100% just like Kamala- totally fabricated and manipulated. I will never forget Dick Cheney's snide smile up (from his wheelchair) to Obama at his inauguration. I said to my husband-- "Cheney's got something on him". Ask the dead chef (s). Kamala's high school years in Montreal (MK Ultra headquarters in the 60s 70s) with her Intelligence Asset mom explains SO much of her off the wall disconnection. I think people should start to connect that so much of what happens-- shootings, etc. is intentionally triggered. Larry Johnson - former CIA (on Patreon) says that the Green Beret in the Cyber Truck was an expert in UAP-- ie unidentified objects-- hmmm. And that the military community (Daniel Davis) is saying that the gun they found would have blown his head off if he shot himself. Most likely dead already -- remote denotation. It is a self driving car after all.
"Yes, some of them got violent and breached the Capitol", you say? ....
Sasha, why was the Capital not properly protected?
Who were those that "got violent"? Most of the ROWDY ones, and I think rowdy is a more accurate description, weren't your typical Trump supporters. They ACTUALLY don't appear to be Trump supporters AT ALL. They appeared to be Antifa, leftist implants wearing gas masks and riot gear.
How many FBI implants were there in encouraging that behavior? Who is Ray Epps? Why hasn't he been arrested?
The FBI was CAUGHT in Michigan encouraging an abduction of the Michigan Governor! We know the FBI does these criminal acts.
We've seen the "violence" ON VIDEO, like the horned Shaman, who were imprisoned. They were being escorted into and around the Capital.
It's difficult for me to hear you echo these "violent" insurrection descript taking points of the leftist CROOKS who created that scene on January 6th!
"Violent". GMAB. Please.
Oh, there's so much more to say about the Jan 6 "Insurrection" but I'm tired of this BS.
AND the REAL VIOLENCE on Jan 6 was the MURDER of an unarmed Air Force veteran named Ashli Babbitt.
How do I know what happened?
Because I witnessed the killing from different angles on videos and the camera NEVER LIES.
A COWARD cop named Michael Byrd shot her at near point blank range directly in the throat. She can be seen gasping for air and bleeding out on the video. It was AWFUL.
There were at least TWO ARMED officers on her side of the windowed door she had climbed into.
A simple push with a hand would have prevented her from getting through if the COWARD, Byrd, didn't want to handle the situation like a man.
That coward wasn't in any danger at that moment to use deadly force like that!
Luckily it didn't also injure or kill any behind Ashli, including the officers, too.
If you're going to talk about "VIOLENCE",,let's talk about violence.
Your logic is probably equal to mine and please tell me if I'm wrong.
The present administration including the FBI gave up on that investigation of the pipe bombs. Why?
Probably because they already know who placed the alleged pipe bombs. THERE OWN!
You'd have to be real stupid not to see through the Jan 6 SETUP. With all their lies and their bogus committee regarding the entire "Insurrection" scam, it's obvious. .
They say it was the worst day in American history since the Civil War.
They were back in the chambers in a few hours certifying their rigged election.
The recent IG report indicating there were about 26 FBI informants mixed in with the crowd was a glorified cover up. I hope Bondi appoints a special counsel to investigate. More importantly Kash or Bondi really need to do a deep investigation into the FBI, and not limited to J6.
The FBI informants and capitol police started shooting flashbangs and tear gas canisters and then pushing people. The FBI informants then stormed the building and knocked out the windows. Then the Capitol police opened the doors and let people in and asked them to come in to get tours. I think the CIA and Pelosi planned the riots and planted the pipe bombs.
If you have ever been to any Tea Party or trump rally, you would understand that these people do not riot. They leave the place clean with no litter. Other bad actors created the violence. I saw people like that come into our peaceful TEA Party rallies wearing NAZI symbols and shouting racist epithets. The local TV cameras would dwell on these people and then report us peacefully protesting people as NAZIs the next morning, every single time.
