I try to keep my word count down, because believe me I could write 3,000+ words on January 6th, but there are some things I didn't add that are important. I had been following the "Stop the Steal" movement on Steve Bannon's podcast. So I already knew what they thought about the 2020 election and what their plans were on Jan. 6th. There is no chance that anyone in Trump world would have planned or wanted a violent breach of the Capitol. Even Alex Jones was urging peaceful protesting. To them, the Left is the side that protests violently and they don't see themselves that way.

There is one big piece missing from this story that we don't yet know and that's the FBI's involvement. Reading this Esquire piece, though, gives you a pretty good idea of what they did to plan and push some of their most vulnerable targets toward violence. https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a41592008/gretchen-whitmer-kitnap-militiamen/

People can be anyone they want online and there is very little anyone can do to find out who they are or trace them. What's interesting here is how quiet our government has been on all the FBI's involvement. They want it to be their last move to stop Trump after four years of nonstop attacks, a raid on Mar-a-Lago and endless lawsuits couldn't stop him. But they are lying about it.

I knew they were lying about it because the plan was never to breach the Capitol - so someone else was driving that side of the Jan 6th protest. I'd like to know who. Ray Epps went to the FBI after Jan 6th which doesn't seem like something anyone from MAGA would do. And why wasn't he tossed in jail?

I didn't go into this -- because that would have been many more paragraphs, but FWIW.

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Yes, Sasha the J6 "insurrection" was the biggest COINTELPRO operation in US history...the facts are beginning to leak out via Tucker, et al. The Whitmer Kidnap operation was the precursor, but on a much smaller scale. Hope to see you and other brave independent journos continue to document these crimes against the American people.

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Mar 16, 2023
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OK, most of them weren't charged until after Trump was out of office. So that's a stupid comment. Buzz off, Pangolin.

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Don't trust Trump simply because you regard him on "your side".

He was a breath of fresh air for certain, but don't dismiss the possibility he was controlled opposition to destroy any populist movement.

At LEAST he didn't start a new war, first president in 4 DECADES not to. That WAS an improvement, but don't blindly think there is ANYBODY in government in your side.

He had a terrible cabinet of Neocon scum. He did get rid of Victoria Nuland, that was a plus, but he still promotes these vaccines. Stop looking up for a savior, there is none. There's no "white hats" in the military, there are no "good guys" at this level.

Trump is a narcissistic personality, but that can work for us. He may have wanted to go down in history has the most influential and useful president in American history.

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Possible. A wise and experienced narcissist knows not to piss off the gods by being needlessly cruel to Echo. Narcissis was a young, ignorant fool, unselfconscious that the gods are always watching. Trump is not only not so ignorant but is constantly seeking approval. A wise Narcissis would have been kind to Echo, if only to gain advantage from it. Also, nymphs made great wives. Talk about an idiot!

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Mar 16, 2023
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Pangolin, that's another stupid comment. Carter issued his "blanket pardon" of draft dodgers years after the fact. There was no time to assess who did what and how serious it was in the two weeks between J6 and Trump leaving office. C'mon man!

I think you need to change your screen name to "MuyStupido." It fits you.

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Mar 16, 2023
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No, that would be a Nixon mistake.

Nixon tried to protect the people that broke into the Watergate Hotel - he had NO IDEA about that plot and the people that did it, were probably ALL CIA. That is what got him to resign.

It is better that Trump allowed these people to be unfairly prosecuted over bullshit charges, and now there's something like 800 people who previously believed "our government works for us" who now, FINALLY realize they are domestic enemies.

The Office of Special Plans made bullshit up to justify the Iraq War - GOOD LUCK telling a "conservative" that. FIB are a bunch of traitors, CIA are a bunch of traitors, all our intelligence agencies are traitors. They violate the Constitution, and constantly attack it, they break laws constantly, and they don't do any of this for national security.

Now a bunch of conservatives know. Believe me, you couldn't convince them before. Now they don't need convincing.

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I am a conservative and I also believe that the FBI, CIA, Deep State Swamp do regularly violate the Constitution and rights of Americans. J6, Nordstream, SVB being just a few recent examples. Lots of conservatives believe the FBI, CIA and Swamp have been starting wars in Ukraine, Iraq (WMD), Vietnam and South America.

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There's no question that the CIA started the conflict in Ukraine. I will tell you how we know this to be true, with absolute certainty:

Victoria Nuland had a conversation between her and Geoffrey Pyatt intercepted in which she was discussing who who be the next leader of Ukraine. This recording was made public on February 4th, 2014. This is her infamous "F. the EU" recording - which is the ONLY thing our media concentrated on, she used vulgarity, clutch my pearls! This contains the transcript:


This is the audio recording:


It was probably intercepted by the FSB, but who knows? It doesn't matter, the recording is authentic.

Viktor Yanukovych did not flee office until February 22, 2014 - that was 2 weeks and 4 days before that recording.

Why would Nuland be choosing the next leader of Ukraine? How did she know there was going to be a new leader of Ukraine?

There's only one explanation. The US overthrew it.

The result is that Ukraine went into immediate civil war. Ukraine is divided up among LANGUAGE lines and cultural ones. Western Ukraine accepted the coup, Eastern Ukraine did not. So they went into civil war, as early as May 2014.

Eastern Ukrainians regard themselves to be "Russian" and Western Ukraine "Ukrainians". Russia is in the process of ending the civil war and forcibly taking Eastern Ukraine, as well as making demilitarized zones to protect Russia itself, and Eastern Ukraine to SOME extent.

This is what the US wanted of course. The US has been trying to get the Europe to stop buying Russian Energy, so the US could sell them energy. We've not been in 2 DECADES of war in the Middle East for nothing. The US intends to sell the oil they have forcibly taken control of in the Middle East to Europe. They also finally had an excuse to blow up the Nordstream.

This doesn't help Europe, it won't help the United States itself, but it makes a lot of money for a few people and expands the power and control over Europe. It just cost around 20 trillion dollars to do, and that price tag will go up, because maintaining the empire isn't cheap.

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I'm going to explain this tersely.

Our nation was overthrown in 2020 by the FIB and probably with some CIA input. This followed the same pattern as Operation Ajax and PBSuccess which is declassified.

Groups are funded to create the illusion there is widespread discontent about "the leader" of the nation, the press is bought off to push a narrative or just threatened, and if that doesn't lead to political change, it's taken directly through ballot fraud, or by a military coup.

Notice that Antifa and BLM have disappeared? They are the intelligence agencies, although I doubt most of the dummies involved with either group is aware of it.

