Sorry dude, here are some facts: "Political scientists at the University of Chicago who studied the profiles of arrestees and published their conclusions in the Atlantic found that many were middle-class and middle-aged – with an average age of 40. Almost 90% of them had no known links with militant groups. Some 40% were business owners …
Sorry dude, here are some facts: "Political scientists at the University of Chicago who studied the profiles of arrestees and published their conclusions in the Atlantic found that many were middle-class and middle-aged – with an average age of 40. Almost 90% of them had no known links with militant groups. Some 40% were business owners or with white-collar jobs, and they came from relatively lucrative backgrounds as “CEOs, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, IT specialists, and accountants”. Hardly a cross section of the "penniless hailing from areas devastated by globalism and fentanyl."
HAHAHAHAHA! Political scientist at the University of Chicago? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If it's political, it ain't science. If it's Chicago, it's propaganda. Words like "many" being used instead of a real number mean the figure does not support the premise. That said, their mis-mash of other unrelated figures might confuse the average U.I., but to people that think for themselves it's just noise.
Sorry dude, here are some facts: "Political scientists at the University of Chicago who studied the profiles of arrestees and published their conclusions in the Atlantic found that many were middle-class and middle-aged – with an average age of 40. Almost 90% of them had no known links with militant groups. Some 40% were business owners or with white-collar jobs, and they came from relatively lucrative backgrounds as “CEOs, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, IT specialists, and accountants”. Hardly a cross section of the "penniless hailing from areas devastated by globalism and fentanyl."
HAHAHAHAHA! Political scientist at the University of Chicago? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If it's political, it ain't science. If it's Chicago, it's propaganda. Words like "many" being used instead of a real number mean the figure does not support the premise. That said, their mis-mash of other unrelated figures might confuse the average U.I., but to people that think for themselves it's just noise.
What about the other 60%?? 60% IS THE MAJORITY of those there. Any report on them? Not convenient for the Atlantic leftist's and your views!
Oh it was written in the Atlantic, case closed then. Their middle class so F' em.