Sorry Brent but Trump's humor is just that, Humor and sarcasm, It is not the vileness that his supporters love about him, This is definitely the most common complaint amongst Trump supporters, he says Mean things, and is actually the main thing that his people talk about as being the only thing that Conservatives often hate, and that is being mean or hateful to anyone.

The Democrat party is beyond vile and disgusting towards not only Trump, but his Replublican and Democrat and Independent supporters, who make up half of the U.S.A. It is actually funny how anyone still doesn't realize this.... The Joe Bidens, Kamala Harris, Hillary Hateful Clinton, and The Biggest Most obvious Display of Vileness and Misery comes straight from the DNC and its Main StreamMedia Hate Machine and its been pulverizing Decency for over 10 years now. Wake the hell up.

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Give it up, partner. His feed is chocked full of loony TDS blather.

He's too far gone and just here to kick the beehive.

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Lmao Cheers Mac. I didnt even get to that point but i figured why even bother, 🤣😆 thanks for checking him out 4 me

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Aug 11
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I have no idea why someone could hate Trump and he has been in my public space for 45 years. I understand dislike, but hate? I don't hate anything, even the assholes like Obama who weaponized the asshole Bush's Patriot Act. Ignorance perhaps; not directed at you just generally speaking.

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Aug 11
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you obviously haven't look close at your side......their main issues, like they all suck, can you tell me one thing you like that they have done, say their top 5 issues, now tell the truth, you just talk of your hate for Trump and that explains clearly why you see nothing clearly. Please tell us all the good things your party stands for.

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Every time I see someone write half the country I see capitulatiion. I believe it's exceeding 75%.

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Aug 13
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How is the GOP backwards when they’ve expanded the tent to reach levels of black and Hispanic support unseen in generations? Trump has completely transformed the GOP into the party of the working class while Dems are now the party of out of touch elites. And because of this, Trump will win in November despite the machinations of the fake news.

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Aug 13
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Lets have it, all the good things let me help, the border invasion so as former teacher the influx of non English speaking children creates havoc in an already critically bad public school situation, inflation-food and gas prices, good huh? Support for the "transgender revolution" the chaos created with boys competing against girls, you guys are all for it,right? The evil work of the DOJ attacking Donald Trump and other conservatives on false/fake/ridicules charged mostly all dropped. Under handed shit like I have ever seen, your all in on it, that is clear. Don't forget your three cheers for the wholesale murder of the unborn. Your on the right team alright kid.

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I don't have a substack but I have kept some files of vile, hateful & racist comments from right wing sites, mostly fox. I started read them in 2016 to try to understand what the right thinks. I was shocked by the comments at first, especially the ugly racism , but soon came to expect it.

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Were they threatening to kill Biden? Threatening to hurt him? Showing a decapitated head of Biden? Portraying him as being stabbed to death? Many of my examples are from Democrats in leadership, celebrities, liberal pundits and popular magazines. I think you would be hard-pressed to have comparable examples from the Right of what I just listed. Maybe one or two, but not dozens.

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Agree and will never forget Maxine Waters and her ugly hateful talk.

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I'm talking about comments following articles. For example, when John Lewis died, fox wrote a decent article, but the comments were horrific, claiming that he accomplished nothing & comparing him to garbage & feces. However, I think you could find some material on obama being lynched, and of course there was the "hilarious" right wing "joke" of Michelle Obama being a "man" which still continues & is extremely tedious.

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Comments after articles can be horrific on both sides, because commenters are largely anonymous. People have a lot of cajones when they can’t be identified. That’s why I didn’t include responses to articles in my Substack: I only included well-known people threatening to harm and/or kill Trump. Absolutely unacceptable.

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True they are anonymous and are free to express what they really think.

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And folks calling Michelle Obama “Big Mike” is so stupid to me. I mean, there are pictures of her as a little girl on the internet. 🤦🏾‍♀️

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Sad how real TDS is and the msm brainwashing and mind control have convinced so many sheeple “orange man bad” and c-19

Shots and masks good lol.

