I think their insanities were legitimized and unleashed by the obama era psyop.
The destructive insanities actually began being pushed back in 1963, by the members of the Marxist Frankfurt School of Germany who were hired in the US for various professional positions. They spread the totalitarian poison.
It was infected with Marxism.
In the banana republic state of Colorado, by a margin of 62% in the 2024 presidential election; the voters amended the Colorado Constitution to "enshrine" the decriminalization of ending (infanticide) an infant's life, after delivery.
This amendment cements a right to legal abortion in the state constitution and constrains future legislatures from passing laws that limit access. It also lifts a ban on public funding for abortion that voters approved 40 years ago. This will now allow Colorado's Governor Jared Polis to cover more abortions under Medicaid and for the state and local governments to add abortion coverage to their employee health insurance plans.
The abortion amendment to the Colorado Constitution, was aggressively supported by Democrat Governor Jared Polis and the Democrats of Boulder/Denver.
I pray for those doomed babies and their poor mothers who will likely never fully heal.
Some of those mothers either do not care one iota, or are gleeful to be part of the feminist movement pushing abortion. Most unfortunate.
In Canada, there has been no abortion law whatsoever since 1988. They always meant to get around to it..... Therefore, abortion is unlimited and legal to the moment of birth. Terrible situation.
Better do some praying for the males who knocked them up for a loinal sneeze in a warm wet pocket, then abandoned their offspring.
You don’t know that is the case. You can’t know that and yet you project your own beliefs onto every single man who impregnated a woman.
You're absolutely adorable.
So, more Democrats will have abortions, and there will be less Democrats in the future.
Don't you wonder why in the 21st century, in some places in the West, their main claim to fame is baby-killing? And they are proud as punch about this?
Some days I call it a sickness. Other days I call this an evil.
Immediately after the SCOTUS Roe v. Wade decision was leaked to the press on May 2, 2022, Colorado U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet a Democrat said; "If this draft opinion reflects the Court’s decision to overturn Roe, it represents an attack on a fundamental constitutional right enshrined in law for half a century," "We always knew overturning Roe v. Wade would be the worst case scenario of this radical Supreme Court," Bennet's email said. "Now, we need to fight to enshrine this fundamental right."
Furthermore, Colorado Governor Jared Polis personally hand carried state legislation through both state houses to counteract the soon-coming Roe v. Wade decision and within three weeks, Polis appeared on the steps of the state capitol in Denver, (with a full front page colored photo in the DENVER POST), boasting of Colorado's legislative response to the leaked SCOTUS decision and the new Polis/Colorado abortion statutes.
And finally, by a margin of 62% in the 2024 presidential election; the voters amended the Colorado Constitution to "enshrine" the decriminalization of ending (infanticide) an infant's life, after delivery. Be very cognizant; it is now constitutionally lawful in the banana republic state of Colorado; for a physician to murder another human being, even after the baby is out of the womb and breathing.
Iit does not surprise me, Carl. It is the creeping normalization of evil.
Notice the words they choose to make the lies stick. "Enshrine" usually refers to something sacred or noble, for instance.
Fauxcahontas, among others in the Chicken Hawk Party, cannot get enough of forever wars enriching Democratic Party allies.
In the early 1990s there was a Dem movement called "Nix NAFTA." I was living in a lefty major university town at the time, and went to the giant statewide rally held at the local "labor temple." Still have the metal lapel button. The effect of NAFTA on American jobs was predicted with absolute accuracy.
At the grassroots where I lived and worked (my work took me outside of that town most of the time, into the rural and industrial areas of the state), Democrats were unified in opposition to NAFTA and the Gulf Wars...while the GOP neocons cheered it on.
Then all of a sudden Carville and his dark minions had reprogrammed the Dem masses to support war war war war and claim that Bubba's utter degeneracy wasn't a problem for this republic and its international standing...and his tendency to bomb Christians in Eastern Europe....
