Wow. The republican party actually fighting... I need to call my wife and tell her I love her as the world is ending. Good news for the Posse.

Don't forget that 'debate moderator' Dana Bash's ex - Jeremy Bash - was one of the signatories of the faux Biden Laptop endorsement. He is now married to Robyn Bash, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Policy Operations for the American Hospital Association.

Funny how all of our 'debates' are moderated by 'professional' government operators that belong to democrats. The political incest in Sodom on Potomac is disgusting and dangerous which is why I absolutely revere both the Reagan and Trump administrations and detest all the others of my lifetime.

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Peter Navarro (who turns 75 on July 15) is currently in federal prison for the same offense. I am glad the House Republicans are trying to keep Bannon out of prison. But I wish they had thought to exert this power as soon as they achieved a majority in 2023.

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Well, they’re Republicans, so all they do is write strongly worded letters and post a couple of rage filled tweets…then nothing! I’m disgusted with them at this point. They’re proving, over and over again, that they’re nothing more than the other side of the coin who wants exactly whatever the Deep State plans. They want to maintain the status quo at all costs while they continue to wheel and deal at the expense of their constituents in order to maintain power and increase their net worth, by whatever means!

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100% agree. I restrained my comment; shouldn't have done so.

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Haha, you’re just nicer than I am!

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Nope, today I just choose to be less bitchy.

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You give me something to aspire to!

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Good luck!

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I agree with your sentiment and at the same time feel like Trump and MAGA are less GOP and more a third party. Clearly old establishment Republicans don’t like Trump or MAGA.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

You’re absolutely correct. It’s clear the Republican Party has two factions, the neocon globalists and the America First populists. Unfortunately most of our politicians fall into the globalist Bush/McCain side of the party. Were tired of that…they have to go!

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They're not for nothing called the Stupid Party. That MUST change.

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The fools took the term “show trial” a little too literally. Reserving prime time TV slots and hiring network TV producers to make it more dramatic and legitimate looking. Embarrassing.

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Embarrassing? Reeks of High Treason, to me.

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All the people imprisoned for the J6 garbage need to be released and all sentences annulled.

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I didn't think that "feminism" could get more anti-woman. Just. Wow.

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Referring to anti-woman females as feminists is an oxymoron. Anyone can appropriate a label. Feminism, by definition, is not anti-woman.

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Right. And "progressives" advocate for going anywhere that any sane person would consider desirable. HAND

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The anti-woman females follow and turn over their brains to misogynistic males. These are not feminists no matter what they call themselves.

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When they label themselves as such, and roughly 90% of the "media" play along, they own the franchise. Sorry.

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If I played that same game with the same rules, then every male in a group that fights for men's rights (e.g. child custody, NAMBLA) is anti-childhood innocence and anti-woman. After all, both groups above are labeled as "men's rights" groups, so that makes them all the same according to your logic.

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No, it doesn't. HAND anyway.

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Thanks Sasha. How Levine ever made it this far is a disgrace to the country. How can anyone take the surgeon general edicts seriously about anything?

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

That guy pretending to be a woman in a uniform with a high rank tells you everything you need to know about post-modernism. Reality is fungible and has no basis in rationality. I challenge one, just one, of these lunatics to deny rationality and walk in front of a semi on your local interstate going 80.

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That’s a man, baby!

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A man that tried to turn into a woman at age 54. Someone needs to point that man to a better wig shop…!

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Perhaps taking a newborn pic of all will help them understand reality. I have heard all the trans arguments and they are all plainly bullshit. The long term cost of the disconnect with what is plain reality will be enormous. You think agent orange cost a lot, wait until all these people start to adjust to what is provable reality and I can only say I am sorry to my grandchildren but you have to take what I have given to you and pay.

