May this total BS sham backfire spectacularly on all those who pursued it.

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So, I see Trump is convicted now of Falsifying Business Records in the 1st degree. Has anyone seen what the secondary charge the jury found Trump guilty of (to sway the 2016 POTUS election?) I read there were 3 options for secondary charge. Which one it is, likely has big impact on appeal route.

Bragg just did his presser. As he was leaving room, a reporter shouted after him if he feared retribution if Trump is elected…

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We’re going to get our payback!!!

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MAGA should change its name to MFFFA. Make financial fraud fun again! We all do it anyway.

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This is bad. Really bad. I'm having the same feeling I had when Comey gave his press conference and covered for all of Hillary's lawbreaking. The America I knew and believed in is something different now and not for the better. Everyone, watch your six. No one is safe from Big Brother.

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Yep. The total corruption of the American justice system may not have started with Obama, but it sure accelerated during his regime.

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His goal of "fundamental transformation" of America seems to be on track.

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But we'll continue to lecture other countries regarding democracy and rule of law.

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Ironic, isn't it?

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And we.will stab them in the back while we're at it.

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It's not WE anymore. It's us and them. Sad.

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True. That's why I've said that in this country we're more subjects than citizens. The elites don't really listen to us. They put on elections and then just do whatever they want.

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seems significant to me, also, that the Biden admin waited for today to simultaneously leak that the U.S. has approved Ukraine firing into Russia with our weapons. They must have wanted to hide this significant escalation of their proxy war behind the predictable hubbub around the Trump show trial outcome. Today was a dark day for America, but keep the faith.

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Even worse was the performance of the totally corrupt Judge Merchan. Say his name! The guy read 50 pages of jury instructions that all but guaranteed Trump's conviction. He was completely biased against Trump's defense on virtually every legal issue that arose.

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The fact that he was allowed to preside over a case like this where his daughter is making tons of money off the other side is preposterous. He was shit, he is shit, and he'll never be anything other than shit. Has he resigned yet to become the newest MSNBC legal analyst yet?

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Merchan, a 3rd world Colombian himself, got 'lucky' enough to then be raised and educated wholly in the lib/leftist/Dem bubble of NYC.

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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!

The fascist far-left is burning down everything – including the legal system and the rule of law.

If they can do that to a presidential candidate, what can they do to YOU?

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I'm so angry, I have tears. I'm angry for this country and for the Americans who came before us. How anyone can come away without a reasonable doubt as to someone's motive is beyond my understanding. I don't cry when I'm sad, but when I feel rage, absolutely. And, I feel rage.

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Right there with you. It’s the same rage I felt the morning after election 2020 knowing it had been stolen/rigged.

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My mom cried like that when the cia killed JFK. Can’t fold though; have to fight for our children and grandchildren.

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yeah, Like Edward Snowden did (only Trump said 'we still execute, don't we?').

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Oh, but Socialists actually execute. Don’t they, Ben? Socialists have had a WHOLE century of executing a 100 MILLION people. Just years ago, June 14, 2017 James Hodgkinson tried to execute people for Bernie er, I mean Socialism.

Nice try, Ben. Go plan a SWATTING.

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DEMOCRATIC socialists do not do that, Mr. Gutierrez.

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Keep believing that, Mr. Dandelion.

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I felt that way after the first, then second impeachment. I was a Republican then and changed my voter status to independent as I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing :(

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It is a 'fallen world' as said in Christian circles. We born after WWII have never known evil and we are slow to react to it....but we will, and God will help if we ask Him.

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Amen. And amen.

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The verdict was a foregone conclusion. All these cases except Florida were brought so they could be tried in cities run by Democrats with a large jury pool, ditto. They will try to move the Florida case to DC before it's all over. It's going to backfire. Americans are already pissed off at Biden and the Democrats and it's going to get worse for them. Biden's dirty laundry is about to be aired in Hunter's case and his is a lot worse than Trump's.

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Not holding my breath…

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I'm at peak revulsion.

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So far.

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Does the FBI like the idea of "cleaning house" at the FBI? (They were already acting against Trump when they were in theory working for his White House.)

Within Far Left ideology, wouldn't it be positively righteous for Trump to not be "allowed" to win?

