Unfortunately none of these statements will make a dent in public opinion; the people who hate Trump don't listen to anything other than what reinforces their existing opinion.

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They ALWAYS blame their opponents for the EXACT things they are doing.

Harris' statement regarding Trump at Arlington IS political and DISGUSTING.😧🤮

God bless the families of those soldiers and, please, God bless and protect President Trump.🙏🏿

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Sep 1Edited

"Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.” — Joseph Goebbels.

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Exactly 👍

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Yes, these videos WILL make an impact. We don’t need to persuade everybody, just a few percent of the population who are swing voters. They will determine the election outcome. Falling into despair and apathy is precisely what the enemy wants. Never quit. Never give up.

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these statements are not meant for his haters because Harris attempt was to turn supporters against him. These statements are to assure supporters that he was not taking advantage for promotional reasons.

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His supporters don’t need these statements; they already know the administration and media lie about Trump.

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You can tell because their lips are moving.

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When the Marxist Dem cult members lie, they are speaking their native tongue.

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And all of their tongues are forked.

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Oh, so they did this for the people, to assure them he was not doing what they're accusing him of? Explain that to me, because these democrats never do anything that is not totally self-serving.

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Not sure about that...you HAVE to keep getting the truth out there. It's the MS Medias broad reach that's the cahllenge....keep chipping away at their BS.

I don't want to live under left wing Fascism & Tyranny, do you?

Thanks Sasha, you must be workin night & day on all this. Appreciate it.

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It absolutely makes a dent every time they blatantly lie to the public, more people open their eyes and see how much they’re being lied to. It makes a difference! Believe me, I’ve been watching very closely for eight years now. And it is finally making a difference. Finally, finally, finally it is making a difference! The general population absolutely is waking up in a very noticeable and palpable way. And it’s fucking beautiful!

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Amen - even those who appear to pull the wool over their faces and accept being lied to, day in and day out also often can be heard saying "well I'll let it go only because it's Trump". But most of us will never forget, especially those who have seen this play out over and over and over since the liberals took 100% control of media in the 1980s.

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It’s a neat trick to acuse those who oppose Trump as ”haters.” That way you avoid having to listen to anything thst might contradict your opinion of Trump.

They are all just filled with hate, they all have TDS.

I think checking alternative info sources is a great idea from you. I do it all the time, most recently right here.

Do you do this yourself?

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Are you suggesting there is an "alternative" side to the reality that the Regime that sent these soldiers to their deaths failed in every way to even acknowledge them, much less take responsibility, is now attacking the former president for doing so - at the request of the fallen soldiers families - as disrespectful? One doesn't need to listen to "alternative" sources to understand facts and be outraged by the Regime's duplicity and insulted that after their behavior they have the audacity to accuse Trump of not supporting our fallen soldiers. I'm actually surprised that they didn't have "stolen valor" Walz level the attack.

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We don't need to check alternative info sources to find anti-Trump viewpoints. That's all the MSM provides.

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“Do you do this yourself?”

I check Real Clear Politics every day. Are you happy about the democrat’s war on meritocracy which is being replaced with Equity aka race based Equal Outcomes which is even dumbing down our medical schools?

“Editor’s Note: America is at war. This is not a traditional war, fought on a battlefield against an external enemy. It is a civilizational conflict against an internal enemy: the group quota regime, a revolutionary threat that seeks to reorganize American society around the principle of outcome equality — what the regime’s partisans call “equity.”

“This cold civil war may go unnoticed by many day-to-day, but its stakes are often as high as life and death. Here, Roger B. Cohen, a celebrated oncologist and professor in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, explains how the group quota regime has taken hold of the American medical education system and asks urgent questions about the consequences for medicine, for the sick, and for the country.”

“The End of Merit in Med Schools Will Be Deadly.”

Real Clear Politics. Roger Cohen. Apr 2, 2024


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He'll, I even read Politico and MSM every day and assorted other leftist stuff. I have noticed it is a lot harder to live in a conservative bubble than a leftist one because of the larger culture. Entertainment media is more leftist than news media. Sasha just posted about this.

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Follow Yahoo News. Most of their political/culture articles are from the Woke left like the New York Times. You’ll find all the crazies on one site and won’t have to go to many sites.

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I do Google News which is the same

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They trigger easy at Yahoo.

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NYT is run by State Department and WAPO by CIA; rest of MSM gets their cue cards from them.