And then suddenly we were being told that the US was the most racist country in the history of a communist named Barack Obama was being chesspieced through the Chicago checkerboard.
He'd go on to gut the Smith-Mundt Act (barring government propaganda campaigns targeting Americans)...with the help of a Jesuit-schooled commie named Adam Smith, WA Congressional district 09. (Smith also voted for US invasion and ongoing war in Iraq, warrantless wiretapping of Americans, and more of the usual communist garbage.)
The Democrats incisively lost their way in the '90s, and on top of that the GOP went to court every year for 36 years, agreeing to allow them to cheat and steal votes and elections. Wouldn't want to be called racist in the media!!!!
Today the Dems are a leprous distillment poured into the porches of sleeping ears. A thanatophilic shaman-show projected on the cave wall for the engagement of people who are very angry, and sad, and confused, and numb, and lack the capacity to analyze and address their own emotions.
The fact that the ONLY thing they applauded was giving money to Ukraine? Great strategy, Dems! Prepare for your 40 years in the wilderness.
One can only hope for that result — or at least as long as it takes to put the US back on the right track.
If they dare stand up, they're primaried, right? Is Pelosi still running that show? It led to almost complete power, but for the wrong reasons- to govern against the will of the majority of the American people and for their own interests---and the people now know it.
I agree here, a real lack of humanity to NOT stand up for those broken, incredibly sad looking mothers, wives, and children of those murdered, I actually said a prayer for some of them it was so moving---- that really stood out to me.
Are they even trying to win more voters? Aren't they supposed to include everyone? 🤔
Where's the compassion?
Ha, they were never the party of compassion.
I know, right? I think some of them actually were compassionate; Like Sasha, Tulsi and RFK, JFK and RFK Jr, but there was always the dark undercurrent like slavery there.
Their branding however WAS outstanding. Not so much anymore.
Someone is running the show, because they were acting in unison, just like they were speaking in unison, spouting the same talking points...word for word, just as they voted in lock step to maintain men competing in women's sports.
As I would say. Nailed it. Thank you.
Yes, exactly. I think of them as a death cult as well. When Nancy Pelosi was in charge during Trump’s first term, she was running around, squawking ‘People are going to die!’ I saw her do this on a regular basis. They are death obsessed, and so is Joe Biden. They ramped it up during Covid, gleefully talking about people dying on a daily basis. They couldn’t get enough. And their policies, also death oriented: abortion worship, trans and gender aberration worship, always going after kids one way or another. It’s truly sick and demented. Of course, they couldn’t cheer a child surviving cancer (for now), or the naming of a nature refuge in the memory of another.
When they lit up the Empire State Building celebrating unlimited abortion access in NY I knew then they were the party of death, among other things..
I have always been nauseous at seeing masses of women marching together in glee that some legal authority has given them the right to kill their unborn children. What are they celebrating? Evil?
And I am a woman myself.
The whole thing strikes me as satanic. If this isn't the end of Western civilization, I am not sure what might beat it for heinousness.
They are a death cult. Some of them also want to legalize euthanasia for any reason now.
I just checked to see whether it's true that abortions are performed in Mass. up to 24 weeks (6 months!) and to save the life of the mother up to birth -- it's true.
I cannot fathom performing an abortion on a 6-month old fetus. Talk about a death cult.
And these same sickos want medical technology to save their "baby" at six months if said "baby" happens to be wanted.
In Canada, there is no abortion law. Troodo heavily pushes abortion in every way, in fact. As if it is a proud accomplishment. Tries to punish those who do not go along with this. Total lack of morality.
An unborn child can be aborted in Canada, for no reason, up until the moment of natural birth.
The are the party of death.
I too believe that they are a death cult. Their worship of abortion, from conception to 28 days after birth is evidence enough. Throw in their desire for depopulation, assisted suicide and euthanasia is three more solid examples of the cult. The part I don’t understand is that they oppose a death sentence penalty for convicted killers, unless that’s a sop to evil’s own hand.
The Left treats the good as sinister and the sinister as good.
