I hope Trump’s ‘preppers’ are your Substack followers🤪🤪🤪!!

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100%! Agree!

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The ultimate oxymoronic, bull-puckey rationalization is saying you're for women's rights and then not being able to define what a woman is...

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You rock, Sasha. Very good stuff here. As Lothar, below, notes, regular folks don't care about abortion but the dems do. (1 mln dead babies in one year??? How can civilization thrive and grow with so many deaths?)

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

There is only one correct response to anything brought up with regard to the Dobbs Decision, and/or the state of, and/or the legality of abortion in the USA.

It is still legal - period.

It is just now in the hands of the individual states - not the Federal government - and their citizens to vote on it and its particulars.

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if you look at the issues that people are most concerned about you find that abortion does not even make the top 10 and the top 3 are all issues republicans have a edge on !

The plot is fairly easy to see through , biden and democrats will be trying to steer the discussion towards abortion to avoid talking about other issues that are inconvenient to them , if biden starts talking abortion than trump should response by talking about border security, migrant crime and inflation

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I think Trump should call Biden out for being the ultimate hypocrite by pretending to be Catholic and at the same time advocating for legislation that results in millions of abortions, some even partial-birth.

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And trump is the ultimate hypocrite for pretending to be a believer who sells "American bibles "

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Peace, prosperity and the border, I assume. Trump should hammer these.

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Brilliant Sasha!! You should be part of the prep team for DJT. Though I’m not sure he’s taking any time off from campaigning to prepare.

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The push to mutilate children disgusts me. Levine is so creepy and weird. How is he or any of the other dei fruitcakes given positions of power? This administration can't be kicked to the curb fast enough for my liking.

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When hear/see the words "Woman's Rights" What comes to mind is The Right to Poison, Chop Up an unborn Human then sell the parts.

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My suggestion;

Biden: You want to kill millions of women by denying their right to have an abortion.

Trump: Joe, You call yourself a Catholic?!! Have you no shame going to Mass while at the same time advocating for abortions?! Have you no shame taking the sacrament of Communion while you defend the practice of babies being killed while their head is outside the mother’s womb and their body is inside her?!

Biden: gibberish gibberish

Jake Tapper: STOP! STOP! Trump stfu!!

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trump is the ultimate hypocrite for pretending to be a believer who sells "American bibles "

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Are we really supposed to believe this kind of gaslighting from the national socialist media:

No, Biden won’t be on performance-enhancing drugs for the debate


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On every question Trump should clearly and concisely answer the question while showing the contrast with Biden and then go after "fake news" CNN when the questions are loaded with bias while wielding clear examples of their reporting misadventures. CNN is incredibly unpopular, even with many of their regular viewers. They simply watch because they're used to it.

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Agreed. Is it me or is anyone else creeped out by how our congresscritters completely stage against the person testifying? I really liked Matt Walsh actually ask them for their views. They shut him down every time which is very wrong. By design.

George Carlin said it right: "It's their Big Club and you ain't in it."

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Yes, by all means, Trump should focus on the issue of abortions in America.

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Something of a minor quibble or correction. You say:

"..how the overturning of Roe v. Wade led to over one million abortions, a ten-year high"

Think you mean, as is clear elsewhere, that Roe v Wade is what permitted those abortions, and that its overturning is what may reduce that. Not that I'm sure that the overturning is a good idea.

But your link to Walsh's documentary emphasizes that many on the left are madder than hatters. Not that many on the right aren't in the same boat -- apropos of which, the many on the right who are defending (poor old 🙄) Alex Jones:

"This Week's Column: The Right Slams Parents (Genius!)

Seeking gold, rightists follow a dung beetle...and find dung":


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Trump: Joe, answer me one question: what is a woman?

Biden: You tell me, you married 3 of them and sexually assaulted enough of them to have your very own Wikipedia page describing the encounters.

Biden then segues quickly (given the 2 minute time limit) to the majority (63%) of Americans feel abortion should be legal in all or most cases, the implications for women's health in risky situations. If time, he might include psychological ramifications and so on. A recent analysis of national survey data conducted by Bloomberg School researchers found a small but statistically significant increase in self-reported anxiety and depression symptoms among respondents in states that banned abortion after the Dobbs ruling, compared to those in states that did not enact bans.

But he should focus on this incl big picture. Taking away enshrined rights that most support. What else might be taken away on the road to autocracy, etc.

If Biden is compelled to answer the question, it could be done concisely citing the Oxford def'n: An adult female human being. Then move on to more substantive discourse.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Then Trump should counter back with the fact that Democrats want taxpayer funding of abortion, which is opposed by a majority of Americans. And that they want 9-month abortions with no restrictions, also opposed by most Americans. They want no parental notification for minors, which most Americans support. So it works both ways.

Then he should do as Sasha suggests and go on to talk about all the ways Biden and his party's policies are hurting women in sports, as crime victims and so on.

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Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that 93.1% of abortions were performed at or before 13 weeks of gestation and less than 1% were performed at or after 21 weeks.

