The Democratic Party has turned American elections into something that would make the dictator of a Third World banana republic proud.

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It’s not just the Democratic Party turning our elections into a travesty, I’m afraid! It’s the UniParty and our own government has been rigging elections all over the world for decades! Unfortunately, we’re now the recipients of their corruption.

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Ah, denialism. - https://thomas699.substack.com/p/denying-deceitful-denialism

In short, its a wonderful world to use because, like misinformation - https://thomas699.substack.com/p/i-am-a-misinformation-denier - it's doesn't really exist and is mere shorthand to end discussion, debate.

Denialism is I think even odder than misinformation due to its pedigree. The term "denier" came to public and political fore in regards to the Holocaust, i.e. the "Holocaust denier."

Well, the Holocaust happened - it's in writing and on film and...etc. Save for true loonies, it is undeniable. And by borrowing that word to slap on anything else - election, climate, etc. - is to bring to those subjects that finality of truth.

If you are a (insert word here) denier, you may very well be a Holocaust denier for all we know and/or denying (insert word here) is just as bad and stupid as denying the Holocaust so shut up.

The funny thing is, if taken in its original formulation, an election denier would be claiming an election never happened and climate denier would be claiming the climate doesn't exist. So the denier label is not only evil its etymologically wrong..

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The simple, uncomfortable truth is that we are now living in a post-Constitutional order. As great as the ideals written in our founding documents are, they don't mean anything if they are ignored by corrupt people with power. Unfortunately that is the situation we are in. Our elections and our "justice" system have been taken over and there are only a handful of people who are willing to stand up and state the obvious.

I'd like to think that the people can somehow wrest power back from the corrupt elite who are now in charge and I haven't given up hope yet. Even if there is only a small chance of winning, it is better to take that chance than give up completely and ensure that we will lose.

But I'm also realistic and know that the odds are against the people. All systems of government eventually come down to a question of power. Those in control hardly ever give up their power willingly. I try to imagine a world in which our corrupt ruling class are actually held accountable for their crimes and try as I might I really can't imagine such a world.

It seems more likely that the corrupt world which they have created will one day just collapse under its own weight and we will enter a period of chaos and anarchy before something new arises from the ashes.

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“and we will enter a period of chaos and anarchy”

We already have. Check out any of our big cities and you’ll see ever worsening social breakdown aka civilizational collapse.

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I agree that we are on our way to collapse but for many people nothing much has changed. They still go to work and carry on with their lives. They may have noticed that groceries are getting more expensive and there seems to be a little more street racing than they are used to but they don't really see the bigger picture.

Things will probably get much worse before they get better.

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They don't realize they (all of us) are just "Free-Range Humans" on a TAX FARM. - unkown

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“but they don't really see the bigger picture.”

Not at all true. People in Chicago are very much aware of the out of control crime since it’s pretty much city wide 24/7. Part of the reason is the severe shortage of cops due to the fact that nobody wants to be a cop in Chicago anymore. Far too dangerous in too many ways. Plus a serious crackdown on crime would have a “disparate impact” on blacks which would be considered “racist” and unacceptable. Plus on top of this we have an ever worsening “migrant crisis” due to our open southern border. For sure things will get worse but I don’t see why they’ll start getting better at some point.

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Yeah, how anybody at this point would want to be a cop in our big cities is beyond me... risking your front when you know that no one has your back.

"Disparate impact"--that one term has done as much to bring us down as maybe anything. It short circuits common sense.

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And even the cops still on the job have drastically cut back on policing since they’re always being watched and will be in serious trouble if anything goes wrong while trying to arrest a criminal. I don’t blame them at all for that but it sure does leave our cities in bad shape.

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I, too, don't blame the police for being very very cautious, not one bit. I blame the a-holes who told us that "black lives matter" while creating the conditions for a de facto black genocide in our cities.

Fun fact: the NAACP home page documents that between 1882-1968, approximately 3500 blacks were lynched. Meanwhile, FBI stats reveal that in 2022 alone, over 10,000 black Americans were homicide victims, the vast majority of which came at the hands of other black Americans. "Black lives matter"--what a bitter joke.

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Don’t worry, once they make ANTIFA and illegal aliens the cops they’ll just start sending everyone to the camps.

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Part of the left’s universal strategy is to create chaos. The feds are spending billions to help millions of illegals enter the country.

Who suffers the most? …… young black families as rents rapidly rise, the quality of education deteriorates as non English speaking kids enter the schools without language skills and perhaps most importantly entry level job opportunities disappear as the language of the fast food kitchen, building maintenance company and the light construction site becomes Spanish. Gringos need not apply.

