He did get a conviction on the guy (Michael somebody) who forged a document in order to continue the Trump witch-hunt/"Russian collusion" attack which included FISA warrants. As for the other prosecution, the guilt of the person (Bloomingfield? something like that - long time Clinton operative) was clear as day, but the corrupt D.C. jury acquited him. Durham should've take it to the SCOTUS.
He did get a conviction on the guy (Michael somebody) who forged a document in order to continue the Trump witch-hunt/"Russian collusion" attack which included FISA warrants. As for the other prosecution, the guilt of the person (Bloomingfield? something like that - long time Clinton operative) was clear as day, but the corrupt D.C. jury acquited him. Durham should've take it to the SCOTUS.
He did get a conviction on the guy (Michael somebody) who forged a document in order to continue the Trump witch-hunt/"Russian collusion" attack which included FISA warrants. As for the other prosecution, the guilt of the person (Bloomingfield? something like that - long time Clinton operative) was clear as day, but the corrupt D.C. jury acquited him. Durham should've take it to the SCOTUS.