DIE (or DEI if you want):




It's a cult. The entire thing is a cult. Marxist? Yes. Totalitarian? Yes? Sociopathic? Yes. Insane? Yes. This is why people act the way they are acting now. They've been swept up in it and effectively brainwashed. They don't realize it and have stopped thinking for themselves.

Democrats have programmed these people into the cult. They need to own up and deprogram them for the benefit of society. Sadly, I doubt they will. It means admitting they did something wrong, which they can't do. It means letting loose of their grip on power, which they can't do. It means admitting they were wrong, which they won't do.

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DEI = Didn't Earn It.

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that's fantastic, AJC. gotta steal it, hope you don't mind...

and next, we gotta vote for the Stupid Sycophant of the Year Award.

nominees include, perhaps Rick Wilson, but also, Crying Kimmel, Mourning Joe, Michael Moore's Toast, Jamal Simmons (who is demanding Biden resign NOW, so, women can rejoice in the streets as Kamala becomes the first blah effing blah.....the new Susan Anthony only better because of non-white color! focus the news cycle now away from that nazi/Hitler...), who else? The Ladies of the View, and the entire MS-DNC channel. too many qualified candidates, so vote early!

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There are so many SSOY candidates that it boggles the mind. Limit your vote to the top 100 and there may be no overlaps.

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Steal away Ben!

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That's almost as good as the correct arrangement of the letters.

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Let's pivot to MEI - Merit, Excellence, and Innovation. I can't take credit for this phrase, but I like it.

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Great article SS!


Contact your GOP Senator immediately to DEMAND they vote for RICK SCOTT this week as new Senate Majority Leader.

LameDuck Mitch McConnell is rushing a vote this week to ensure the election of a RINO JOHN: Thune or Cornyn. Both have trashed Trump.

SCOTT is a Trump ally, endorsed by Musk, Tucker, RandPaul, Rubio, Vivek and others, but his election remains in serious jeopardy.

GO VIRAL with this, get friends and family to contact their GOP Senator. Do it NOW.

God bless.

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Better yet, demand that they do this whole exercise AGAIN once the new Senate is seated. I'm almost willing to give up McConnell's seat if it means that he goes now. That guy has got to go.

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Bravo and much love, Sasha❕️


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I made a point to read every word from Jojo. It's important stuff, lol.

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Seriously, it does have many cultish qualities. It is surely anti-excellence, anti-quality, anti-American, anti-performance, anti-merited.

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Yes, they need deprogramming. Unfortunately, the cult won't do that for us. The most effective deprogramming is done by people who understand the cult and speak its language. That is why Sasha's comments are so invaluable.

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"We have to reach the point in America where we are willing to give people the benefit of the doubt and understand that as Americans, we will never agree on everything. Still, we should at least try to humanize each other."

Be angry at the dem elites that provoked this, but please do not hold the same grudge against the people they deceived. Many people believe the media narratives and we should work to persuade them and let them know there is safety on this side. Let them know they are welcome to change their minds and that they won't be pariahs and all alone. We are in a position of strength to make this happen. Lets welcome them as we did Sasha.

This divisiveness needs to end.

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I agree, the divisiveness needs to end. That will happen when the people who were deceived by the media, academia, and progressive leaders realize how badly they were misled. We should not hold grudges, but neither should we cater to their illusions in the name of unity.

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The divisiveness needs to increase until we get to the National Divorce. Otherwise we will flop back and forth until it becomes violent.

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Gonna hire you as my divorce lawyer when I see the cops roll up.

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For the first time ever, we had a presidential candidate (and party leaders) promising to "do something" about our free-speech rights. Look how many voted FOR that. Can you imagine where the DNC will be in four years?

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Elon was huge on this one. Trump needs to tell the EU/UK to lay off on him or else.

