The crybabies can unsubscribe themselves. Just saying.

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They just want to make a statement. Most know how to unsubscribe or can figure it out. When I don’t want to follow someone anymore I simply leave quietly. LOL Easy peasy. Getting another email doesn’t bother me. A delete key is easy too. 🙄

But then there are the “door slammers”. They have no way to slam a door in your face, or bang a phone down on a receiver, or flash their palm in your face and storm out. They want you to feel bad because something “offended” them and their ugly spirits WANT you to hurt for it. Those who aren’t good people, who basically hate themselves, feed off of making others feel bad, to “pay” for how THEY feel. For you being someone they don’t like. They can’t go quietly.

So, on Substack they send an ugly email saying “UNSUBSCRIBE!” 🤣 Ok KAREN, you know where the door is. Don’t let it hit you in the a** on the way out. 🙄

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Hahaha…. People don’t read well when they get worked up. You’re doing great work.

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I’m never unsubscribing…just sayin’!

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Let’s go, JudyC!🔥🔥🔥

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Me neither!!!

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The hubris of people demanding you personally unsubscribe them...incredible.

"Waah, waah, my feewings are hurt. Pay attention to meee!" 🙄

Love your emails, Sasha. I hope you keep a free option, as it would be hard for me to do a subscription; we're on one paycheck, now, and with four of us to feed.

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OMG! This is hilarious to me. These people should have their phones, laptops and desktops removed from their presence. Right now I'm being attacked on FB for my political posts. You think they would just block me from their feed or get off the page....waahhhh 😭😭 People are hilarious!

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The first National Review editor, William F. Buckley, Jr., answered every letter—actual pen and paper in those days of course—often with just a quick note scribbled on the original letter. And he often received letters saying, “Cancel my subscription!”

To which he always replied, “Cancel your own damn subscription!”

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By the way, Sasha, I’m so pleased to see Real Clear Politics putting your posts in their aggregation these days!

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Heartily seconding KAM on this. I have a copy of "Cancel Your Own Goddam Subscription" which is a collection of just such correspondence. If it worked for WFB, Sasha...

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Relax, have a glass of wine ,take a walk on the beach. Whatever you do, please don't change, you mean to much to so many people.

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If I were fueled by tequila, I might be prompted to create 10 new email addresses just so I can subscribe again and again!

Funny, you would think that people who subscribe to blogs would know how to read. Just sayin.

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~passes a shot of Adictivo to Darlene~ Cheers😉

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Sorry you have to deal with this. I'm pretty sure that most people who make it to your Substack are capable of unsubscribing themselves, but some obviously decide to act like toddlers when confronted with worldviews that conflict with the Narrative.

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Well, I’m very glad that you are a sensitive human being. I think it makes for a better writer. I’ve gotten to the age and time of my life where I just don’t give a shit. There’s good and bad to that. You stay good and let old codgers like me stay subscribed!!

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Don’t be salty from what you see the world becoming. You do what you can in your small space of space👍🏽

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I’m never unsubscribing either. I love every post and article even the rare ones where you say something I might not agree with. I have been grateful from the beginning for the Tucker drops. Chris Paul so pinpoint accurate calling these people child brains

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It's so weird..if I dont like a post from the dozens I subscribe to, I...wait for it...skip reading that one.. Probably shows my age by pointing out I am not a victim of your posts

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My first (and most charitable) reaction is - "how lazy can people be???" But thinking about it for another minute, it's clear that they're not (only)lazy - they're pathetic, weak and desperate.

They've been virtually lobotomized, adhering to the sudden-death rules of the strict group-think chokehold. Over time, almost like Stockholm syndrome subjects, they have submitted to this brutal demand for absolute fealty and mistaken it for real belonging. Unwavering obedience has kept them from exile (so far), which *must* mean they're now accepted into the group. They can be a "real boy" if they obey hard enough.

Being part of THE GROUP means they are superior and therefore, they have the right to demand service, especially from those who don't FOLLOW-THE-RULES. They harbor a fantasy that other people actually *care* what they think. That they have earned some status - they can *matter* as humans, if they can just parrot the received messaging perfectly enough. But they actually know that one slip - and they will be thrown overboard.

You (we) are the inferiors. The disobedient. The deplorable-evil-nazi-racist-ableist-sexist-everythingophobic-lying-gun-toting-bible-thumping-dangerous-haters-far-right-wing-terrorist-BADDIES. We're everything they FEAR being called. We must be controlled, put in our place, taught a lesson, shown the error of our ways. They must do everything they fear will be done to them.

So they REJECT you (us). They SAY MEAN WORDS. They even do horrible things. They DEMAND to be heard/obeyed.

The most powerful thing you can do to a narcissist is ignore them. They deserve nothing else.

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The second most powerful thing you can do to a narcissist is to laugh at them! Or maybe laugh first, then ignore!

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You can’t fix stupid! Don’t even try. Just ignore them Sasha. You are awesome.

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Sherri isn’t wrong 😀

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you have the patience of a saint, keep fighting the good fight, all of it!

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No one forces anyone to watch the links to Carlson's podcasts. Are there people out there that are so offended that Sasha will make these available that they'll unsubscribe? Is this due to a mental illness?

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