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When in the course of human events...

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it becomes necessary...

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...living in a post-Constitutional 'disorder'.....preceeded by post-Christian disorder.

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Your candid comments about yourself and your past views are refreshing.

Amr Australia

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Such a wonderful qualities - introspection and humility!

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SashaStone's testimony can 'school' many others where she came from, IF, if we can just get these teachings in front of them.

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As I recall, the Australians voluntarily disarmed themselves.

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We did, in the name of the common good all law abiding people gave them up so now only criminals have them. What could go wrong?

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It was easy for me to type out a sarcastic jab at you Aussies. Genuinely, I am sorry for you all, and hope a better future for you.

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I did not see it as sarcastic, we are being governed buy control freaks, see our covid response. Regards, Amr Australia.

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Frankly, I did not understand how you put up with the horrors foisted upon you during Covid. My best to you, Amr.

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One of the best synopsis of what has taken place I've seen - and places the decline of this nation solely at the doorstep of where it belongs - the Democrat Party and the establishment administrative state that they control and those of the uni-party who just go along for the sake of maintaining power.

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Never, ever, did I think in my lifetime, in this birthplace of democracy, would it be impossible to have a fair election. This is a death for the entire world.

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“If those elections have become corrupt beyond repair, then it is our job as Americans to fix them.”

Sounds good but the problem is that the rot goes way beyond elections and affects pretty much all areas of our society and this rot is strongly supported by at least a third of our “fellow Americans.” Even our med schools are replacing meritocracy with “Equity” aka Equal Outcomes. How do we fix a problem like this which is now so deeply embedded in our society and supported by so many?

“Editor’s Note: America is at war. This is not a traditional war, fought on a battlefield against an external enemy. It is a civilizational conflict against an internal enemy: the group quota regime, a revolutionary threat that seeks to reorganize American society around the principle of outcome equality — what the regime’s partisans call “equity.”

“This cold civil war may go unnoticed by many day-to-day, but its stakes are often as high as life and death. Here, Roger B. Cohen, a celebrated oncologist and professor in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, explains how the group quota regime has taken hold of the American medical education system and asks urgent questions about the consequences for medicine, for the sick, and for the country.”

“The End of Merit in Med Schools Will Be Deadly.”

Real Clear Politics. Roger Cohen. Apr 2, 2024


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And you can't have a country with 1/3 or more of the population opposed to the concept. You can have an empire. Or you can have two countries. That is your choice.

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I see a couple other options on the table, Richard. Most of the American population has become oblivious to the threats of foreign powers who, so far, have satisfied themselves with buying up our land, communication systems and manufacturing plants. I was born immediately after WWII and grew up with constant media pressure to be afraid of Russia and nuclear war. Americans have become so self-absorbed that they think they can go on forever fighting over internal cultural issues and no one else will step in to seize our resources.

Another option is what Seva has been writing about for some time, which is that all of Western Civ is collapsing into another Dark Age. Whether we will take down the entire planet with us is uncertain. I suspect that China or the UAE or whoever will step in sooner rather than later. Why wouldn't they? Who will resist them?

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I discount foreign conquest. At this point, who would want us. Our economic base is either dispersed (agriculture) and difficult to secure or fake (finance and tech) and worthless in a real world sense. You and Seva may be correct about a collapse of the West. I would not bet against you.

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All 3 of you are very intelligent

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Blinkin saying Ukraine will join NATO could reasonably start a hot war between us and Russia. It’s a red line for Russia.

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Hey Sandra, I think we don’t follow China or UAE so closely and so don’t see their issues as readily as we see our own American ones. But it seems both of them a very tiny set Oligarchs and so are often concerned that the masses (who at least in China are quite poor; and that’s 1.2 billion of the them on that situation. They can’t feed themselves and they’re short on fresh water and oil. When the next droughts come, and they will invariably come, hunger and famine will take root there again. And no Chinese, UAE or other country’s ship can sail on the oceans without our letting them because, simply put, the US Navy owns what is under, on and above the oceans No other fleet comes close to our six fleets. Not an optimal way to stop others but still highly intimidating. I do however believe we, China and Russia could each on their own destroy the planet as we know it.

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I always appreciate your perspective on military capability and strategy, Libertarian. Good to hear, that you think our Navy is still intimidating. I hope that the personnel on the ships are also still intimidating. If anybody gets serious about threatening us, I want to know that we have a full force of the most toxically masculine Americans we can still convince to serve.

