Donate yes, if able, but not to the Red Cross.

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Nor Go Fund Me who is liable to steal money like with the Canadian truckers. Try Samaritans Purse who is on the ground there.

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I donated to Samaritans Purse yesterday. They were one of the first organizations on site.

I live in Western North Carolina, but was spared by Providence. It is worse than reported.

God bless President Trump.

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I donated to Samaritan's Purse also. Trust them more than Red Cross.

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Hey Richard, I hadn’t hear of them before. I just donated now via their website. Thanks.

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Watching the video you compiled was hard, but needs to be seen to understand the despair and damage. It was heartbreaking and terribly sad to see and hear these personal pleas for help. The federal government’s incompetence and lack of action is inexcusable. Biden-Harris administration is filled with people who have no idea how to lead or know what to do.

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I think they know what to do - it's just absolutely NOT where they're going to put their support. Money to Ukraine? In the billions, zero accountability - (the explicit intention) no problem. Money for DEI or other far-left identity insanity? All day long. People drowning in their own attics? Biden's at the beach. "Commanding".

They fundamentally DO NOT CARE about providing real help to Helene victims. They're not "their" people. No kickbacks from rural NC. No glitterati in the mountains. Dead Trump voters, Decimated pro-Trump voting locations? That's an unequivocal plus for these people. This gives them North Carolina without breaking a sweat. The Blue areas will have no problem getting fully prepared to collect Harris votes. They don't even try to hide it anymore - it's easy to find far left lunatics who will openly say the world is better off without Trump or his supporters.

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Actually, Asheville was a bastion of the Blue. The people who are showing up as first responders are overwhelmingly MAGA.

Interested to see if the survivors stand by their party.

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Want to bet that many of those showing up to help are among the "deplorables" that HRC continues to denigrate. Where is the Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and Wall Street responses to this horrific tragedy?

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With the ability for Geoengineering (a Deep State creation) to manipulate and move weather systems, and North Carolina being one of the main battleground states that could swing the election, the conspiracy theorist in me wonders if these rural areas that are most likely pro-Trump were purposely targeted to hurt their ability to vote. Sounds far fetched I know but we’re living in crazy times…

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“Biden” approved FEMA for 25 of the requested 38 counties. Two that were approved were Buncombe and Watauga, home of Asheville and Boone respectively - two liberal bastions. Make of that what you will. Both do have massive damage but so do the 13 counties not (so far) approved.

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This is a shameful video you included. Media crickets. Here in Australia our state ABC minimal reporting but during Katrina we go non stop coverage.

Ukraine just got 2.4 billion extra 2 days ago. You can’t make this up.

Amr Australia.

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Samaritan's Purse is great. Run by Franklin Graham.

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So is this one created by Glenn Beck. All proceeds go to the victims. http://mercuryone.org/

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Yes! Mercury One is excellent!

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Not the Red Cross or the NC Relief Fund. The former has huge admin fees and the latter is the government. While we (NC) have a big savings account and a super majority in the legislature who has committed to do what it takes, they can’t help but move more slowly than needed.

Samaritan’s Purse is based in Boone and had a semi set up to deliver oxygen at the hospital there within a day. They’ve now deployed 5 more. Baptists with a Mission are heavy on the ground. The Salvation Army is mobilized. Walmart (in NC at least) is taking and matching donations for the month of Oct. Virtually every county has sent fire and rescue personnel and linemen, and all those need support.

I wouldn’t donate to any GoFundMe or other individual. There are a ton of scammers out there right now and arrests have already been made.

For the absolute best info, look at North Carolina’s Weather Authority on FB (ncwx_authority on IG). He’s worked tirelessly and posted many threads of photos, how to help, how not to help, etc. And he’s a college kid who started this in 7th grade and does it free (he does accept donations). He’s been the most accurate and helpful and lifesaving - without hype - out there. (And he couldn’t get out of a statistics exam last week even though he’s been doing this around the clock since it popped up! He had a good attitude about it.)

