You certainly have read the room Sasha. Like you say, the question is why have they kept this charade going for so long? The last 24 hours have sent the unified left over the edge. There is no hiding it anymore. My sense is the unraveling of the charade will be swift, ugly and revealing about who is controlling this facade.

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I hope so. The problem is that the republican wing of the UniParty(McConnell) - who is paid by the same foreigners - are going to go all in to save Joe and continue the sewer known as Sodom on Potomac.

Be prepared for billions to flow from UniParty NGO's in using their new 10M man Army who just crossed our border to terrorize this summer. Hopefully they are too fractured to repeat the Summer of Love in 2020. I just don't think they have anything other than fear to control folks. For sure the propaganda factories are churning - be aware of that.

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They will given M4’s and lot’s of ammunition and commanded to destroy everything.

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Biden's senility has turned from comedy to tragedy. It's so bad, the special counsel, who believes that Biden willingly committed felonies, judged that he is too old and mentally deficient to stand trial and recommends no charges. Set aside the fact that leniency should only prevail in sentencing and not prosecution and that, like Hillary, DOJ is giving him a Malarkey Mulligan, what does this say about his fitness as POTUS? Nothing good and I don't think anyone sees it that way, except maybe Kamala Harris... but, I think she's actually terrified of the prospect of moving into the Oval Office.

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ironic when he said "the press is on my side." Correct, but ironic.

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That's what the whole "Let's Go Brandon" thing got started.

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Excellent piece! Very instructive to look at the elections in Pakistan today, another country that the Biden admin overthrew in a coup. Imran Khan, who had been a guest at the White House under President Trump, is now in prison, along with his wife. They've thrown the book at him & banned his party. His party was forced to register as independents & they actually won, big-time but, since they're not ONE single party, they can't create a coalition government (parliamentary system there) but have to join other parties. That is pretty much the model the dems have been following. Fasten your seat belts: NOTHING they do would surprise me, from imprisonment to world war, to stay in power...

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Thank you for the comic and music relief, Sasha.

These are strange dark times. When asked how it was, I’ll say it was much better in the late sixties and early seventies when music and comedy was so great it united us. The icons have mostly taken a hard left turn and become exactly what they protested against. Sad to see. I loved Neil Young still do his music but what a hypocritical fool he became.

It’s all part of this madness.

Let’s hope the thing collapses.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

Agreed. Neil has taken a turn down a crappy, leftist path. I was disappointed when he and Joni pulled their songs from Spotify (over Spotify giving Rogan a big contract and ‘allowing’ Joe to talk truths about Covid). Joni I could give a shit about, really. Way before my time and her voice is chalkboard to my ears. But Neil, I thought lost his authenticity w/ that move. Look out for my love one of my favorites:


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Add U2 into that mix. They all became what they rebelled and railed against. Now they are just the elites looking down on us commoners. I was proud that at least VanMorrison and Clapton wrote anti lockdown songs. They didn’t forget who they were. Of course the media and Rolling Stone went after them.

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Rolling Stone has become the exact opposite of the rebel the name implies and have become just another Neocon Establishment shill. Disgraceful.

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Plus I’ll listen to Van Morrison and Eric Clapton any day over Neil Young or Joni Mitchell (musically).

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Regarding Neil Young, remember "a southern man don't need him around anyhow".

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

Well, I am a southern man from Jacksonville, Florida. I raise you a song from my hometown band, Lynard Skynard.


These dangerous Yankees don’t know nuthin at all. All brainwashed.

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Yeah, Matt. Some of these 60s icons should just retire and go away. Preserve their memory while they can.

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I’m sure they never watched or listened to a Rogan podcast.

Neil had a new deal with Amazon, as I reacall. He didn’t sing for coke or Pepsi but he did for Spotify and Amazon.

Spotify isn’t good for musicians, in general.

Can’t agree with you about Joni.

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I'll bring the love for Joni. She was great, back in the day.

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She just doesn’t resonate with me. From that genre, I do really like Nick Drake though. He’s a good Saturday Am w/ coffee listen, and died way too soon.

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Yes, she was!

