More white whiney grievance. "A WUSA9 analysis of cases currently filed in connection with the Capitol riot found more than 60 [of >200 - or 33%] defendants who have already been granted taxpayer-funded representation either through the federal public defender's office or private counsel appointed through the Criminal Justice Act – a 1964 law passed by Congress to ensure federal defendants had adequate legal representation as guaranteed by the 6th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution." You guys are being fed lies by Fox News. Follow the Dominion Law Suite.
Glad to hear that. But the Right Wing eco system is not really any better than Fox. What did you think of the fact that at least 1/3 of J6 defendants are being represented by Public Defenders? I am curious how you came to believe (thinking for yourself) that most of the J6 defendants are penniless. You must have had some supposedly factual source. Please share. Thanks.
Read the reports. These people are not wealthy politicians,. By the way, I love (detest) how you're trying to bring race into this, That's what leftists do. By the way, there were black and brown protestors there on January 6. Like the others, they were veterans and cops, all sworn to protect and defend the Constitution.
Once the right wing decried the left for "Class War" when the left pointed out that Right Wing policies were damaging the working class in favor of the Capitalist classes. Now (you on) the right decries the "Race War" language of the left because (I on) the left point out that the experience of the J6 defendants is not really much different that the experience of black and brown folks all the time.
Then came the whiney white grievance...
"but they get public defenders". As if that is some NY white shoe law firm. And no response to my quote proving that more than 1/3 of J6 are using Public Defenders. And no, the J6 average person is not penniless.
So it was all white grievance.
Own it. It is nothing to be ashamed of (well apparently it is). It is just counter productive to a better society. But my best friend is a .... Yes there were a few (out of tens of thousands) of black and brown protesters. The sea of faces in all the video is white. The grievance was white. a fact. not my fact. a fact. white folks stormed the capitol. Surprised main stream everywhere. But apparently if you listen to black podcasts, many blacks were not surprised, they understand white grievance based violence better than you or I do. They suffered it for a century.
YOU brought up race/skin color FIRST and you KEEP bringing it up. The protests and rioting on J6 had nothing to do with either!! And 33% is STILL not a majority. You and others like you, are the ones who are dividing this country, not whites.
Oh, just because a law was passed that "ensures" federal defendants are represented you think all of the J6 prisoners are? If they had to make a new law, was the Constitution not being followed? If so, why would the criminals not following the Constitution suddenly follow the new law? How do you know WUSA9 is telling the truth? Did they even give a source? You don't known the truth so stop pretending you do and drop the tired condescending attitude. We got enough of that from Obama. Without people like you, totalitarians would never have a chance.
Black and brown folk have public defenders. The 1/6 people have little defense at all. They are Federal prisoners, not local.
More white whiney grievance. "A WUSA9 analysis of cases currently filed in connection with the Capitol riot found more than 60 [of >200 - or 33%] defendants who have already been granted taxpayer-funded representation either through the federal public defender's office or private counsel appointed through the Criminal Justice Act – a 1964 law passed by Congress to ensure federal defendants had adequate legal representation as guaranteed by the 6th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution." You guys are being fed lies by Fox News. Follow the Dominion Law Suite.
What about the other 66%???????
I don't watch FOX news. I think for myself.
I don't watch any TV news at all.
Neither do I.
Glad to hear that. But the Right Wing eco system is not really any better than Fox. What did you think of the fact that at least 1/3 of J6 defendants are being represented by Public Defenders? I am curious how you came to believe (thinking for yourself) that most of the J6 defendants are penniless. You must have had some supposedly factual source. Please share. Thanks.
Read the reports. These people are not wealthy politicians,. By the way, I love (detest) how you're trying to bring race into this, That's what leftists do. By the way, there were black and brown protestors there on January 6. Like the others, they were veterans and cops, all sworn to protect and defend the Constitution.
Once the right wing decried the left for "Class War" when the left pointed out that Right Wing policies were damaging the working class in favor of the Capitalist classes. Now (you on) the right decries the "Race War" language of the left because (I on) the left point out that the experience of the J6 defendants is not really much different that the experience of black and brown folks all the time.
Then came the whiney white grievance...
"but they get public defenders". As if that is some NY white shoe law firm. And no response to my quote proving that more than 1/3 of J6 are using Public Defenders. And no, the J6 average person is not penniless.
So it was all white grievance.
Own it. It is nothing to be ashamed of (well apparently it is). It is just counter productive to a better society. But my best friend is a .... Yes there were a few (out of tens of thousands) of black and brown protesters. The sea of faces in all the video is white. The grievance was white. a fact. not my fact. a fact. white folks stormed the capitol. Surprised main stream everywhere. But apparently if you listen to black podcasts, many blacks were not surprised, they understand white grievance based violence better than you or I do. They suffered it for a century.
YOU brought up race/skin color FIRST and you KEEP bringing it up. The protests and rioting on J6 had nothing to do with either!! And 33% is STILL not a majority. You and others like you, are the ones who are dividing this country, not whites.
Typical leftist rhetoric, going back to the 184Os. Plain old bullshit.
more white whiney grievance.
1840's - I said a century which would put us back to 1923, what century you living in bud? so what is wrong w my rhetoric? can you use your words?
The 1840s is when it started.
What about the 2/3rds? THAT IS "MOST"??? Are they penniless or nearly penniless?
Oh, just because a law was passed that "ensures" federal defendants are represented you think all of the J6 prisoners are? If they had to make a new law, was the Constitution not being followed? If so, why would the criminals not following the Constitution suddenly follow the new law? How do you know WUSA9 is telling the truth? Did they even give a source? You don't known the truth so stop pretending you do and drop the tired condescending attitude. We got enough of that from Obama. Without people like you, totalitarians would never have a chance.