Sadly so many of our friends have information overload and have disengaged from what is happening to our country. They are exhausted from the demands of the government’s intrusions and lies with COVID, being called racist at every turn, and watching violence in cities do unchecked and even praised by government officials. They feel power…
Sadly so many of our friends have information overload and have disengaged from what is happening to our country. They are exhausted from the demands of the government’s intrusions and lies with COVID, being called racist at every turn, and watching violence in cities do unchecked and even praised by government officials. They feel powerless especially in blue states where their vote seems worthless. How do you fight back when every institution seems to be taken over by those who know nothing of history and care even less about protecting the constitutional rights of all people?
We fight back like we did in the military; never give up our responsibility to God, Family, Country; act with courage and integrity regardless of the odds of winning today; be visible in our community; be active in organizations like church, AOH, American Legion, PTO; set a good example by being generous and kind to those in need; etc.
You are so right about information overload. They discovered a shiny new toy with the constant “fact checking”. They mistakenly think that as long as they start with facts, their crazy conclusions are also facts. Therefore no nuance or alternative viewpoints allowed. And they call this attitude “critical thinking”.
In actuality, the preposition is left out...the attitude is actually "critical OF thinking." The only thing they "check" is dissent--to quell it ASAP and put fear into others of speaking out. Character assassination is their specialty.
Sadly so many of our friends have information overload and have disengaged from what is happening to our country. They are exhausted from the demands of the government’s intrusions and lies with COVID, being called racist at every turn, and watching violence in cities do unchecked and even praised by government officials. They feel powerless especially in blue states where their vote seems worthless. How do you fight back when every institution seems to be taken over by those who know nothing of history and care even less about protecting the constitutional rights of all people?
We fight back like we did in the military; never give up our responsibility to God, Family, Country; act with courage and integrity regardless of the odds of winning today; be visible in our community; be active in organizations like church, AOH, American Legion, PTO; set a good example by being generous and kind to those in need; etc.
You are so right about information overload. They discovered a shiny new toy with the constant “fact checking”. They mistakenly think that as long as they start with facts, their crazy conclusions are also facts. Therefore no nuance or alternative viewpoints allowed. And they call this attitude “critical thinking”.
In actuality, the preposition is left out...the attitude is actually "critical OF thinking." The only thing they "check" is dissent--to quell it ASAP and put fear into others of speaking out. Character assassination is their specialty.