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I thought that the inclusion of the Neil Young video was brilliant on Sasha’s part, because in many ways, it echoes her points on Biden. Looking at Neil in his youth (not a single wrinkle on his face) really brought home to me the ravages of the aging process.

I don’t believe for a minute that Biden will actually be the candidate come election time — they are just pretending so that they don’t have to run Harris (who would be the rightful successor). My gut feeling is that Biden will have a sudden “health crisis” at the last minute (a month or so before the election) and they will be able to replace him (likely with either gruesome Newsom or Mrs. Obama) before the heterodox journalists can find enough dirt on the new candidate.

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Sasha’s use of music is perfect. Every time.

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I, too, think this is exactly what will happen.

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It was posted earlier today that because of the way the nominating process works the D's are stuck with Joe.

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But, you see, he’ll have a sudden “very serious health crisis” and be sadly unable to continue…surprise: it’s October!

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

The late 60’s until 1974 were the greatest burst of pure beauty in western music, the actual British Invasion. All of them were classically educated musicians who made lots of beautiful noise. Genesis, Pink Floyd, Yes, Gentle Giant, and many others. All we have now are angry negroe hippity hop rap non musicians with no education and not style nor substance, nor any musical talent whatsoever. Or the stripper queens who take their clothes off to shake their booties with absolutely no talent to computer generated nonsense. Taylor Swift is one of them. Beyoncé, Kimbo Karcrash, all the same. No talent at all. The only current American music talents today do Bluegrass or Jazz, not on radio dials. They actually make their own music. I like Allison Krause. She made two LP’s with Robert Plant from Led Zeppelin. Bluegrass music, acoustic music. “Raising Sand” is one of them. Check it out if you please. This is actually music made by human beings, not computers.


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Since you mentioned, Pink Floyd, IMO, Roger Waters is far worse than John Lennon ever was.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

I understand. He is a notorious anti Semite. He is talented as well. However, Lennon had far more negative impact in poisoning hearts and minds with the most destructive forces.

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Nah. Lennon promoted peace and love.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

I am old and remember those moments. It all turned when the Beatles made an LP, “Revolver.” Everything went nuts after that. Such a lovely and sweet record. Then John Lennon dragged American children into drug addictions, communist theories, Buddhists theology and into hell. It has gone worse ever since then.

Don’t believe me? Read the lyrics of John Lennon’s seminal piece of music “Imagine “, a peon to world communism hellfire. Then get back to me. Lennon is burning in hell now. He belongs to Satan. I can’t listen to any of the Beatles music anymore. And I was there when they played the Ed Sullivan show.

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I love the Beatles. Yes, they were very influecial.

I think John was an idealist. “Imagine” reflects that.

Before he was murdered, he had gone through quite a transformation. Who knows how he would have grown, given the opportunity.

I see nothing wrong with Buddhist theology. And I also believe people are responsible for their own choices re drug use.

Burning in hell? Should there be such a thing, it’s not likely John Lennon is there. One would have to be absolutely irredeemable, which is never the case. But we’re not the judge.

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“Do they think the American people can’t see their hypocrisy?”

Yes. The postmodern corporatist left truly believes any narrative they craft will be believed (including the ones they tell themselves) because we as humans don’t want to doubt the storytellers for they explain the world to us NPCs and wouldn’t lie or mislead us…right?

And our ability to see their (and our) stunning depravity depends largely on the confluence of our individual and collective perceptive capacities. Does our corporate/social media system incentivize enough constructive honest discourse and information sharing? How many of our universities and colleges promote enough healthy understanding and training of mixed methods of knowledge production?

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Many people see the hypocrisy, but the people in power don’t care, hence as an example Hilary and Joe escape punishment for the same crimes that Trump gets charged with. These people know exactly what they are doing. How do we know? Because they are trying to censor people pointing it out. If they didn’t comprehend what they were doing they wouldn’t be trying to silence their critics.

This gov’t funded cabal has dis, mis and mal information boards, committees and NGOs trying to silence dissent, spy on Americans, financially ruin people, use the legal system to harass Americans and shut down voices on social media that expose them. When they prosecute people for not getting a shot and then tell you “my body, my choice”, when they selectively enforce laws like immigration, political payoffs, protesting in front of a judges house, harassing pro life centers, destroying federal property.