That said, a 2021-2022 survey of 5,930 abortion patients found that more than two-thirds would have preferred to have obtained an abortion sooner in their pregnancies. The research, conducted by the Guttmacher Institute, found that not knowing they were pregnant, cost, indecision, difficulty getting a health appointment and being unsure where to get an abortion were among the factors in delaying the procedures.

H.R. 8296, titled "Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022" permits abortion up until delivery, but only if it is deemed necessary to protect the life of the patient. Note again, 1% were performed at or after 21 weeks.

As for tax payers paying for other women's abortions, as of 1994, federal law mandates all states to pay for abortion cases involving rape or incest. The Reproductive Health Act requires state-regulated private health insurance plans that offer pregnancy-related benefits to cover abortion. Among the 36 states that do not ban abortion, 19 states and DC follow the Hyde Amendment and 17 states use state funds to pay for abortions for women with low incomes insured by Medicaid beyond the Hyde limitations. Today, 35% (5.5 million) of women ages 15 to 49 covered by Medicaid live in states where abortion remains legal, but the program will not cover the service except for limited Hyde circumstances. Twenty-one percent live in a state where abortion is banned.

You state "the fact that Democrats want taxpayer funding of abortion, which is opposed by a majority of Americans." I'm not seeing anything to corroborate that as fact. That said, a 1st trimester abortion (i.e. most of them) costs about 600 bucks, so not exactly a bankrupting situation.

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How can the data be reliable when a huge percent of abortions are now medically administered at home? Over 50% in 2020. It has to be more now.

They will send meds across state lines as well.

This is frightening for the fetuses and the mothers.


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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Biden supported the Hyde amendment his entire career, but now backs away from that because the official Democratic position is to gut the Hyde amendment, and legislation they have tried to introduce does exactly that. Their party platform statement on the issue says exactly that. I wish Trump and the Republicans would try to pin Biden down on exactly where he stands on this issue because the public should know.

As far as trying to force insurance companies to pay for elective abortion, that's also a nonstarter for a lot of people. Most Americans don't want other people's money used to pay for abortion, and that includes people who define themselves as pro-choice. It's a private decision? Then keep the funding 100 percent private too. There's a lot of elective stuff I would like but it's not covered by insurance and I don't expect other people to pay for it.

And you actually end your comment with a good argument for why public and insurance funds shouldn't be used to pay for it. It's not cost-prohibitive. In fact most of your reply offers proof that Democratic run states are using or trying to use Medicaid funds to pay for abortion.

The Guttmacher Institute is a rabidly pro-abortion organization, so I take much of what they put out there with a grain of salt.

Regarding late-term abortion, if something is barbaric, inhumane and wrong, there is no statistically acceptable amount of it. It should be outlawed in every single case where not absolutely medically necessary. We don't say that "only" 5 or 10 percent of children are sexually abused, so that makes it okay.

It's funny how among the reasons you have copied and pasted in from somewhere else include "indecision" for getting a late-term abortion. If you can't decide you don't want a kid until you are five months pregnant, then there are other options you can look at at that point. Given that it's less safe than childbirth, there are public and private support services for pregnant women. Most of Europe doesn't allow abortion after about 14 weeks.

The Left's agenda is access to abortion at all costs, because they are climate-change fanatics and socialists who don't want poor women and their children to be a burden on society. I'm convinced they would love to usher in some form of mandated abortion for certain women if they could.

You can throw out all the canned statistics you want, but the bottom line is that Democrats are just as extreme and outside the mainstream on the issue as you claim Republicans are. They're a death cult. Sasha said it best: What happened to safe, legal and rare? Their rhetoric and policies indicate they want it to be anything but rare. Look at who funds their campaigns. Follow the money.

The fact is Democrats don't give a rat's ass about women when it comes to literally any other issue. Certainly not their physical safety from predators or economic security. Women are not allowed to object to biological men invading their spaces, whether it's a locker room or jail cell.

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Ok... see this is where those outside the maga bubble get frustrated. Canned facts? Alternative facts?

Facts are facts, whether so called "canned" or not, and regardless of attempts to degrade them. Your response was reasonable until, like your initial comment, you devolve into anti-left hysterics - don't give a rat's ass about women, abortion at all costs, climate change fanatics, a death cult... really now! What complete bullshit.

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If the shoe fits, as they say.

So rhetoric like "outside the Maga bubble," "Maga cult," and other "Maga" and TDS rhetoric used by the left is not hysterics? All of the "Handmaid's Tale" shit is not hysterics? Marching with a pussy hat because a candidate you don't like gets elected is not hysterics? Spray-painting Stonehenge and throwing soup at artworks is not hysterics? Tearing down statues is not hysterics? Please. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Yes, there are climate-change fanatics. The far left is trying to legalize physician-assisted suicide for non-terminal or chronic maladies and even mental maladies, and in some countries has already done it. Let's dispose of the inconvenient. Hello, eugenics? So death cult is not that out of line.

I stand by it all.

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