Marriage, family, faith, patriotism, law and order, pride in your country, all sinister to them. Abortion, crime, drugs, pornography, sexual deviance: all good.
A death cult. Exactly that.
That was the wirst ever!
Sadly for the children with cancer, Trump has cut funds for research into pediatric cancer. He also claimed "Our goal is to get toxins out of our environment, poisons out of our food supply, and keep our children healthy and strong ..." How does gutting the EPA get toxins out of our environment?
You are crazy…
The Democrats have proven themselves to be soulless, heartless, self indulgent, self serving, F*cktards.
They couldn't even stand for Laken Riley, while her mother, in the audience, wept.
Have some empathy… the poor things are starting to realize they won’t be able to use the apparatus of government to control what we think, say, and do. They are losing access to our children to indoctrinate them into self destructive behavior. They will not be able to pick our pockets incessantly to fund war and every form of creepy deviance they discover. God forbid, some of them may even have to resort to getting a real job. Maybe we should start a go fund me account to buy them big boxes of Kleenex.
These people are evil. Truly evil. Their minds and souls are twisted. I cannot get on board with empathy. I cannot empathize with the suffering of genuine evil. I can only rationalize that evil must be fought and destroyed. Evil never reforms. Evil never changes for the better. Evil is relentless in its pursuit of more and more evil. The Democrats the country saw last night are evil.
Agreed. I have admitted at times that Republicans can be "stupid". But, stupid comes from the brain. Democrats, on the other hand, are evil. And evil comes from the soul. I'll take the former.
The Democrats are so self unaware. They're very much like unreflective, acting out teenagers.
Last night they let us see that up close and personal.
It's one thing to not stand and/or applaud Trump's political and governing agenda, but when they didn't stand/applaud Laken Riley, or the other young woman who was killed by an illegal, or the young boy who was fighting brain cancer, they showed their true colors. I don't think they have an ounce of human decency. They are so self absorbed they can't look outward and see/feel another's pain and suffering.
I hope the Democrat party becomes irrelevant here in the USA and disappears!
Nor could they applaud the capture of a terrorist who killed 13 service members or the release of an American prisoner from Russia. Despicable human beings.
Sadly for the children with cancer, Trump has cut funds for research into pediatric cancer. He also claimed "Our goal is to get toxins out of our environment, poisons out of our food supply, and keep our children healthy and strong ..." How does gutting the EPA get toxins out of our environment?
Absolutely 💯
and their lives which are supported by graft, corruption, waste, and fraud is being cut off
I do hope your admonition to "have some empathy" was made in jest because I have no empathy for the Democrats. They dug their own hole and last night, at Trump's address to Congress, they dug their hole even deeper with their adolescent response. They are empty vessels that have nothing positive or uplifting to a majority of American voters. The results of the Nov 5 bear witness to that.
I think they would only be funding themselves. Damn sure wouldn't get any of my pennies.
😂😂 Love it!
Nope never.
Right, I'm a little surprised they even bothered to show up. Truly, they knew it would be a miserable time for them, but I guess they thought they cud score points with their little signs and shouts.
I know, their little pre-printed signs, they couldn't even make them different, held up like juveniles. Our elected representatives.
Democrats seem to have forgotten that midterms are coming up.
I think they're so smug and unreflective they believe they will retake the house, as is typical of the opposing party to the president taking back the house.
I don't think they've even considered the other option.
A very revealing evening in congress. The difference between the two parties has never been more stark. A once valid liberal
Democratic Party has been totally hollowed out by the hard Left. And the too often milquetoast Republican Party of the past is growing some balls, led and inspired by our truly transformational America First president.
Thank you lovely Sasha for your bravery and your insights. Sleep well !
Democrats have been manipulating the public for decades with "messaging" and "narrative." Much of it is playing tricks on the public about what they need to do to be seen by others as a good person. As one among dozens of examples, you're a good person if you support biological males competing in female sports and using female locker rooms and bathrooms. If you oppose that, you're a bigot and a hater. Those ideas are madness.