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Aug 11
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It's the opposite for me. I am a registered democrat, but will be voting for Trump this go round as I see much more intolerance, vile name calling and hatred, and worst of all, insane and harmful policies. You call MAGA a cult and that could be true, but it's also true that some many that hate Trump are also in a cult so seems to me there are lots of cults out there these days. Bottom line for me is that sadly the democratic party is no longer the party I at one time supported.

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Aug 11
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I'll vote for people who don't hate America; there is no perfect candidate but I don't want to lose the rights enumerated in our Constitution. The government is supposed to be for us but we haven't held them accountable. Hopefully the past few years have inspired most of We the People to educate ourselves (since our public schools weren't meant to do that).

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I'm with you, Linda. There's no written or unwritten rule that says we must like our Presidents. Of late it sends as though that's all anyone cares about. I've voted for Trump twice thus far, even though I don't like the guy and his public persona makes my fillings hurt. But I KNEW two important things about him that earned him my vote. He has significant private-sector business leadership experience, and he's a nationalist, not a globalist. Both times his opponents had neither.

It would be great to have a President that we really LIKE, but I'll take competence over personality every time.

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Aug 12
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MAGA doesn't hate us, the establishment Republicans do. You're going from the frying pan into the fire. All I care about is adhering to the Constitution, not the globalists who want to destroy us by bribing our politicians.

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You're no former republican. No one that sensible would ever vote for Kamala Harris. The Democrats clearly do hate America. There are a number of GOP Congress people who will testify that Dems in DC hate this country, which is why they work so hard to undermine all its best features.

Every time the Dems lose an election they whine for changing the Constitution. Their numerous Constitutional changes would turn America into just another failed state. They have no principles behind their childish tantrums, and no understanding about why the GOP thinks that Trump will protect the US from all the enemies that the Biden admin has sucked up to for 4 years.

Seriously, just imagine Kamala as Commander in Chief .She is as dumb as a bag full of hammers. She can't organize a policy speech, so how on earth could she direct the military to outfight the national threats we face.

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Half the dem party hates the jews, which historically has been solid democrat. That is hating America. I think any candidate, like Kamala, who willingly allowed over 10 million people (at least) to illegally enter the country and be funded at the US taxpayer expense is hating the U.S. citizenry. All Kamala/Biden has done is continue dividing the country up and against each other and make our economy weaker, dividing us even more. Thus the segregated zoom calls, etc etc are clear examples of this.

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The Demos don't hate America at all: they just think "Western Civilization" should be re-framed as "White Supremacist Civilization". Not a bit of hate in there. Not a bit!

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Their idea of no taxes on tips was apparently good enough to be used by Harris in her recent Vegas speech...

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I like Trump's idea of not taxing Social security benefits; let's see if Harris copies that. I've been working for tax preparers for decades, and that always bugged me! Older folks shouldn't have to worry about how much that can.earn before it affects their taxable SS. Those benefits should never be taxable!

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The republican party of old was a bunch of elite country club narcissists who didn't give a damn about the citizens. They were the party of war and money and they have thankfully been taken over by a movement for the people of this country. The democrats have become the old school republicans, because they realized this is where the money is. They are now more corrupt than the old republican party. For a while the two were the uniparty and the only difference was a few social issues which the dems have put on steroids. Trump is America's last hope.

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Aug 12Edited
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Yes, yes Mr. Soros, we get your message. Thank you but fuck off please.

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I can see that you are really suffering, as you watch your old party in their death throes. Don't worry, you'll get over it in time. And the dems have morphed to the republican party of old, so there's a new home for you there.

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I hope your hope about a big blowout loss does not come to pass because my fear is that if is does and Harris gets the WH there will not be anything left for the republican party to go back to, that going forward there will only be the administrative state in charge and elections as we know them will be a thing of the past. We will each vote for who our conscience tells us will do the least amount of damage to our country and our children's heritage, so go in peace and best wishes to you.