We don't have a news media, our intelligence agencies have betrayed the Constitution, we're a banana republic.

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Mar 18, 2023Edited
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"But antifa never existed. It’s not an organization."


Not a group eh? You are using the most powerful research and communication tool ever devised by mankind, the envy of every civilization before us. Make some use of it.

Antifa was a pro-communist, anti-fascist, group.

Stop making television your god. It controls what you think, what you believe, what you think is socially acceptable, it tells you what sort of clothing you should wear, and what manner of things you should own. It entirely dominates you.

I don't need or own a television, I have eyes, and ears, and a mind. I also have direct experience. Antifa and BLM came into my area. I know PRECISELY what they are. They are stupid dumb shit kids, that are bussed in. Whose paying for it? Who controls it?

Our intelligence agencies do. They followed the same exact playbook as they did in Operation Ajax and PBSuccess, and most recently in Ukraine. Antifa bears no resemblance to what it was in Germany 100 years ago. They are composed of useful idiots, exclusively.

We just went through a coup d'état. It's a simple formula, make it appear there is widespread unrest against "the ruler" whoever that may be, in order to justify a direct or indirect coup. Purchase (or threaten) the media to spread this false narrative of propaganda, get dopes like you to believe it, institute the coup, make a much worse nation that the people who live in that nation have no say or control over. This was done in Operation Ajax, Operation PBSuccess, and recently in Ukraine, when the US overthrew it in 2014. It was done in the United States, starting in 2016.

The "left" and "right" are merely stupid morons that blindly align themselves to a criminal organization. What are the principles of "the left" or "the right"? I'm 51. When I was a kid, the main principles of the left was ending war, being educated and well read, judging people based on their merits exclusively and not their race, tolerance (not complete acceptance) of people different than you, and absolute freedom of speech not only to spread good ideas but to identify bad ones.

Does that sound like the "left" today? Today the left is a bunch of warmongers who have absolutely no idea that the US overthrew Ukraine in 2014, they demand censorship, they are eliminating merit based hiring, and now promote "equity" - we're all equal when we're all impoverished both financially and intellectually.

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Mar 18, 2023Edited
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No, idiot. There's no "Q", it's an obvious psy-op. There's no "white hats" in our government or military. There's no dickhead riding into the town on a silver horse to save the day. Our government is ENTIRELY criminal. It's a requirement for people to be criminals to move up in this toilet bowl of a government.

You have no idea what you're talking about, because you chose not to know. If you think anything I've written above is incorrect, point it out, and I will explain in detail my reasoning and sources.

Also, I don't care if Trump was a "divisive lunatic" or "narcissistic con" either. He didn't start a new FUCKING war. It's been 4 DECADES since we had a president that didn't start a new fucking war. I'm sick and fucking tired of war.

The US has bombed 7 nations over the last 2 decades, can you even NAME these nations? Can you tell me why the US claimed they "had to" bomb these nations? You're in a fog of propaganda, you have no idea what is going on, and you don't care that you have no idea what is going on.

What you are looking at, right now, is the most powerful communication and research tool EVER MADE by mankind. You can talk to Russians, Ukrainians, Libyans, Syrians, Pakistani, Afghani, Iraqi, Somali, and Yemeni people, TRIVIALLY. Can't speak the language? We have translation tools.

All this shit was made available to you STUPID INGRATES and you won't use it. You think everybody is so fucking stupid, that they always look up to "authorities". You don't need authorities. Ask a Syrian what they believe is going on in their nation. You won't be able to do this on Facebook, Youtube, or Twitter - because our intelligence agencies control them. You can find a restaurant in that area, be polite, and email them, and explain who you are, and why you want to talk. It's TRIVIAL to contact people, if you put in MINIMAL effort, which you've never done in the 3 decades this Internet has been available to you.

When we set out to make this tool for you MORONS, we had no idea how stupid and lazy you'd be. Our bad.

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Mar 17, 2023
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No, the deep state is a group of criminals that have taken over control the United States, and they are multinational in nature. They are neither republican nor democrat, they are simply criminals.

The military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us against is a part of it, but it's clearly international in scope now. It's controlled by the bureaucracy mostly, but BOTH parties (at least in the United States) are bureaucracies themselves, and entirely controlled.

This is why when George W. Bush lied us into a war in Iraq over a non existent weapons of mass destruction program that killed 800,000 people, he wasn't impeached, nothing happened at the UN, and Europe was silent on the matter - even after the Downing Street Memos came out.

This is also why Obama who PROMISED to end these wars, didn't and instead expanded them, by bombing Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia.

The deep state controls the puppets that APPEAR to be in power. In this way we are given a veneer of representation when there is none. This is why Nancy Pelosi made no attempt to impeach George W. Bush and Congress has given up their ability (entirely) to determine if war should happen, and it's left to the puppet "president".

This is why it's common occurrence to see people in the "intelligence" agencies (they are really more propaganda and disinformation to control the public) lie to congress, repeatedly, and obviously, with no consequences.

The deep state controls our media, which is why you PROBABLY don't know that the Douma Chemical attack never happened, or that the United States overthrew Ukraine in 2014 - they didn't have a revolution, it was a CIA coup. This coup led nearly immediately to civil war in Ukraine. Western Ukraine has been bombing Eastern Ukraine since at least June 2014, this is the roots of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, because most of the Eastern Ukrainians are Russians and speak Russian (not Ukrainian), and they didn't accept the CIA coup.

We don't have a press, our intelligence agencies are now entirely domestic enemies (that's why nobody from Antifa and BLM got prosecuted despite murdering at least 40 people and burning down city blocks and even invading state capitals, they were PUPPETS of the intelligence agencies), our Congress is 95% just mafia figures that take orders, and why we go to war, after war, after war, after war.

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Mar 18, 2023
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Obama didn't draw down ANY of the wars the Bush administration lied us into. He expanded them. The Iraq War did NOT end in 2011 just in time for Obama's re-election, it was simply staffed by "contractors", you know - mercenaries, murderers for hire.

He overthrew Ukraine in 2014 in the world's most OBVIOUS coup. This is Victoria Nuland's "F the EU" intercepted phone call. "OMG!!! She used VULGARITY!!" clutch our collective pearls! What the "news" media didn't mention is that she was picking out the next leader of Ukraine, 2 weeks and 4 days before Viktor Yanukovych was driven from power. Here's the transcript and a link to the intercepted call:



The Douma chemical attack was faked, and the real reason we went to war with Syria had nothing to do with "Assad is gassing his own people" (like the United States cares about people), it was because Genie Energy signed a deal with Israel to mine the oil resources in the Golan Heights. See?