Oh yea, they know what they’re doing. It’s all about power and control. They have it, you don’t, and they want to keep it.

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It’s true, silencing of critics exposes their power and positions. And they have that power, we don’t. When it comes to the last 4 or 5 POTUS elections, we’re always in a red-blue prisoner’s dilemma, especially when it was possible both Biden and trump could have been imprisoned. 3rd party candidates really screw with their game. Republicans tend to cooperate whereas dems defect from norms. Media same thing, though that might be morphing a little as more aggressive conservative media has arisen and the Trumpian fox has sought brashly to outplay or defect from the lion’s game. And they (and never trumpers) have lashed out since 2016 against him if conservatives dare defect.

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RemovedFeb 11
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Per Hur’s report, “our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified information after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen”. That is illegal. Clinton possessed classified information on her private email server. That is illegal. They should be prosecuted but are not. Only Trump is. But you already know that and are just gaslighting.

“And clearly he committed them”. What proof do you have to make that statement?

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RemovedFeb 12
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If you want to call Hur’s report false and his investigations conclusions false that’s your absolute right. Then I’ll use your burden off proof and call all of the allegations against Trump false and politically motivated. You have not disclosed a single speck of proof that Trump did anything illegal. You are just regurgitating what a politically motivated DOJ and special prosecutor said he did.

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RemovedFeb 12
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Read the Biden special council report. He knowingly possessed and shared classified, top secret documents to those without clearance. That is illegal, regardless of the circumstances. They weren’t secure, guarded, nothing. That is illegal and punishable by jail time. He knew about them yet did not notify the authorities for years. He slow walked the disclosure (obstructed) the return and investigation of those documents. Hilary Clinton did the same thing.

If you want to charge Trump then fine, but if you’re not charging Biden because of poor memory, which is irrelevant to the law, and not charging Clinton because you don’t think it’s serious enough to be prosecuted, then don’t blow smoke up my ass and tell me Trumps case is different. If they all broke the law then they all should be charged. They were not all charged, only one was. That’s bs.

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May be they do know we see their hypocrisy. May be they don't. It doesn't matter because what are We the People going to do about it? That's what those in power think. "What are you going to do about?"

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Optimist: we can vote local, state, and national

Realist: be a CEO, lobby, win govt contracts

Pessimist: vote? for the realists? work, live, die

Nihilist: watch the whole crapshow…sometimes

I can only hope a politician’s lies become more untenable that they unravel. And the power grab/game reveals itself. And new media reveal the corruption in each generation before their inevitable corruption. And the Eagle Scout in me says make a difference in my circle of influence: my family, religious community, town, job, congressional district rep, and now substack.

Practically: work to change the DC incentive structure; reduce the executive and empower congressional deliberation by repealing portions of the patriot act, promoting an anti-omnibus bill amendment via legislatures or congress, run for speaker of the house 😂 , and promote allsides.com and ground news to everyone.

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"All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force."

George Orwell

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Sociopaths care nothing for hypocrisy.

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These journalists. Bidens wife and children. EVERYONE who works for him. They’re all evil. They truly are. They would rather see the US and the world burn rather than tell the truth about Biden and let people make up their own minds (and even if they don’t vote Trump then they still would probably vote independent.)

I don’t use the world evil lightly but they really are.

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Their goal is to see the US burn, but what they don't realize is the flames are going to devour them. I also don't use the word evil lightly, but I agree with you on this, and I've never seen anything but malice hiding behind Biden's plastic grin and the fanatic demons around him.

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And worse. Once they do get rid of him, they’ll install Newsom. A psychopath who’s destroyed California.

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I agree, particularly about Jill Biden. Supposedly a teacher but has been curiously silent about the disastrous state of education in this country. She should be screaming about it every chance she has, and decoupling herself from Randi Weingarten.

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They just want the country gutted. Extracting all the wealth they can before they sail off into the sunset.

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she's not much of a teacher imho

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It’s elder abuse.