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I would love to see (FOUR YEARS LATER) the names of any of the Atlantic's four "UNNAMED SOURCES" who created the "suckers and losers" lie. Do you have any names after more than four years, RS? You know, from alternative info sources? There are actually names of people (including John Bolton and not all Trump sycophants) who refute the story. On the record? Who do YOU actually believe in that instance?

The stock answer is "they're afraid to go on record because of the threat of violence.....". How many critics of Trump have been murdered by his knuckle-dragging vengeful horde? Oh, none? That response will fade away soon and is another beautifully-constructed piece of deflection by liberals, who own pretty much all political violence over the last ten years except for Jan 6, 2021 and Charlottesville........... which in glorious liberal fashion are pretty much the ONLY TWO examples of political violence you ever hear about. Weird, right??

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And there’s the rub. Against stupidity, the gods themselves fight in vain.

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They're both trash. Welcome to modern day US politics. Sh*t head vs sh*t head.

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Sep 1Edited

Only one ticket fits that description: queen komrad khameleon and her Mao loving commie running mate! For those that are discontent with both sides, you still only have ONE SANE CHOICE, and it's not the foregoing!!!

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You’re an absolute idiot or you haven’t been paying the slightest bit of attention if you think both sides are bad. One side is a heroic patriot movement to save this nation and the world. The other side is a Marxist traitorous puppeted shrew controlled by demon-possessed villains who hate you. Grow up!!!

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Yes, but which one is deliberately attempting to destroy America and, on a daily basis, go out of their way to show their disdain and utter hatred for the American people?

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My heart goes out to each of you who needlessly lost a child on that terrible day. I cannot fathom the depth of your pain but i now it is great. I know I and millions of Americans will hold you in your prayers for the sacrifice you and you solder children made for all of us. May God be with you and ultimately give you peace in your heart and with your soul.

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Love and respect to these families and their children needlessly lost in service to their country under the complete abdication of duty by Joe Biden & Kamala Harris and the ridiculous military leadership under their command. That any person votes for them is astounding.

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But of course, many will vote for Madame Clueless. If she wins, the nation is screwed. I suppose she’ll hire a great press secretary so she doesn’t ever have to answer questions. But she will periodically lie about what’s not working because taxes are too low.

Madame Clueless would never have a true conversation with Gold Star families as her presence would only infuriate them.

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I think Trump has all of the momentum, but I fear the cheating that they’re so good at.

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I will never forget watching Joe Biden check his watch, repeatedly, when the servicemembers came home in coffins.

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Fact is, he wished to be anywhere else. Anywhere……

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Trump has gone into politics only after having retired from his professional career in the real world. Low-lifes like Harris have never BEEN in the real world. They don't even know it exists.

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The real world? Your world must be quite different from mine if Trump’s life bears any resemblance to your everyday reality in the real world, lol.

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Yes, my world is quite different from yours. Are you just now realizing that there is a whole world out there that is quite different from the one you are cocooned in?

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Well, think about it, Bird. Media love to make fun of Trump's bankruptcies, but that shows a factor that WAY MOST of us face - the risk of failure costing us personally. Hillary, Kamala, Joe Biden never faced that risk. If they ever failed (the only failure for a liberal is losing an election), they just go to work for MSNBC or at a lower level "government job". When your only job requirement is to place a "D" next to your name, promise everything to the public and lie about your opponents - you don't attract the brightest or hardest-working people. Tell us, Bird how Kamala, Biden or Walz' world resemble yours at all. They certainly don't resemble the vast majority of us.

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God bless the 11 U.S. Marines, Navy corpsman, Army special operations soldier killed, and 18 wounded American military service members and their Families.

Lets not forget the hundreds of Afghan civilians that were killed and wounded in the attack.


I am 25-year active duty Marine. I retired 30 years ago.

No need to wonder why the Military can’t recruit real warriors.

Most Americans have taken thier eyed off the ball.

Paying proper respect in any cemetery is a given, but the real issue is the lack of leadership.

American knows O’Biden & O’Harris made a stupid decision about Afghanistan, but the senior military leadership (Generals & Adminals) were the real idiots. Yes, men/women one and all.

Pulling the military out before the evacuation of Americans was idiotic.

You can't fix stupid.

O’Biden & O’Harris will never accept responsibility.