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And Australia too - we desperately need 'Dad' to tell our Albanese and his Canadian 'Mistress' Michelle Rowlands to back off on their hysterically motivated 'MAD' (Mis & Dis-information) Bill. They are pushing it with fear campaigns on television about the 'epic' levels of Family Violence and the supposed need to restrict what the under 16s can see online. All BS - the FV is mainly in the arena of 4th gen feminists families - where a guy has no right to say anything about anything - and there's been parental controls on internet for younger people forever. It's blatant censorship dressed up as 'protection'. 'Dad' (aka Donald Trump) has already told the EU they need to pull their horns in, so I will ask for a special Xmas present from 'Dad' that he makes our wheezy Albaneezy crawl back into his small minded box as well - and let Australians be free again to read and tell the truth for the first time in nearly 5 years.

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As the vid with Chamath indicates--it will take a while--probably a long while, in many cases. The mass psychosis has been unrelenting and deep. And--it will be a long time for all those that go to Canada, to tire of that and drift back (that part is sarc--as 99.99% of those that say they're going to Canada are cowards, and don't)

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As a Canadian whose country is going to hell in a hand basket-- I say thank god! we don't need anymore mentally unstable people then we already have.

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Given the situation, worldwide--we can expect a shortage of hand baskets....

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As an American who emigrated to Canada and came back, I can't wrap my head around what I've seen in the news over the past few years. You have my fervent hope that things get better.

(FWIW: I moved there for a man, not in a strange politically motivated hissy fit.)

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Knock yourself out. Hate to tell you, but working to persuade them is a pipe dream and huge waste of energy. They have to come to realizations on their own. I almost feel sorry for them, with the key word being “almost.” Just keeping it real dude. It has been a LONG 9 years of this nonsense.

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My daughter and her boyfriend voted for Trump for the first time this year. In a swing state too. I like to think my conversations with them played a part in it. Politics is not their identity and they probably think about politics less than once a month but they believed all the media narratives about Trump at one time. Now they see some of the lies and feel betrayed.

There are others out there like them.

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I believe you are CORRECT, Shelly Lane.

I've come to realize most of them don't give 2 craps about those that disagree with them.

Many of them want you dead.

They want Trump dead or in jail. (and his garbage, extremist supporters)

I know that much.

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The whole cult is based on narcissism - and narcissists are naturally resistant to owning their inhumanity. That is why they gravitated to such a crazy cult in the first place. Now that we are getting our world back, the cult can just quietly go about its business of twisting fractured tales, but we simply need to restore it to its proper place as a sick minority in a far-off dark corner of polite society - where its members can rage and mutilate and hate to their little demonic toddlers' hearts content - without disturbing the adults as they go about the real business of running the world. I call it 'time out' - and it worked well with my own toddlers when they got out of control. Must not give too much oxygen to the little 'victims' to get their way a the expense of the rest of us.

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We're not the ones being divisive. You can't reason with these spoiled children. They just won't have it.

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Nov 11Edited

I pray this is possible, but there is a deep, deep ideological divide, and such deep, deep hatred emanating from the left, such that has infiltrated all of our institutions, corporations, and all else; and a vast moral and religious divide as well leaving little to no room for compromise. The progressives from the left have rotted the DNC to its core! Sasha's positing as to the definition of Totalitarianism from Milan Kundera about sums it up! I make no apologies for repeatedly referring to the left as the Marxist Dem cult!! Intervention requires a tough and honest stance! Perhaps, even deeper and more foundational, it's a spiritual issue, replacing God or a belief in God with that of the state, as Marx propagated in opining that religion is the opioid of the people. This might offer some explanation as to how and why people can believe in certain policies or positions that defy logic, longstanding mores, decency, and common sense! Conversely, on a more positive note, many traditional demographics have left the Dem planation/cult and voted differently this time. Moving forward they deserve the recognition, support, and promises met to ensure they remain!

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I am not immune to these thoughts/questions. Sounds good. However, it ignores the fact that Bernie would have been a better U.S. president than Biden and Kamala. I would REALLY hate to see your last sentence be taken by stick in the muddists like Bill Maher to mean it's all the progressives fault. It's not. Progressive is a good word. It's the opposite of flat-earther. Progressives don't ignore the working class and paycheck to paycheck people just because they don't have Ivy Leage college degrees or stock portfolios to match Bill Maher's....