Some would argue that he deserves it.

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Even if he does deserve it, the American people and the world at large don’t. The worst part is it’s all because of mean tweets and because the media lied.

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Of course we don’t deserve it. It’s a disaster.

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So, let us fix it peacefully. If it isn’t possible, then another way.

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The Carlson-Putin interview was a little depressing for me, as I realized that there is NO ONE in American politics who could speak as cogently as V. V. Putin for 2 hours straight, not Trump, not Haley, not Newsom, not Schumer and certainly not Biden. Putin covered a broad range of subjects - history, economics and geopolitics. I am NOT a Putin admirer; I think he's a despot and aggressor; he deliberately skipped over history that does not support his arguments. I wish Tucker had nailed him on his omission of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939 that enabled Hitler's invasion of Poland - and Stalin's just a few weeks later. But the contrast with American politicians was enormous; my friend says he believes this is deliberate on the part of Russia. They have shown us what empty suits we have for "leaders." Coming when it did, the Putin interview is particularly unflattering to Biden, whose memory seems to have utterly failed, not that he was ever an intelligent man or deep thinker.

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Trump is far sharper than most give him credit for. He’s not my cup of tea, but the way he’s been able to navigate the entire federal and several state governments turned against him is nothing short of remarkable.

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Trump is smart in many ways, and just as devious and good at handling people one on one. He also was a good leader.

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I agree. Your take is spot on. I don’t think Putin is a good guy. He’s a bad guy, BUT he’s not invited to play in the reindeer games of the WEF. He stands in the way of their pursuit for global rule. I think that’s why he’s painted as pure evil and everyone refuses to work with him. To refuse to even talk to him? Come on! Give me a break. If there was something to gain from it, any of our leaders would…

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Spot on, Roger. Yes, Putin (like so many other world leaders) is a gangster on a grand scale, but the Tucker interview revealed him to be a man of formidable intellect. The same-day, side-by-side comparison to Biden is scary to contemplate.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 11

What i noticed most was Putin’s almost photographic memory of the sweep of history, beginning with the Kievan Rus in the 9th century Anno Domini.

I have been loudly against the Ukraine war since it started. Putin explains why. Ukraine has always been a Russian province. He doesn’t have enough young men and armaments to attack Western Europe. Make a treaty. This is what Trump is talking about. Make germany pay for their reconstruction. After all, Germany started this War of the Solar Panels with their insane Clmate Change Hoax

This would be the actual Versailles Treaty, Round 2. Germany is absolutely GUILTY of climate change hysteria. Far worse than the Somme, but this time against the entire planet Earth.


Climate change NAZI’s are far more dangerous to human beings than any other form of violence on planet earth. Why can’t we round them up like the Nazi’s they are, and execute ALL of them immediately? It would rescue billions of human beings from hunger, freezing, diseases, and death.

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Agreed, Putin's seemingly off the cuff command of Ukrainian and Russian history was impressive by any measure...he is not to be underestimated. And, though it pains me to say it, I agree with Putin that the proximate cause of the current hostilities was the reckless and ill-conceived expansion of NATO eastward. I opposed it as needlessly provocative when it was first proposed in the 90s, and the consequences of that move are what we have today. But I guess that makes me, in the eyes of some, "Putin's puppet." Which is itself further evidence of how shallow our foreign policy discourse is. Sigh.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

It was AGREED to in the early 90’s. The USA broke the deal. Clinton did this. And since then every Potus until Trump. He wanted peace and security. No more wars, no more death. Common Russians are Orthodox Christians, they want peace. Only the World Economic Forum want war. They control Biden today. We need peace now, not war against another Christian nation. Our war is with the WEF and the Sodomytes, and the Ecofascist Climate Change NAZI’s. They will all burn in hell for eternity in the Lake of Fire 🔥

Peace, peace, peace, Shalom and Amen, Amen, and again Amen…

I am no puppet. My family came to America in 1635 with the Massachusetts Bay Colony in John Winthrop’s group. George Washington warned us explicitly about getting entangled with useless and meaningless European Wars. I agree. Screw Europe. Grow up little trannies. Put on your big boy panties and fight mother Russia all by yourself. NOT, let me repeat, NOT our problem. NATO is nothing more than a cruel joke and a toothless tiger. And everyone knows this. Bugger off EU. French assault rifle, dropped once, never fired.