They've finally overplayed their hand; it's become so absurd they and their media allies have destroyed their own credibility.
Their ideas for fixing their problems are all about better messaging. Listen to what their campaign gurus (e.g. James Carville) were saying before and after the election. Kamala's path to victory was through superior messaging. Her $billion plus campaign didn't do the trick. Now, they can put Trump's genie back in the bottle through messaging, on stuff like "reproductive rights."
It never occurs to them that making people's lives worse with high crime, open borders, and a bad economy has any relationship to how they vote.
Absolutely 💯
LITERALLY they stand for nothing
When you can't honor a 13 yo boy with brain cancer you've really lost the plot.
Sadly for the children with cancer, Trump has cut funds for research into pediatric cancer. He also claimed "Our goal is to get toxins out of our environment, poisons out of our food supply, and keep our children healthy and strong ..." How does gutting the EPA get toxins out of our environment?
Thank you for the link and I will definitely check it out.
Except for gutting women's rights and ruining our sports and making us unsafe in our own locker rooms.... Oh, and they stand for making sure women are at risk and abused in prison by the delusional men they put into women's jail cells. That's what they chose to stand for.
They were always like that since Bush Jr and so has GOP when they were minority
I look forward to your longer piece!
My favorite moment? Other than the young man with brain cancer getting into the Sectet Service and the obvious love and respect between PDJT and the border patrol guy?
PDJT letting the mask fully slip for one brief moment and in that moment uttering one word that will live in infamy.
I am not happy to be 70 and on the far side of my time on the planet. But, I am thrilled to have had 70 years to have seen what I’ve seen and know what I know…and to have PDJT replace Mr Reagan as my favorite POTUS.
Godspeed, Mr President. Godspeed.
I loved seeing that 13yo boy with brain cancer ("DJ") go over to the young man who is going to West Point, and giving him a high-five.
Right, they were both like 'game show winners' of the evening.
And the hug he gave the man who honored him with the certificate!💕. I teared up.
That was my highlight of the speech
Yeah, anybody whose eyes didn't moisten at that moment has dried up tear ducts...
I thought there was something wrong with my monitor getting all blurry cuz it certainly couldn't be me 🥲
Sadly for the children with cancer, Trump has cut funds for research into pediatric cancer. He also claimed "Our goal is to get toxins out of our environment, poisons out of our food supply, and keep our children healthy and strong ..." How does gutting the EPA get toxins out of our environment?
Because the EPA, in its current form, is a bureaucratic nightmare, not a steward of the environment. Like so many other federal agencies, it needs to be reformed from top to bottom.
And you know this how? Republicans do not care about the environment and want no regulations. Short term gains over long term consequences every time.
Agree- his best speech ever. I was riveted the entire 2 hours - not usual for me. Seeing Pocahontas only clap & smile after a Ukraine mention of more years of war was bizarre. These dems are absolutely clueless - and this spectacle after not one of them voted to protect women & girls in sports from the pretenders yesterday.
Your reference to Civil War sparked thoughts earlier today after an experience I had w/my graduate school professor…which was how many Democrats truly believe they are morally and intellectually superior to us, and how frankly we are “worth little” (not even 3/4’s of a person).
Remember how they used to think of slaves? How eerily similar the parallels are.
What Dems don't understand is that they made the estimated 100,000 missing women and 350,000 children slaves by their open border and I have made sure they know it on X.
If we were in the Civil War from 1861-1865, we would have been on the side of the Union Army and the Dems would be on the side of the Confederates.
A year or so ago, a guy claimed Repubs were for slavery. I love all things so Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War and have artifacts and weapons, so I was happy to school him with facts.
The Dems, as a party have always thought of other people as property: they supported slavery; they supported Jim Crow and the KKK; they supported denying black people access to the benefits of the New Deal; then they turned around during LBJ’s administration and decided to fully capture the black vote by giving them access to all kinds of federal funding thereby turning them into being dependent on them. They then celebrated victim hood, mandated mRNA shots. In sum, you are right: Dems deeply believe they are our moral superiors because we are property as far as they are concerned.
