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“If those elections have become corrupt beyond repair, then it is our job as Americans to fix them.”

Sounds good but the problem is that the rot goes way beyond elections and affects pretty much all areas of our society and this rot is strongly supported by at least a third of our “fellow Americans.” Even our med schools are replacing meritocracy with “Equity” aka Equal Outcomes. How do we fix a problem like this which is now so deeply embedded in our society and supported by so many?

“Editor’s Note: America is at war. This is not a traditional war, fought on a battlefield against an external enemy. It is a civilizational conflict against an internal enemy: the group quota regime, a revolutionary threat that seeks to reorganize American society around the principle of outcome equality — what the regime’s partisans call “equity.”

“This cold civil war may go unnoticed by many day-to-day, but its stakes are often as high as life and death. Here, Roger B. Cohen, a celebrated oncologist and professor in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, explains how the group quota regime has taken hold of the American medical education system and asks urgent questions about the consequences for medicine, for the sick, and for the country.”

“The End of Merit in Med Schools Will Be Deadly.”

Real Clear Politics. Roger Cohen. Apr 2, 2024


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And you can't have a country with 1/3 or more of the population opposed to the concept. You can have an empire. Or you can have two countries. That is your choice.

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I see a couple other options on the table, Richard. Most of the American population has become oblivious to the threats of foreign powers who, so far, have satisfied themselves with buying up our land, communication systems and manufacturing plants. I was born immediately after WWII and grew up with constant media pressure to be afraid of Russia and nuclear war. Americans have become so self-absorbed that they think they can go on forever fighting over internal cultural issues and no one else will step in to seize our resources.

Another option is what Seva has been writing about for some time, which is that all of Western Civ is collapsing into another Dark Age. Whether we will take down the entire planet with us is uncertain. I suspect that China or the UAE or whoever will step in sooner rather than later. Why wouldn't they? Who will resist them?

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I discount foreign conquest. At this point, who would want us. Our economic base is either dispersed (agriculture) and difficult to secure or fake (finance and tech) and worthless in a real world sense. You and Seva may be correct about a collapse of the West. I would not bet against you.

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All 3 of you are very intelligent

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Blinkin saying Ukraine will join NATO could reasonably start a hot war between us and Russia. It’s a red line for Russia.

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Hey Sandra, I think we don’t follow China or UAE so closely and so don’t see their issues as readily as we see our own American ones. But it seems both of them a very tiny set Oligarchs and so are often concerned that the masses (who at least in China are quite poor; and that’s 1.2 billion of the them on that situation. They can’t feed themselves and they’re short on fresh water and oil. When the next droughts come, and they will invariably come, hunger and famine will take root there again. And no Chinese, UAE or other country’s ship can sail on the oceans without our letting them because, simply put, the US Navy owns what is under, on and above the oceans No other fleet comes close to our six fleets. Not an optimal way to stop others but still highly intimidating. I do however believe we, China and Russia could each on their own destroy the planet as we know it.

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I always appreciate your perspective on military capability and strategy, Libertarian. Good to hear, that you think our Navy is still intimidating. I hope that the personnel on the ships are also still intimidating. If anybody gets serious about threatening us, I want to know that we have a full force of the most toxically masculine Americans we can still convince to serve.

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