Everything is political to these people. That is all they care about. I remember politicians like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris railing against the vaccine, calling it "Trump's vaccine," before Biden got into office. Once the buffoon took office, they immediately started pushing the vaccine and eventually mandated it to keep your job and feed your family. They have done such astronomical, immeasurable harm, I don't think any of us can truly even comprehend the wake of destruction they are leaving in their midst. Billions of people have been poisoned in some way. These ghouls pushed it and even required it just to pay your bills and make ends meet. They've driven up inflation through endless money printing. They opened up the flood gates to countless millions of unvetted illegal aliens from all over the world, who were not required to get the Covid vaccine to gain entry. Imagine that. The stench and rot of evil corruption is so thick, you would think everyone, regardless of political affiliation, could smell it. All these people care about is power. Think about how disgusting and regid they truly are.

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Oh I smelt the rot n 2008 and woke up to the hypocrisy then. Never looked back, got rid of cable, ignore the msm, questioned my Drs, dropped friends and family too brainwashed to have a discussions with and found like minded people instead.

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Yup, that’s when I officially woke up and smelled the coffee as well. I wanted to like Obama, being the first black president and all, but my logical thinking mind told me otherwise. I also first joined FB at that time, and the majority of my posts were about the corruption within our government and trying to get people to see through the illusion, but it mostly fell on deaf ears.

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Being the first black president I thought Obama had an opportunity to be a great president- he squandered it all. His hateful, racist ideology & hatred for America rose to the top quickly, any hope for our country to come together evaporated. His arrogance became so off putting I literally couldn’t stand to listen to his manipulative speeches. It’s a miracle we made it through 2 terms. This 3rd one though is a doozy.

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well said. I lived in Chicago during O's 2 terms. He did absolutely nothing for the black community - nothing. I would like to think he squandered his opportunity, but I think the closer truth was he never cared about them in the first place.

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He lacked the tenure in DC that is required to get legislation passed. His "I have a pen and a phone" was an admission that he couldn't make progress on Capitol Hill. Biden as VP was no help either.

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How lucky for those of you who had the means to find like minded people. Same here, but lacked the health and wealth to find a new circle.

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An acquaintance suggested a group for me to join on line. They gladly accepted me and we meet on zoom twice a month. This was a year ago and we’ve become a close knit group ever since. I’ve lost family members and some friends so this group fills in the gap. We try to meet once every other month, nothing fancy or expensive. I’m grateful. I also volunteer at a local animal shelter which takes my mind off my problems :)

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Well, the Globalists are winning for the time being. They should study the Greek classics. They should rediscover the myth of King Midas and his Golden Touch. Eventually they will die of hunger and thirst.


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Sounds like we're livin' on borrowed time, Blair.

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That they see EVERYTHING through a political lens is an insight into the poisonous mindset of the Left. It’s why they jail people who have done nothing wrong but “offend” their self-righteousness…

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Thank you Sasha. This was a beautifully written piece. Thank you for your bold self reflection. I grew up in one of those small towns that you will drive by. They are devastated by our economic shifts to China. I was part of the poor working white lower class. I don’t know of the racism the upper class accuse us of. I’ve picked vegetables in fields with Hispanics, I’ve worked in the sale barn with undocumented workers.

I think the poor and lower class share much of the same misery. It is sad of what the white poor are accused of.

Your piece is heartfelt here on the plains of Colodado.


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Thanks for sharing your experience Chris. You bring balance to the one sided argument that all whites are racist. I too came from lower income hardworking roots. Your story is mine as well.

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Similar here Chris. Elites and media love to create stereotypes to their benefit, then Hollywood hardens the concrete via movies and TV.

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... and what a beautifully articulated post by you Chris ... rich in meaning in just a few words!!!

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I was in same situation, Chris. 9th of 10 kids to Irish Catholic family. Half of us went in the military to get GI Bill. Served with all the other American poor; mostly poor white straight male teens.

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I’m the oldest of seven. We had a strong Catholic Irish mother. I spent 24 years, nine months and 29 days with the US Army. My second brother was a Navy SEAL. My third brother was a Marine.

