When a belief in God and country is forcefully removed from a society you end up with the America of today.

A nation of demented leaders and so called heroes like Hilary Clinton who is a selfish snake, crawling on her belly looking to destroy the people of America.

If these people aren’t stopped the second falling of the Roman Empire is at hand.

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Sasha, you Rock! What an incredible indictment of an ideologically inspired madness. In the not-too-distant future we all will look back at these times with the same horror now reserved for Nazi war attrocities. There is no valid medical basis for this torture, this surgical child abuse. These doctors and their enablers in the Democrat party need to be called out for their crimes against humanity. Great job. This horror must be stopped. We have over 100 gender clinics coast to coast performing this butchery, many with year long waiting lists filled with kids whose only fault was being ensnared in this morally bankrupt industry, or seeing Tik Tok videos. Children cannot legally drink, drive, vote, marry, or join the military, but we are expected to believe they have the maturity and ability to commit to destroying their sexual function on the alter of gender ideology? No. Never. Speak truth to power. Stop the iatrogenicide.

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Bill Maher:

"How can we let children make transgender, permanent life-changing decisions ...

... When they don't even know what they want for dinner."

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I have to say I’ve always been baffled by the Hillary cheerleaders. She’s always been palpably awful, soulless, power hungry… I know people were genuinely deceived by her (and Obama), I’ve just always been in disbelief at the deception running so deep on the Left. These people always have disturbing eyes…

The trans issue is waking a lot of people up - I hope enough. 8 or so years ago I was in a small group of women business owners and one woman had a son who decided he was a girl. They were in New England somewhere in the early days of them going after the kids, so they were always “advocating” and marching and whatever other nonsense. Then her daughter miraculously decided she was a boy (the woman literally said, “It’s so amazing! And I still have a son and daughter!” like it was a big joke). Well of course she did - this liberal white woman was making it her day job to “affirm” her son’s mental illness and the daughter could read the writing on the wall: become trans so she could get some of mom’s attention too. It was hideously sad.

We live in two places in my Southern state due to my husband’s work. I’m usually in my small rural/coastal town but have to travel several times a month to our capital city. I think I’ve seen one trans kid in the former. When I’m in the city, just at the state farmers market for a 30 min trip, I’ll see several. Shockingly (or not), the rural area is red and the city is one of the 3 blue enclaves in our red state. It’s infuriating.

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Monstrously evil.

Barbaric experimentation on children.

Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele would be very proud of today's DEMONrats.

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Best essay yet, Sasha.

This hysteria will outlast my Boomer generation, and the army of blood sucking ambulance chasers isn't going to materialize because the law schools have been infected.

Sometimes life is like a roller coaster; all you can do is hang on and scream.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

Newsflash: Hillary never cared.

60’s feminism: we want to be equal to men

70’s feminism: a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.

Feminism now: what is a woman?

Problem with the equal rights/grievance industrial complex is that the pickings are slim these days. Real oppression doesn’t really exist anymore, so it has to be made up. I’d like to think we’ve reached peak absurdity, but every time I think that, turns out there’s a higher peak on the horizon.

And anybody that votes for a democrat is complicit in this madness.

And for context, my high school-aged daughter has had to compete against confused boys who think they're girls here in CA. I've been very vocal about this stupidity, and I can say that 100% of my democratic representatives, elected and appointed, up and down the state and federal level (I've contacted them all) have absolutely not lifted a finger or even indicated that this might just maybe be an injustice to real young women. 100% of the republicans (contrary to popular belief there are a few left in CA) have shared my outrage, but are virtually powerless in state with a democratic super-majority to do much about it. At least they profess to care.

So, anybody that votes for a democrat is complicit in this madness. It ain't my imagination.

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I watched Chloe Cole's testimony at Congress - it was heartbreaking and incredibly brave. You could see the skepticism on the faces of some of the members of Congress, really frustrating. There is simply no way to justify doing this to a child - even Europe is figuring that out and several countries have banned it.

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I sneer when I watch Rachel Levine because I was briefly introduced to him when he was still Richard and married our Academic Dean’s daughter. He had a son then, but by the time he transitioned, he was also the father of a daughter. I can imagine the extent to which he destroyed his family.

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Hillary has not “faded into the night”. She is there, hiding just outside the spotlight. Waiting, just waiting. Playing whatever cards she thinks will make her relevant. Saying whatever, pandering to whomever. Waiting on her chance to come storming back, to relish in her self importance and be given the attention she believes she deserves.

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I have just listened to that interview with Helen Joyce on John Anderson's podcast - excellent, informative and brings clarity to the recent history of the transgenic movement in America. The contagion involves almost exclusively the children of middle and upper class whites in America, and since the other nations of the world are so attuned to American culture, transgender madness has spread across the western world. Other nations, especially Europeans, are now beginning to recover from the idiocy, but I see little hope for American children.

First shattered by Covid lockdowns and now convinced by left-wing wokeism that they are in the wrong bodies, their phone- and social media-contaminated childhoods (see Jonathan Haidt) are ripe to go in any crazy direction that comes onto their screens. I weep for an America that shaped me and my love of country and of its people. I hope that these children will become aware of what has been done to them by those they were taught to believe, and are smart enough to take independent, solid and constructive lessons from those who would try to shape their minds and their lives.

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The perfect combination of mass hysteria and establishment malice. What could go wrong?

Amr Australia

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What a beautiful, moving, heartbreaking piece! Thank you for fighting to save our kids.

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The progressive left has openly waged war on defenseless children for years. Their generals in medicine/pharma and education keep looking for more fronts for attack. Has there ever been anything more despicable than encouraging mental illness in children, then using that as an excuse to mutilate them?

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

What a disappointment Hilary turned out to be. Yes, I know some people always had her number but for many she represented the first woman to potentially finally make it to the top. Not only did she not get elected but look how her facade crumbled. She is certainly not who many thought she could be-a person who would unite-but she is indeed the opposite. Like Sasha I am glad to have awakened and seen the truth. For me all it took was the “deplorable” utterance. I know some still cling to who they thought she was and I am amazed that they do not see the truth. Then again there must still be some “flat earthers”.

Hilary keeps spewing like she is still relevant and I am sure in her mind this is true. She should just go away and spare us her old, tired act of division. Her ship sailed long ago.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

It's all so so so insane. I was an effeminate boy who preferred Barbies to Hotwheels. This cult would have transitioned me early on, 100%. It's horrifying to see young, gender non-conforming kids being given drugs to block puberty, a natural and necessary process! It's even worse to see the girls get their breasts removed and the boys ... well, it's just too awful to even write about. Look up poor Jazz Jennings. He had "bottom surgery" when he was sixteen. He'll never have an orgasm, never even be able to have sex ... his penis was too small (because he didn't go through puberty) to make a fake vagina that was any deeper than an inch. Sorry if that's too graphic, but this is happening. Children are being mutilated! I can't believe anyone but a seriously evil person would support this.

Oh and Charlize Theron's son? He was three years old when he said he wasn't a boy! Jesus Christ. Three years old. Contrast that to Angelina Jolie whose daughter Shilo once wanted to be called John and wear boys clothes. Jolie would say "she has Montregno style." and that was it. Now Shilo has long hair, wears makeup and feminine clothes. That's the way to do it. Let the kid wear what they want, go through their phase, and come out of it.

This is the opposite of classical liberalism. By telling gender non-conforming kids they're the opposite sex, we are reinforcing the gender stereotypes we fought so hard to destroy. Girls can play with toy trucks! Boys can play dress up! My god, this is all so so strange.

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