Trump offered to send in the National Guard a few days before but Pelosi and the Washington DC mayor said NO. Perhaps Pelosi planned the riots.
Rosanne Boyland - RIP. Died on the steps and covered up till recently. Gateway Pundit released new video with an article. Heartbreaking. Your Jan 6th has echoes of the same media twist MO as our (canadian) freedom convoy… reality vs unreality. Painted in opposite truths. What people are given to believe vs what actually took place couldn’t be further apart. 💕🇨🇦
Yeah, Sasha still seems to buy into the J6 narrative. At this point, we all need to be agnostic as to what really happened. Maybe someday we will find out.
Rosanne Boyland - RIP. Died on the steps and covered up till recently. Gateway Pundit released new video with an article. Heartbreaking. Your Jan 6th has echoes of the same media twist MO as our (canadian) freedom convoy… reality vs unreality. Painted in opposite truths. What people are given to believe vs what actually took place couldn’t be further apart. 💕🇨🇦
You're 100% right about the 50 caliber Desert Eagle pistol; the exit side of his head would have exploded beyond recognition. Just more deep state psyop stuff which I'm guessing will increase until Trump gets his people into position. There are so many people that need to be held accountable from the last 8 years, and I hope Trump goes scorched earth on them.
Why is Obama still relevant? He holds no office in the US Government. What republican past office holder is still relevant for the right? Certainly no one as relevant as Barack Hussein Obama is to the left. Is he still running things???
He shouldn't be relevant in the present government because that isn't "Democracy" as the left continues pretending to defend.
His half brother says he was born in Kenya and his altered birth certificate says he was born in Hawaii. I believe that Trump never made that statement.
I'll never forget watching Obama's inauguration at the High School I worked at as a school counselor. I watched in disbelief as many white women that I thought were good people stood and watched as though they were seeing the rapture of Jesus returning. Total moronic enrapturement and imbecility. Hell, I voted for Alan Keyes in the 2008 Republican primary, but I wasn't going to vote for a race baiter no matter his party.
But, in hindsight, just remember the next 4 years could not have happened without the last 4 years. So, thank you Joe, Kamala, and the Demoncat deep state establishment. Lawyer up boys. As Rambo said, I'm coming for you!
Sept 16, 2016: "After years as a leading proponent of the discredited "birther" movement, which promoted the belief that President Obama is not a native-born U.S. citizen, Donald Trump today acknowledged that the president was, in fact, born in the United States.
"President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period," Trump said at the Trump International Hotel in Washington D.C.
An unfortunate use of the word "spook", Charles. I don't think that was your intent but we must wield language in a way that keeps the left from using it against us.
I can’t tell you how much your words resonate with me. Like you, I was deeply entrenched in the Left, living in Portland Oregon… and like you, even identifying as part of the Obama coalition, and for a long time, I couldn’t see past the ideology I had absorbed. Walking away from the ‘woke’ framework—what I now see as a cult-like identity structure—was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. It required me to prioritize truth over belonging, and like you, I’ve faced the consequences of becoming an outsider.
That said, I’ve also gained clarity, strength, and a deeper sense of self. I’ve learned to embrace intellectual humility, question mass conformity, and navigate a more nuanced understanding of the world. Reading your piece reminds me that while this journey can feel isolating, we are not alone in our pursuit of truth over dogma. Thank you for sharing your story—it inspires me to keep going. 🤍
Embracing intellectual humility, questioning, and seeking understanding are classical liberalist traits and yet now do foreign to the tag “liberal”. Anyway, welcome Megan to this liberal conservative space where we do a pretty good job of debate, listening and supporting each other’s views.
So nicely explained. It was inspiring to me & Ive never been part of the left. Seeking truth is important in every aspect of our life. It truly does set us free.
What made you, Sasha and others turn? I think it has to be a personal event, some “kick in the butt” for cognitive dissonance to flip from feelings to facts. Facts are always there but what makes us see them?