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Much of my knowledge of geography was real life experience. I spent seven yours in Asia, four years in Europe and worked in South Africa, Angola, and a couple of countries in North Africa.

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On another site I commented this week on the fact that most of the men who fought in Vietnam were from lower socioeconomic levels, as has been true ever since. Another commenter immediately challenged this, saying that "children of WWII parents enlisted out of patriotism." (As if one cannot be poor and also patriotic). In fact, it has often been the case that poor white guys have been the first and most willing to step up to fight for our country. I think that many well-off Americans prefer to not know who fights our wars, or even to know that the wars are endlessly being fought, especially since we stopped drafting people.

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Thanks so much for giving us a voice, Sandra.

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Thank you for your service and your devotion to our country, Libertarian. It is disheartening that so many people devalue our country, even as they continue to benefit from the great privilege of living here.

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Well said.

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I went to Stanford as an undergrad and I wouldn't dream of sending my kid there, or any of the Ivies. I'm blessed to be living in Florida, so UoF is right here. Graduates of Ivies are no longer employable. The scheme has been exposed.

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only David Shaw sent his most athletic boy kid to UCLA--(where once I went, and once Sasha went) which is now worse...

I live here now in the bay. Covid bleeped it up. I know, it harmed everywhere, some places worse than others. It is instructive to note at least that when the OJ verdict came down, no one was hurt up here because our protest tradition is better.

That being said, I feel Herman/Chomsky's 'Manufacturing Consent' is worth an updated read, maybe a sequel concerning click-bait making even that situaiton worse. We are in 1968 again, and Biden was our LBJ, now, he's my blue team's Hubert H. Does it surprise anyone, that when Biden says anythign about the protest, it sounds exactly like HH in Detroit? just imagine the possibility that the corrupt media for both teams seeks out the most outrageous click-bait ready shot that suits their purposes, despite how many kids are there who legitimately don't like forced selective service-(since 2023, check it for US males) registration, for forever wars that they are supposed to fight? I mean, being anti-war and pro civil liberties use to be a liberal thing. I suspect it would be/will be again, if Trump wins. I also remember way back when, Gore Vidal suggested 'maybe the US should try not sending any money to Israel, then they might have to learn how to get along with their neighbors. Maybe (no matter how bad Hamas is) a lot of the kids Biden is losing are thinking the same thing.

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"Don’t threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work. I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid."

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You just dismissed the millions who died fighting Nazis in WWII. If it weren’t for the Brits, Russians, and Americans, many many more Jews would have been killed by Nazis. You have a lot of gall saying no one helped. Others gave their lives and treasure in WWII and it resulted in saving the lives of millions of Jews. Shame on you.

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This is a famous quote by Menachem Begin. Feel free to direct your burning hot anger towards him.

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Try not repeating it, or give it its proper context? Because Libertarian is spot on correct to call out what appears to be a lack of gratitude for defeating the Empire that was liquidating Jewry in Europe, for Begin and his fellow Israeli’s to even have the opportunity to utter the words of defiance. I happen to think nowadays that it’s the USA who benefits more from providing continued aid to Israel, vs. Israel receiving it. But I also don’t think that has always been the case.

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Not true. Who are your friends now? Actual Orthodox Jews and true Christians are joined by the Holy Scriptures into one peoples. Both grafted into the root of Abraham. Learn your faith and stop whining now.

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I went to the University of California Davis and I wouldn't dream of sending my children there, or any of the Poison Ivies. I forbid my completely qualified daughters from even applying to the hyperpartisan Democrat brainwashed University of California. Paid a lot more money to send my children and their tuition to Texas A&M University and they, our family, and our country will be better for it.

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As chance would have it I drove past UCD just yesterday on my way home from a lovely weekend in Napa at one of my best friends home. His niece and her boyfriend were there, both recent grads of U of Tennessee. I’ve known her since she was a wee-tyke, now a lovely young lady with a good head on her shoulders. Neither from CA but both took jobs not in tech in CA (amazing I know!). First time meeting her b/f. Good kid, strong values, holds a conversation, interesting stories, knows how to drink whiskey properly. They’re evidence that not every college student is a Marxist tool. They were proud to show some videos from their friends still at UT standing up to and lampooning this stupidity. Hope springs eternal!

