It absolutely makes a dent every time they blatantly lie to the public, more people open their eyes and see how much they’re being lied to. It makes a difference! Believe me, I’ve been watching very closely for eight years now. And it is finally making a difference. Finally, finally, finally it is making a difference! The general populat…
It absolutely makes a dent every time they blatantly lie to the public, more people open their eyes and see how much they’re being lied to. It makes a difference! Believe me, I’ve been watching very closely for eight years now. And it is finally making a difference. Finally, finally, finally it is making a difference! The general population absolutely is waking up in a very noticeable and palpable way. And it’s fucking beautiful!
Amen - even those who appear to pull the wool over their faces and accept being lied to, day in and day out also often can be heard saying "well I'll let it go only because it's Trump". But most of us will never forget, especially those who have seen this play out over and over and over since the liberals took 100% control of media in the 1980s.
It absolutely makes a dent every time they blatantly lie to the public, more people open their eyes and see how much they’re being lied to. It makes a difference! Believe me, I’ve been watching very closely for eight years now. And it is finally making a difference. Finally, finally, finally it is making a difference! The general population absolutely is waking up in a very noticeable and palpable way. And it’s fucking beautiful!
Amen - even those who appear to pull the wool over their faces and accept being lied to, day in and day out also often can be heard saying "well I'll let it go only because it's Trump". But most of us will never forget, especially those who have seen this play out over and over and over since the liberals took 100% control of media in the 1980s.