America First

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George Kennan warned against this back when the expansion started. If we have ever had a policy maker with a greater understanding of the Russians, I don't know who that would be.

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Totally agree, the Afghanistan debacle was the eye opener for me. I'd always thought Biden was somewhat harmless, but his racially divisive speeches after the election really bothered me. Then his indifference and refusal to even acknowledge the exit was awful and tragic just sent me over the edge. He's not a harmless old man, he's a mean one.

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The moment for me was the President of the United States, the Speaker of the House and the rest of their toadies hitting one knee in the Rotunda in support of BLM. All wearing their Covid mask..

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For me, it was when Biden said that Trans rights were the defining civil rights issue of our time. He said it in such an impassioned way, too, as if it were 1964 and he was giving a speech about the necessity of passing The Civil Rights Act of 1964.

I'm not a neurologist, but I know a little about it from a patient's perspective. Neurologists speak of "cognitive reserve" ( innate smarts ) in assessing a patient's prospects for recovery from an acquired brain injury, such as a stroke, or a traumatic brain injury. It's simple: the more the patient had going for him before the catastrophe, the better his chances of making significant recovery.

Biden has an ABI, dementia, and it's hitting him as hard as it is because the guy was never that bright to begin with. I remember verbatim the following devastating sentence from a Newsweek article circa 1973 about the then - new Senator from Delaware, Joseph Biden: "His colleagues consider him a lightweight."

My dismay about our situation is tempered by my awareness that Biden himself is probably terrified to admit to himself what's happening to him. A cinematic parallel is the Henry Fonda character in "On Golden Pond."

We're still in a hurricane force ****storm.

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Thanks for that, Bobby, it was illuminating.

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Thank you, good sir. It's an odd situation. I feel sorry for him man to man, but am appalled that he's President.

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“but his racially divisive speeches after the election really bothered me.”

Check out Heather MacDonald about this. I am awed and appalled by how disastrous our situation is. And all this damage from open borders, to dumbed down schools, to the demonization of “Whiteness!” and the war on meritocracy are coming from the same people who want Trump in prison.

“Figures from President Biden on down are telling blacks, nonstop, that they are under lethal threat from whites, and that it is white supremacists, not black criminals, who pose the greatest threat to their safety. “Buffalo attack ignites safety worries for Black Angelenos,” reads a headline in the May 22 Los Angeles Times. New York representative Jerrold Nadler, a sponsor of the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act, says, “Democrats are taking the fight straight to the . . . violent extremists that are terrorizing minority institutions.” A Washington Post-Ipsos poll found that 75 percent of black Americans were very or somewhat worried that they or someone they love will be attacked because of their race. A respondent interviewed by the Post says that he is “apprehensive at stoplights, imagining a White man getting out and shooting him in his car.” 

“Using Tragedy for Racial Propaganda.”

After the horror in Buffalo, President Biden and others peddle an entirely false charge: that whites are the biggest source of hate crime and interracial violence in the US.

City Journal. Heather MacDonald. May 23, 2022


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Heather is good.

Thomas Sowell is great.

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Well said….Please pray for America!

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

80 $billion in combat ready battlefield weapons left on the front for the Taliban. This precisely defines the Biden administration. They wish to kill Americans. Get ready folks.

We are the absolutely the most armed citizens in world history. Get ready to use them. Only as last resort to defend your family and friends

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The people that put Biden in power want him to fail. They want to see America humiliated and laughed at and Biden fits the bill perfectly. We got to stop gaslight ourselves and realize that who ever it is that is running the country wants America destroyed. It is the only scenario that make sense for what is going on. Boy I miss Rush. We need an AI Rush Limbaugh!

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Remember that AOC described Biden as I believe “pliable”, meaning easy to mold (manipulate). It’s exactly what’s happening. Susan Rice, Ron Klein, Kamala Harris, Tony Blinken, this whole ‘we’re going to transform America’ crowd is actually running the WH.