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"There is no saving the Left. There is only saving the country from them."

That's all that needs to be said and done.

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Except that I would distinguish between the government indoctrination centre brainwashed rank and file and the ruling class leftist*

*Don’t flatter them by labelling them as ‘elite’ – that’s a word for people who have accomplished something extraordinary such as the military special forces.

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I have never understood "voting for Obama simply because he was black" . . . when he was in fact not black--but instead had both a white and a black parent. (Same with Halle Berry.) It seems as silly and turns out to be just as dangerous as the old antebellum "one drop" rule. If only we had all followed the MLK Jr dream of judging by character rather than skin color.

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If we judge people as individuals it always leads to huge differences in group outcomes. This is celebrated by the left when it’s blacks outperforming whites athletically but totally unacceptable when it’s whites outperforming blacks academically. Plus their war on meritocracy due to it having a “disparate impact” on blacks and therefore “racist” has also led to meritocracy being replaced by Equity aka Equal Outcomes which has pretty much ruined education and is now also working on dumbing down standards in our medical schools for the sake of equity. What we have here is civilizational collapse in real time before our very eyes.

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Roland Fryer's Harlem Child Zone has proven that minority children - especially Blacks do exceptionally well in a competitive educational environment. This doesn't comply with the Left's narrative that equity (forcing equal outcomes) is the only way to improve outcomes for minorities in education. I guess that's why Claudia Gay was behind the BS sexual misconduct claims against Roland Fryer.

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I’ve seen too many of those stories which later turn out to be fake bs to believe them.

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I don’t care what color or race he was/iz, I saw him for the snake oil salesman he was/iz

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Some can’t let go of seeing race and sex, and assigning certain qualities. We’ve always had these people but didn’t notice because virtually all candidates were white males. In the “old days” if it had come down to one white male vs an “other,” I believe a large majority would have chosen by sex and race. But those days are gone, other than a few hardcore on either side.

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Barry Soetero Obama is 'Halfrican'....mom a caucasian liberal (how odd it musta been to marry a black man IN 1960!!!), and his daddy was not African-American, just African.

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Your comment reminds me of a great book “The color of water, A Black Mans Tribute to his White Mother”. The author 1 of many children whose white mother married a black man in the SE in the 50’s. An amazing, funny well written story worth reading.

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Everything is meant to destabilize and confuse. We are being carved up to be served and distributed to the globalists which are pretty much authoritarian types. Riches for those in favor and power and surfdome (or worse) for those who belong to ‘old ways’, ‘old thinking’ ‘old religion’.

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It did not occur to many that voting for Obama simply because he was black was a racist act.

The world is full of people who want to change the world. There is a saying, or if there's not there should be, that if you you want to change the world change yourself, since that's the only thing you have much control over. People will generally be changed by their circumstances, but that might not be in a good way. It's hard to change yourself, but it sometimes happens inadvertently and quickly due to traumatic situations. You can change yourself slowly by deciding to act and think in a desired way.

But what if someone else wants to change your thinking, and hence yourself? As I said before, if you you want to change the world change yourself, since that's the only thing you have much control over. But what if it's not just an individual wanting to change the world, but an entire class of people?

The third rule of propaganda is: The rule of transfusion - manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends. Social media has been taken over by a combination of government influence and left leaning high tech employees. Any sort of mildly conservative ideas have been mostly expunged, leaving mostly left wing ideas. Presumably this is shifting the thoughts of the populace in a leftward direction. (I'm rooting for Elon Musk on this one.)

I think that it is not happenstance, and that there is in fact an operation in progress to to change the habits and thoughts of people so as to move them in the direction of being landless serfs. If changing your own thought patterns so that you are a different kind of person is possible, then it should be possible for an outside agency with influence over mass media and education to do the same.


As the Antifa rioters of 2020 attempted to expand into less Antifa friendly territory, in June they moved into Coeur D'Alene, Idaho after a festive night of mostly peaceful burning and looting in Spokane, Washington. Being notified by the Spokane police, the civilian population of Coeur D'Alene and the surrounding countryside responded by showing up en mass and armed. Coeur D'Alene escaped the type of destruction that was common in Washington State.