People under the mind-capture of a totalitarian ideology/leader will dehumanize their targets. Makes it ethically easier to demean and hurt them. You know...the Nazis/Hamas to Jews, parentally-alienated children to the "wrong" parent, gang members to their targets. And so on.
Trump is playing them like a fiddle and they oblige him. Hilarity ensues.
What I love is that Trump isn't phased by it.
Right. It is truly awe-inspiring! Breathtaking!
This man is so focused on his mission to rescue this country, he has no fear!
Remember the movie about PT Barnum, The Greatest Showman? No--that would actually be Donald J Trump. He is / was masterclass...
My god I was once a Democrat. Thankfully i woke up. There is no life left in the Democratic party. They are soulless creatures slouching from one debacle to another. They stand for nothing and now finally find nothing good about America.
A lot of us were and indeed there was a time when it was a good position ( eg. Opposing Vietnam war). No shame in having been in it or leaving it.
Look at the youth, vigor and actual new ideas and solutions coming from those that Trump has made Team Trump. The dem-comms are a pack of fossilized has-beens and some more resembling a corpse, than a vital US Representative...
Nicole Wallace's remarks were the worst ever. The Dems have become the Party of evil.
Absolutely vile. Who do they think they are appealing to? Satanists? Foreigners? Murderers?
They’re appealing to the Democrat voters who’ve been stewing in their own bile since 2016. Do you know any of those voters? I do, unfortunately for me. They were nasty, rude, uninformed, self righteous and unhinged before, but since the election they’ve become possessed by demons.
They’ve living in an existential hell of their own making, with help from their daily dose of “news”, i.e. propaganda.
It sucks to be them. They deserve Pelosi and vice-versa.
I don't know a single Dem these days that I can respect, whether national, local, family, pundit, professor... anything and anyone. They disgust me in the truest sense of the word. No hyperbole, no smear, no agenda... they simply disgust me. It's almost like they're some kind of slimy worm: You can't blame the worm for what it, simply, IS. That's how I now view Dems.
Isn't it sad? I manage to do a balancing act with certain people, but the balance is very precarious and requires that I not bring up anything of a political nature whatsoever.The slightest thing sets them off and they turn into hostile, rude, self-righteous, offensive lunatics. I know it's because their fear mongering media repeats the same doomsday scenarios every day, which keeps them in a state of rage mixed with existential dread. The combination of wokeness and TDS is really toxic. I can't help them, because anything I say that they disagree with just convinces them that I'm their mortal enemy. I've had to hang up on people who were once my best friends. Family members too are going by the wayside. I feel sorry for them, I really do, but I can't help them. I have to save myself.
Hi Beeswax! It's always good to see you pop up on these threads.
Sigh, I feel you about the friends, I have lost at least two over politics since Trump got elected the first time (weirdly, the specific disagreements weren't about him). I'm fortunate in that most of my family members are either conservative or apolitical.
But the few liberal friends I'm still trying to hang onto - because they're otherwise great friends - I have to be like you. Avoid politics like the plague. Which isn't always easy. One friend laps up the doomsday scenarios from the fearmongering media, and throws them into random, nonpolitical text conversations. I can only keep mum for so long.
It's annoying enough when political references are about something real over which you have opposing points of view. But to be expected to respond to hysterical fictions? If this is the way things are going to go, it's going to be a long four years.
When everyone had the same, generally reliable sources of news, we could find some common ground. Those days are gone. We receive our information from very different sources. It's a toxic stew.
Absolutely, it’s the indoctrination of their media and the persistent stream of doomsday lies they ingest every day like a bad drug. It’s emotional terrorism, literally.