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Please do not come back; you are not needed or wanted.

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Aug 11
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I don’t see anything cultish about wanting secure borders, safe city streets and meritocracy rather than Equity aka Equal Outcomes which the Democratic Party is totally committed to.

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Far Lefties object to propaganda bubbles? Who knew?

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The propaganda bubble is the one blown by the DC Democrats and it fools idiots on the left who read nothing but WaPo and the NYT. Bill Maher's performance on Megyn Kelly's podcast showed just how appallingly uninformed the lefties are.

He thought there were a bunch of cops killed on Jan 6 (the only ones who died Jan 6 were unarmed Trump supporters), , he didn't know that Hillary is a vastly bigger election denier than Trump, and he still thinks the "good people on both sides " remark refers to racism when even Snopes has debunked it. And Snopes is no friend to DJT.

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Jfc dude...pickup a mirror.

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Again, u r still clueless I see and the projection u exude is classic.

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Creeps like you refuse to take responsibility for their actions. They are deservedly shunned.

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Hey Brent, here’s the Republican Party platform. I think #8 iron dome is pretty stupid. But the rest looks solid on the idea front to me. What don’t you like?





















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Aug 12
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Brent: Which is why the Dems will lose on Nov 5.

No one says inflation will be stopped with tariffs. Inflation will be stopped by reducing govt spending . which Trump will do by eliminating all those useless federal departments he intends to deep-six,. Anyone on the right knows that. Apparently you don't.

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A global trade war could not possibly start inflation.

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You seriously don’t mind the open border and invasion of God knows who into our country? You don’t mind the nonstop spending nonsense as our government ignores veterans who earned support?

You don’t mind a government insisting we take an experimental vaccine and continuing to insist we take it even after it is known to be ineffective and unsafe for some?

You don’t mind our public schools teaching kids to judge each other based on race and not teaching kids to read? You don’t mind the sexualizing of our children and telling them they can change their gender?

Democrats are a disaster to our nation

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Trump started no wars during his Presidency; the border situation was improving; NATO members were finally starting to pay their fair share; the Abraham Accords were in progress; Putin didn't dare invade Ukraine; Trump flattered Kim Jung-un so he stopped his provocations in the Korean Peninsula; taxes were lowered; industries were encouraged to in-source; the Stock Market was doing well; and other positive benefits. Trump often annoyed me with some of his remarks, but my solution was to enjoy the benefits of his Presidency and turn off the TV when I was annoyed.

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Aug 12Edited
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Adjusted for inflation?

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I could have sworn that maximizing enforcement of immigration law was a policy.

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Plenty of ideas you just are dead set against anything DJT, sad.

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Brent: So why don't you join the GOP and start changing in it yourself? You seem to know what it should be, so put your money where your mouth is. It's so easy to bitch, and so hypocritical not to work for the change you want to see.

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Aug 11
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To listen to Harris at her rally, you must show ID to enter. I hope Trump & Vance ask Harris/Walz WHY they required ID. Then, upon reply, ask whether they support the same for voting.


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I want to know how Harris intends to forestall Chinese expansion, end the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, fix the borders, etc. - I don't think word salads and giggling like a school world will resolve this issues.

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Go ahead and vote for the Dems. This is what you will get:

- forever wars

- re-institute the draft

- have your kids or grandkids come home in a body bag through Dover AFB

Your choice.

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And don't forget: have your child decide to switch genders and get medical/pharma intervention without your knowledge or consent; be forced to gets shots of unknown/or known toxicity or have your freedoms curtailed.

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The bots are out agin in full force. Don’t believe your eyes. It is all faked.

BS is just that-BS.

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Perhaps you reside in a different country?

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DIMS are now insisting that all young women should be included in the draft.

Not a good idea, under the ‘guidance’ of the 0bomola’s; they’re the very reasons that no wise young man would want to be a part of.

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you will get the same thing voting for GOPe republicans.