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Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.

How to do that? Study the Gospel of Jesus Christ and ask God the Holy Spirit to give you faith and fully transform your life. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full at His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His Glory and Grace.

The “woke mind virus” doesn’t affect true Christians. We don’t accept any of their nonsense. This is why they hate us so much. Satan can not touch our souls. These little satanists have no power over us. Rant and rave and scream and shout to no avail. These misguided children need the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Beautiful. Thanks for sharing

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Written by British-born, then American, Helen Lemmel in 1922. Gee, ain't that about the beginning of communism in Russia....IN THE WORLD....100 yrs ago.

Turn our eyes upon Jesus, indeed!!

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Not gonna lie, I got goosebumps reading the lines of that hymn.

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Sorry Jane, I can’t see your reply to me. It has been suppressed. No worries.

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Our current Satanic government is evil. What we need now is peace, true peace, shalom now. And until we have that, there will be hate, confusion, chaos, and pure evil. From our own government. I dont think common Russian peoples are evil. I think their government is evil just like our US government is evil today. American mothers do not wish for their sons to die in useless wars to give fortunes to evil overlords in America. Russian mothers do not wish for their sons to be slaughtered to make money for Russian oligarchs either. We are similar. Russians and Americans should stop the warfare before our idiot leaders launch nuclear war, that no one wishes to happen now. Peace, peace, peace, shalom. That is what we need now.

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Here is your saying. Beatles-1968.

You tell me it's the institution

Well, you know

You'd better free your mind instead

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John Lennon was an anti-Christ. One of many. His pied piper routine drug many young people to hell for eternity.

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Not really. Anybody who took any of The Beatles seriously as leaders had to have been disappointed by their unwillingness to be a part of any of it. The same was even truer of Bob Dylan.

Lennon was a complicated figure, a sad mess of a human being, who in the early 1970s never missed a chance to badmouth most things. His first solo album, John Lennon and the Plastic Ono Band, is a traumatic masterpiece, but it's also the unwitting display of a histrionic personality.

Had you known that the young John Lennon asked to go through the Church of England's confirmation process? That he sang in the choir, and liked it? That in 1966, in the presence of his friend, Pete Shotton, he threw himself to the floor and started screaming, "God, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, whoever you are, show me!"? That in 1978, he told people that he had become a born again Christian, and that he exchanged letters with Pat Robertson? ( As if, living as he was with a practicing witch, the man's Christianity, if it was real, had any chance to flourish. )

In Bob Spitz's 2005 biography of The Beatles, he says that shortly before his death, George Harrison experienced "a passionate return to the Catholic church," the church of his boyhood. I've heard an interview in which Spitz was asked about this, and he maintains that Harrison's widow and son permitted him to write that single sentence about it and nothing more if he wanted to keep his access to them.

I'm a Christian, too. Hasn't it always been said among us that we will see people in Heaven whom we never dreamed would be there? I am not saying that either John Lennon or George Harrison will be there.

I am saying that you need to stop making specific, condemning statements about people. In doing so, you presume that you know the holiest thing in this world, the contents of the soul of someone who, like you and me, is just another sinner.

We can preach the Gospel and the unique indispensability of The Lord Jesus Christ without presuming that we know the final disposition of someone's soul.

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This is brilliant; “We can preach the Gospel and the unique indispensability of The Lord Jesus Christ without presuming that we know the final disposition of someone's soul.”

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You're generous. I don't think it's brilliant, just commonsensical. But thank you.

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Thank you, Bobby Lime. Truer words not spoken on this comment string.

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Thank you, Matt. I needed to write those words primarily because I am the same way in my own tendency to relegate people to the ranks of the damned.

When Steve McQueen died, I, who had heard nothing of his conversion, took it for granted that he had been a lost soul. I was thrilled when I learned a few weeks later that he was not. I'm just another Christian, and subject to being soooo sure about things.

Another part is that within my extended family, I've always been the goat figure, the one who if there were any trouble, would be thought to be the troublemaker. In fact, this comes from the character assassination of a cousin, who is a sociopath. But if you're such a person's target, and most significant of all, if you don't know it's going on and can't fight back, your reputation will be incinerated, however unjustly. .