What happens if Demo Secretaries of State just declare that Biden won? Has it not already been established (in the minds of Demos) that questioning election results is inherently wrong?

It can get *a lot* worse ...

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Lots of Democrat states have passed statutes about threatening election workers. So if Republican poll watchers object to something and the Democrat officials blow them off and the Republicans push back, does that qualify.

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Given that Repos are, as we all know, "potential domestic terrorists", I do not see how that would not qualify.

Overall, I am more concerned (as far as this particular disaster scenario goes) with the idea that future election results can never be challenged. So why not just take all laws against fraud (by voters or *counters*) off the books?

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Me too!

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Oh, I quickly read that as 'Im at peak revolution.'.

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For decades, Americans have been tolerant and forgiving of all the damage Democrats have done to this country. (And those who have repented like you, Sasha, should be forgiven wholeheartedly.)

That ended with the political show trial guilty verdict against Trump.

And it should end.

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For me it ended when they began mutilating children, demanded we jab or be terminated, and stole 2020. I can't despise them and wish them VERY ill will more right now. On the bright side, God knows each one's last day; I'm sure He'll welcome them with a "YUGE surprise" according to what they've earned.🔥

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The Trump donation site crashed! Sounds like Trump will be getting millions in donations!

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Another “Oh we didn’t completely think this through😶” moment amongst many, many more to come 🤣

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Holding the trial in NY constitutes election interference.

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You might be onto something there, David.

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A significant moment in the end of the Republic and the decline of the West.

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Could be the turn around moment. I saw some people call it the crossing of the Rubicon.

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Lib. yes, but the writing's been on the wall for awhile. Remember the OJ verdict? We knew the justice system was a total joke back then. None of us should be surprised!

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Do we? I thought so too... at first. Then I worked inside "the system" and witnessed quite horrifying ways that "oh he/she did it, look at the..." 👉EVIDENCE is kept out after corrupt judges and prosecution "allow" evidentiary hearings, saw torture (you think JaySix was the first!?), saw task forces ordered disbanded when they'd lie about evidence (like not having "wires" but they did and were "FOUND") and much much more. It's heartbreaking and I love our GOOD law enforcement, just like I do our GOOD military - but the bad ones are turning from bad to evil like the Left.

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Tina- "heartbreaking" is the right word!

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The LAPD was/is a joke.

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You haven't experienced Sactown corruption. But yes when I was placing parole holds the worse station at the time was Rampart, I'm sure it's spread around now. As goes society so goes all its foundations.

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No I haven’t but I believe you.

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Do you know, how very inspirational American football is? Not only team-work--how to work with others, but it teaches not to cry about small injuries and to get up when knocked down. It is the opposite of being fragile, and holding ones breath until they turn blue if one does not immediately get their way.

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“American football” says a lot about you, Ben. Yeah soccer players don’t “cry about small injuries” much less cry about not even making contact. 🤣

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thanks? It is our nation's number one sport, and in Texas, pretty much a religion. also, the 9ers are one of the best teams. So, I am proud if it says a lot about me.

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This is a sad day for the USA. Sure, it will be reversed on appeal. Even Democrat legal scholars are monumentally unimpressed with the case against Trump, but the fact that it happened at all is profoundly disturbing, albeit not surprising in this climate.

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Dershowitz went on record immediately after the verdict saying it doesn’t look good for appeal as it will be in NY, enough said :/

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You are correct that in the appellate process there may very well be rejections of Trump's case (not all appellate judges are fonts of wisdom). However, Trump has a lot of lawyers, and the appellate process will continue. If state grounds for appeal are exhausted there will be federal appeals since this case has multiple bases for appeal. It could go all the way to the Supreme Court

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The country is gone.

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Perhaps, but many of us have a King. We are not of this world.

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The King of kings, indeed.

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wait. we're still talking about Trump, right?

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Nope. THE King.

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Elvis is back?

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No, not at all

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Our brothers and sisters in Christ are all over the earth now, fulfiling the Great Commission from Matthew 28. We are Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholic Christians, Reformed Christians like me. We are all over the earth.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow…

Come soon Lord Jesus, come now…

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I know it feels that way now but I am confident that there are over 100 million Americans that still believe in America and will fight to make it honest again. Hang in there, BBS.