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Nov 11Edited

Socialism is merely communism's ugly sister! Socialism may have some apparent benefit to homogenous small underpopulated countries where the majority of people are hard working and contribute about 1/2 or more of their annual income and participate in the labor force somewhat equally, i.e., Norway. However, despite numerous other downsides, socialism has failed, and has been forced to be reduced or scaled back in most if not all countries and continues to fail massively. It is a no win end game. Thus, while the Bernie bros, including Rogen at one point, championed what appears to be a great solution on the surface, it's a facade when you take a deeper pragmatic dive into what is basically a proven failed socio-economic system, especially if ever tried in the U.S., notwithstanding some of the socialist endeavors we already have. Meritocracy and capitalism despite flaws is still the only robust proven solution that has brought more people out of poverty way, way more than socialism or communism. There is simply no comparison whatsoever. Moreover, the more power you give the state, the less freedoms and choices you have, and that usually remains on a downward sliding slope! Once you give away those freedoms, good luck in getting them back! Look at the mess Europe is in right now thanks to the elites in charge who have recruited masses from other countries and the same liberal establishments, similar to the U.S. Again, my above kudos to Sasha's post regarding totalitarianism.

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Socialism is communism that just takes its time.

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Well stated!

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What they say?

Socialism is the form of govt that you can vote your way in, but have to shoot your way out.

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I used the word progressive. Not communist, not totalitarianism. Reminds me of how many bad words Trump was recently called, but which were not true. I asserted that progressive is not a bad word, and I stand uncorrected.

Finally, concerning the term 'Bernie Bros.' I would ask who was calling them that, and to what end? Wasn't it just an insult of the masculine? That's exposed as horse-bleep now, right? Why not then, too?

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Are you familiar with the horseshoe theory?

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Nov 12Edited

Well done Karen! Wishful thinking perhaps!

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Nov 12Edited

I am not going to argue over semantics, and you seem intelligent enough to understand what progressivism is, at least modern connotations of same. When I think of progressivism, I think it is a term that is antithetical to its purpose, similar to pro-choice! If you somehow believe that progressives are not aligned with socialist, fringe policies, and worse, then they and/or you are the exception, not the rule. Who are the self-identified progressives in the DNC? AOC? Omar, et al.? How many do you know that voted for Bernie or Khameleon? How many self-identified progressives do you know that voted for Trump? We can leave it there. As far as Bernie bros, really, an insult to the masculine? Haha. Socialism is an insult and a failed system. Not your Huckleberry on that one. I do not engage or allow into a meaningful debate identity politics or victimhood, or debates about history in a vacuum. I prefer to watch all of the BS from a distance from the MSM and other lunatics on the left, mind you not all, but far too many. They will always eat their own, so why interfere. Judge a tree by the fruit it bears. We can leave it there. All the best.

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yes, you got me. In the modern world, the term has become a totem bugaboo: a scary word. Only it shouldn't be. The blue team are in their current disasterous situation, because of so-called moderates (Clyburne, Harrison, Brazile, Biden...ug), =not progressives.

Theodore Roosevelt was the US president, and a republican, during the 'progressive era' that gave us...Lincoln Steffens and Upton Sinclair and so forth; and he was an environmentalist to boot! Then later, after 'Shame of the Cities', marrying the foreigner with late childbirth, and muck-raking in NYC, Steffens 'made a fortune on the stock market.' Wrote a wonderful memoir in 2 parts, part 1, was 'Boy on Horseback' about growing up in Sacramento, after being born in San Francisco. I liked AOC's convention speech, and there was some cross-over (Trump plus her) voting to make her win her district again. Democratic socialism requires voting, but Huckleberry ice cream was good when I ate at near the Mark Twain statue close to the antler park in Wyoming...

p.s. Ro Khana not only voted for Bernie, but I would assume Tulsi did as well. Neither wants to bring back communism, but they didn't like it when the DNC acted like communists.

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Progressive just means going forward, so is not inherently good in its own right - or in the case of the progessives perhaps I should say left!