But also: people I've known throughout my life whom I would never have considered would be open to conversion, and then, as with McQueen, being overjoyed to learn otherwise.

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I hope you keep commenting, Bobby. I think you write with courage and insight.

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For example, Lennon’s song “Helter Skelter” was interpreted by Charles Manson as a call for national race riots. Then it turned into literal murder of innocents like Sharon Tate.

Another example was Lennon’s anthem for a worldwide Globalist Communist government “Imagine”. Imagine no possessions, imagine no religion, imagine no freedom, imagine TOTAL government where all people except a few are chattel slaves to the corporations and the evil government overlords. I prefer to imagine “heaven” living in a community of faith with King Jesus, “Emmanuel “ living among us.

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Paul McCartney wrote Helter Skelter.

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Yes, he did do that. Now, how did the Manson Family turn out?

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Non sequitur.

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maybe I'm a globalist in your mind, but how many times is the media going to let some corrupt congress-person (I heard Laylor (r), but it could be many) spout the old standby cliche', 'I'm a Churchill not a Chamberland!' to argue for continued support for forever wars? isn't it time we ask. so...who is Hitler now? really? they're always Hitler. (yes, the blue team media does it too, that was Lawlor on same), and it still deserves a follow-up question that is never asked.

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I am against new foreign wars especially the Ukraine war. Ukraine is a Russian province. After the Soviet Union collapsed 33 years ago, the US agreed to not expand NATO further east. The US pushed former satellite states of the USSR to join NATO. The last one was Ukraine. This is an aggressive act against the Russian Federation . Russia could easily vaporize the United States with nuclear weapons. Why provoke them to anger? Make a treaty which would be signed through the US Senate confirmation. Our current President is reckless and seems to be starting a direct engagement in warfare against Russia. Why?

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Ha, Manson may have liked the loudness and screaming, but he'd HAVE to have been on drugs to interpret those lyrics as ....as 'anything'. A helter skelter in Britain is a playground slide, then , references to 'love' and 'lover' in the song. Not much in those lyrics to hang your hat on.

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The Manson Family made it their theme song. They murdered several people. Those are facts.

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So if I go out and murder many, and use their blood to write on the wall the lyrics to "Wind Beneath My Wings", it becomes a murder song?

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Something else to consider – have you ever wondered about the double meaning of the leftist term Dei?


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You have blown your credibility to talk about Beatles. Helter Skelter is 100% a McCartney song (although John delivers a savage bass guitar track, one of the very few bass parts he played.)

Imagine does seem a bit of a silly socialist anthem, that is one way to look at it. Another way to look at it is "heaven on earth" - when the spirit of goodwill flows so freely among people that no one is worried about things that presently divide us, like possessions and religion.

You took "possessions" and "religion" from the lyric, and added your own opinion after (" imagine no freedom, imagine TOTAL government where all people except a few are chattel slaves to the corporations and the evil government overlords") which is not what he said, not even slightly resembling any of the lyrics.

Say the word I'm thinking of, have you heard? The word is love!

John spoke critically and openly of government in public, in interviews and such. Nixon was severely worried about him, and ultimately that is why they took him out. Some say he was leaning towards Reagan in that last year.

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There was a court filing in the UK a few years ago asserting that Yoko Ono actually was the sole writer of Imagine. It may have been a copyright scam but if so is evidence that Yoko is a capitalist.

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Ok, so what happened when Charles Manson started his race war in the Hollywood Hills? Sharon Tate was murdered in a satanic ritual killing. Why did Manson stop there with so many other targets in the Hollywood Hills?

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"They" didn't take him out. If The Deep State which probably haunts your imagination is as astute as you fear, they would have known by 1980 that John Lennon was a deracinated man in every way, and as much a threat to The Order as a puppy.

I know MKUltra existed, and did some awful things, but we know that the horrible creep who killed him had Jacqueline Onassis and Johnny Carson as alternate targets. He has admitted that he killed Lennon, who was always his favored target, because he was sick with envy and wanted to be famous.

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You could be right, or not. I don't know. But in 1988 I received an unpublished copy of a book called "Who Killed John Lennon" that presented some compelling evidence.