Based on other people who have redpilled it's like most things: Slow then sudden.
They see the lies, they see the evil, they participate for a while, getting less and less happy about it then one thing tips them over.
For many (Musk is notable) it's a family member suddenly becoming 'gender non conforming.' For others it's some statement that finally breaks their belief.
For many in England it's probably going to be the rape scandal finally getting masses of light shown on it.
Slowly then fast and generally something personal.
Sasha, wonderful piece, brought tears to my eyes. This marks a huge inflection point for the country, which you capture so eloquently.
The whole-of-government deception and deceit will now be exposed as Trump takes office and puts loyal officers in key positions. Thank you for chronicling this journey we share.
Another great piece, Sasha. You always surpass yourself. I’m seeing more and more of your articles on Real Clear Politics which matters because your influence is spreading. You’re voice is unique, powerful and effective.
My God! You’ve stirred this 80 year old dude’s renewed belief in the maxim that TRUTH WILL OUT. I felt sure I was doomed to hopelessly exit-stage-left from this vale of tears. You’ve changed that for me Sasha and I thank you from the very bottom of my heart. ❤️ May 2025 be your best year ever!
Most of us have on occasion missed major trends that in hindsight make us feel foolish. As in “should have known”. Witness Bitcoin and WMD for example. That you challenged yourself, family, friends, fans and business partners separates you from the chaff. And so, on this Catholic day celebrating the Epiphany when 3 wise men recognized baby Jesus was near, they left their safe place and journeyed to see Him. You too had an epiphany in which you recognized something was greatly amiss and something great out there was to be discovered by you. You not only discovered it but also have given it your unique and beautiful voice and style. Well done, Sasha Stone.
Another terrific piece. Thank you for your bold honesty. In my opinion, we were ever so close to reeducation camps. And a Harris victory surely would have doomed America.
I'm not so sure. What I do think is that the dolt would have pushed us into eventually violent resistance. While four years ago, the media whale would have gobbled us up, the fantastic thing which happened since then is that the mainstream news media has been discredited for all time. It doesn't need to be beaten. We have superseded it.
It's interesting to speculate what have happened in such a situation. Would President Harris ( larf ) have been able to command law enforcement and ultimately The National Guard to take action against us? I doubt it would have worked. Men can't run that fast in high heels.
Thank God, for now, we have been spared for awhile.
The honor of worst person to get FJB's communist 'medal of freedom' goes to Nazi collaborator, George Soros.
This is Soros: “It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.”
And this one. “America and Israel must open the door to Hamas”
As well as, “I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me into trouble. But when I had made my way in the world, I wanted to indulge my fantasies to the extent that I could afford.” ~
Yeah I was taken by surprise with that one (though in hindsight not really), as well as the medal for Hillary. Those are two of the most awful humans alive!
As someone who was part of the machine that started this nightmare, your perspective is so valuable. There are still far too many people out there who have no idea (and don't want to know) what has happened in the past several years and how they have been lied to and manipulated into believing so much nonsense.
I'm so sorry for the price you have paid for telling the truth but you have done a very valuable service and if this country can be saved, it is very much thanks to people like you. Your story needs to be heard by more people. If you wrote a book I would buy a hundred copies.
Your honesty is so admirable Sasha. You are brave to share where you have been, what you have seen and why you decided after reading the room that you no longer wanted to be there. The story of your conversion never gets old. I love to read it over and over. Never mind miss sassy pants Neera Tanden. You are in a much better place than her because you tell the truth. She is losing her job in days and will have to walk out into the world and explain why she was paid to pretend she was advising a competent President over the past few years.
J6 was mostly peaceful. There are estimates of 800,000 to 1M who protested that, with a large majority of votes in for swing states in the 2020 election, that the voting machines were stopped in unison and restarted when votes were found to give Biden the win. I was watching this closely myself. Late at night with 90% of the votes in, in WI, Trump was up by 140,000 votes. In the middle of the night, again with 90% of the votes in, Biden is now up by 8000 votes. That is mathematically impossible. The same was true in PA and other swing states. People saw this and went to protest peacefully. Subsequently the Democrats and media lied, and continues to, to this day.