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You are describing the Left that had principles many of subscribed to before the whole thing was taken over by the deepest corruption ever attained by the 1%. They destroyed the word 'progressive' for the foreseeable future. 'Conservative' on the other hand now refers to getting back to where we were when implementation of the ideals of the left was in its infancy and people's lives had actually improved as a result. When 'feminism' meant equality between the sexes and not ascendancy of one sex over the other - and when distorted deviant sexuality had not become a badge of entitlement that eclipsed all other merit.

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Right on Ryan. I’d suggest Halperin’s 2-way for those interested in joining a community of people reaching across party lines.

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Yes. Pease through strength…and composure

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We have a lot of deradicalizing and deprogramming to do. And the propaganda is still flowing and even reaching a new fever pitch after this election. I honestly have no idea where to start. The only thing I've done is come out as a reluctant Trump voter to some of my close friends, so they could at least see that someone they at one time respected made that choice and isn't a crazed Nazi.

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Neither party respects the minority its always payback and retribution. GOP wont welcome anyone unless they become Conservatives or libertarians into their leadership which means everyone who doesn't have those views has no real voice in the party.

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This was an election. elections have consequences as Brrack said. The majority thought the country was heaed in the wrong direction . It's bullshit to describe the out come as hate inspired, racist, misogynist or any other lame excuse. Dems policies were crap and the country said go back to the drawing board and try again. They will and future elections will be competitive, or they won't and will become irrelevant. Two positivs: there will be a whole lot less of the deep state in 4 years, and if you want to rail against anything Trump does, you'll be free to do so, unlike the censorship of the last 4 years.

Dick Minnis removingthecataract.substack.com

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"Neither party respects the minority its always payback and retribution."

And that is wrong. We need to end this divisiveness while we are in power. It will require forgiveness.

Also, Trump did not prosecute Clinton because "the American people did not want it".

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Forgiveness requires repentance. I'm waiting.

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Not necessarily in human relationships. But in the world of crime and punishment, I think it does.

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Well, the norm for all our history was NOT to prosecute ex-pres or pres candidates or leaders of a secession movement in the south, etc......that's why "the American people didn't want it". But when such blatant crimes happened such as breaking voting laws/facilitating fraudulant votes (2 of JFK's campaign people went to jail for that), or spying on a opposition candidate, lying so the FISA court will allow it and allow a mult-intelligence agency attack on the transition team and presidential administration (and other crap), I think that has to be prosecuted.

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I agree. To be clear my comment was aimed at HL3's comment that I read as "both sides are using lawfare" where clearly it was only the Dems.

I'm very much for holding the Dem elites accountable.

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And Sessions would never do it another stick in the mud detractor who ultimately cost Trump time because his successor was a piece of human trash.

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Back to garbage again? My my my, y’all are stuck in a rut. Bill Barr crushes Merrick Garland in every category.

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Guess the other children kicked you out of the sandbox again? Ignore this troll!!!

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No real voice in the party huh? How about Democrats RFK Junior, Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard? Yep, no voice at all. Joe Rogan endorsed Bernie and then Trump. Unless you can grow up & crawl out of the ideological barracks you’re in, please don’t come to the comments here.

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Well, that explains RFK, Tulsi, Musk, et al alinging with Trump. Because the conservative are the ones incapable of working with those bringing different ideas to the table, right?

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Conservatives are the ones that have nearly always come to the table and compromised. I've been watching for 40 years. That's the norm - conservatives propose something (for example, HR2 in the House, which they passed last year and REALLY DID secure the border) and Dem progressives (in the Senate) ignore it. Then Dem progressives propose something (this time, in an election year because it was something they really DIDN'T want to do but felt they had to because of the election) and it's way off the mark and a few wishy washy Rep conservatives go along with it and then the Rep conservative leadership says "Well, we'll take a look at it and see if we can come to a compromise" and Dem progressives get all the credit. Trump said "What a f-ing minute, didn't you guys in the House PASS A REAL BORDER SECURITY BILL, HR2, LAST YEAR, that actually went along with LAWS already on the books (and that have been in place for ages), instead of this Dem progressive bill that UNDERMINES THE LAWS (and Constitution)???"

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Peter Bogosian is right: the more people trust the legacy media, the more they vote Democrat.