Not a single General has stepped up to take responsibility. There was a 4-Star Marine General in Command of the Central Command.

Today it’s the American way to blame someone else.

WWIII is upon us.

We will not win wars with DEI. American women are as patriotic as American men as are Americans of color are as patriotic as white Americans. Gays fly American flags too.

I respect women, people of color, and yes gay people, but DEI is the kiss of death to OUR military.

Only 6% of Americans ever served in the military.


Most Americans know nothing about the military especially the Combat Arms of the Army, Marines, and Special Operations.

You do not win wars with girls, gays, and girly men.

You win wars with a bonded team not a bunch of factions with separate agendas.

You win wars with merit and bull dog drive.

You win wars with the best-of-the-best.

Today’s military leaders, especially Generals & Admirals that don't take responsibility will get your kids & grandkids killed.


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Thank you for your service, sir. We need to replace our current weak, diversity hires in the military, with strong, no nonsense, REAL MEN, such as yourself, like we've always traditionally had, until the democrats weakened them. We need to get rid of the entire democrat party. They've chosen to become the enemies of the state and they need to face tribunals as the traitors that they are. TRUMP 2024. 🇺🇸💟👍🍺🙏🇺🇸💟🇺🇸

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Keep the Faith.

Go see the Movie Reagan and see how one person can make a difference.

You are never out of the fight.

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🇺🇸💟🇺🇸 See? Thirty years out and you're still inspiring people! God bless you. I will keep the faith. 🙏🇺🇸🙏💟

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I have visited Arlington numerous times. Long ago when I was flying charter out of Lynchburg, I often took passengers - usually Jerry Falwell or members of his staff - to Washington National and had a day to kill. Sometimes I went to the Mall and visited the museums and sometimes I went to Arlington. My most recent visit was in 2010. It was a pleasant place to walk around and look at the names. Contrary to popular belief, Arlington is NOT where American war dead are buried. There are some there although I don't know why since most families want their sons brought home to bury them in their family plot. It's only been in recent years that they set aside areas for current dead (Word War II dead were buried in cemeteries overseas although most of them were later dug up and brought to the States and turned over to the families for burial.) The vast majority of the dead buried at Arlington are military retirees, mostly lieutenant colonels and above, who were buried there when they died years after their retirement. Requirements for burial at Arlington are restrictive. You'll find few enlisted men buried there with the exception of Medal of Honor winners. Arlington is administered by the Army while other veterans cemeteries are administered by the VA or by individual states, such as the one in West Tennessee where I am considering having my remains buried if I don't direct that I be cremated and the ashes thrown out with the trash.

That there are restrictions on filming in the cemetery is news to me. I've taken dozens of photographs there and nearly everyone you see has a camera. The Tomb of the Unknowns is a popular photographic scene. The last time I was there I noticed that there is an area off to the side where they've been buring recent war dead, specifically Afghanistan and Iraq. It's away from the section where the generals, colonels and heroes are buried and most people never go there. Why it's even there is beyond me since most of those who died in those countries were flown to their homes just as they have been since Vietnam.

So what that Trump smiled or cracked a joke? I remember one time when I lived in Virginia when I took my young family to visit the New Market Battlefield where VMI cadets made a famous charge and routed Union troops. My son was a little boy, maybe five. He was happy and wanted to play. An old biddy who worked there chastised him for making noise. I almost blessed her out. Unlike her, I had actually seen war and watched men die and I knew that those young men who fought on that battlefield would have loved to see little boys playing. Incidentally, that little boy grew up, graduated from the US Naval Academy and went on dangerous missions in submarines that few Americans have any idea they were doing.

Kamala Harris is a politician. She doesn't give too hoots in a windstorm about veterans and American war dead. She's just taking advantage of the media false reporting to make a point. Incidentally, I know A LOT of veterans and darn near every one of them plan to vote for Trump.

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My dad chose to be buried in one of the military cemeteries in his state. There are no restrictions on any photography or videotaping. In fact, his ceremony was videotaped by my niece.

I'm not aware of the backstory regarding whether Trump smiled and/or cracked a joke, but I fail to see why there has be any sort of restriction on any emotion in a cemetery. How many of us have ever cracked up or laughed at what seemed an "inappropriate" time? I think that this is, many times, a way for the brain to release some emotions. A wake is full of laughing and jokes, amongst other emotions. And a cemetery is welcoming to little boys who want to play.