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Aug 11
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Look up what Trump did to the wealthy by limiting their SALT (State and Local taxes) deductions. 😊

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Trump's paramount sin is he replied to the left in kind. In doing so he captured a base tired of the "Thank you sir. May I have some more" attitude of their supposed leaders.

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I can’t think of another asshole that could stand up to the Left like Trump has. He is lacking but compared to Bill Clinton and Koe Biden, DJT is a boy scout

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That's been a big problem.

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Aug 11
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Brent, are you actually the ghost of Graham Chapman? Your comments make me feel like I’m in a Monty Python skit 😂

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With all due respect, the late Graham Chapman was much more erudite, intelligent, and all around more pleasant (even drunk) than Mr. Smith.

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Graham was both brilliant and often drunk. And yes, I probably stooped too low to sully Chapman’s name in relation to this sad character.

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Death may have knocked Chapman off his game. Be charitable.

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Strong talk after we just witnessed a racist misogynist zombie being ousted in a coup and replaced by an empty suit.

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We almost witnessed vlad pewten replay; have your closest opponent shot and killed.

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I don't think he actually tried that, but even if he did he failed whereas the democrats have actually succeeded. What else would you call the rigged primaries, running the country with some unelected and unaccountable person or persons while at the same time lying to the public about Biden's decline, ousting a sitting president, and installing/anointing the new democrat candidate without a single person having voted for her. If you're worried about our democracy I think you are overlooking the party that has actually already pretty much stepped all over our democracy.

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Vicki C. Have you seen what swing state Pennsylvania put out regarding next election? Check out this post which I believe to be true, put out by PA Department of State, last week on 8/8/24:



Governor Shapiro is telegraphing that next election ballots will take several days to count up. This is despicable 3rd world behavior. PA and all States have had 4 years to not repeat the sins of the past. They are already asking for yet another mulligan so the fix is in. PA will be key to electoral college and who is next POTUS.

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Thanks for the links Matt. I will for sure check them out. I completely agree with you about the 3rd world behavior and yet they wonder why people are skeptical of election results.

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Who sends you your talking points? Act Blue, BLM, Soros?

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Aug 11
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Great humor, Brent! Ben Horowitz and Marc Andreessen actually don’t need the tax cuts. They just need to prevent the D’s from kneecapping small disruptive AI start up’s. The ones that threaten the legacy industries that fill $ the D re-election coffers

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Still clueless, of course and your projection is duly noted.

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There is no evidence that Trump is against democracy. By contrast, there is overwhelming evidence that the Far Left is.

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Exactly-except I think trolls are real and he seems to be a bot.

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So you’re saying that a Democrat’s hate for Sasha’s speech is the fault of a Trump, someone that Democrat hates? A most remarkable cobbling together of cause and effect. In my view, John’s hate speech is his own responsibility. But it’s so typical of liberals these days to blame others for their own problems.

And let’s examine the record: you said that a majority of Americans never voted for Trump? Are you referring to popular majorities or an Electoral College majority?

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Aug 11
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Might I suggest that you get your name on a list for a spine, testicles, and brain transplant - clearly, you are in desperate need of all three.

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Mr Smith, you failed to answer the second question that MC thoughtfully inquired. But lets skip ahead to your answer,

“Trump brought the political discourse in this country down another 12 notches into the mud…”

So you are implying that political discourse was brought down so low via Trump that Johnson was just operating without much control of thought, and was mucking about in the mud of political discourse when shooting off that disturbing comment to Sasha? Where was the political comment part again?

You said “…and that’s what many in the personality cult loved about him”. I'm wondering how you know so much about people who claim to be MAGA to make this kind of blanket statement. Do you talk to many of them? Do they confide in you? Did you take a poll?

In your research, you must have skipped the polling of the many former Democrats, Independents, Middle Lefts, and Middle Righters who are also voting for Trump. I see little evidence these voters enjoy debased and muddy political discourse. Most of the legacy media’s political commentary is derisively directed towards all of them.