How much do you know about the two years of Mark David Chapman's life prior to Lennon's assassination? Not much, I'd bet.

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That song has been on my mind lately. I remember when it came out, I’d laugh at my leftist friends who thought it was glorifying them.

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One of the most unbearable songs of quality ( by which I mean an unforgettable, not unpleasant, melody ) ever written.

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Certainly better than “Born in the USA”, and just as misunderstood.

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I agree. Eternity won't exhaust my capacity to disdain that song.

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I love the piece on Coeur D'Alene. Actually it does have a special reputation. A federal law enforcement officer once told me that "It is well known that when you have to go knocking on doors in Northern Idaho, you go well armed and ready for anything."

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Randy Weaver not available for comment.

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That’s how it should be.

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No argument here, or on the part of the officer.

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Nothing about 2020 protests was peaceful lol 🥸

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Nice comment and good insights. There is a battle for our minds going on….

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The campus protests are insignificant, a distraction. Probably funded by Soros and his ilk for that purpose. Meanwhile Middle America continues to bleed out economically, we drift toward WW3 (and not in the Middle East), the banana republic solidifies and the oligarchs rule.

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These "protests" (i.e., attempts at revolution) are not "insignificant," they are, as Sasha points out, a crucial barometer of where things stand today in 'murica... Yes, they are funded by Soros, and yes, the oligarchs rule... but the horrendous visuals these "protests" generate just might be the wake up call the American people need to begin to challenge a whole bunch of things, including the oligarchy.

Not a "distraction," rather a spark.

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We will see but I already see a bunch of RINOs bloviating about it and hoping we forget about the betrayals.

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I agree. $40 trillion in debt, with a “T”, and 30 million illegal immigrants, is the nuke that will explode on our shores in 2024. I think they’re going to let Trump win so they can blame it all on him for the next 50 years. They are motivated to go to their deaths never admitting they were wrong about Covid, J6, Biden, Ukraine spending, or DEI.

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Letting Trump win by dialing the cheating down a bit has occurred to me and others. However, they would want to prevent him from doing anything. So look for a surge in Congressional cheating. Watch Cleveland, Las Vegas, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix and the Indian reservations in MT. Insurance policy, as before is Deep State .

They haven't thought this through because if the debt or immigration bomb goes off, it is not politics as usual. Republicans don't get this either.

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ouch. (what you say about my blue team). if it weren't so true...

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Interesting theory, that they are plotting to set up Trump as scapegoat. It might actually be their best card to play.

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I feel better off with a Trump scapegoat than another 4 years of Biden neocons.

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There is no potential to be well off under another 4 years of Biden.

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They used up the health industry in '20 with a fake pandemic to crash the economy and get Trump out of office so they can't try that again. Instead they are attempting a two prong attack, protests at colleges and if that isn't enough to declare what amounts to marshall law and a way to rig the election then they'll loose the hundreds of terrorists they've intentionally allowed into the country through a porous southern border.

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It’s hard to call what we’ve seen the last few weeks “campus anti-war protests”.

We know that many/most of these people are not students at the universities.

They aren’t anti-war. They glorify and call for intifada Revolution, death to the Zionists.

They don’t seem to be anti-genocide. From the river to the sea…

So what are these ugly displays in our cities and on campuses? The one thing they clearly are: a call to support radical Islamic terrorists. And millions of misguided souls are answering the call, supremely confident in their vast intelligence and moral superiority.

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Maybe, somewhere, sometime in history there were student protests that were knowledgeable, honorable, and actually did some good. I'm in my 8th decade, and can't think of one. I lived through the college protests of the sixties and seventies, and did not see anything reasonable, virtuous, or wise about the protests -- only people who saw themselves as reasonable, virtuous, and wise. Not the same thing at all.

What was true back then is true now -- only far more violent, dangerous, and hate-filled.

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The protester that was complaining about not being treated like an American citizen should get exactly what he wants. As it turns out, it's very illegal for an American citizen to set up barricaded camps and claim autonomy from law enforcement, disturb the peace, menace Jews with threats (hate crime), break into public buildings, occupy them, barricade them, break up furniture, and commit atrocious acts of vandalism. On top of all this, these become federal felonies under RICO statute when these crimes are committed as part of an organized effort by out of state actors.