In the case of my dad, we were encouraged to come up with a short saying for them to engrave on his nameplate. We chose this super funny saying he used to say upon leaving get-togethers. Even if someone doesn't know the backstory, the saying is funny. Who's to judge? He served his country but it wasn't all he was defined by and certainly those of us who remember him and visit him now have memories that encompass his entire being.

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Why in the world would any veteran vote for anyone but Trump? The democrats are the ones who hate veterans and no doubt call them suckers and losers amongst themselves. Then again, it's not like they single them out, because they hate ALL Americans. Thank you for your service. Please thank your son for his service, as well. I've heard submariners are the bravest men going and I have no doubt.

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When I visited Arlington about a decade ago the prohibition was on photographing funerals. I found my family member's grave, turned around and saw a caisson being pulled by horses arriving at a gravesite. We stood silent for a few minutes, then slipped away.

We never saw anything else in DC, Arlington was enough, and SO worth it.

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I will bet my bottom dollar that Steven Cheung's account of the incident is very close to perfectly correct. And would bet that the female Army person who accosted the group votes D and heard Maxine Waters in her head - "anywhere you see them, let them know they are not welcome.........."

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Please make this thread available to share on any social media. We will share and share and share for the public to know the truth

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Wow. The Biden White House's complete refusal to accept responsibility for the Afghanistan debacle was bad enough, but they even had the nerve to call it a huge success. Kirby outright lied when he said he disagreed that it was utter chaos. The whole thing completely changed many people's perceptions of this administration, including mine. Harris should be ashamed that her campaign posted this. If she posted it herself, then shame on her.

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The fallen 13.

Thank you for serving our wonderful USA.

May GOD rest their souls.

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Check out the 12:15 min point in this 19 min “Meet the Press” interview with JD Vance. They start arguing about illegal immigration. Vance says there are 25 million illegals in the country. The reporter says according to the DHS it’s closer to 8 million. According to a 2018 Yale Study the actual number was about 22 million, double the 11 million the media had used for decades. If you add the 10 million since the democrats opened the southern border 3.5 years ago we come up with at least 32 million. The fact that so many of our “fellow Americans” consider it racist to have borders and will fight to keep these people here means that we’ve simply lost the ability to be a country. This is an impossible situation.

“JD Vance denies that Trump’s tariffs would be a tax on Americans.” (19 min)

NBC News. Aug 25, 2024


“Yale Study Finds Twice as Many Undocumented Immigrants as Previous Estimates.”

Yale Insights. Sept 21, 2018


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Does the DHS take into account the millions they don't know about, the so-called "gotaways"? How credible are any of these clowns who can't even account for 300,000 missing children? Nancy Pelosi was on Bill Maher openly admitting they want to make them citizens, so they can justify giving them up to $150,000 for new homes. Yet American citizens do not qualify. WTF. Who is still voting for these people, who clearly HATE THEM??


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We lack a common reality, have become incomprehensible to each other and can no longer communicate. Where is the common ground in such an infinitely wide divide? There obviously is none. We always just talk past each other. This can only get worse and is getting worse by the day.

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Thank you for responding. What is there to say to a party that wants to go along with the Great Reset and hand our sovereignty over to a sinister group of elitist Euros who want to control the entire planet? And what CAN you say to their indoctrinated supporters, who are either unaware or on board with this Agenda? Suggestions?

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Good Quillette article about Simon Leys on totalitarianism. This is why I believe only AI can save us. It’s the wild card in our future which is already upon us.

“Our condition is forever precarious; even basic human decency can shatter and vanish in an instant.”

Simon Leys is by no means obscure—much of his work is still in print, and he was the subject of a major biography by Philippe Paquet entitled Simon Leys: Navigator between Worlds. But he deserves greater recognition as an analyst of totalitarianism, not least for the way in which he built upon Czesław Miłosz’s warning: “The man of the East cannot take Americans seriously because they have never undergone the experiences that teach men how relative their judgments and thinking habits are. Their resultant lack of imagination is appalling… If something exists in one place, it will exist everywhere.” To this, Leys added (in the Los Angeles Times of all places): “The everyday order of our lives may seem to us natural and permanent, but it is in fact as fragile and illusory as the cardboard props on a theatrical stage: It can collapse in a flash and turn at once into black horror. Our condition is forever precarious; even basic human decency can shatter and vanish in an instant.”

