Don't trust Trump simply because you regard him on "your side".
He was a breath of fresh air for certain, but don't dismiss the possibility he was controlled opposition to destroy any populist movement.
At LEAST he didn't start a new war, first president in 4 DECADES not to. That WAS an improvement, but don't blindly think there is ANYBODY in government in your side.
He had a terrible cabinet of Neocon scum. He did get rid of Victoria Nuland, that was a plus, but he still promotes these vaccines. Stop looking up for a savior, there is none. There's no "white hats" in the military, there are no "good guys" at this level.
Trump is a narcissistic personality, but that can work for us. He may have wanted to go down in history has the most influential and useful president in American history.
Possible. A wise and experienced narcissist knows not to piss off the gods by being needlessly cruel to Echo. Narcissis was a young, ignorant fool, unselfconscious that the gods are always watching. Trump is not only not so ignorant but is constantly seeking approval. A wise Narcissis would have been kind to Echo, if only to gain advantage from it. Also, nymphs made great wives. Talk about an idiot!
Pangolin, that's another stupid comment. Carter issued his "blanket pardon" of draft dodgers years after the fact. There was no time to assess who did what and how serious it was in the two weeks between J6 and Trump leaving office. C'mon man!
I think you need to change your screen name to "MuyStupido." It fits you.
That's absurd...we're not talking about arrests, we're talking about charges. And even if charges were filed, Trump hardly had the time to review whether they warranted a pardon. So, muy muy stupido, again.
SO this guy who shall remain nameless is someone who "...the FBI said was the best con man he had ever come across..." You don't seem to know that the FBI is not exactly a reliable source on these matters, being the government agency that ran the Russiagate Hoax from the start. Fail.
Your comments are so inane, that I have a sneaking suspicion that this is Deep State Gene, resurfacing under a new alias. Am I right?
Nixon tried to protect the people that broke into the Watergate Hotel - he had NO IDEA about that plot and the people that did it, were probably ALL CIA. That is what got him to resign.
It is better that Trump allowed these people to be unfairly prosecuted over bullshit charges, and now there's something like 800 people who previously believed "our government works for us" who now, FINALLY realize they are domestic enemies.
The Office of Special Plans made bullshit up to justify the Iraq War - GOOD LUCK telling a "conservative" that. FIB are a bunch of traitors, CIA are a bunch of traitors, all our intelligence agencies are traitors. They violate the Constitution, and constantly attack it, they break laws constantly, and they don't do any of this for national security.
Now a bunch of conservatives know. Believe me, you couldn't convince them before. Now they don't need convincing.
I am a conservative and I also believe that the FBI, CIA, Deep State Swamp do regularly violate the Constitution and rights of Americans. J6, Nordstream, SVB being just a few recent examples. Lots of conservatives believe the FBI, CIA and Swamp have been starting wars in Ukraine, Iraq (WMD), Vietnam and South America.
There's no question that the CIA started the conflict in Ukraine. I will tell you how we know this to be true, with absolute certainty:
Victoria Nuland had a conversation between her and Geoffrey Pyatt intercepted in which she was discussing who who be the next leader of Ukraine. This recording was made public on February 4th, 2014. This is her infamous "F. the EU" recording - which is the ONLY thing our media concentrated on, she used vulgarity, clutch my pearls! This contains the transcript:
It was probably intercepted by the FSB, but who knows? It doesn't matter, the recording is authentic.
Viktor Yanukovych did not flee office until February 22, 2014 - that was 2 weeks and 4 days before that recording.
Why would Nuland be choosing the next leader of Ukraine? How did she know there was going to be a new leader of Ukraine?
There's only one explanation. The US overthrew it.
The result is that Ukraine went into immediate civil war. Ukraine is divided up among LANGUAGE lines and cultural ones. Western Ukraine accepted the coup, Eastern Ukraine did not. So they went into civil war, as early as May 2014.
Eastern Ukrainians regard themselves to be "Russian" and Western Ukraine "Ukrainians". Russia is in the process of ending the civil war and forcibly taking Eastern Ukraine, as well as making demilitarized zones to protect Russia itself, and Eastern Ukraine to SOME extent.
This is what the US wanted of course. The US has been trying to get the Europe to stop buying Russian Energy, so the US could sell them energy. We've not been in 2 DECADES of war in the Middle East for nothing. The US intends to sell the oil they have forcibly taken control of in the Middle East to Europe. They also finally had an excuse to blow up the Nordstream.
This doesn't help Europe, it won't help the United States itself, but it makes a lot of money for a few people and expands the power and control over Europe. It just cost around 20 trillion dollars to do, and that price tag will go up, because maintaining the empire isn't cheap.
OK, most of them weren't charged until after Trump was out of office. So that's a stupid comment. Buzz off, Pangolin.