Personally I think your comment was hurried and keyed down without much thought behind it. Perhaps you were mucking about in the mud yourself hoping to fling mud and excrement from your hole onto others who don't see as you do.

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Aug 11Edited
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Ever think your glasses might be colored a bit by the nonstop Ministry of Propaganda which passes for the mainstream news media?

Certainly, you couldn't have missed how in a six hour period at most, every one of the msm outlets was calling J.D. Vance "weird." It was hilarious that on some of the television panels, the shills passing as reporters would try to appear to be struggling to come up with le mot juste to describe the man. They would portray hesitation for a moment, then stammering, out would come the word, "weird." Weird! Weird! Weird! Weird! Weird!

"Uh, he's kind of - uh - WEEYYRRDD!!" they all said, from MSNBC to CNN to CBS to NBC to ABC to The View, ad nauseam. Weird! They just all hit upon that single, infrequently used word without any collaboration, right?

The same process happened differently with Soldier Boy Tim. He was - uh - sort of - "CUDDLY!" Cuddly! Cuddly! Cuddly! Cuddly! Cuddly!

And Kamala is the cool aunt, the wine aunt! She brat!

And you have the gall to tell us we are tools of a propaganda machine? You're ridiculous.

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Yeah. Its just too bad the Left had already drained the meaning out of all the good ad hominems.

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If the past several years haven't shown you how eager the Left is to censor, you're blind. Free speech is the bedrock of a TRUE democracy, which the Left actually hates because they want full control of all branches of gov't.

As far as this MAGA "cult" goes, you might want to speak to a few of them. Because the only cult I see is the one running the country into the fucking ground.

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I’m a conservative living in one of the most left wing cities in country

I can’t tell you things that have been done to and said to me by those who have the “in this house we believe” signs in front of their homes

The anger and closed mindedness of the far left is shocking yet they insist they support diversity and inclusion!

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Ditto and exactly. The hypocrisy is astounding.

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So the party that has a whole lot of people who tear down hostage posters even of American hostages, blocks traffic, terrorizes children, defaces property, rattles the White House fences, attacks cops, chants deranged things, and has Presidential candidates who suck up to those very same people are the good guys, huh. And that's not even getting started on burning down cities during BLM, looting, generally rioting every damn day until none of us have even basic safety. All for what?

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I honestly can’t think of one Trump supporter that I personally know who even remotely resembles what you describe.

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Aug 11Edited

With all due respect, if you think the vulgarity present in politics today started with Trump, you may be experiencing a bit of a memory lapse. Surely we can all recall Alan Grayson, the foulmouthed Florida congressman…and Minnesota Senator Al Franken, both of whom could reliably be counted upon to drag political discourse into the gutter. Then, let’s not forget the nasty attack dogs routinely sent out by the D’s, like the good Jimmy Carville. And if we want to go back a bit further, we even had a new verb the D’s added to the political lexicon: “Borked” which, according to Merriam-Webster, means "to attack or defeat (a nominee or candidate for public office) unfairly through an organized campaign of harsh public criticism or vilification.” This tactic was first used by a D favorite (and someone Ms Kopechne’s folks will long remember), Senator Edward Kennedy back in 1987. All of these clowns and their poisonous vitriol long preceded Trump, but hey, if the facts don’t fit one’s narrative, then...

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Jefferson about Adams: "hideous hermaphroditical character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman." In return, Adams' men called Vice President Jefferson "a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father."


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Spoken like a true libtard. You ignore all the inflammatory rhetoric from the left. So you support Trans, pedos, guys. In girls bathrooms, sexual garbage dumped on kids. Your satanic cult is disgusting.

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Sorry pal but you people are the cultists. Read some history then go troll some other site.

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So now your part of a new era of liberal vulgarity Brent, you know, fingers and assholes kinda stuff. Those are your people .

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Aug 12Edited
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Not at all about rampant illegal immigration! Right ....

