How idiotic. Republicans and Democrats are all the same people. Democrats tell their people what to think and Republicans tell their people they think like them. Both are liars and both want an all-powerful central government subjugated by the Globalist One World Government. Neither really care about you or anyone else who's not one of T…
How idiotic. Republicans and Democrats are all the same people. Democrats tell their people what to think and Republicans tell their people they think like them. Both are liars and both want an all-powerful central government subjugated by the Globalist One World Government. Neither really care about you or anyone else who's not one of Them. Grow up. Santa Clause is more real than their phony Rep/Dem dichotomy.
How idiotic. Republicans and Democrats are all the same people. Democrats tell their people what to think and Republicans tell their people they think like them. Both are liars and both want an all-powerful central government subjugated by the Globalist One World Government. Neither really care about you or anyone else who's not one of Them. Grow up. Santa Clause is more real than their phony Rep/Dem dichotomy.