Jan 20, 2023Liked by Sasha Stone

I think it's important to provide content for free and don't feel I'm being taken advantage of.

I appreciate the opportunity to subscribe for a while to get a feel for a new author before paying, and think that's important for your marketing.

As always, thank you for all of your content, and willingness to break from your old associates. That takes a lot of bravery.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Sasha Stone

I think I am getting a great value as a paid subscriber and would be willing to pay more for more content as well. Plus I am learning about film, politics, culture, history and life.

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Walsh's definition is the exact opposite of the reality...

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What Libertarian said.

Whatever is the highest-premium subscription, sign me up for it.

Your writing reflects some of the most well-rounded, critical thinking I've read in a long, long, time.

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As a 93 year old codger, I'm delighted to read such thoughtful stories and memories. Grew up in southern California (a suburb of Hollywood) so the film comments ring bells for me. A recent memory that keeps coming back is at the end of "High Noon", where the peaceful bride is trembling after having shot the bad guy -- just in time. Weird how that memory has lasted. Oh, the was an unheard of Grace Kelly when the film was shot.

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We send the cash to support your self-actualization, Sasha. To the degree extra content supports that project, I support extra content.

Reading you helps me know I'm not crazy. Somebody else sees what I see too. Most of the people typing out the narrative line for general consumption have never suffered enough to see what we see. The truth is pure hell, and they can't face it. There's no way to escape being the baddie.

What level of hell does Walter Duranty live on?

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I pay for the subscription and will continue to do so. What distinguishes your content from the others is your shared personal journey and struggles. It adds a personal touch to the content which makes it relatable and some how creates a connection. What you’ve brought to the table is critical thinking from a different perspective. Don’t be afraid to express or make the case for the values and reasons you used to support the left. Articulate them in your way. Some of us are here to learn. I also like the “comment community” provided by your reader base. 99.99% respectful and constructive.

I’m personally less interested in the movie, Hollywood stuff as premium content. Unless they start making great movies again. I miss some of the old movies. I was cracking up when you mentioned Woody Allen Sleeper because I really missed his cerebral neurotic humor. “My only regret in life is that I’m not someone else”. “Paranoia is knowing all the facts”. “People think I’m paranoid but I’m actually perceptive”. Good stuff and a nice break from politics.

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Weirdly, my dear and lovely husband turned me on to you about six months ago-I think? Life has been a whirlwind of complete bullshit for the last three years. Who knows!

There are so many things I appreciate about you and your prose. However, I especially love your bare honesty. You left the morons living in their psycho babble hatred of Trump. That must have been very difficult and painful. I cannot imagine.

Having said that, we critical thinkers have lost loved ones and “so called friends?!”

I try to be grateful for my blessings every single day. I very much look forward to your posts. They make me feel like my feet are still firmly planted on earth.

As for paid subscribers, I am currently not and I am re-evaluating who to add as paid.

I am an independent journalist and I want to support critical thinkers like yourself.

Thank you for all that you do Sasha and always being an inspiration for me to move forward.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Sasha Stone

Yes, I would pay for more content regarding varied subjects and sources (I’m not a movie watcher).

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Sasha Stone

I like how you integrate music and your own voice into your creations. Will there be more content? I’ve been paying the last few months but was thinking of stopping as there are so many worthwhile Substacks to consume. Thank you

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Just a note of encouragement to you. Not that you need it. Your story is so relevant right now. And probably for many years to come. You have a beautiful way of putting your thoughts into words. And you describe the politics you comment on in really well out ways. I’ve only been reading you for a few months and I’ve already saved several of your sentences or paragraphs because your words summed up my thoughts and feelings so well. Thank you for what you do.

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I thought I was paying for the politics and the rest was free.

You were the second Substack I signed up for. You were recommended by the algorithm or whatever after I signed up for Glenn Greenwald.

Since then, well, the damn burst. But the thread running through is independent reporting and social commentary (and market commentary). So that’s where I see the value. I see your political content in the same neighborhood as Bari Weiss and Matt Taibbi and the whole gang. The Hollywood stuff is great. I read that too but I’m glad that is brief.

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Sasha - I don't feel as though I am taken advantage of. Other Stacks make you pay to comment and I think that is fair as you need something for your time. I thoroughly enjoy paying for content that matters.

All - Watch that Tucker vid about Watergate. I had no idea Woodward used to be CIA, but makes sense now. I did however notice the similarity between how the Deep State took out Nixon and Trump.

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Pay to comment is pretty common and totally fair in my book

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I appreciate the content, I was not aware that some was free. I subscribe to GG, Matt Taibbi, and Bari Weiss' site....and I would consider myself a small "c" conservative for the most part

who knew?

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It is so easy to be excited and look forward to your content because you express, so well, what many are thinking. Reasonable and grounded people want you to succeed. Thank you- what you produce is brave and amazing.

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