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Check out the 12:15 min point in this 19 min “Meet the Press” interview with JD Vance. They start arguing about illegal immigration. Vance says there are 25 million illegals in the country. The reporter says according to the DHS it’s closer to 8 million. According to a 2018 Yale Study the actual number was about 22 million, double the 11 million the media had used for decades. If you add the 10 million since the democrats opened the southern border 3.5 years ago we come up with at least 32 million. The fact that so many of our “fellow Americans” consider it racist to have borders and will fight to keep these people here means that we’ve simply lost the ability to be a country. This is an impossible situation.

“JD Vance denies that Trump’s tariffs would be a tax on Americans.” (19 min)

NBC News. Aug 25, 2024


“Yale Study Finds Twice as Many Undocumented Immigrants as Previous Estimates.”

Yale Insights. Sept 21, 2018


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Does the DHS take into account the millions they don't know about, the so-called "gotaways"? How credible are any of these clowns who can't even account for 300,000 missing children? Nancy Pelosi was on Bill Maher openly admitting they want to make them citizens, so they can justify giving them up to $150,000 for new homes. Yet American citizens do not qualify. WTF. Who is still voting for these people, who clearly HATE THEM??


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We lack a common reality, have become incomprehensible to each other and can no longer communicate. Where is the common ground in such an infinitely wide divide? There obviously is none. We always just talk past each other. This can only get worse and is getting worse by the day.

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Thank you for responding. What is there to say to a party that wants to go along with the Great Reset and hand our sovereignty over to a sinister group of elitist Euros who want to control the entire planet? And what CAN you say to their indoctrinated supporters, who are either unaware or on board with this Agenda? Suggestions?

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Good Quillette article about Simon Leys on totalitarianism. This is why I believe only AI can save us. It’s the wild card in our future which is already upon us.

“Our condition is forever precarious; even basic human decency can shatter and vanish in an instant.”

Simon Leys is by no means obscure—much of his work is still in print, and he was the subject of a major biography by Philippe Paquet entitled Simon Leys: Navigator between Worlds. But he deserves greater recognition as an analyst of totalitarianism, not least for the way in which he built upon Czesław Miłosz’s warning: “The man of the East cannot take Americans seriously because they have never undergone the experiences that teach men how relative their judgments and thinking habits are. Their resultant lack of imagination is appalling… If something exists in one place, it will exist everywhere.” To this, Leys added (in the Los Angeles Times of all places): “The everyday order of our lives may seem to us natural and permanent, but it is in fact as fragile and illusory as the cardboard props on a theatrical stage: It can collapse in a flash and turn at once into black horror. Our condition is forever precarious; even basic human decency can shatter and vanish in an instant.”

“History does not repeat itself, but ideas do.”

“Maoism had unique traits but Leys nonetheless always saw it as a member of what he called the “great totalitarian family”—ideologies produced by patterns of thought found across human societies, from tiny shipwrecked pre-Enlightenment microcosms to vast 20th century nations.”

“Analyst of Totalitarianism-Reading Simon Leys Today.”

Quillette. Sept 28, 2020


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Awesome read. Grim, but awesome, nonetheless. Thank you for sharing this. I'm always grateful for people willing to share their relevant knowledge, with those of us who are less informed. The Batavia story was horrific. Regarding politicians or those given any power, surrounded by corruption, I can see how easily they succumb to corruption themselves. It seems it's almost inevitable. How much integrity is needed to resist? Is murder and mayhem very far behind? Given the psychopathy running rampant in our current ruling class, worldwide, we could easily slide into the dark ages.

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“It seems it's almost inevitable.”

Some excerpts below from a Quillette review of a book about the irrational side of human nature. The last one says: “One comes away with the sense that civilization operates on narrow margins and is always on the verge of collapsing into irrationality.” That sure is the truth. Are we in a “Dark Age” where reason is in retreat? Certainly does seem so.

“Mackay makes the case, often in gory detail, that episodes of collective mania seem to be an inevitable consequence of human nature. Humans in every time and place have cast aside their better judgment and allowed themselves to be caught up in all manner of irrational hoopla.“

“His chapters on the Swabian Peasants’ War and Anabaptist uprisings are terrifying depictions of the end-times frenzy that wreaked havoc on northern Europe throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. The distance between these events in the German-speaking world and, say, the Reign of Terror in France or the Chinese Cultural Revolution is not that great. And the speed with which apparently reasonable people moved from the embrace of a new theological idea to a willingness to torture those whose own theological ideas diverged even slightly is startling.“

“There is plenty to recommend about The Delusions of Crowds. It is laden with great anecdotes and the writing is always engaging. One comes away with the sense that civilization operates on narrow margins and is always on the verge of collapsing into irrationality.”

“The Delusions of Crowds-A Review.”

Quillette. Feb 8, 2021


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Sorry. I got side-tracked on Quillette. A lot of good stuff there. Now, thanks to you, there are so many books I want to read. The Delusions of Crowds is rather frightening to think about. Will it come to that? The early seasons of The Walking Dead, or Cormac McCarthy's The Road come to mind. Sure, the boy represents the kernel of goodness in us all, but is it enough to triumph? It seems we will be compelled to become the lowest common denominator within us, just to survive.

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We’re not all crazy but enough are to bring us all down. We can no longer afford another collapse into insanity and war. The weapons now are simply too powerful for us to survive it. That’s why I say follow AI.

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There is no way to reason with them. I believe America has already ceased to exist as a country and is disintegrating. It has already ceased to exist internally which is why it’s so rapidly unraveling externally. Follow AI. This is the only thing powerful enough to alter the path we’re on which is taking us to the abyss.

“The AI Scientist: Fully Automated Open-Ended Scientific Discovery.” (13 min)

Wes Roth. Aug 17, 2024


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This makes me sad. Never in my wildest imagination could I believe this would happen in my lifetime. Then again, it is not a fait accompli, and the possibilities are always available for a course correction. AI is for sure frightening. All I needed was to hear that it's creating snuff films and I said let's rethink this whole available to the masses thing. But it's worse in the hands of the mad scientists. What's a woman to do?

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Elon’s not a mad scientist and there are other AI researchers like him plus there is the fact that our ruling class and many of our “fellow Americans” hate us and want to grind us into the dirt. I’ll take my chances with AI any day over the pigs who rule us and their followers.

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How do you build compassion and kindness into something that will overtake us and realize it no longer takes orders, but should be giving them? Will it not see us as a threat that needs to be erradicated? I'm near clueless re: AI, so forgive my childish questions. Yes, we wouldn't even get any chances from the psychopaths who are biding their time before they can finally bust out their wheels and racks and Iron Maidens. I need a break. The Wreck of the Batavia looms large. 💀💀💀

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“How do you build compassion and kindness into something that will overtake us and realize it no longer takes orders, but should be giving them? “

Elon and other AI researchers constantly ask this question. Follow AI and you’ll see what they have to say about it. Keep following Sasha and when I see one of your comments I’ll post something about AI. For whatever reason most people here have no interest in it which always amazes me since it is the most astonishing event in human history.

Integrated AI: The psychology of modern LLMs (2024). (11 min)

Dr Alan Thompson. Jun 17, 2024


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