So, yes, by all means, they should treated like American citizens.

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Glenn Greenwald has a good video about this bill overwhelmingly, 320 to 91, passed by the House to criminalize criticism of Israel. No doubt this will be passed by the Senate and signed into law by Biden. Under this law Glenn can be silenced, sued, prosecuted and punished for objecting to what Israel is doing to Gaza. It will also be against the law to criticize Israel for the murder of children in Gaza. This is evil, insane and unsustainable since it is turning the world against Israel and America. Video of the dead children lying in the street is simply appalling. Truly demonic.

Congress Pushes to Silence Israel Critics with “Antisemitism Awareness” Bill. (22 min)

Glenn Greenwald. May 2, 2024


“Israeli precision guided munition likely killed group of children playing foosball in Gaza, weapons experts say.”

Yahoo News. CNN. May 2, 2024


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This is a bad bill from ignorant, virtue signaling politicians. I’m a conservative, support Israel’s right to defend itself & protect itself from anyone who wants to annihilate them. But this is the type of bill that will bite our freedoms in the ass eventually. I hope the Senate figures this out.

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Patriot Act 2.0.

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The Senate is worse than the House. Nothing sane will come from them.

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Senate can be worse - depends on the bill. In this case there may be enough dems who want to pander to the Palestinian/ Muslim voting block that they may not vote for this. In any case - it’s all politics all the time so they’ll vote however they’re told.

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My position, exactly. P.S. the Senate will vote for this bill as they voted for the Ukraine, Israel funding bill. Maybe 30 Senators against; roughly 50-50 party ID, slightly favoring the Dems.

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It will not withstand judicial scrutiny. Criminalizing statements of fact are way beyond reasonable.

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“Criminalizing statements of fact are way beyond reasonable.”

Our rotting and collapsing society though is already “way beyond reasonable.” It is in fact quite insane. Certainly a very unfortunate development but far from unusual. The dreadful and simply ghastly twentieth century had major nations like Germany, Japan, Russia and China become quite insane for periods of time so this is in fact distressingly common. A few years ago Putin had a speech condemning Woke ideology in America and the West as “a crime against civilization.” He basically said “Been there. Done that. No thanks.”

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Germany is currently under yet another wave of institutionalized insanity, if the likes of eugypius and C.J. Hopkins are to be believed.

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I believe them. John Mearsheimer, Glenn Greenwald and Lena Petrova, my favorites on Ukraine and Israel, also say that.

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I sure would be like to argue these points, but alas cannot.

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Assuming that "judicial scrutiny" is untouched by the rot that has overtaken all our other "cherished institutions..." That's a pretty wild assumption, unfortunately. We have supreme court justices whose primary concern is for:

"...the First Amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways in the most important time periods...Some might say that the government actually has a duty to take steps to protect the citizens of this country, and you seem to be suggesting that that duty cannot manifest itself in the government encouraging or even pressuring platforms to take down harmful information," Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson told Benjamin Aguiñaga, the Louisiana solicitor general. "I'm really worried about that, because you've got the First Amendment operating in an environment of threatening circumstances from the government's perspective, and you're saying the government can't interact with the source of those problems."

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The biggest problem at the Supreme Court is John Roberts. He as a classic trimmer always seeking to avoid responsibility for everything. The refusal to take up the 2020 election cases was malfeasance on the level of Dred Scott. He managed to persuade the 3 newbies not to take the case.

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The main problem I see with Roberts is that he seems to think that "trimming" is going to stop the Demos from packing the Court if they have the power to do so. Well, 1) Ha, 2) Ha.

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Yes, Roberts is a good target, but it must now be said that he was right about trying to nix the Dobbs decision. On balance, overturning Roe v Wade has been horrible for the cause of pro-life... all too many states now have, or will soon have, nine month abortion on demand. Limiting abortion to the first trimester looks pretty good to me now.

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That was Roe but it's spawn completely opened the gates up to and beyond birth.