See the date, February 2013.

This is BEFORE the Ghouta Chemical attack which happened on August 21, 2013:


Why would Assad use the ONE WEAPON that would ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE war with the United States? Is he retarded? Are his advisors retarded? What purpose would it be to use that weapon, just to kill civilians? He's got a military and an airforce, they could easily just murder civilians with conventional weapons, but NO, he picks the ONE WEAPONS that guarantees war with the United States.

Because it was a false flag.

And who is on the Strategic Advisory Board of Genie Energy?


Oh look, Dick Cheney, the ex VP. Rupert Murdoch, the "right wing" propagandist.

Robert Woolsey - ex CIA director. Jacob Rothschild, from the criminal banking family. How odd a DEMOCRAT president started a war for THEM??

There is only one party, two names.

Men enlisting in the armed forces have NO IDEA what they are getting into. They are, in fact, thugs for the criminal syndicate that runs and controls the United States. They are the muscle for the mafia. They don't know it. Plenty are figuring it out, which is why military enlistment is WAY down.

You support sending lethal aid to Ukraine because you have no idea what is going on in Ukraine. I already pointed out, the US overthrew it. The US has been trying to destroy the ability of Russia to export energy to Europe for decades, and supply them themselves, through the nations that the US has attacked in the Middle East and surrounding areas. The US has bombed 7 nations - WHY? The US is just run by thugs. So they killed a few million, but now they control Europe's ability to obtain energy.

The US doesn't care about Ukraine. This war will go on for at least 4 more years, the US started it, once the "revolution" (coup) happened, Ukraine went into civil war IMMEDIATELY - this war has been going on since the revolution. See?


Here's Jens Stoltenberg admitting this war, begain in 2014.


You "support Ukraine" because the television told you to support Ukraine. That's your god. It's NOT an device for obtaining information, it's a propaganda device.

Look, there's no shame in not knowing what is going on. You're not stupid for not knowing what is actually going on, it does take some work to begin with. I've met, legitimately maybe 5 people in my life who were actually "stupid". I'm 51, I'm sure you are fully capable of thinking and reasoning.

But you don't have information. We don't have a media, television is garbage, complete propaganda, not just "mainstream news" but late night "comedy" shows.

Check everything I just said, verify what I have told you is correct, if I'm wrong, I'd sure like to know it and if I am wrong, I'll accept it, and thank you for pointing out my mistakes.

I fully expect you opposed the Iraq War, without any hint of sarcasm, good for you. I did as well. But realize, that Obama was no different. Biden is no different. Trump MAY have been, but I've seen controlled opposition before.

The problem we face as a nation is LACK of information. Our government is totally opaque, and it lies CONSTANTLY. Not just the Republicans, not just the Neocons, not just Fox "news" - EVERYBODY. That's why there's censorship.

I worked on developing the Internet in my early career. The Internet is a robust system designed to automatically re-route around damage. Censorship and propaganda are damage. Google, Facebook, and Twitter (still - don't trust Musk!) all engage in censorship. That's why this site exists. It's why Bitchute exists, Gab, Parler, Rumble, etc, etc, etc.

Like it or not, there's a REAL valid war between good and evil. I'm an atheist, but in Christian mythology it's said the "Prince of Darkness", Satan, is the "Prince of Lies". I know precisely who the people of my government serve. It's said the truth will set you free, but freedom isn't easy and ignorance is bliss.

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Mar 18, 2023
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How idiotic. Republicans and Democrats are all the same people. Democrats tell their people what to think and Republicans tell their people they think like them. Both are liars and both want an all-powerful central government subjugated by the Globalist One World Government. Neither really care about you or anyone else who's not one of Them. Grow up. Santa Clause is more real than their phony Rep/Dem dichotomy.

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Sounds like you should write a piece on that alone

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Christopher Wray (head of the FBI) was asked at a hearing, while he was underoath, if there were any FBI agents or assets in the crowds on J6 and he refused to answer. He was silent. The Republican (and I can't remember who it was that asked him) said "Let the record show that FBI head Wray has refused to answer".

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Mar 18, 2023
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It's quite brilliant, actually. Way over your head.

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It's not over his head.

There's literally NOBODY that is at the top echelons of power that aren't traitors to the Constitution and just outright criminals. Christopher Wray is just as criminal as James Comey is. Or Robert Mueller, or anybody that's heading our intelligence agencies.

ONLY shit floats to the top when your government is a mafia, and this government is nothing but a mafia.

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Give up and get the vax.

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I'd rather be a political prisoner being raped in prison daily than get the "vaccine".

If people abandon their bodily autonomy they will be cattle. I'm not going to be a part of that. I'd rather die and I'm not exaggerating. I quit my job over the vaccine mandates. Maybe I'll starve to death.

There was a point in time I thought parents were CRAZY not to get their kids childhood vaccinations. Well, I'm 51, I had like 5 when I was a kid, and for serious diseases. Now there's around 70 that are "recommended" and for MINOR diseases.

I had chickenpox as a kid. When I was a child, when another kid developed chickenpox, there were "chickenpox" parties. My parents hosted the "party" in which the point was to infect all the children with the disease. I was around 4. I remember the discomfort of it, but it was not horrific. It gave me lifelong immunity.

Chickenpox is a SERIOUS disease to get when you're an adult. It's an annoyance as a child.

I don't know a single child that died of disease when I was a kid. I know a boy that drowned, another that committed suicide, and that's it.

I'll never give up. My great grandfather escaped Poland just before the Nazis invaded. I have that same gene of suspicion and flight.

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Mar 18, 2023
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Protege. LOL. Space Force is watching while the government is suspended. Executive Order 13848

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Sasha, the Confederates were the early Democrats. Remember, Lincoln was a Republican.

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Mar 16, 2023
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Your still blaming Trump after all that has been revealed publicly?

You are one brainwashed child.

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That mob would never have visited the capital if Trump had not encouraged them. This is quite obvious.

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Remember the time Democrats bombed the Capitol and Bill Clinton pardoned them? You know nothing.

