The real "tragedy" is that we have a complicit Republican Party, bought by the same oligarchy at the top, so there is no real opposition to the Democrats. Americans have no real choice.

Our open borders are a daily reminder that the will of the people be damned.

Even when the Democrats lose they win.

Now that is a modern day "Greek Tragedy".

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"Americans have no real choice"

Remember what the all-knowing Oracle said to Neo in the Matrix: "You can not see past the choices you don't understand."

People have a choice, they are just too damn lazy and ignorant to understand them. They buy into the blatant media lies -- lies so transparent that a 5-year old could see through them -- then repeat and reinforce those lies onto anyone they encounter. Groupthink writ large.

Above all, they lack the courage and the integrity to decide for themselves. And we all pay the price for that cowardice.

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It's a tax.

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It is pretty creepy that 400 of our globalist billionaires - many are 'republican' - just gave a standing ovation to the communist pig(Xi) last week. Funny how that hasn't made the 'news'.

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Yeah, another candidate for a top ten under-reported story of year.

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Trump is a moron but he has a certain genius for conning people.

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Whenever you hear the phrase "our democracy" remember it is not meant as "our democracy" as in everyone's but as "our democracy" as in not yours.


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I switch out democracy for empire. They want to save their empire.

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We are a Republic.

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Exactly. All this carping about “our democracy” is a total & complete disingenuous head fake: The Founders didn’t want a democracy because a true democracy is mob rule that always ends in dictatorship. But of course that is why the left/dems seek to dissolve the Electoral College so that L.A., NYC, & Chicago would select presidents. You see - from their perspective- it’s never a “true democracy” unless they win.

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It is also why 9,000,000 illegals are being flooded into the country both for cheap labor and demographics.

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And to be given amnesty & rushed thru citizenship to vote dem. That was Chappaquidick Ted’s plan all along with his 1965 “Immigration” Bill.

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It was so refreshing to celebrate Teddy's 14th year of sobriety last August... "The Lion of the Senate". Right. Communist ass.

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Begs an explanation why he would stand for the Deep State when they blew away his two brothers.

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Make that 12,000,000.

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Yes, my mind said 9 million. I typed it with too much ‘emotion’.

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True for about 14 'republican' senators, but that is it. The Democrat party is in lockstep with communists.

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We used to be a Republic.

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We are still a Republic, at least on paper. I hope we will be able to restore it. Although, given our debt load, we may not.

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Debt load is a problem but the bigger one is that half the country is opposed to that concept and half of the other half doesn't know what it is.

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We have been experiencing, in my opinion, the fleecing of both the country and its people before the crash.

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Don't throw in the sponge just yet. Wait until next November.

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Now gentle American, in order to save the earth from climate change, this election, only this one time, we will not be sending out ballots in 2024. We will bind them up in a certified cryptocurrency AI, and Meta will allow you to use their virtual reality googles, to vote. Just look into your TV while watching football games and TAYLOR SWIFT . NO WORRIES, Zukerbucks will pay for it all. No need for pesky poll workers. So are you ready now? Look at the TV and watch American Idol 2024 Election Edition, think your thoughts and blink !!! And then speak to Alexa to certify your vote. Just say “I want Democracy”.

See, you just voted for Joe BIDEN. No muss, no fuss. You just saved Democracy. Now, go watch Spaceballs by Mel Brooks, and then scoot down to the Senior Center or Library or Public school and take your Democracy NOW! Covid 2024 shot. Each shot gets you an ice cream cone with JOE BIDEN’s personal favorite flavor. And a little sticker… “I saved Democracy”. Plus…. A free pass on Netflix to watch “Idiocracy 2024, the FUTURE “. Queue the “Twilight Zone” theme song….

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Please stop giving them strategic ideas, Tom.

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I was about to say 'no kidding', but then I realized this is probably on the 'platform' that is not allowed in public.

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I was a reporter for more than twenty years.

The NYT, WaPo and CNN were cathedrals of journalism. Everyone wanted to work in one of those places.

Now I see the news media in general as one, interconnected factory of lies.

Russiagate, Ukraine, Israel-Gaza, Covid, climate change, systemic racism, transgenderism -- all fabrications in whole or in part.

We're in samizdat time.

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Even I admit that they were once professional. But now it’s just another distant memory that my children don’t believe or even understand the concept of objective journalism. I doubt it’s even taught anymore. And it was once such an important American asset and differentiator. Seems it started in WWII, faded, then went ballistic with the “Obama can do no wrong (because he’s black and you’re a racist)” doctrine.

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Objectivity was an impossible goal. It suggested that reporters could achieve a machine-like level of indifference to bias.

In reality we tried for fairness.

Getting both sides of the story was something you could do every day and every good reporter I knew in twenty-plus years, and I knew a lot of them, did that.

The weasels and the sell outs and the brown nosers were there too, of course.

They became the editors we had to handle so we could do our jobs. They achieved a certain level of authority but no one respected them and they knew it.

Now it appears that sort of person has driven out the good people like hipsters taking over a neighborhood and driving everyone else out.

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Very clever! When Dems say "threat to democracy" they mean 'threat to our goal of one party rule." I already know they hate people like me but now I'm pretty sure they loathe their own base as well. The left will do anything to keep power. I think it's because they are still pissed off that they lost the Civil War.