100. Election was absolutely stolen. I’m I. Philly and it’s essentially lawless. Especially for crimes committed by the Dem machine that includes pols, cops, DAs, teachers, academia. They make the Mob look like pleasant amateurs.
Just a reminder on how not "out of the woods yet" we are: extremist ideologies create a kind of artificial tribalism. And tribalism justifies ... just about anything!
Let's see, now which is more reprehensible - General Milley or Liz Cheney or some other person of similar ilk? There are so many contenders for that with the world in the state that it is in after four years of the present administration.
Obama is a spook, his identity and records have never been verified. He is a creation of the New World Order and the DemocRATS.
100% just like Kamala- totally fabricated and manipulated. I will never forget Dick Cheney's snide smile up (from his wheelchair) to Obama at his inauguration. I said to my husband-- "Cheney's got something on him". Ask the dead chef (s). Kamala's high school years in Montreal (MK Ultra headquarters in the 60s 70s) with her Intelligence Asset mom explains SO much of her off the wall disconnection. I think people should start to connect that so much of what happens-- shootings, etc. is intentionally triggered. Larry Johnson - former CIA (on Patreon) says that the Green Beret in the Cyber Truck was an expert in UAP-- ie unidentified objects-- hmmm. And that the military community (Daniel Davis) is saying that the gun they found would have blown his head off if he shot himself. Most likely dead already -- remote denotation. It is a self driving car after all.
"Yes, some of them got violent and breached the Capitol", you say? ....
Sasha, why was the Capital not properly protected?
Who were those that "got violent"? Most of the ROWDY ones, and I think rowdy is a more accurate description, weren't your typical Trump supporters. They ACTUALLY don't appear to be Trump supporters AT ALL. They appeared to be Antifa, leftist implants wearing gas masks and riot gear.
How many FBI implants were there in encouraging that behavior? Who is Ray Epps? Why hasn't he been arrested?
The FBI was CAUGHT in Michigan encouraging an abduction of the Michigan Governor! We know the FBI does these criminal acts.
We've seen the "violence" ON VIDEO, like the horned Shaman, who were imprisoned. They were being escorted into and around the Capital.
It's difficult for me to hear you echo these "violent" insurrection descript taking points of the leftist CROOKS who created that scene on January 6th!
"Violent". GMAB. Please.
Oh, there's so much more to say about the Jan 6 "Insurrection" but I'm tired of this BS.
AND the REAL VIOLENCE on Jan 6 was the MURDER of an unarmed Air Force veteran named Ashli Babbitt.
How do I know what happened?
Because I witnessed the killing from different angles on videos and the camera NEVER LIES.
A COWARD cop named Michael Byrd shot her at near point blank range directly in the throat. She can be seen gasping for air and bleeding out on the video. It was AWFUL.
There were at least TWO ARMED officers on her side of the windowed door she had climbed into.
A simple push with a hand would have prevented her from getting through if the COWARD, Byrd, didn't want to handle the situation like a man.
That coward wasn't in any danger at that moment to use deadly force like that!
Luckily it didn't also injure or kill any behind Ashli, including the officers, too.
If you're going to talk about "VIOLENCE",,let's talk about violence.
There were 5 murdered on J6 by Nancy’s Thugs
Rosanne Boyland RIP
What ever happened to those pipe bombs?
Your logic is probably equal to mine and please tell me if I'm wrong.
The present administration including the FBI gave up on that investigation of the pipe bombs. Why?
Probably because they already know who placed the alleged pipe bombs. THERE OWN!
You'd have to be real stupid not to see through the Jan 6 SETUP. With all their lies and their bogus committee regarding the entire "Insurrection" scam, it's obvious. .