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And about 50,000 to 100,000 DID visit and only a very small percentage of those rioted, and within 45 mins. (and then again, at about 1 hour later) Trump called for all those who were rioting to STOP doing what they were doing and OBEY THE LAW and go home. It was by tweet and a video, both of which were blocked by various internet (Twitter, Google) entities so that very few saw it. In fact, there's video of the "Shaman" getting a megaphone and shouting out to the crowd that "Trump has told us to stop doing this and go home. We need to listen to him". Trump, on his own, could not call in the National Guard from DC or another nearby state. He DID offer the National Guard and DC mayor said no and Nancy Pelosi told the Sergant of Arms of Congress (who got the offer for National Guards) "NO" to the National Guard. Nancy also had the Capitol at COVID lock-down numbers, meaning that the numbers of security guards/capitol police there at the start of the protesting was the same number as those there DURING LOCK DOWN (I think later on, more showed up). Why is that, when she was briefed on the probability of rioting and strife?

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Mar 19, 2023
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You're the conspiracy theorist.

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Mar 18, 2023
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You haven't seen what's been revealed so far. You're a crazy person who needs Maddow to tell her what she should believe the truth is. How will you cope when he's back in office? Another insurrection... which Dems are famous for?

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Mar 18, 2023Edited
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You don't work, you're a welfare queen.

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Mar 16, 2023
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Well, I'll try... you're lying or just repeating lies you read. Trump was still speaking when the "breach" happened. It was led by the FBI, Antifa, BLM, and members of Azov Battalion dressed in MAGA gear. Capitol Police removed the barricades and welcomed people in. Trump requested National Guard at least twice, but was denied by Pelosi and Bowser. I wonder why they did that?

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It is interesting you mention the Azov Battalion which would link the Ukrainian Nazis to the J6 False Flag "insurrection" which helped secure the Biden coup d'etat that overthrew the United States in a rigged election. In Canada, the Freedom Convoy was likewise presented by the Trudeau Regime as an insurrection. After spending 20 days on Parliament Hill in Ottawa with the Freedom Convoy, I can state from first-hand observations that this was one of the most peaceful protests ever held in Canada populated by friendly, generous and upbeat patriotic Canadians who were there not to overthrow the Trudeau government but to defend freedom, democracy, the rule of law, and the Charter of Rights and Freedom. Just about everything said by the government and the mass media regarding the Freedom Convoy was a lie and known to be a lie.

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There is video footage of the mob smashing their way into the capital. Have you not seen the footage?

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I just explained it all. Just re-read what I said. It won't change. You're wasting your time here.

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Mar 18, 2023Edited
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Democrats did the cherry-picking after they stole an election. The truth is on the video you refuse to watch. It is you twisting facts and telling people their eyes deceive them.

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Mar 18, 2023
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He did, there is ample proof on the internet. He did also recommend a National Guard presence after warnings the protests could get out of hand.. Nancy Pelosi, being Speaker of the House and therefore in charge of capitol security, refused to allow them to even stage up somewhere close by just in case. There's a lot you will never know if you only listen to your masters and never engage your own brain to try and find the truth. You weren't following Trump, his actions, or what he said or when on that fateful day. You rely solely on your masters to dictate to you the reality they prefer. You still believe Shumer has incontrovertible evidence Trump colluded with Russia to defeat the Democrats in their own rigged election.

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Mar 16, 2023Edited
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You just admitted she committed the crime, not Trump. lol

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Of course people like you don't care about the laws your masters break as long as they are against their enemies (that they instruct you to hate). Without people like you, totalitarians would have no chance.

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Pelosi set a trap? So preposterous.

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She wouldn't allow National Guard -- Trump showed the proof. Pelosi also had her daughter there filming everything. Pelosi also cut back on police that day... it was a set up. Go seethe.

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According to Kash Patel, On Jan 3rd Trump signed a Security Authorization for up to 20k National Guard troops, which was sent to the Capital Police and Mayor Bowser (Metro Police). That Security Authorization was initially rejected by the Capitol Police and Metro Police on Jan 4th even though there was plenty of intel that indicated the protests could degenerate into riots. Then in the afternoon of Jan 6th, the Capitol Police and Metro Police requested the deployment of the National Guard to the Capitol. That request was sent to the secretary of the Army. The National Guard could not have been sent to the Capitol on Jan 6th without the Security Authorization.

If Trump ordered the deployment of the National Guard during the Jan6 riots, Trump would have violated the chain of command (from the DOD to Dept of Army) and Trump would have committed a Coup by taking command of the National Guard.

Further clarification on the chain of command for DC is provided at:


This is the relevant paragraph:

The use of National Guard troops in the nation’s capital is complicated by the fact that the usual chain of command headed by a governor does not apply because the district is not a state. Thus, the commanding general of the D.C. Guard reports to the president, although a 1969 executive order delegated control to the secretary of defense, who subsequently further delegated the authority to the Army secretary.

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Mar 19, 2023
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Thanks John! Glad you found the information useful. Take care.

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Mar 18, 2023
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Not quite. You watched a play. Antifa was right where she directed them to go. The video shows you're wrong.

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Mar 18, 2023
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That's not true. You can't prosecute someone who committed no crime, like Trump. They will be released because they are political prisoners. You're being set up for a huge loss. EO 13848

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Within 45 mins. and then again, at about 1 hour, Trump called for all those who were rioting to STOP doing what they were doing and OBEY THE LAW and go home. It was by tweet and a video, both of which were blocked by various internet (Twitter, Google) entities so that very few saw it. In fact, there's video of the "Shaman" getting a megaphone and shouting out to the crowd that "Trump has told us to stop doing this and go home. We need to listen to him". Trump, on his own, could not call in the National Guard from DC or another nearby state. He DID offer the National Guard and DC mayor said no and Nancy Pelosi told the Sergant of Arms of Congress (who got the offer for National Guards) "NO" to the National Guard. Nancy also had the Capitol at COVID lock-down numbers, meaning that the numbers of security guards/capitol police there at the start of the protesting was the same number as those there DURING LOCK DOWN (I think later on, more showed up). Why is that, when she was briefed on the probability of rioting and strife?

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Precisely. People don’t seem to be a lie to hold two contradictory ideas in their head at the same time. What I saw Trump do felt criminal to me... AND... I think he was setup at the Capitol and that “coup” was a, provoked, inside job. It isn’t one or the other - it’s both. Like, if a legit protestor took a provocateur’s bait and assaulted someone... they’re guilty of assault. AND... the provocateur is guilty of ... a whole bunch of shit... lol. People are so “Never Trump!” Or “Always Trump” they can’t see or admit the bare facts.

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Why didn't Trump show up to address all his adoring fans who traveled to Washington on January 6 just to show support for him?

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Yes, this is quite obvious. Donald Trump could’ve picked up the phone at any time and called off his mob but he didn’t. He was trying to find a way to change the results of the election any way he could -far more troubling than January 6 was Donald Trump trying to get election officials to change the results - calling Georgia to try to find 11,000 votes, etc..