It’s become crystal clear, in talking to nearly everyone I know in my deep blue city, that their “reality” is entirely constructed (curated) by MSM. They believe 100% of MSM’s decade-long tidal wave of lies about Trump. From the “good people on both sides“ lie to this week’s false claim by NYT that Trump is lying about FEMA workers in Florida being told not to provide services to people with Trump signs at their homes. (That story is absolutely true, and the woman has recently been fired.)

And that Rick Wilson person is completely delusional: Absolutely NO ONE “volunteered” for the Harris/Walz campaign. Every celebrity endorsement was paid, all those door-to-door “community organizers” were paid (the ones in my area got $30 an hour - I checked their website), and two different PACs offered me money via texts (a total of four texts) to “talk to my friends and family about electing Kamala Harris”. How do you think her campaign blew through $1 billion?

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1000% Harris had no clue to run an election besides Hollywood it up with scripted events and tasteless entertainment. This worked only in stronghold states and failed horrible everywhere where moderates decide the election.

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Ignore this troll!!

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They don't believe they're susceptible to this, though. They believe they're "critical thinkers" who can tell when and whether they're being lied to. They believe the things that pass straight into their ears and out of their mouths are the result of independent, probing, incisive reflection.

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Not only can’t the Dems confront their crazy people, as Scott Adams said today, the Dems are trapped by their dependence on identity politics. It’s their base and is what binds them together. They cannot not pivot away from any one group that makes up their coalition of fake victims. This is why they cannot move to the center. Which group do they abandon? Which issue do they stop promoting?

You might say, but they still have lots of power and money, and control almost all major American institutions (academia, mainstream media, the arts, foundations, NGO’s, etc). While the power and money they control looks formidable, it’s not. It’s really a very heavy anchor pulling their sinking ship down further after it was hit by the rogue Red wave last Tuesday. The reason is that the people in power who control all the money and institutions are not going anywhere. They are not going to give up their power and money, and can afford to stay right where they are and maintain their comfort. This means they are NOT going to try to reform the Dem party and move to the center. They have zero incentive to do so. In fact, their biggest incentive is to maintain their current status and comfortable position by NOT changing.

But please heed the words of Peter Boghossian. The Dems are dangerous cornered animals and they are definitely going to lash out, because they have no interest in changing or moving to the center. We also have to watch out for the elected RINO’s who will assist their fellow Uniparty members. The one good thing is that the Dems are going to have a really hard time attacking the various groups of regular Americans that make up the Trump coalition. Their attacks are already falling flat, mainly because Trump has exposed the rot in all major institutions, and regular Americans can no longer be gaslit and they can now easily spots hoaxes. “Fake news” doesn’t stand a chance against the truth.

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Nailed it Ataraxis

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As but one example of their identity-politics: The Dems have as a core element of their identity "anti-racism" (actually, they're quite racist). But, you cannot sell yourself as an anti-racisit if there is no, or very, very little, racism. Hence, the Dems efforts to not only "find" racism everywhere (even in math!), but to also surreptitiously stoke it (and not always so surreptitiously, to boot). Everything they're "against," they foster. Everything they're for they either hide, and/or project it onto the opposition, and pretend to be against it; they also corrupt the issues beyond recognition (for their base) and spread that stink stew through the MSM and "education." Hence, as but one potent example, abortion will be "outlawed" - even in cases of incest and rape. AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! Another: Trump is Hitler!!!! Trump means the END OF DEMOCRACY. And on, and on, and on... and on... and on............

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There are no liberal policies with positive outcomes.

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Neither party moves to the center after they lose just find ways to blame the other side for their failures.

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Ignore this troll!!

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Republican conservatives have moved to the center so much, that they aren't "center right" anymore because the center has moved left. That's why so many people have said "I didn't leave the Democrat party, it left me" (by moving so far left). In many cases, this move has been to the detriment of the country and society - for example, couples who live together before getting married have a 25% chance or higher of getting a divorce. Second marriages have a 40% higher chance of also ending in divorce. Children need a male and female parent raising them, as both sexes parent inherently differently and children need both.