They say it was the worst day in American history since the Civil War.
They were back in the chambers in a few hours certifying their rigged election.
Pence was probably in bed by 10pm.
The recent IG report indicating there were about 26 FBI informants mixed in with the crowd was a glorified cover up. I hope Bondi appoints a special counsel to investigate. More importantly Kash or Bondi really need to do a deep investigation into the FBI, and not limited to J6.
I’m sure Kash will. I don’t know anything about Bondi.
Rosanne Boyland - RIP
The FBI informants and capitol police started shooting flashbangs and tear gas canisters and then pushing people. The FBI informants then stormed the building and knocked out the windows. Then the Capitol police opened the doors and let people in and asked them to come in to get tours. I think the CIA and Pelosi planned the riots and planted the pipe bombs.
If you have ever been to any Tea Party or trump rally, you would understand that these people do not riot. They leave the place clean with no litter. Other bad actors created the violence. I saw people like that come into our peaceful TEA Party rallies wearing NAZI symbols and shouting racist epithets. The local TV cameras would dwell on these people and then report us peacefully protesting people as NAZIs the next morning, every single time.
Trump offered to send in the National Guard a few days before but Pelosi and the Washington DC mayor said NO. Perhaps Pelosi planned the riots.
Rosanne Boyland - RIP. Died on the steps and covered up till recently. Gateway Pundit released new video with an article. Heartbreaking. Your Jan 6th has echoes of the same media twist MO as our (canadian) freedom convoy… reality vs unreality. Painted in opposite truths. What people are given to believe vs what actually took place couldn’t be further apart. 💕🇨🇦
Yes agree. She says these (and more) things because she is a liberal lol.
Yeah, Sasha still seems to buy into the J6 narrative. At this point, we all need to be agnostic as to what really happened. Maybe someday we will find out.
“Maybe someday we will find out.“
There are a great many very big clues which all point to what really happened which is that it was a setup by Nancy and the FBI.
Rosanne Boyland - RIP. Died on the steps and covered up till recently. Gateway Pundit released new video with an article. Heartbreaking. Your Jan 6th has echoes of the same media twist MO as our (canadian) freedom convoy… reality vs unreality. Painted in opposite truths. What people are given to believe vs what actually took place couldn’t be further apart. 💕🇨🇦
Sounds crazy, Carol, but that doesn't mean it isn't true. Sigh.
You're 100% right about the 50 caliber Desert Eagle pistol; the exit side of his head would have exploded beyond recognition. Just more deep state psyop stuff which I'm guessing will increase until Trump gets his people into position. There are so many people that need to be held accountable from the last 8 years, and I hope Trump goes scorched earth on them.
He has a SSN from Connecticut.
More info for folks who are not aware of what that means. Susan Daniels, a private investigator, unearthed the information.
Oh yes. I heard about that. I believe anything at this point.
I hope we find out how Obama’s young, healthy chef died in a couple feet of water. No investigation. No explanation. Nothing.
Why is Obama still relevant? He holds no office in the US Government. What republican past office holder is still relevant for the right? Certainly no one as relevant as Barack Hussein Obama is to the left. Is he still running things???
He shouldn't be relevant in the present government because that isn't "Democracy" as the left continues pretending to defend.
Because Obama was running the Biden regime.
Wake up.
He shouldn't be relevant. That just might be the point, eh?
Puppet master, Obama evidently is relevant.
He continues to be seen, heard, and the subject all over the place.
Unlike the other ex-presidents.
His half brother says he was born in Kenya and his altered birth certificate says he was born in Hawaii. I believe that Trump never made that statement.
A demonic spook
I'll never forget watching Obama's inauguration at the High School I worked at as a school counselor. I watched in disbelief as many white women that I thought were good people stood and watched as though they were seeing the rapture of Jesus returning. Total moronic enrapturement and imbecility. Hell, I voted for Alan Keyes in the 2008 Republican primary, but I wasn't going to vote for a race baiter no matter his party.