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♥️ this. Great work. 👏🏼👏🏼

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It really is.

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Instituting Mass mail-in voting was their ploy all along.

It now must be rendered illegal - period. It must go back to being used for deployed military or medically disabled persons ONLY.

There is not a country in the civilized world that employs mass mail-in ballots. Why?

Because they all know it’s use is rife with fraud.

Is it a coincidence that you do not hear any politician, right or left, shouting and pushing for it to be outlawed?

We the people must shout it from the rooftops and demand it be stopped now, and once and for all!

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Truth is the Democrats tried to steal 2016 in exactly the same way. Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia. They failed due to overconfidence. So they turned it up to 11 in 2020 helped by chaos from the COVID lockdown.

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There is a silver lining to all the corruption and criminality you describe. By lashing out so thoroughly and endlessly, the system has exposed itself completely. The masks were dropped and we all watched the machine operate without pretense.

With the exception of the completely brainwashed, everyone sees the game for what it is now. Good will come of that.

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“With the exception of the completely brainwashed,”

At least a third of the people in the general public still support the democrats.

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The Democrat floor is 40%. They could nominate Satan and get that much.

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Hence, the rise of the anti-Christ.

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Very true, but I wonder how many of them are “True Believers” and how many are still supporting dems for social or pragmatic reasons. I have to imagine a significant portion of that third sees what is going on. Whether they’d ever piblicly admit to seeing it is a different question.

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I think inertia is a huge problem. Most people vote for the party they've always voted for, regardless of how it's acting now. A few are able to step back and reassess, but that takes a lot of courage.

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Plus many still get their news from the msm which for the past 8 years has demonized Trump as a monster and even “another Hitler.” They prefer Joe with dementia to that.

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Pride. Pride is one of the toughest sins to deal with, to admit to. It is very insidious cuz its more invisible.

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Absolutely. And the more "high status" people think they are, the less likely they are to admit that they were wrong.

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In the last weeks before the election, the Democrats will all vote for whomever the Party chooses, and so will the Republicans. Most Americans are too afraid at this point to stray off the trail. The bushes are full of "fascists."

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Thanks for your optimism. Obsolete. After another cup of coffee, I may even share it.

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I've already had 3, and it just made me more agitated in my pessimism.

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Love the Leslie Stahl 60 minutes clip. She sits there and says "most people don't question whether Biden won..." First by "most people" it is tough to tell if she is talking about her 14 living friends, the people who write the material she barfs out on TV, the ladies on "The View", or some survey that she can't remember that didn't bother asking the 75+ million people who DO question it (maybe not "most people", but an awful large sample). And these days it is impossible to discern from fake journalists such as she, whether they are so brainwashed that they believe unquestioningly every single hard left talking point they spew, or whether they are so enamored by their overly large paychecks that they simply say what they are told to say (a la Joe Scarborough).

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“The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”—Joseph Stalin, dictator of the Soviet Union.

Pretty accurate now days.

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Here is the full quote"

“It Is Enough That The People Know There Was An Election. The People Who Cast The Votes Decide Nothing. The People Who Count The Votes Decide Everything.” – Joseph Stalin

Note especially the first sentence which is a key part of the deception process and is usually left off. I see the so-called fact checkers questioning whether Stalin actually said this. Not that I believe this but closer to home Boss Tweed definitely said it and first. There is a great Thomas Nast cartoon with this quote. I would link it if I could figure out how to do that in Substack.

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When anyone throws out the “denier” accusation, you know you are dealing with an intellectually and morally bankrupt authoritarian.

These are the people who have no intention of defending their ideas. Their position is automatically the default. They insist that you must “prove” they are wrong, confident that they are in complete control of access to evidence. They do not believe they should have to persuade anyone. Their views are always correct.

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Yes, Sasha, continue to affirm this history... that which is not remembered, will be forgotten.

And put me down with agreeing with Doug Wilson. Post 2020, our electoral system has been fatally corrupted. It may not matter how many votes Trump gets, he will not be allowed to win the election. And if he does somehow pull that off, he will not be allowed to be inaugurated.

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Wow Sasha, what great work! I’m really grateful for your time and effort. Upgraded to paid! ❤️

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Welcome to the club, Diana. Yes, Sasha is both awesome and fearless.

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(....and Sasha operates under the pseudonym 'Pacificus', BTW. ). :-)

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True, I am a bit of a fan boi for Sasha... when I see someone who is doing it right, I like to back them to the hilt.

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