My Dad lives in the NC mountains (I’m at the NC coast) and we didn’t have news from them for 3 days. Ours was good, thankfully, but many lives have been lost and more bodies will be discovered to add to that - they’ve been focusing on rescue and not recover so far. Prayers for WNC 🙏

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Also, the Cajun Navy is also on the ground and air there. Please donate to them also. There is a link in this story:


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I’ve often been told I’m crazy to live in a city like Chicago with all the crime and social breakdown but at least we don’t have this crazy weather. No hurricanes, earthquakes, extreme summer heat or huge winter snow storms. It’s not true though that the democrats are always quick to help blue areas. They recently had their DNC here which was a joyful, 4 day celebration of Trump/MAGA hate. Not a word about the out of control crime, dreadful public schools or the anger, especially among south side blacks, about all the “migrants” in their neighborhoods being taken care of at taxpayer expense. Democrats are insane. I have no sense of commonality with them. Some say we’re heading for civil war. What I see though is ever worsening civilizational collapse.

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Thsts courtesy of the uniparty no single party.

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This is why the government wants to ban Tik Tok. Can't have them interfering with the narrative. They want to force social media content through US companies who will collaborate.

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I appreciate you for posting this video. These stories are horrible, but inspiring. I have tried to do my part (not through the Red Cross) and I am praying for everyone who is affected and who is helping. We are Americans! We can do this!

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Avoid the Red Cross!

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“We are Americans!”

In what sense are we Americans? In what sense is America still a country?

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Seva, if you don't understand, I cannot possibly explain it to you. But I will state that, as individuals, those of us who love what America was and can be are Americans. That even

includes many who were not born on American soil. We are still a country in that many of us still value the Constitution, freedom, and opportunity. We are still a country because we care for each other and support one another's goals. Americans have accomplished much in the short time that we have been a country that not every country can or has accomplished. There is a reason to be hopeful that we can continue to accomplish important things. Please understand that I am not suggesting that America is perfect. Nor am I suggesting that we have not become complacent, difficult, and self-serving. But watch what happens in the future. I'm pretty sure that the U.S.A. is not finished making its mark.

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We will soon see about that.

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Thanks for posting about this, and sending donation links!

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I’m SO FUCKING ANGRY at our current “leaders” who deserve to be in prison - right now.

What is happening is CRIMINAL NEGLECT!!!




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grow up.

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You’re a really nasty person.

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You are a really stupid creature

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Nasty seems to be part of their DNA.

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Thanks Sasha. I wasn't planning on donating until I read your article this morning. After seeing the recommendations of others, I'm donating to Samaritan's Purse and United Canun Navy. I feel they are trustworthy. I'll never donate through GoFundMe again after their disastrous handling of the Canadian trucker's protest. I wish the Trump group would've used GiveSendGo instead.

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Please everyone, help like you would want to be helped. This is a time for all of us to come together. And, thank you Sasha for putting up the video and the links, everyone needs to see this.

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I remember that Trump went to East Palestine, OH just a couple of days after the derailment. He brought badly needed fresh water, bought lunches at the local diner, and put big smiles on the faces of those traumatized people. It took Biden a year to make his usual anemic visit there.. Hmmm, perhaps that was because the WH saw it as a largely conservative, rural area instead of as fellow Americans who needed help? Just wondering...

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nonsense trump is just advertising himself. and any thing he brings he didn't pay for.

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What kind of thing is that to say? You are just a naysayer. You did not provide one fact to back that up. Just talking cuz ya got a keyboard.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

You need facts?lol are you braindead? Trump is a known cheapskate. He never pays any bills which is why he filed bankruptcy so often.if he can get others to donate he takes credit.hes a broke ass fraud. And you are beyond ignorant.there are none so blind as those who WILL NOT see.

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We need to share this everywhere to show what is happening, please share this article and the YouTube!!

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I look forward to the day when natural disaster relief will be fully funded from *our* treasury and foreign wars will be funded with GiveSendGo donations instead... the world is upside down.

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