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Please get help.

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I couldn’t disagree with this more. This is how MAGA is portrayed. I don’t believe it is true in the way you want us to believe. Is the rhetoric too heated or even sometimes over the top, like all politics? Of course, but there is nothing unique about what you are trying to pretend to be true. Whatever your perspective, I respect your opinion, but this feels like an attempt to smear people with exaggerations and lies.

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Ah yes, all those working class looking back to the days when they or their parents had twice as much money ... Evil, pure evil!

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I don't normally comment but can't resist today. That attack on you was uncalled for, uncivilized and the man should be ashamed of himself for being so boorish, regardless of his political belief. He and his ilk are the reason public discourse has become so toxic. Trump hasn't helped with his rhetoric, but those who can't see past the showmanship to the core (mostly) sensible policy issues he has solutions to are mere unthinking puppets of the left. I was a political moderate who leaned left at one time. Those days are gone. I have a brother in law who as soon as he hears the word "Trump" he goes batship crazy with hate because he's "Orange Man Bad", without being able to articulate why. So unnecessary! So distructive to public discourse! Stay strong Sasha!

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On target. An uncalled for and uncivil discourse from an emasculated male (was he male or some other made up pronoun?). But isn't that the left these days?

Similarly, I have a younger Brother who goes bat shit crazy when 'bad orange man' is mentioned.

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What is a “man”?

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You're going to need a bigger butt plug.


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People who would normally appear intelligent and might even be with sooner vote for Trump’s excrement… And happily so… Before they vote for him. It is pretty crazy, isn’t it?

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The vulgar email sent to you by John is typical of woke hate. I am sorry you had to read it.

But my sense I get of you is that you are tough and can handle the feeble minds who attack you and other patriots who believe in free speech and the marketplace of ideas.

So proud to be one of your subscribers.

God Bless Sasha.

God Bless America.

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Couldn't have said it any better.

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Amen to that. We love & appreciate Sasha in our house.

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Stay strong Sasha! 🇺🇸💪

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I think the worst I ever got was someone telling me that my mom should be ashamed of herself for raising such a privileged white c--t the day after my mom died from chemo during a breast cancer fight at age 51. I wasn't in a good place and let it upset me. After that day, I thought about how my mom would have felt if I told her that, and she would have laughed 😅 and told me some people can't help they weren't born with a brain and that I ought to pity them after I tell them to go fuck themselves. Nothing they say bothers me anymore. They're way too pathetic to even waste my time. 😘

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To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, the erudite Mr. Anderson is a remarkable man. He has no enemies and none of his friends like him.

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"They need a way to express these dark and angry thoughts because, on the Left, you’re not allowed to anymore." YES! A Freudian defense mechanism on crack! Men who have been kept from real stalwart masculinity falsely believe they are being brave. Sad.

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Once again, you put my thoughts into words. I’m a 70-year-old lady, retired orthopedic surgeon, mother of two kids, married for 40 years to the same man, (also a doctor), and caretaker of my 90+ year-old parents, who live down the street from me in this lovely retirement neighborhood. In the past two weeks, while displaying Trump enthusiasm, I’ve been Seig Heil-ed, flipped off and told to “Stick it up my fucking ass.” I’ve yet to experience those kinds of gestures in my long life, and its a sad testament to the intensity of the anger. Also, the thought crossed my mind…would they say those things to a man. They’re very comfortable saying it to an old woman. We are at that step I learned about in junior high. The step I knew we’d never come to in “this great country.” Memories of reading about Kristallnacht, and wondering what could have possibly come over those young men. At that time, I was really unfamiliar with racism and misogyny. I was unfamiliar with deep hatred. The suppressed anger of the Brown Shirts was shocking to me. The willingness to harm with vindication. The woman who drove by me, wearing my MAGA hat yelling “Up your fucking ass,” was angry as hell. The cucked old man, yelling, “Sieg Heil,” in front of his lady partner, was well past me when he turned to yell it. But he was spitting mad too. We’re at that step.