“History does not repeat itself, but ideas do.”

“Maoism had unique traits but Leys nonetheless always saw it as a member of what he called the “great totalitarian family”—ideologies produced by patterns of thought found across human societies, from tiny shipwrecked pre-Enlightenment microcosms to vast 20th century nations.”

“Analyst of Totalitarianism-Reading Simon Leys Today.”

Quillette. Sept 28, 2020


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Awesome read. Grim, but awesome, nonetheless. Thank you for sharing this. I'm always grateful for people willing to share their relevant knowledge, with those of us who are less informed. The Batavia story was horrific. Regarding politicians or those given any power, surrounded by corruption, I can see how easily they succumb to corruption themselves. It seems it's almost inevitable. How much integrity is needed to resist? Is murder and mayhem very far behind? Given the psychopathy running rampant in our current ruling class, worldwide, we could easily slide into the dark ages.

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“It seems it's almost inevitable.”

Some excerpts below from a Quillette review of a book about the irrational side of human nature. The last one says: “One comes away with the sense that civilization operates on narrow margins and is always on the verge of collapsing into irrationality.” That sure is the truth. Are we in a “Dark Age” where reason is in retreat? Certainly does seem so.

“Mackay makes the case, often in gory detail, that episodes of collective mania seem to be an inevitable consequence of human nature. Humans in every time and place have cast aside their better judgment and allowed themselves to be caught up in all manner of irrational hoopla.“

“His chapters on the Swabian Peasants’ War and Anabaptist uprisings are terrifying depictions of the end-times frenzy that wreaked havoc on northern Europe throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. The distance between these events in the German-speaking world and, say, the Reign of Terror in France or the Chinese Cultural Revolution is not that great. And the speed with which apparently reasonable people moved from the embrace of a new theological idea to a willingness to torture those whose own theological ideas diverged even slightly is startling.“

“There is plenty to recommend about The Delusions of Crowds. It is laden with great anecdotes and the writing is always engaging. One comes away with the sense that civilization operates on narrow margins and is always on the verge of collapsing into irrationality.”

“The Delusions of Crowds-A Review.”

Quillette. Feb 8, 2021


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There is no way to reason with them. I believe America has already ceased to exist as a country and is disintegrating. It has already ceased to exist internally which is why it’s so rapidly unraveling externally. Follow AI. This is the only thing powerful enough to alter the path we’re on which is taking us to the abyss.

“The AI Scientist: Fully Automated Open-Ended Scientific Discovery.” (13 min)

Wes Roth. Aug 17, 2024


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This makes me sad. Never in my wildest imagination could I believe this would happen in my lifetime. Then again, it is not a fait accompli, and the possibilities are always available for a course correction. AI is for sure frightening. All I needed was to hear that it's creating snuff films and I said let's rethink this whole available to the masses thing. But it's worse in the hands of the mad scientists. What's a woman to do?

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Elon’s not a mad scientist and there are other AI researchers like him plus there is the fact that our ruling class and many of our “fellow Americans” hate us and want to grind us into the dirt. I’ll take my chances with AI any day over the pigs who rule us and their followers.

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Any veteran that supports Kamala and the neocon Democratic Party is supporting putting our children in harm’s way needlessly and without proper leadership and support; Just so much more poor straight white and Hispanic males for cannon fodder. Seems intentionally aimed at reducing their population in America.

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The truth explained here is highly appreciated. The Left won’t care. The Right already knew. Hopefully, those in the Middle will understand the truth.

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Thanks again - as always - Dear Sasha - for your incredibly brilliant and insightful reporting!!🙏

This news so saddens me. It seems that there’s no low to which the Dem machine and the Kamala propaganda brigade will not stoop.😢

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"Whoever wrote this for her thinks the American people are stupid enough to believe it."

51% of them are, in spades.

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Unfortunately, our corrupt media won't report on these videos, and will now memory hole the entire 'hoax'.

No matter how much you hate our media, you can't hate them enough.

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Exactly. The democrat party would be utterly neutered without corporate media shilling for them. And beyond that, they aid and abet the UN, WHO, NIH, WEF and their ilk, into spreading their homicidal assaults upon the entire planet. They were complicit in crimes against humanity and are equally as guilty as Klaus Schwab, Tedros, Fauci and Bill Gates. They must face the same consequences.

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