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There is a difference between believing in America and believing in the United States.

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I hope you are right, that there is a critical mass of Independents who are not suffering from TDS ...

I am not so sure though, as a non American looking on at the burning down of America, I feel for the half of the country that has not gone insane, there are dear friends and peers there now who were once classical liberals and now that they are living in America and voting Democrat their TDS has caused them to lose all sight of what it was to be a classical liberal ...

I am shocked ... stunned ...

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The whole thing has flipped: in the 1960’s the Democrats protested the Vietnam war, censorship and Big Brother government; now the Liberal Democrats push for war in Israel and Ukraine, want more censorship and ever greater government interference. The neocon Uniparty of Dems and RINOS want more war, debt and government controls. Trump is hugely imperfect but he is our most viable and best chance to slow the NYC elite machine.

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Yes it is all upside down ... :(

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Been gone for decades now.

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President Garrison said that on that 'SouthPark' episode...

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Sasha, you cut your hand & now you broke your arm. Voice dictate is now your bf😉👍🏽

Everybody knew that a guilty verdict was going to come out of that joke of a jury. Nobody should be surprised.

But even more important than all the madness going on in the world, is your health. I hope your hand is healing well and I hope your arm heals faster. 🙏🏽☝🏽

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Best wishes for a speedy recovery. On the other note, what a travesty of justice. Was hoping the 2 lawyers as jurors could explain to the other 10 what a crock of bull 💩 this trial was. But heck, maybe they suffer from TDS. With the verdict not needed to be unanimous, it was easier to push through. Total crock and illegal along with everything else about this show trial. Amazing how verdict delivered just in time for Biden to deliver his so-called non-political speech at 8pm. Guess they’ve been pumping him all day with his drug cocktail and naps so he can screech, rant & rave against Trump & MAGA. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

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They were ‘ringers’ installed on the jury to corrupt the deliberations.

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I’m not sure they needed “ringers”, Tom.

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It was NYC. All that was needed.

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...not only will I never to to NY again, but I hear 'BUSINESS' may be leaving NY now.

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Haven’t been there since 2020 and don’t plan on it ever again and I live nearby:/

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It was a 'jury of his peers' because that's where Trump Tower was. If, when he changed from pro-choice to pro-life to join the red team, he probably should have changed where he did his felonious business practices to Florida. ?

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Or maybe delaware ;)

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Yo Bernie bro, stop it. Get some help.

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but both counsel had to approve/agree on these jurors, you know...

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He canceled in remembrance of the day Beau was killed during the battle of the bulge.

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🤣🤣🤣 and while fighting cancer 🤦‍♀️

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Lawyers are just as corrupt and evil as judges and anyone else :/

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Any NY official caught in a conservative jurisdiction should be arrested for a crime to be determined.

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We can’t be like them. We have to be smarter. I’m not saying don’t do anything, but I am saying don’t do what they do.

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Unfortunately, this attitude has gotten us to where we are. Tit for tat is the strategy that works.

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I respectfully disagree and again I’m not saying do nothing.

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OK. Alternative suggestion?

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We need to remain adults and role models for what is right, and just. This doesn’t mean stooping to same level of kangaroo court antics of our political opponents. If political opponents are harmed or killed, we should be the first to condemn. An eye for an eye we should leave in the dustbin of antiquity. The New Covenant gives us a clear guidebook to follow even in the worst of times.

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Hearts and minds need to change. Tit for tat will lead to fear. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

Wait… we talking about The Empire Strikes Back, right?

🤣I’m kidding, Richard. Seriously, change, hearts, and minds with real love, and I’m not talking about fake empty love. Brotherly love. You just can’t reason with everybody, but you can reason with some. I think there’s a bigger challenge here than any of us really understand. TFT will just fuel a Civil War. I’m ready to protect my family, but I’m not ready for a Civil War.

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My endgame is to make them miserable enough so that they will agree to The National Divorce. Yeah that runs a risk of CW2 but so does continuing on the current path. What we are doing isn't working.

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,,,at least don't attack the capital again.

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I completely understand your frustration.

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