Don't trust Trump simply because you regard him on "your side".
He was a breath of fresh air for certain, but don't dismiss the possibility he was controlled opposition to destroy any populist movement.
At LEAST he didn't start a new war, first president in 4 DECADES not to. That WAS an improvement, but don't blindly think there is ANYBODY in government in your side.
He had a terrible cabinet of Neocon scum. He did get rid of Victoria Nuland, that was a plus, but he still promotes these vaccines. Stop looking up for a savior, there is none. There's no "white hats" in the military, there are no "good guys" at this level.
Trump is a narcissistic personality, but that can work for us. He may have wanted to go down in history has the most influential and useful president in American history.
Possible. A wise and experienced narcissist knows not to piss off the gods by being needlessly cruel to Echo. Narcissis was a young, ignorant fool, unselfconscious that the gods are always watching. Trump is not only not so ignorant but is constantly seeking approval. A wise Narcissis would have been kind to Echo, if only to gain advantage from it. Also, nymphs made great wives. Talk about an idiot!
Pangolin, that's another stupid comment. Carter issued his "blanket pardon" of draft dodgers years after the fact. There was no time to assess who did what and how serious it was in the two weeks between J6 and Trump leaving office. C'mon man!
I think you need to change your screen name to "MuyStupido." It fits you.
That's absurd...we're not talking about arrests, we're talking about charges. And even if charges were filed, Trump hardly had the time to review whether they warranted a pardon. So, muy muy stupido, again.
SO this guy who shall remain nameless is someone who "...the FBI said was the best con man he had ever come across..." You don't seem to know that the FBI is not exactly a reliable source on these matters, being the government agency that ran the Russiagate Hoax from the start. Fail.
Your comments are so inane, that I have a sneaking suspicion that this is Deep State Gene, resurfacing under a new alias. Am I right?
No, that would be a Nixon mistake.
Nixon tried to protect the people that broke into the Watergate Hotel - he had NO IDEA about that plot and the people that did it, were probably ALL CIA. That is what got him to resign.
It is better that Trump allowed these people to be unfairly prosecuted over bullshit charges, and now there's something like 800 people who previously believed "our government works for us" who now, FINALLY realize they are domestic enemies.
The Office of Special Plans made bullshit up to justify the Iraq War - GOOD LUCK telling a "conservative" that. FIB are a bunch of traitors, CIA are a bunch of traitors, all our intelligence agencies are traitors. They violate the Constitution, and constantly attack it, they break laws constantly, and they don't do any of this for national security.
Now a bunch of conservatives know. Believe me, you couldn't convince them before. Now they don't need convincing.
I am a conservative and I also believe that the FBI, CIA, Deep State Swamp do regularly violate the Constitution and rights of Americans. J6, Nordstream, SVB being just a few recent examples. Lots of conservatives believe the FBI, CIA and Swamp have been starting wars in Ukraine, Iraq (WMD), Vietnam and South America.
There's no question that the CIA started the conflict in Ukraine. I will tell you how we know this to be true, with absolute certainty:
Victoria Nuland had a conversation between her and Geoffrey Pyatt intercepted in which she was discussing who who be the next leader of Ukraine. This recording was made public on February 4th, 2014. This is her infamous "F. the EU" recording - which is the ONLY thing our media concentrated on, she used vulgarity, clutch my pearls! This contains the transcript:
This is the audio recording:
It was probably intercepted by the FSB, but who knows? It doesn't matter, the recording is authentic.
Viktor Yanukovych did not flee office until February 22, 2014 - that was 2 weeks and 4 days before that recording.
Why would Nuland be choosing the next leader of Ukraine? How did she know there was going to be a new leader of Ukraine?
There's only one explanation. The US overthrew it.
The result is that Ukraine went into immediate civil war. Ukraine is divided up among LANGUAGE lines and cultural ones. Western Ukraine accepted the coup, Eastern Ukraine did not. So they went into civil war, as early as May 2014.
Eastern Ukrainians regard themselves to be "Russian" and Western Ukraine "Ukrainians". Russia is in the process of ending the civil war and forcibly taking Eastern Ukraine, as well as making demilitarized zones to protect Russia itself, and Eastern Ukraine to SOME extent.
This is what the US wanted of course. The US has been trying to get the Europe to stop buying Russian Energy, so the US could sell them energy. We've not been in 2 DECADES of war in the Middle East for nothing. The US intends to sell the oil they have forcibly taken control of in the Middle East to Europe. They also finally had an excuse to blow up the Nordstream.
This doesn't help Europe, it won't help the United States itself, but it makes a lot of money for a few people and expands the power and control over Europe. It just cost around 20 trillion dollars to do, and that price tag will go up, because maintaining the empire isn't cheap.