Last night I was Face Timing with an old friend who suffers from serious TDS but, to her credit, is non-confrontational politically so we’ve been able to maintain a friendship. I forget the context, but for some reason she SAID TRUMP’S NAME, THEN APOLOGIZED AND TRIED TO TAKE IT BACK, as if she had sinned and was about to be struck by lightning. I thought, no, this is nuts, I have to say something. So I said his last name, over and over, trying to break the spell, and she cringed as if I was throwing acid on her. Finally, I said to her, I don’t care if you say a person’s name. A PERSON’S NAME! WHO CARES?
That’s how deep the derangement goes. Poor woman.
Satan has the party tied up with a bow imo, but I demeaned when it happened. It started with Rashid and the radical left.
Yep, Bible explains in multiple places that those who forsake the one true God in favor of false gods...those who sin but do not repent, they will be 'blinded to the truth'. Its supernatural and we all know them -- they truly are 'blinded'. Their false gods are money, power, pleasure...power. Satan is having his way with them and it is sad to watch...
And trump is the "true god" to his cult.
...sad 4 u, Citizen.
Correction: remember, not deemed
Edit: I remember when it started...
"Satanists, foreigners, murderers" = today's Democrats
I tried to watch it. It was rehearsed by cutsie pink middle schoolers weeks before. The little hand props and mean girl faces gave it away.
Pink is a "girl's" color. They could have any other color than pink after voting against having men staying out of women's& girls sports and their locker rooms.
Amazingly shortsighted. Hilariously hypocritical. The neurons have yet to grow together and form synapses.
They have neurons?
They're all scared spitless, the gravy train has run off the tracks and they will have to find a new way to con the masses...
And to line their own pockets.
They've always been the party of evil. Since their conception in the early 1800s. Theirs is not a good, or sane, history.
Wallace is a communist cunt. She's a tool.
Democrat Congressman Jayapal called the speech "racist & xenophobic." Yet no racism or xenophobia existed anywhere in it.
Democrat Al Green accused Trump of "taking away Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security", yet none of these things are true for LEGITIMATE CITIZENS. I know, I am a recipient.
It's time for the true moderates to reject this rejection and become part of the solution by leaving the Dementocrats.
The number of 'moderate dems' now could fit in a short school bus.......
They could - and do - fit inside John Fetterman's hoodie.
Trump is surfing the collapsed quantum wave and the Democrats are drowning in it. Now we have a face, many faces, revealing what it means to be on the wrong side of history, i.e. the wrong side of the aisle. Those that famously crossed over (RFK, Jr., Tulsi, etc) called out by Trump are the superstars of a new era.
They fucked with the man that wanted to be left alone. Time to pay the tab.
I don't have words for how awful they were.
It was on par with with Pelosi tearing up the speech that time.
We are fast approaching the "Democrats defending NGO-managed child trafficking via Mexican Aztec death cultist drug cartels" phase.
They are done. Sane people will never vote Dem again.
They are a despicable group. Really, there aren’t sufficient words to describe how utterly vile they are.
....succinct and true AnnR. Just look at the Senate Dem vote on the bill to protect women's sports from tranny pretenders. NOT ONE of them could vote for it. That defines a cult.
They never leave the plantation. It could be the most vile legislation, one that no rational human being could support, yet they do not have the integrity or self-worth to speak "truth to power" of the Dem cabal they somehow feel beholden to. So hard to understand.
Herd mentality maybe? Not wanting to break free from the group think and be ostracized? Believing they are the party of compassion? Too many drugs and alcohol to the brain? Or is it $$$$???
...unrepentant sinners become 'blinded to the truth' as they continue to worship their false gods of : self, pleasure, power, money, self.....did I say self ?
II Corinthians 4:3-4. It is supernatural.
The vocabulary needed to adequately describe them are not fit for polite company and would likely get me banned.
And that Al Green. He’s been a horrible Houston product for decades. But last night he dragged the whole Democrat Party down with him.
....Al moved-in from NOLA in the 70's. Don't you love that 'pony-tail' on a 77yo member of The United States House of Representatives!
Now if NOLA could only unload Cantrell.
He actually looked crazy