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Within 45 mins. and then again, at about 1 hour, Trump called for all those who were rioting to STOP doing what they were doing and OBEY THE LAW and go home. It was by tweet and a video, both of which were blocked by various internet (Twitter, Google) entities so that very few saw it. In fact, there's video of the "Shaman" getting a megaphone and shouting out to the crowd that "Trump has told us to stop doing this and go home. We need to listen to him". Trump, on his own, could not call in the National Guard from DC or another nearby state. He DID offer the National Guard and DC mayor said no and Nancy Pelosi told the Sergant of Arms of Congress (who got the offer for National Guards) "NO" to the National Guard. Nancy also had the Capitol at COVID lock-down numbers, meaning that the numbers of security guards/capitol police there at the start of the protesting was the same number as those there DURING LOCK DOWN (I think later on, more showed up). Why is that, when she was briefed on the probability of rioting and strife?

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Good information for sure & changes things if true. But still, why didn’t he step out in front of the press immediately, like he eventually did hours later? If you knew you were being framed (by who?!) wouldn’t you climb over everything—as President—and get your message out?

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Yep. A question that should be asked is "Why did Twitter only ban Trump's messages telling folks to go home?" They allowed him to tweet freely up to then.

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Try and find the actual transcript or RECORDING of that call. Trump's campaign had already found enough bogus/fraudulant votes (people who had moved, died, gone to college or were felons/illegal immigrants/legal residents -BUT NOT CITIZENS, who had voted) to give the state to him as a win. That's what he mentions in the phone conversation that was edited out. He says "Look into such and such district; you'll be surprised at what you find". Do you think our country was doing better under Trump and Republicans?

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Do you find it odd that any attempt to discuss any facts or point-of-view that contradicts Trump is perfect gets met with playground insults and bullying? I think some of the people are here to push a one-sided agenda, not genuinely curious or open or want to actually discuss. Probably best to just ignore replies that are obvious insults or bait/troll behavior.

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Who would he have called? Also, your comment about calling Georgia shows how much you rely on others to tell you what happened and what is true instead of finding out for yourself. There is a phrase coined by your masters. They call their supporters "useful idiots" and without these idiots they would be powerless. Remember when they told you Trump colluded with Russia to throw the election? Yeah? It was all based on a "dossier" composed by foreign intelligence (British) out of phony intel provided by another foreign intelligence apparatus (Russian) through yet another foreign agency (Ukrainian). All this has come to light, but you still refuse to believe you were lied to. This kind of devotion is very useful to your masters.

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Mar 16, 2023
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Not Trump... there will be a Second Coming. Watch the Biden "Inauguration" again and you can ask yourself, "Why is there so few people? Why is he surrounded by fake Marines? Why did he swear in ahead of the appointed time? Why did he not get a 21-Gun Salute?" You may now enjoy the show.

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Mar 16, 2023
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Yep, whiney little bitches. Thats why the Dems kept the Repub choices off the J6 committee. Just can't have so much of that whining. Rules, tradition, meh, just got to stop that whining

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Mar 16, 2023
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OWW! That one hurt!!

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Really, your an idiot.

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Meh, Dems push endless war but never have the balls to go themselves.

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Goes back farther than that, and you're the one that allows your masters to dictate their fake reality to you. Seems more like a bitch than me.

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Really one of the best explanations of why we all knew J6 wasn’t what they said. People on Trump’s side know the kind of people we are and we know that what happened that day absolutely doesn’t fit our belief system. This is beautifully written and gives me hope. It’s been a long and painful few years watching the country I love so much slip away, but reading someone else say all the things we’ve been saying the entire time, really helps. Thank you for being brave.

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I saw Tucker Carlson tonight. You and he must have compared notes. So few are willing to say what they believe or see. I used to be a Democrat and have seen it descend into depravity. Tulsi Gabbard was the last centurion in those ranks.

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Brilliant and very telling. Truth has made you braver in sharing your history and exposing the narratives behind the scenes that many have known, but you have now confirmed for us. Dissent and opposing views are the core of a free society, and should be the backbone of ours. Thank you!

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Great post! I couldn't have said it better. Trump sympathizers and supporters have good grasp of reality and generally see things clearly and pretty darned accurate. It helps me when you explain how The Left operates and thinks. There's quite an inversion of the truth going on, and I know who is on the side of reality.

More, more, more...! Thanks again!

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The left has a grasp of reality but they hate it, want to tear down reality with any means, and have fabricated their version of how everyone will (be allowed) to think and live.

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Kmick, yes a fabricated version of reality. I see what you're saying. Bear with me here, but they have clearly rejected nearly everything that is traditional, wholesome and good; a sort of extreme nihilism. In nihilism nothing matters, nothing and no one has value, there is no God or force for good in the universe. Religion is crap. Nihilism is nothingness and nothingness is like a hell of emptiness. That might explain why they glob-on to the latest meme or cause, to try to find meaning for themselves and there is an odd "kinshipe" with others sharing the "cause of the moment". The thing is, they are wrong about everything. They are making shit up. They are the inverse of conservativism where family, faith, traditional culture and community are the pillars (imperfectly of course) of family and Nation. When you don't have any foundation or pillars, only the "cause of the moment" in your life, you're going to be miserable especially if someone points out the emptiness of your argument or cause! And miserable they are. And the miserable lash-out at people irrationally. They remind me of the biblical "wailing and gnashing of teeth."

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The Democratic Party is and has been Marxist since the 1930s and probably before. They are like the Radical Republicans of the 1860s. They want to rule the world and have everyone bow down to them. It's probably not a stretch to say that they are forerunners of the Antichrist.,

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Mar 16, 2023
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Spot on. I think you are absolutely correct. It’s refreshing seeing so many of us awaken.

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The Left especially hates to admit their reality is that they are completely dependent on government aid in one form or another. They are socialists and depend on Other People’s money.

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Mar 17, 2023
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Elon Musk made a "no doxing" rule and some chose to violate it, so he removed them in full view. He hasn't lied about it and he hasn't created algorithms to amplify some accounts and hide other tweets.

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Elon Musk is a technocrat and transhumanist. Many of his experiments are on the WEF website. His family has supported globalism for generations. Jared Kushner is also a technocrat and transhumanist.