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Look at both party’s platforms from 50 years ago. The Republican platform is mostly the same, with the added planks to genuinely appeal to the working class. The current Dem platform is one created in a mental institution.

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Yes, but the socialist run state forces fathers out of the family, leaving moms as the only parent.

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A very wise man (Dr Michael Savage) once said “liberalism is a mental disorder”. I agree.

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Liberals would say the same thing on Conservatism its why both sides hate each other so passionately.

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I am a Christian, and hate no one. I am a Constitutionalist.

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Still doesnt detract from my statement

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Very few Conservatives I know hate anyone, they just want their Republic back.

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They want to control the republic for themselves and even freely admitted they hate split government or when Democrats have any control.

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That is beyond my control. My neighbor stands for everything I am against, however we treat her with kindness and respect, it is my hope that one day she will ask us why we have the peace we do.

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Hating split government or hating when Dems have government control is not the same as hating an individual person or people.

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Wrong. Liberalism is based on emotions. Conservatism is based on facts. Conservatives will adjust to changing facts; liberals still wear masks and believe a night of debauchery between a pangolin and a bat started C19 directly across the street from the CCP’s militarized BSL4 weapons lab.

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I don't know if you're old enough to remember the Bush years, but conservatives are unquestionably vulnerable to emotional thinking and dis/misinformation. They're just as capable of extreme hypocrisy and mental contortionism.

The way conservatives can squander this moment is to believe that they can't be manipulated, that they don't need to hold themselves accountable, that it's justified if their side does it, etc. That's how you lose this current coalition, which only got over the top because people of real principle—embodied by RFK and Tulsi—will always inevitably leave the cult, which right now is 'liberalism' and could easily become 'conservatism' tomorrow.

The way conservatives can expand this moment is to stay vigilant against their own human capacity for failure—and against their leaders'.

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It is interesting how the words left and right define this.

Left one word anagram is 'felt', a feeling, an emotion.

Right one word anagram is 'girth', the security for a saddle and by extension facts.


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Both are based on emotion when you think about it look at the leaders views most of it is feelings and opinion on government.

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These whining crybabies don’t know how lucky they are that their very dumb, very insecure and uniquely unqualified KAMALA got trounced. This preposterous puppet would have finished us off as a country. And them as well.

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Just like GOP turned into a temper tantrum for the next 4 years under Biden? I get it Democrats deserved to lose 2024 but many GOP dont want unity or anything else besides uncontestable control.

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Y’all brought on Dick Cheney and his duplicitous daughter, and frequent White Party and Epstein Island attendees. We took Tulsi, Elon, RFK, and Joe Rogan. I think it’s obvious which side are the baddies and which ones are the side of truth and justice.

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I never wanted Dick supporting Democrats it was Harris poor hailmary to shore up the base and if Dick Cheney conservativism every became the Democrats mantra I am out.

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Ignore this troll!!

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Every time you say this you are telling us that you don't care to engage with people who think differently than you. That's the problem on both sides. You are comfortable engaging with like-minded folks who share your own assumptions and biases, but once someone questions them you label them a troll and cut off conversation.

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Nov 12Edited

I beg to differ with your prognosis for this particular troll. Perhaps your sympathy or empathy is misplaced. I am okay engaging with those who disagree, but not with those pretending to be something they are not or those who act like petulant children with positions changing as often as Khameleon's and those whose sole purpose is to sow discord. While you perhaps have not seen through the facade and self aggrandizing, I and others have, long ago. Only now does this troll seek to finally curtail its foul language and prior extreme and inflammatory positions, histrionics, and all else, trying to act more subtle. Feel free to engage with who you wish, including an attention starved child troll whose not even in this country and has no stake whatsoever in our electoral processes. I choose otherwise and will continue to expose this troll whenever and wherever required!

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“Uncontestable control”? Like putting your political enemies in jail, trying to remove them from the ballot, using the FBI to raid their home or inciting their assassination? You really ought to stop drinking.

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1. Like Kemp tried to do 2018 with that fake investigation weeks before in GA Governor race?