If you don’t believe me look at the policies being pushed. Equity, climate change, erasing history, and they are using all the left wing buzzwords and concepts like racism, alphabet segregation, eliminating merit based achievement, eliminating any measurements of proficiency, indoctrination, voter manipulation, neutering law enforcement, siding with criminals.

When it all goes south, like it is and has been, there is no course correction, no re-evaluation, no introspection. Nope, they will just censor anyone who points it out because they’re not wrong, everyone else is. They view themselves as smarter than everyone else, have higher self righteous morals, feel the country needs to be burned down and rebuilt in their ideological image. They used to be fringe, now they are in power and they aren’t stopping for anyone and anything.

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Jeff Childers, Coffee & Covid Substack, is my Rush of Substack. Great takes on current news & issues (Rush-like insights & humor).

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Obama will burn in hell. The Lake of Fire 🔥

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I think we should stop pressuring Biden to step down, at least for right now. We should wait a little longer because it will give the Dems less time to regroup around a new candidate. Maybe we should wait until April, and let his gaffes continue to pile up, or better yet, the month before the DNC convention in August.

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There's no doubt in my mind Biden's dem handlers purposely put him out there in order to generate pressure to remove him from office. There has been a dribble of negative information leaking out of the white house, and the press conference is their Hail Mary. The smart move would be to stop the pressure, as you suggest, but I believe the uniparty will move to oust him to help install the next fascist in line.

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They will oust Biden at the DNC Convention. Say hello to Nominee Michelle Obama.

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I've been thinking the same thing. All the leaks and getting him to do the press conference is to build pressure to force him to the side.

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Agreed. Let the Dems freak out about what they’ve got on their hands. Trump will crush Biden so let’s let him be the Dem nominee.

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They don’t need to regroup. They’ll just pick Newsom and be done with it.

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I’ve been shouting same! Only I’m wanting them to keep him till literally too late to remove him.

Ballots printed & their infamous “early voting” already begun - meaning thisclose to Nov. 5, 2024.

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Oh, they’re already throwing him under the bus all over the place on YouTube and social media to prepare the way for their next person in line… it’s obvious, the play has begun.

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Great writing and reporting, as always. It is interesting to me, having gone through the "you can't un-see it" moment in early Covid, to watch this now - something I desperately yearned for during the dark years of '20-'21 - as the house of cards begins to shake and fall apart. There are so many analogies and metaphors like the emperor has no clothes ... As much as the Schadenfreude is pumping my serotonins, I'm still anxious because this is a MASSIVE veil that is possibly coming down. What will happen next?

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My guess is something to do with UFOs.

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This can only happen when the MSM give fellatio a bad name by their blind support of dems

Amr Australia

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Between the Hur report and press conference, and now trying to prosecute RFK jr off the ballots, plus the Putin/Tucker interview, all the SCOTUS judges reaction to the 14A thing, Harris sounding drunk and more idiotic than usual in a “clean up” speech, and hemorrhaging of minority support... it’s been a pretty bad week. Only the most committed and delusional on the Left think it’s going well. But they really do think they’re winning. And they may cheat out a win, but they’re getting ground to pulp in their ever more desperate and insane moves now. Unfortunately I think they’ll keep steam rolling over law, precedent (the “spirit of Aloha” anyone?!), and norms until the country has fractured.

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Excellent post as always. But I think the Invasion has been worse than the Afghanistan debacle, both for the country and for Biden’s 2024 prospects.

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Clear as day, Sasha! The scary thing is, though, many MANY people (like my wife and a very good work friend) will vote for Biden even if he dies, "because Trump". I've had long conversations with them, trying to figure out why they feel this way. It all comes down to "because Trump". Literally any other person on earth would be preferable to them. It's sad (and scary).

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Can you at least convince them to stay home during election month? If they can’t vote for trump can they sit this one out? Please? For the future of our country?

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Believe me--if I could, I would!!

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Are you the Heather Gray I know from Impact Health? Apologies if 'no'!

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

Biden and company are nothing but a bought and paid for Deap State/WEF clown show.

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