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The following Politifact analysis presents a somewhat different view of the matter. If anyone can do so, I would be very interested in seeing a response to the specific objections and criticisms that it makes of Carlson's account:


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First off, I can't believe you made me read that. Their main complain is that Carlson said the police "helped" Chansley. Okay but that has nothing to do with what we saw on camera -- a different guy than the media portrayed. They were all calmly walking down the corridor. Moreover, Chansley signed the affidavit -- probably under duress but also said:

'"While it is not a complete recitation of all that I did or all that I know, it represents some of my conduct and some of my knowledge concerning my own involvement in illegal activity,"

SOME of my conduct.

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I'll have a go at it in good faith.

The first point Politifact brings up is the plea agreement. Chansley was facing over 20 years in prison for that day. He was being tried in very liberal Washington DC. His lawyer probably advised him that if he did not sign that plea deal, he was going to be inside prison until he was an old man. Many, many, criminals sign plea deals that are not 100% accurate in order to receive leniency during the sentencing portion of their trials. (Side note: I find the plea system abhorrent due to its over use and the tendency for both prosecutors to over charge defendants as well as public defenders not having enough time, due to being overloaded by too many cases, to properly defend their client.)

As far as the statement itself goes, please note that there are no mentions of Chansley being physically violent. He was never observed breaking windows, nor was evidence shown that he was physically violent at any point while on Capitol grounds. If you notice the verbiage, he is admitting to entering an opened door, screaming obscenities, and disobeying a lawful order. While the location of these actions arise to a more serious offense, none of these acts carried violence or threat of violence with them. The fact that he was issued such a lengthy prison sentence is a miscarriage of justice; especially if you look at the sentences given to people who commit negligent manslaughter or vehicular homicide.

Second, in regard to the statements made by Officer Robinshaw, the video evidence does not tell the same story. As someone who is very familiar with law enforcement and law enforcement tactics, including, but not limited to, de-escalation and arrest tactics and procedures, I can say for certain that there were numerous opportunities to quickly, quietly, and safely arrest Mr. Chansley without alarming the rest of the crowd. If the officers on duty viewed him as a physical threat, either due to his size, or the ceremonial spear that he was carrying, they could have quickly used a tazer on him when they had him surrounded and mostly out of sight from the rest of the crowd. Similarly, they could have coordinated for 2 officers to be inside a specific hallway and led him to their location in order to subdue him. There was no reason for him to be, quite literally, escorted to the Senate Chamber. As a result, while I empathize with Officer Robishaw, and trust me I really, really do, it was a systemic failure on the part of the senior leadership, not the officers, that led to him being hung out to dry. The entire internet knew that there was going to be a large rally on the Mall that day. There is absolutely no excuse for leadership to not have provided more re-enforcement for their front-line officers.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on my analysis.

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Excellent analysis.

It is telling that Politifact went to the plea agreement to "verify" it's "pants on fire" rating. It's even more interesting that no one calls out their wordsmithing (although that is exactly what you did;).

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I’ve never understood how plea deals are constitutional. A public trial forces the state to publicly state it’s case, a key ingredient of trial by jury.

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Those unfamiliar with the travesty called the "plea deal", could look for example into the case of Aaron Swartz. Aaron was a genius programmer (co-authored RSS at age 14, and also key developer of Reddit) who was driven to suicide in 2013 by federal prosecutor Ortiz.

Plea deals are based on prosecutors racking up an absolutely outlandishly insane accusation and punishment, in which only the sky is the limit. In Aaron's case, 35 years in jail and $1 million fine. All that for unlawfully downloading scientific papers from MIT. Then offering a "plea deal", a seriously exaggerated punishment - in Aaron's case, 6 months in jail - which is orders of magnitude below that outlandishly insane threat, and tell you that if you don't immediately sign off that plea, you'll be prosecuted for that insane accusation with the full force of a well-funded government agency.

So... do you feel lucky?

A normie might have signed on those 6 months, but Aaron was no normie. In his heart of hearts he knew that he had done no wrong, and refused to sign by his own hand that he did. It was a matter of principle. His remaining options were to go through a 35y/$1M trial against fantastic odds... or suicide.

Here I'm not trying to "blame Chansley" for agreeing to sign that plea deal. I also agree that Chansley had no business being in the Capitol, that he was trespassing, behaving indecently, obstructing regular government proceedings, and that he should be jailed for some time for doing that. I even agree that his prison sentence should be ten times longer than the one that was given to the protesters who trespassed, behaved indecently and obstructed government proceedings during the Kavanaugh confirmation. But (... takes out calculator ...) that is STILL less than 41 months. A lot less, even.

What I don't agree with, is that I should trust some plea-deal toilet paper over trusting video footage.


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Mar 17, 2023
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I boiled it down to what was available in the video tapes. I can tell you for certain that the front line officers were hung out to dry. Their behavior on that day shows that they were completely overwhelmed and unprepared for that many people.

In one camp, you have those officers who went WAY beyond reasonable use of force because they were afraid of the large group of people they were facing. This, to me, shows that they were exhibiting a "fight" response; referring to "fight or flight". That does not excuse their abhorrent behavior in the least, but it may help explain the unlawful use of "less-lethal" weaponry.The other, mostly inside officers, went into either a "flight response", or almost a disassociated type of behavior. The retreating, failure to arrest prominent provocateurs when able to do so safely, and the bizarre appearance of giving tours at times shows the other side of that response.

I say none of the above to excuse or condone any of the actions by the Capitol police that day, I am merely trying to offer some insight from my peculiar perspective.

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I think some Capitol police were TOLD to act that way. This was all a set up by Dems so they could have another impeachment trial of Trump AND paint all Trump supporters as "insurrectionists" and keep Republican representatives and Senators from showing the massive irregularities and illegalities of the 2020 election at the electoral-count meeting. I wonder if the weeks-later suicides had anything to do with that directive to "let them in and then, let them wander around"?

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I also believe that happened, but I chose not to offer conjecture in my previous post. I simply wanted to state the facts as I saw them and interpret them according to my personal experience in a similar situation.

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Politifact , more like “POLITILIE” ....again, their rebuttal just emphasizes Sasha’s brave narrative that there is no defense of the injustices suffered by some of the J6 defendants. Police reports and court documents documents,ie (plea agreements) just like the “Steele Dossier” were littered with lies and rubber stamped by negligent or corrupt law enforcement officials and federal judges.

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The defendant “admitted” guilt to save himself. Happens all the time. The defendants who did not, have not even received a trial yet, and are being held in gulag-like conditions, subject to rape and torture from hostile prison guards.

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That tactic worked in the Salem witch trials, for Stalin and Mao, and still works today for Biden and Garland.