2. Both parties used heavy terminology like enemy and very bad words to describe their foes. So if you are going to attack the left Trump and the right wasnt much if at all better at that.

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I’d have to say we all have a point where we believe legacy media started lying to us, but I think there are three factors involved.

When we discovered they were lying to us.

When we accepted they were lying to us.

When we accepted they had been lying to us forever.

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My realization came when I finally realized that Walter Cronkite, much revered as a god in my and all journalism schools, lied about the US losing the VN war. And it probably goes back further than that. Once you know that the media is and has always been a puppet of the government, you learn that you can’t trust it and you have to use your own judgment.

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Cronkite did not lie, nor did he say the US was losing. He did report that the US approach was essentially futile and only guaranteed the costly stalemate.

On of the most damming truths in the Pentagon Papers was the powers that be concluded the war had to continue (in part) to keep defense industries in business.

I'd like to know how many sons of the ones who benefitted from that got drafted for 11B.

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Not all the media.

We used to have WAY more honest journalists.

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My realization came after a soldier friend came to visit for a long weekend, many years ago. He mentioned that he joined a militia and explained what it was (we only knew the reference from the Constitution and early days of the republic). He said they started in his area because when he was at 29 Palms military base, they gave the soldiers a question in a test: "Would you shoot American citizens if you were given an order to do so?" He was shocked and joined a militia. Several months later (maybe almost a year), Diane Sawyer was on 60 min. or 20/20 (can't remember which) and did a report on militias across the country. She showed the cover of a militia magazine and said the government was concerned with them and their possible "radical idea" and on the cover it said "Would you shoot at an American citizen if ordered to do so?", saying that the militias were asking that to their members. My husband and I had that "mouth dropped open in disbelief" moment. The magazine cover was quoting THE USA MILITARY, but she lied and said the militias asked it of their members. We never trusted the MSM again. I saw a comment recently in a comment section, from a soldier, saying "they've continued to ask that question and back then, hardly anyone said 'yes'; today, it's about 50% that say yes". Not good.

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Televising your nervous breakdown is not going to age well.

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Nov 11Edited

Trump is a centrist and a pragmatist, always has been. This being said, if we want America to survive and thrive as a nation we need to honor God. We need to stop telling other countries to abort their children. We need to stop exporting and forcing people to except the alphabet soup mafia. We need to stop experimenting and testing meds and ‘injections’ on poorer nations. We need to stop throwing our weight around and toppling governments. I desire to be able to share the good news of the Gospel, and it does not come at the point of the sword. We can start all this at home… first.

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Trump is not a centrist just stop that the only thing he wants is that is remotely close to democrats 2000s is antiwar thats it.

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I am old enough to know better. Kennedy was a ‘liberal’ but would now be considered an arch conservative by today’s left. Most of the people backing Trump are old school liberals and libertarians.

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JFK was not a liberal during that time in fact he admitted he was conservative Democrat because FDR democrats were the liberal faction.

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Nov 11Edited

He was a Democrat. FDR was a socialist. My faith is not in Trump, it is in Christ. If he is not playing us all, he will be a better leader than those currently running the show.

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FDR was a liberal democrat please stop distorting history.

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I am not a political neophyte… say what you will, I am not here to argue.

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FDR loved Russian communism. He instituted socialist laws in our country that the SCOTUS knocked down THREE TIMES because they were blatantly unconstitutional. They stopped ruling against them when FDR said he'd put an age limit on the SCOTUS, which would kick out a few, which he would replace with those who were in favor of his Marxist/socialist policies. he acted like a socialist thug. I wish SCOTUS said "TRY IT, WE'RE NOT CAVING TO YOUR LAWLESSNESS", but they didn't.

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Well, I’m obviously much older than you. I can still remember when Democrats nominally supported the working classes. They are no different than the corporate Republicans of days of old now. So, yes, Trump is a centrist. You’ve been dragged so far left that you don’t know where the center has ALWAYS been until 15 years ago.

When I left the Democrats after 31 years (they were harder to quit than smoking) I looked over to my friends and allies on the left, and they were all standing about a hundred yards away.

I yelled, “Hey. What are you guys doing way over there?”