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“Fourth Turnings are always accompanied by all out war, civil war, or revolution” - Neil Howe.

This theory of civilizational collapse + renewal is critical to understand right now.

Democracy is merely a mechanism to channel social energy. If societies are breaking apart, democracy is not meant to be a religion that binds two opposing peoples together in a marriage of unequals.

The “modern world” has given us secular/atheist values + online global bubbles to live our lives within. This is the new paradigm.

Frankly, I see “Democracy” as a social steam train relic of a rapidly bygone era. Once powerful and transformative - opening up new inventions and luxuries. But obsoleted by the advent of modern technologies. Democracy will not survive in this hyper-networked, divergent values modern era. We will need to rethink the idea of nation states and how to manage them. We cannot...and must not...continue to coerce our fellow countrymen into accepting values opposed to their deepest traditions simply because a slight majority vote so. That describes our culture war politics and is unsustainable for stability.

And war is how this gets done. Like winter, It is the Fourth Turning mechanism that destroys the old and forces a rethink of the world order that aligns with modern realities.

This, friends, is what’s happening to us. Rob Reiner can’t see it. Joe Scarborough can’t see it. They are myopic and love what’s here now. And refuse the decency to not affront the cherished values and traditions of their fellow Americans.

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Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney can't see it either.

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“The democrats are the evil party. The republicans are the stupid party.”

This is a quote I recently saw somewhere. It’s quite true but then where does that leave “We the people”? Pretty much out in the cold. It’s 18 degrees in Chicago right now. I wonder how the migrants like living in tents in weather like this.

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I would suggest that the GOP is more complacent than stupid. They have learned to work with the donkeys on the down low and much prefer to serve under them than to confront someone like Trump who actually represents the People. In the end both parties serve only the donors and the corporations.

Notice how fast Niki Haley is rising in the polls. She knows exactly what she's doing and who her masters are -- and we're not it.

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Haley jumped 10 points in the polls after she started beating the war drum for bombing Iran asap, the sooner the better. How awful that so many people could actually like a nutcase like that and want her as president.

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Yeah but the GOPe thinks the Democrats are stupid, not evil. This leads to an ineffective response.

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Takes one to know one.

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Aren't they camping out in public buildings heated by your tax dollars?

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Inside and outside of police stations and something like 500 living at O’Hare airport. Chicago spends $40 million a month taking care of them which is small change compare to the billions NYC is spending. They have about 130,000 and we only have 20,000 but that’s still a lot of people to take care of. I just came back from a Jewel supermarket and there was a Hispanic woman sitting out front, obviously a migrant and some people talking to her. White people in Chicago are far more welcoming of the migrants than blacks who say their neighborhoods are already in crisis and this is just another one on top of it. That is true but the media claim that white people hate them because they’re brown is just one of their many endless lies. Plus some are living in tents and the city is working on setting up tent cities in large vacant lots that will have at least 2,000. You can imagine what the people living in those neighborhoods think of this and it’s certainly not a good way for the migrants to live either. This is just a really insane situation.

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Just like NYC. Tent cities. Gotta love those sanctuaries. I’m sure those migrants are feeling a little homesick about now.

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Those two have zero integrity or courage.

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Humor is good for the soul. Thank you Sasha!

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Next time some asshole declares "___is a threat to our democracy," remind it that we are a constitutional democratic REPUBLIC and of the unlikelihood of some elected President taking the whole show over in a "coup" despite all the pants-wetting over that rather mild demonstration in DC a few years back in which some Capitol security guards ushered in a bunch of middle Americans on a sort of impromptu limited tour of the building, a tour marred by some trigger-happy retard blasting an innocent woman in the face for milling around with the rest.

Rob Reiner is a gay tool who needs to be tied in a sack with a wild dog and dropped into the Pacific.

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I’ll provide the sack and wild dog.

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Archie Bunker pegged him correctly. Although Meathead did score with Spinal Tap.

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Genius! Hard to imagine the GOP can't beat these clowns, but they'll find a way. "Ronna McDaniel on line 1!"

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Yikes. This fictional tragedy feels quite real. Well done, Sasha.

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When they say "Our democracy," they mean, "Not yours!"

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Bravo, Sasha! Hilarious.

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So good. Did you have help writing this? Where do you get the time?

I would like to hear an audio version of this.

We are in this mess because of the corporate press.

And who are the people who put Joe Biden in office, so that they could control the country?

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It's worthwhile to take a peek at Victor Davis Hanson's latest summation on the Demonic Criminal Cartel, aka, the DNC! It's stupendous. VDH is always so eloquent and perfectly pitched. https://vigilantnews.com/post/brace-yourself-for-whats-coming-in-2024-victor-davis-hanson-warns-the-left-knows-theyre-cooked-if-vampire-trump-wins?omnisendContactID=64dd2aa03018fe70ba14d8c3&utm_campaign=campaign%3A+Vigilant+Fox+Daily+Digest+%5B11%2F27%2F23%5D+%28656502547d09620777247c46%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=omnisend

And, this piece is precisely what's happening at the Criminal Cartel presently! Kudos Sasha! Bravo!

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Fan-freakin’-tastic! Well done Sasha.

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