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the same gulag conditions that all other suspects who cannot afford bail or are not allowed bail are held in. Just that we are now hearing about it because of the white grievance as the others in those gulag conditions are black and brown.

The feds are not going after the peaceful "tourist" participants. They are going after the ones who stormed, or otherwise violated or otherwise abused their time in the Capitol.

Do the crime do the time.

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Rape and torture? Is there some evidence of that you can provide because that would be appalling and worthy of Russia and CCP and Syria.

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Interviews with detainees have revealed prison cells with backed up sewage / fecal matter on the floors. (I saw pictures of this online). According to bloggers on Gab, one prisoner lost an eye after a beating. Another was anally raped by a guard. Those who try to speak out are put in solitary or beaten. The sources on Gab have little to gain by fabricating. Of course I take with a grain of salt but I find Gab valuable because it is the ONLY truly censor-free info source.

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William, Politifact is a left-propaganda site--the very echo chamber stuff Sasha is critiquing. But nice try.

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For one thing, we all know how politifact operates and for who. Not repeating claims made by others, but having our own words tagged as misinformation with no logical explanation. Aside from that, these specific politifact claims are based on a seven page plea deal that reduces six charges to one and is not provided for us to see. Here's a copy: https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/case-multi-defendant/file/1430991/download See if you can find what politifact says is in it. This is how it's done. You can't just believe something. Does the plea really say those things? Did Jacob read it all? Was he willing to plea down knowing he was being railroaded and felt he had little choice? How about you? Did you see any of the Tucker coverage? What do you personally feel about the contradiction?

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The Feds have a 95% conviction rate. Virtually nobody gets off, ever!! . Facing 20 years or the plea deal , what would you do? That said J6 was abhorrent, embarrassing and for some there, criminal. But it has been catastrophized into something it wasn't.

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They don't really have a 95% conviction rate since few cases ever go to trial. What they have is a 95% intimidation rate since they intimidate their victims and force them to plead guilty to a lessor charge, such as "lying to the FBI."

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That is true of our Criminal Justice system in general. And these defendants have a lot more resources on average than most black and brown folks in the Criminal Justice System.

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Most of the arrested protestors are penniless and/or unemployed, hailing from areas devastated by globalism and fentanyl. They are just as poor as the “folks” you champion, yet they have no champions other than Trump who, by the way, champions ALL Americans, white, brown and black.

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Sorry dude, here are some facts: "Political scientists at the University of Chicago who studied the profiles of arrestees and published their conclusions in the Atlantic found that many were middle-class and middle-aged – with an average age of 40. Almost 90% of them had no known links with militant groups. Some 40% were business owners or with white-collar jobs, and they came from relatively lucrative backgrounds as “CEOs, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, IT specialists, and accountants”. Hardly a cross section of the "penniless hailing from areas devastated by globalism and fentanyl."

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Black and brown folk have public defenders. The 1/6 people have little defense at all. They are Federal prisoners, not local.

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More white whiney grievance. "A WUSA9 analysis of cases currently filed in connection with the Capitol riot found more than 60 [of >200 - or 33%] defendants who have already been granted taxpayer-funded representation either through the federal public defender's office or private counsel appointed through the Criminal Justice Act – a 1964 law passed by Congress to ensure federal defendants had adequate legal representation as guaranteed by the 6th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution." You guys are being fed lies by Fox News. Follow the Dominion Law Suite.

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Why do you say that? How on earth could possibly know what recourses they have vs anyone else? The full weight of the Patriot act is being used against them like they are terrorists. Additionally civil rights were revoked for many of the people locked up. Held with out charge , no speedy trial, no legal defense ,no access to the evidence against them.

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Adding to that, Jan 6th would most likely have been 100% peaceful, were it not for agitation from embedded Feds / Antifa / BLM.

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absolutely no antifa in those crowds. Antifa published messages to avoid J6, and if any were there, they were outnumbered by the Proud Boys, 3%ers, etc who needed no agitation.

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At least one Antifa was there and he said he was antifa at his trial and is now surving time (although, no doubt, a lot less than patriots). And I've seen the men who were dressing into Trump gear. Who's Epps? Who's the 2 men on the scafolding yelling at everyone to "GO TO THE CAPITOL AND GO INTO THE CAPITIOL"?? Who gave the order to rubber-bullet and gas those who WERE peaceful?

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There are pictures of black block clad, stereotypical Antifa changing into Trump gear. Also, who is John Sullivan? It is well known and obvious who the agitators were that day.

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I think if you check further you will find that those pictures are from 2017 Trump inauguration. Otherwise you will need to send me a link. The first several pages of Google Search Results would refute your statement (Search =black+clad+demosntrators+charging+pro+trump+people+on+january+6&hps=1&ia=news)

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Mar 16, 2023
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There's no documentation of this and HAHAHA, that's like saying "John Doe was a great husband until the wifey burnt his birthday dinner". THERE IS, HOWEVER, VIDEO DOCUMENTATION THAT THE PROTESTING ON J6 DIDN'T GET VIOLENT UNTIL THE CAPITIOL SECURITY/POLICE DID GAS AND RUBBER BULLETS; but those who turned violent are still responsible for their actions - AND responsbile for a reasonable punishment if they actually caused damage to persons or things, which MANY DID NOT.

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Mar 16, 2023
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He did get a conviction on the guy (Michael somebody) who forged a document in order to continue the Trump witch-hunt/"Russian collusion" attack which included FISA warrants. As for the other prosecution, the guilt of the person (Bloomingfield? something like that - long time Clinton operative) was clear as day, but the corrupt D.C. jury acquited him. Durham should've take it to the SCOTUS.

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Great writing! My only qualm is that, in my opinion, the author often stereotypes us “Trump supporters” and groups us all into the same, poor, struggling, fentanyl-laced, down trodden lump. I’m a 35 year old medical provider with extensive education, financially very well off, no fentanyl or hardships to be found. Married, kids, house, motorcycles, etc... And I’m not the only one, by far. Make sure you understand that leaving the madness of left also needs to mean leaving behind the methods of the left.. in this case, namely, considering large groups as people as nothing more than a group, ignoring that we’re all individuals. It’s a hallmark of the left. And it’s incorrect. Leave it behind.

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Deplorable is in the eyes of the beholder. And I can think of no higher praise than to be despised by those particular beholders. They should just thank me for my service and taxes and then stfu

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No matter what you think of the J6 protestors, everybody who believes in the principles on which this country was founded should be concerned about the treatment that the J6 prisoners are receiving. They are being denied the basic rights of a speedy trial by an impartial jury where potentially exculpatory evidence is made available by the prosecution. Putting people who are not even being accused of any violent crime in solitary confinement, in some cases for over a year, is barbaric.