But, in hindsight, just remember the next 4 years could not have happened without the last 4 years. So, thank you Joe, Kamala, and the Demoncat deep state establishment. Lawyer up boys. As Rambo said, I'm coming for you!
Sept 16, 2016: "After years as a leading proponent of the discredited "birther" movement, which promoted the belief that President Obama is not a native-born U.S. citizen, Donald Trump today acknowledged that the president was, in fact, born in the United States.
"President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period," Trump said at the Trump International Hotel in Washington D.C.
An unfortunate use of the word "spook", Charles. I don't think that was your intent but we must wield language in a way that keeps the left from using it against us.
spook for sure
Very likely. Will we ever get confirmation?
I can’t tell you how much your words resonate with me. Like you, I was deeply entrenched in the Left, living in Portland Oregon… and like you, even identifying as part of the Obama coalition, and for a long time, I couldn’t see past the ideology I had absorbed. Walking away from the ‘woke’ framework—what I now see as a cult-like identity structure—was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. It required me to prioritize truth over belonging, and like you, I’ve faced the consequences of becoming an outsider.
That said, I’ve also gained clarity, strength, and a deeper sense of self. I’ve learned to embrace intellectual humility, question mass conformity, and navigate a more nuanced understanding of the world. Reading your piece reminds me that while this journey can feel isolating, we are not alone in our pursuit of truth over dogma. Thank you for sharing your story—it inspires me to keep going. 🤍
Embracing intellectual humility, questioning, and seeking understanding are classical liberalist traits and yet now do foreign to the tag “liberal”. Anyway, welcome Megan to this liberal conservative space where we do a pretty good job of debate, listening and supporting each other’s views.
So nicely explained. It was inspiring to me & Ive never been part of the left. Seeking truth is important in every aspect of our life. It truly does set us free.
"Prioritize truth over belonging." Easy to say, very hard to do. Congrats, Meghan.
Thank you for this. You speak for me also. I believe I’m at least a generation older than you and still I was fooled. Hopefully no more.
I wrote a lyric for the SStone journey...it might sound familiar:
"She was born in the summer of her 47th year.
Comin' home to a place she'd never been before.
She left yesterday behind her, you might say she was born again.
Might say she found a key for every door."
What made you, Sasha and others turn? I think it has to be a personal event, some “kick in the butt” for cognitive dissonance to flip from feelings to facts. Facts are always there but what makes us see them?
Based on other people who have redpilled it's like most things: Slow then sudden.
They see the lies, they see the evil, they participate for a while, getting less and less happy about it then one thing tips them over.
For many (Musk is notable) it's a family member suddenly becoming 'gender non conforming.' For others it's some statement that finally breaks their belief.
For many in England it's probably going to be the rape scandal finally getting masses of light shown on it.
Slowly then fast and generally something personal.
I been asking that too Barry, cuz we need to 'bottle it' for mass consumption.
You can't bottle it. What you have to do is keep shining the light on the left's insanity.
Slowly it breaks people out of the cult.
The more power they get, the more people leave.
You're not crazy, Sasha dear, just reasonably insightful and very very brave. Thanks.
Sasha, wonderful piece, brought tears to my eyes. This marks a huge inflection point for the country, which you capture so eloquently.
The whole-of-government deception and deceit will now be exposed as Trump takes office and puts loyal officers in key positions. Thank you for chronicling this journey we share.
P.S. You cut the 4th verse from Like a Rolling Stone with your quote.
Another great piece, Sasha. You always surpass yourself. I’m seeing more and more of your articles on Real Clear Politics which matters because your influence is spreading. You’re voice is unique, powerful and effective.
And Barri Weise also?
My God! You’ve stirred this 80 year old dude’s renewed belief in the maxim that TRUTH WILL OUT. I felt sure I was doomed to hopelessly exit-stage-left from this vale of tears. You’ve changed that for me Sasha and I thank you from the very bottom of my heart. ❤️ May 2025 be your best year ever!