Somebody I didn’t know yelled back, “Fascist!”

That’s two votes in the hole, because you care more about making the rich richer and flooding the country with serfs to drive down my wages.

Good luck in your future endeavors.

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They lost the working class in the 1990s/2000s when unions died and factories left in mass. Many communities fell apart and veered heavy conservative see Missouri, Indiana, West Virginia, Iowa and Ohio. Trump is still prolife, anti-union, anti-climate change and hates government safety nets.

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Ignore this troll!!

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Unlike group-think Democrats who support unions NO MATTER WHAT (children being taught porn in school? being sexually abused? being bullied? being taught they are worthless because of their skin color? NO PROBLEM! DEMS LOVE THE UNIONS). But, with republicans, there are some who are for private unions (not public unions, which is quid pro quo) that help those who have really tough and hard jobs (needing both education and massive physical exertion and ability), who wouldn't be paid fairly, otherwise.

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Ignore this troll!!

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I've lost count of how many people (including me) have said that Tuesday morning felt as though the air had been magically cleansed. So proud the American people really came through this time.

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And the Rest of the World (ie people not govts) I believe feel the same. We do here in Canada 🥰 Ignore our child led communist govt and CBC its mouth piece.

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Another great article Sasha, thank you. I’ve been trying to give the Democrats in my family a bit of space. I’m trying to remember that just like 2016 broke their brains, 2024 just broke them again. I know they’re not going to react well but at this moment, they’re in pain. The long slow process of deprogramming can begin soon, but that will be up to them and at the moment I’m just trying to be a little compassionate. In the meantime, fight on!

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You're going to try to be compassionate?

Good for you, but were any of them compassionate these last 8 years?

Heck, they've imprisoned many of their opponents.

They shot Trump in the head.

I'm not sure they've earned much compassion.

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You cant wish them to be libertarian or conservative but you both can be understanding on differing viewpoints and understand our country was always divided.

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You can try & have a civilized, adult conversation, and then agree to disagree, then change the topic. Too many people are controlling & immature when it comes to disagreements. When my lifelong friend caught TDS after Trump won in 2016, ( the term TDS had not yet caught on) I took her rantings ( straight out of CNN, etc) with a grain of salt. But then the attacks became personal, accusations that I’m a bad person because I voted for him. I had to end the relationship & literally block her. It’s a sad thing to witness, I can only imagine how she must feel now!

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Ignore this troll!!

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Sasha, great one. Masculinity is no longer a target on a guy’s forehead signalling open season. Things are changing quickly, all ib a good direction.

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From your keyboard to God‘s ears!

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> "... like watching SEAL Team Six spelunk into a dangerous war zone and release the hostages ... "

👍👌 Like Cowboys and Aliens ... 😉🙂

Though, as Churchill put it, maybe not the beginning of the end, but certainly something of an encouraging end to the beginning.

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You are a great synthesizer of what is going on in the heads of people who have never really dined on a morsel of truth. Their rage, depression and desperation is sad. It is frightening to see that they are truly a danger to themselves and others.

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Of all the post election assessments, you have hit the most accurate language to describe what we're seeing and have seen. Thank you for saying it. I admire your ability to put this odd behavior or Democrats in words. Thank you for clues to the truth! May God smile on America and our next 4 years.

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Read the essay on UnHerd … by David Samuels I believe… it is awesome. Sorry for lack of specifics.

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In WW2 the Japanese convinced their citizens and soldiers of the barbarous nature of the allies to the extent that as the USA moved closer to Japan, families would take their own lives and throw their children off cliffs such was their fear and brainwashing. It led to a famous US intel brief entitled “No civilians in Japan”.

What was true was the horrific atrocities committed by the xenophobic Japanese across Asia was coming back as their own projections. I see the same in the progressive left.

The reprogramming starts now. Be gentle with these folks, they have well and truly been misled.

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Great analogy. Propaganda dominated both. Amazing how effective it is inside the woke bubble. Halperin’s prediction of widespread mental instability if Trump is elected is playing out in front of us. Why don’t they tire of it, drinking the Koolaid?

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