Many of the J6 defendants have accepted plea deals because if they don't they face possible sentences of over 20 years for the crimes of trespassing and interrupting an official government proceeding. These people are being made an example of to let everyone know that if you challenge the official government narrative the government can destroy your life.

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Mar 16, 2023
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You might want to ease up on the caps and exclamation points if you want to be taken seriously. Your assertion that all of the remaining prisoners are being accused of a violent crime or that the delay in processing the defendants is due to a lack of courts or judges is simply not true.

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Jacob Chansley was not violent. He did not receive a speedy trial. He got 4 years -- more time than many rapists. That’s a fact.

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It's kind of depressing to see how many people fall for their lies, but it's important to remember that if they haven't seen an opposing viewpoint then they really can't recognize the lies as such. A year or two ago I was talking to a family member who is on the left and they didn't know what Critical Race Theory was. So I wonder how many people in the old legacy media bubble have even heard that Schumer called for Tucker to be silenced.

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Maintaining ignorance is key to their "winning." Propaganda fuels the left. It's a platform built on nothing but lies.

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Yeah, that's why they need the censorship. They can't win the debate in the open. Prior eras they didn't need it so much since they controlled all forms of media but now there are alternatives and they hate that.

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I do not at all agree with your premise

“Like most Trump supporters, he hovers on the fringes of our society, at the opposite end of the spectrum of the do-gooders and eggheads that dominate our culture now.” This poor man has mental health issues and does not represent “most Trump supporters.” He is innocent of any violent crime and needs his day in court but he doesn’t represent or even come close to the 80+ million who where disenfranchised in the last election. I appreciate your mea culpa and hope that you can continue to publish pieces that vindicate the innocent in the court of public opinion because God knows how corrupt the Federal judges are in the courts themselves. I would also like to ask if you could share with us the defining moment in your journey of self discovery when you realized you yourself were being lied to.

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That "fringes of our society" line caught my eye as well. It seems at odds with the rest of this otherwise outstanding essay.

Or it could mean that the actual ideas and values of Trump's supporters -- reverence of individual liberty and autonomy, strong work ethic, at least some religious conviction, and above all love of one's country -- are now considered "fringe" while the opposite of those values represent mainstream America in the 21st Century?

The Left has repeatedly derided work ethic, for instance, as a "white man's value". Consider for a moment what that says about how the so-called enlightened classes view non-white work ethic.

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Well put. I’m not sure what she meant entirely, and I’m not sure who she is referring to regarding “do-gooders and eggheads that dominate our culture now.” I honestly don’t believe that the ideas and values of “ Trump supporters” is a category unique to Trump or even fringe. I would argue that the MSM has convinced us that we are in the minority. If that were true we wouldn’t be seeing the mass exodus from blue states to red states

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Great commentary, Sasha.

Three minutes before two motions were to be filed to audit state election certificates, capitol cops let 'rioters' in the Capitol thereby creating the 'emergency' to close the session and start a new one a few hours later with different rules certifying the election - they effectively closed out the states.

Oh, and here is Jake Chansley calling the FBI on his way home, effectively turning himself in on Jan 7.


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Sadly so many of our friends have information overload and have disengaged from what is happening to our country. They are exhausted from the demands of the government’s intrusions and lies with COVID, being called racist at every turn, and watching violence in cities do unchecked and even praised by government officials. They feel powerless especially in blue states where their vote seems worthless. How do you fight back when every institution seems to be taken over by those who know nothing of history and care even less about protecting the constitutional rights of all people?

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We fight back like we did in the military; never give up our responsibility to God, Family, Country; act with courage and integrity regardless of the odds of winning today; be visible in our community; be active in organizations like church, AOH, American Legion, PTO; set a good example by being generous and kind to those in need; etc.

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You are so right about information overload. They discovered a shiny new toy with the constant “fact checking”. They mistakenly think that as long as they start with facts, their crazy conclusions are also facts. Therefore no nuance or alternative viewpoints allowed. And they call this attitude “critical thinking”.

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In actuality, the preposition is left out...the attitude is actually "critical OF thinking." The only thing they "check" is dissent--to quell it ASAP and put fear into others of speaking out. Character assassination is their specialty.

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I think the vast majority of Democrats and RINOs lie because they can’t take the truth that they completely depend on government welfare either through tax payer funded fed/state/local salaries (eg teachers, administrators, etc) or some other form of gov dole. They have traded their freedom and integrity for gov welfare of one type or another. They live the life of a communist/socialist and lie that they earned their way. It is all too much for them to face the truth that hey have been and are fully carried by Americans that pay more in taxes than they get back in gov income or refunds. As an example, look at urban public school teachers that have failed to educate the last 3 generations of kids. Btw, You can tell when a Dem or RINO is lying when their mouth is moving.

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Mar 16, 2023
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Darth Vader’s spawn is worse than that neo-con traitor. Hope they both rot together for eternity.

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Just realized that this great piece has been featured on the A.M. listing on RealClearPolitics. Congratulations Sasha! Hope this wins you an even larger audience.


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You'll never know how good it feels to read your words, as someone who was completely demonized and ostracized by those captured by that ideology. This Deplorable is truly grateful for your honest writing. Please keep it coming!

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My mother in law went to Jan 6th rally. She helped get a bus and a bunch of 70 yr old plus folks went up. She said everyone was nice at the rally. She had a wonderful time. She didn't realize any one walked to the capital. She said most of her people spent the day j looking for places to use the restrooms. She was most upset that places like Starbucks wouldn't let them use the facilities. She says that anyone with MAGA gear not even allowed in. Sad, if u think about it. She said that the person who booked the bus with her (that persons name on rental) was called by fbi and asked questions. Frightening

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Mar 16, 2023
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Give donations to the individual politicians, not the GOP. The stupid GOP voted in the WAY OVER HER HEAD Romney niece as the head of the GOP, AGAIN.

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My husband and I went to a Trump rally once and we’ve watched several rallies on TV. On Jan 6 when he told me about the capital breach I immediately said to him “It’s a set up”. And he agreed. Trump rally attendees don’t behave that way. They are patriotic and enjoy expressing their love of country. And as time goes on various videos show actions by bad actors on Jan 6 who don’t even look like Trump supporters.

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Yeah, I knew it was a setup, psyop, or whatever, the day it was happening. In my mind, the way the media was reporting on it just gave more validity to the protestors (that’s what it was, a protest) claims of election fraud...

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