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The hatred from them is unlike anything I've ever seen

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Because they know they can get away with it.

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Remember the film "Network" and the line "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore." We are approaching not 'critical mass' but critical mess. The horror of the 'woke mind virus' is that it makes people into identities, not individuals, and that the hatred of an identity like left or right is a reaction to our own guilt from following the decades of deceit foist upon us, of not questioning authority, of not seeing people as individuals, of not sitting down and listening to them. Every time I feel anger, I make it a point to look in a mirror and ask myself "what did you do about it when you had the chance?" The answer is that there are always second chances, and we can evolve from human to humane. Sasha, thank you for being proof of that.

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And yet they try to tell us their movement is all about joy. No more sour bunch exists than liberals.

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It must have always been there. But they were too suppressed to express it.

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Take care, Dr Bergin. I do worry that violence will be their next expression of hatred.

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Already happened

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“We’re at that step.”

“Our condition is forever precarious; even basic human decency can shatter and vanish in an instant.”

Simon Leys is by no means obscure—much of his work is still in print, and he was the subject of a major biography by Philippe Paquet entitled Simon Leys: Navigator between Worlds. But he deserves greater recognition as an analyst of totalitarianism, not least for the way in which he built upon Czesław Miłosz’s warning: “The man of the East cannot take Americans seriously because they have never undergone the experiences that teach men how relative their judgments and thinking habits are. Their resultant lack of imagination is appalling… If something exists in one place, it will exist everywhere.” To this, Leys added (in the Los Angeles Times of all places): “The everyday order of our lives may seem to us natural and permanent, but it is in fact as fragile and illusory as the cardboard props on a theatrical stage: It can collapse in a flash and turn at once into black horror. Our condition is forever precarious; even basic human decency can shatter and vanish in an instant.”

“History does not repeat itself, but ideas do.”

“Maoism had unique traits but Leys nonetheless always saw it as a member of what he called the “great totalitarian family”—ideologies produced by patterns of thought found across human societies, from tiny shipwrecked pre-Enlightenment microcosms to vast 20th century nations.”

“Analyst of Totalitarianism-Reading Simon Leys Today.”

Quillette. Sept 28, 2020


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You’re a treasure and he’s an asshole. Simple as that. Love your stuff!

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Prayers for protection for you, Sasha. You are brave. Keep going. You got followers that thirst for truth. Put on the armor of God! Thank you for your voice.

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I'm in the "carnivore world" online, and it's the same there...it's shocking that people who do not agree with you want to spend their one precious life following accounts they do not agree with, and want to lash out with hate, endless ignorant assumptions... i'm learning, too slowly, to not even take the bait. These folks are pathetic. Sadly, they also vote. I am sorry you are enduring this purulence. Be strong, be safe. Keep speaking up! Good on ya, Sasha.

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So sorry you have to put up with it! More power to you! Gods Peace!

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They hate us far more than we dislike/pity/are exasperated by them. They're not the good guys and after we overcome them the history books will not look favourably toward what they did.

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Thank you Sasha for pointing out these miserable pussies

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Certainly his mention in this article will thrill him to no end. When it comes to people like this I run with the shun. Nothing upsets them more than being ignored.

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And being laughed at! Thats why they hate memes so much.

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Absolutely. The devil hates to be mocked.

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The left can't meme.

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True for Borderlines, as well. NO response is generally the best. Yet, our nature is to want to retort. If ya can do it with aplomb, as well as piercing verbal dexterity, there's satisfaction to be had. The pen IS mightier than the sword.

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From 1998 till around 2009 I enjoyed doing that. I had a naive notion that I could effect change. The truth is you cannot reason people out of what they didn't use reason to get into.

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Red hot pokers can be pretty upsetting as well.

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Thanks for pointing out how pathetic these bullying people are. How do they have the time on their hands to just sputter these vile word combinations ? They need to get a life, or at least a job.

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