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Hey Pacificus, I think there is no difference between abortion the day of conception or the day of birth because I think and believe life starts at conception. Putting that aside though, the vast majority ( several hundred thousand) of abortions every year are in the first trimester and have zero to do with saving the life of the mother, rape or incest. They are for convenience not safety. I know you aren’t arguing that they were; I was just highlighting that third trimester abortions are few and far between.

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Thanks for your reply. Well, this is of course a very complex issue, and I'm certainly not endorsing first term abortion, only saying that at this point, I wish we had it as a upper limit again. To me, abortion is first and foremost a moral and philosophical (not legal) battle to be won one conscience at a time. Efforts to impose bans in the face of substantial opposition are too often counterproductive and create the backlash we see today.

Yes, I hear it said that third trimester abortions are rare, but I can't seem to find exactly how rare. Seems that each state keeps its own records and some are not especially zealous in doing so. But most people seem to think the number of third trimester abortions is about 1% of all abortions done. Given the government's estimate of about 1 million abortions in the US in 2023, that's 10,000. Funny how so many are willing to suggest that is no big deal. I think it is.

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Wolves in winter called to come to their friend. (1 min)


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Having someone like that on our Supreme Court is like having a canary in a coal mine die from the increasingly poisonous air. Does not bode well for our future.

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Hey, she's a black woman, so mission accomplished.

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Whether factual or not they should not be criminalized.

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“It isn’t that it’s gotten this bad. It’s been this bad for a while.” I saw it as “this bad” when the BLM movement began and its ideals creeped into my daughter’s high school education. The DEI movement and the overwhelming TDS by the left has created this cult and I am hoping like COVID it goes away and never gets mentioned again.

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As I sit here in my home in the right wing facist hell hole of southeast Louisiana, surrounded by church going, family loving , Trump supporting Neanderthals, buoyed by the vision of the frat boys at my beloved LSU ( Louisiana State University to you Yankees) rising up and loudly singing the National Anthem in off key tones to drown out the imbecilic chants of a handful of Jew Haters on that storied campus, things really don’t seem all that bad. Here in perhaps the reddest of red state America there’s still hope. Yeah, I’d crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump but in the long sweep of history that is best observed from the confines of the arguably most consequential part of the country it seems naive to believe that our return to national sanity is dependent on this one man. There is a core of sanity in large parts of the country that acts as a pendulum and will , at some point and at some cost, return us to the center. We owe it to those poor, frightened, impossibly brave heroic boys who stormed Omaha Beach on D Day to begin the destruction of unimaginable evil to believe in and foster those values underlying the American character. As my hero St John Paul II said, at a time when Popes were assumed to believe all that Catholic stuff, “Be Not Afraid!” Good advice at a time like this.

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So with you on JP2❤️🙏🏻 !

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You don't have to look very hard to realize that, for better or worse, historic outcomes have ALWAYS depended upon One Man.

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This is true in rural NC too. Most of NC except 5 or 6 counties where cities and universities are.

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“Be not afraid.” Decades later the thought of that makes me verklempt.

Thank you.

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Anyone noticing a strange pattern here?

2016: Nothing

2017: Nothing

2018: Nothing

2019: Nothing

2020: Riots..er…Fiery but ‘peaceful protests’

2021: Nothing

2022: Nothing

2023: Nothing

2024: Riots….. ‘peaceful protests’

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You're overlooking the Resistance riots following Inauguration Day in Jan, 2017, and the Kavanaugh riots in 2018.

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Both of which the MSM flawlessly ignored and most Americans are completely unware of to this day.

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That’s true, but oddly enough, most of those riots seem to take place at almost perfectly timed intervals, as though something else were taking place at the same time.

Must be just a ‘coincidence’..

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Now seeing some folks noticing that many of the tents showing up are very similar in each encampment across the country. Similar colors, brands, etc. Strange? Or coincidence?

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Um, you forgot about Ferguson, the start of BLM, happened during the primary campaign season for the 2016 election and continued through the entire thing. It just didn’t devolve into complete chaos until til the Color Revolution of 2020.

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Well expressed, Sasha. As someone who comes from and lives in that America you were unaware of, I am grateful that you took the time and had the courage to open your mind. Thank you.

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