Hang in there, bro. Hugely good times ahead.
I’m an inveterate subscriber to that Old Irish Curse … “May you live forever" so I hope you are overly correct.
Most of us have on occasion missed major trends that in hindsight make us feel foolish. As in “should have known”. Witness Bitcoin and WMD for example. That you challenged yourself, family, friends, fans and business partners separates you from the chaff. And so, on this Catholic day celebrating the Epiphany when 3 wise men recognized baby Jesus was near, they left their safe place and journeyed to see Him. You too had an epiphany in which you recognized something was greatly amiss and something great out there was to be discovered by you. You not only discovered it but also have given it your unique and beautiful voice and style. Well done, Sasha Stone.
Another terrific piece. Thank you for your bold honesty. In my opinion, we were ever so close to reeducation camps. And a Harris victory surely would have doomed America.
I'm not so sure. What I do think is that the dolt would have pushed us into eventually violent resistance. While four years ago, the media whale would have gobbled us up, the fantastic thing which happened since then is that the mainstream news media has been discredited for all time. It doesn't need to be beaten. We have superseded it.
It's interesting to speculate what have happened in such a situation. Would President Harris ( larf ) have been able to command law enforcement and ultimately The National Guard to take action against us? I doubt it would have worked. Men can't run that fast in high heels.
Thank God, for now, we have been spared for awhile.
The honor of worst person to get FJB's communist 'medal of freedom' goes to Nazi collaborator, George Soros.
This is Soros: “It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.”
And this one. “America and Israel must open the door to Hamas”
As well as, “I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me into trouble. But when I had made my way in the world, I wanted to indulge my fantasies to the extent that I could afford.” ~
Yeah I was taken by surprise with that one (though in hindsight not really), as well as the medal for Hillary. Those are two of the most awful humans alive!
As someone who was part of the machine that started this nightmare, your perspective is so valuable. There are still far too many people out there who have no idea (and don't want to know) what has happened in the past several years and how they have been lied to and manipulated into believing so much nonsense.
I'm so sorry for the price you have paid for telling the truth but you have done a very valuable service and if this country can be saved, it is very much thanks to people like you. Your story needs to be heard by more people. If you wrote a book I would buy a hundred copies.
What a great read. Thank you oh so much.
And thank you for seeing through the bullshit long ago and getting it all out there.
Your honesty is so admirable Sasha. You are brave to share where you have been, what you have seen and why you decided after reading the room that you no longer wanted to be there. The story of your conversion never gets old. I love to read it over and over. Never mind miss sassy pants Neera Tanden. You are in a much better place than her because you tell the truth. She is losing her job in days and will have to walk out into the world and explain why she was paid to pretend she was advising a competent President over the past few years.
J6 was mostly peaceful. There are estimates of 800,000 to 1M who protested that, with a large majority of votes in for swing states in the 2020 election, that the voting machines were stopped in unison and restarted when votes were found to give Biden the win. I was watching this closely myself. Late at night with 90% of the votes in, in WI, Trump was up by 140,000 votes. In the middle of the night, again with 90% of the votes in, Biden is now up by 8000 votes. That is mathematically impossible. The same was true in PA and other swing states. People saw this and went to protest peacefully. Subsequently the Democrats and media lied, and continues to, to this day.
100. Election was absolutely stolen. I’m I. Philly and it’s essentially lawless. Especially for crimes committed by the Dem machine that includes pols, cops, DAs, teachers, academia. They make the Mob look like pleasant amateurs.
Just a reminder on how not "out of the woods yet" we are: extremist ideologies create a kind of artificial tribalism. And tribalism justifies ... just about anything!
Let's see, now which is more reprehensible - General Milley or Liz Cheney or some other person of similar ilk? There are so many contenders for that with the world in the state that it is in after four years of the present administration.