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Any time the Supreme Court gets involved, it is a crapshoot. J6 is a mess of their own making (less Thomas and Alito). While there was certainly fraud involved in 2020 it is not necessary to prove that to make the 2020 election invalid. The TX lawsuit was based on the fact that 4 states modified election procedures in direct violation of the Constitution by having non-legislative actors do it. When the Supreme Court refused to hear the case, it put in motion all these other problems. By ruling that TX had no standing to contest a national election, the Supremes implicitly said that secession is OK.

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Exactly right. Stiff-armed by the judges, the people had only one place left to go to petition the government for redress... the seat of government, itself.

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We already know who the party nominees are, let's get this CF over with, get on with the election, and vote next Tuesday. Regime change can't come soon enough.

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Better late than never but why does it take so long for Republicans to take action against this massive pile of bullshit?

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My only guess is that this vote follows years of exposed evidence giving this vote the teeth it needed to prove the fraudulent motives of the j6 committee. It was a painful process, but so much truth has trickled out to refute their bogus claims. I can see the egg on Liz Cheney’s face in Wyoming all the way from here on the east coast.

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Republicans have stood by and watched a grinding travesty of justice while January 6 individuals are even today being subjected to unspeakably harsh punishment for misdemeanors. Matthew Graves must be impeached asap and the DC swamp is NOT being exposed —it’s way worse than is generally known.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

Thank you, Sasha Stone, for sharing your findings. And for finding your way out of the anti-American Democratic Party. The information you continue to provide will be historic! As the utterly fantastic Fifth Dimension once sang: "Save The Country!"

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"...this is the dawning of The Age of Aquarius....."

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Indeed! What harmonies! All good stuff, and whatever happened to that type of music? My personal favorites were Stoned Soul Picnic (Laura Nyro) and Paper Cup (Jimmy Webb).

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Thank you Sasha!!! Praise be to God!

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Democrats need to look in the mirror. What they see will be illegal immigrants, perverts who mutilate children (mentally and physically), race hustlers, and deadbeat spendthrifts who are trying to turn America, financially, into Argentina.

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Uhhhh, pretty sure they’re just fine with that scenario! The ones that aren’t ok with it are not voting for Biden!

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Thanks for the reminders that we must defeat The Regime.

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The real Regime is the Deep State.

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The participants and the beneficiaries of the regime will not defeat it. Why will they?

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Newsflash - Steve Bannon is an asshole who deserves to be in jail. He fucked over thousands of Trump supporters with his Build the Wall scam and Trump took a big shit in his supporters by pardoning him. Newsflash #2 - Trump does not give a shit about his supporters. Never had and never will. Wake up people !

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Somehow you guys all think this kind of post shows that you are the intellectuals and we are just the deplorable rubes.

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NO one has all the answers but some people do have some answers.

Knowledge is power if one knows how to use it.

Investigate, ask questions, read and study and so forth.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Your words

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Why yes, I wrote my own words. What an astute observation.

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Yes, nothing validates my belief in Trump more than the idiotic arguments of his detractors.... my response to virtually every one of their puny salvos is, "Is that all you got?"

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Agree re: Bannon...but right behind him put Clapper who lied repeatedly and thousands died as a result and the president who repeated the WMD BS into policy. The list goes on and on. These are ignored but paying off a hooker is somehow a legal issue, please. Monica you can stand up now.

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Also think Operation Warp Speed that helped kill plenty and injury many that Trump signed on September 19, 2019 BEFORE an announced fake pandemic.

Operation anything is military.

And what about all those unlawful mandates?

And what about the "repo problem" (lack of liquidity - lack of dollars = world currency = central banking problem) that I became aware about in September 2019, and the feds printing more fake money over time = caused inflation and more?

Read the book Gold Matters. It is in my library.

And on and on and on.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Yes, Bannon was pardoned but what about the other guys involved with him?

Were they pardoned, too?

I suspect not.

What happened to them over time?

Not fair that Trump ONLY pardoned Bannon if that is the case.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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This is African politics

They all ignore subpoenas to Congress on the Left, and nothing happens to them.

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