I guess some people don’t understand Early voting means plenty of times to cheat. To rig elections . Dems are going to do that!

That's why I have this "When I die don't let me vote democrat" t-shirt 👇


Just in case!

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Everyone should watch John Mearsheimer and Jeffery Sachs. They are so sane and smart. So is Megyn and there’s also one of these “Summit 2024” with JD Vance which is very good. They’ve also tried to get Kamala and Walz to come to the debates but they won’t. No denying we have by far the best people on our side. I’m also going to watch this one with Tucker tomorrow. These shows are really great.

“John Mearsheimer and Jeffry Sachs. All-In Summit 2024.” (54 min)

All-In Podcast. Sept 16, 2024


“Megyn Kelly. All-In Summit 2024.”

All-In Podcast. Sept. 12, 2024


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I watched this today and its amazing. Hopefully a lot of people will see it. So sad that so many people are willing to believe whatever the government tells them, like in this case, that Putin wants to roll his tanks through Poland. Lets pray that the truth gets out, and the Neocons are deposed in November. God, unlike Victoria Nuland, does not want to see our world at war.

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“God, unlike Victoria Nuland, does not want to see our world at war.”

Check out Glenn on Victoria Nuland. What a dreadful creature. People like her and Dick Cheney have done immense damage to America and to the world.

“Neocon Queen Victoria Nuland Admits Not Wanting To End Ukraine War Diplomatically.” (9 min)

Glenn Greenwald. Sept 14, 2024


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In other news, a Federal jury convicted a group of black activists for violation of the law about registration as agents of a foreign power, in this case Russia. Yet when Georgia (in the Caucasus) passes a similar law, this somehow proves they are in the pocket of the Kremlin and are sanctioned..

I seriously doubt that I would have appreciated the overall program of the group but I would have voted for acquittal. Jury nullification of any case brought by the DoJ for any reason is the only way we have to combat the weaponization.

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Not going to talk about the very fact John and Sachs basically admitted the notion of extreme tariffs aren't going to bring back manufacturing or even make the proposed money they wanted? The tariffs will do one thing make the global nations more pissed at America bringing us closer to conflict.

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I’m retired but worked (CNC machinery) for many years in manufacturing in Chicago. Those jobs are rapidly disappearing and being automated plus these AI powered humanoid robots will be in our factories starting next year. Not only here but in China which is totally committed to AI supremacy and also to using these humanoid AI robots to gain global dominance in manufacturing. Big change is already upon us and will move faster and faster. Our old reality is collapsing and a new reality is emerging in real time before our very eyes. The best of times. The worst of times. That’s our situation in a nutshell.

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China didn't do this. Globalists did.

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China is committed to many horrible things, and it has the resources (see the Western part of China) to do it along with the manpower though in a decade that will swiftly change. The very fact technologically they took and assimilated the knowledge is what makes them so dangerous. AI is not dangerous or even real AI but an ongoing rapid computerization and naturally evolution of the field.

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Is that the same China that sent spy balloons over our country that Biden-Harris did nothing about, till it was too late?

Still going to vote for that treasonous communist?

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They are not communist just stop with the fucking bullshit

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Senator Vance is a very good speaker. He’s knowledgeable and insightful into the issues in Congress in such a short time. He’s a quick thinker and will be an excellent VP.

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“If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m gonna do,” he told CNN’s Dana Bash, “because you guys are completely letting Kamala Harris coast.”

Great man then again, the state of our politics being a total shit show he is at least being an honest liar.

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JDV on Shawn Ryan Show might be the best, most informative, substantive interview of a politician I’ve ever seen. You also will benefit greatly from watching SRS interview of Megan Kelly. I hate to say that it might blow your mind.

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In the series of Tucker interviews, this one was just excellent. Vance is clear wall to wall, and his delivery is personal and relatable. I cringe when Trump campaigns, but I try to remind myself that his showmanship is the only way that a conservative can break through the total lock out imposed by media, press, and tech. In the current environment, a 'Vance for President' would only be a historical footnote. It's their league and they hide the ball. Campaign Donald is hard for me to watch, but he has a chance because he creates his own league, and the elites can't do much about it. The real Donald is different. He probably talks with Vance like Vance just talked to us. The problem is that if the real Donald ran in their league, he would also be a footnote.

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Sep 19·edited Sep 19

lies, polls, and statistics lol

...but, but, crime rates are down! lol ... shaping public opinion. Imagine consensus reinforced to go along with blaming Trump for being attacked again! Joe Biden was "sharp as a tack" but we were raising eyebrows. Kamala Harris was polling almost as low as Dick Cheney. lol. but magic wand. she's a star!

And what happened to Dick Cheney being a war criminal? I haven't found anyone in excited about Dick Cheney endorsing Kamala. In fact, I think folks are turned off by that. That's got to have an impact on Millennial and Gen X, right? So hard to believe 50% of Obama supporters voted for him bc they were punishing HRC. And Bernie supporters surely can't be stomaching a Dick Cheney-Harris prosecuting and prison torture policy --right?

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polls vs on the ground journalism discussing changes in Michigan ... ~8 min long Gaza, Arab, Black voters ...political prospects in vote impact for Muslim and Arab voters. And bread and butter votes...ie expensive groceries.


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Just got back from the show in Hershey, PA with Tucker and Vance and it was great. Sold out and looked like real America there. I’d guess it was about 98% white, about 60% between 30 and 60 years old, about 15% under 30 and 15% over 60. 55% male 45% female. Hard core MAGA about 95%. Lots of veterans. Enthusiastic applause throughout. Sang God Bless America. Inspiring to be in a huge crowd with like minded hard working Americans.

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Was totally blown away by this Tucker series. Great stuff. They really did a great job. All positive. I found out I liked Glenn Beck. And was so great to see Russel Brand has evolved . As he has so much to offer. Yeah. Loved it all.

Almost forgot. Nicole Shananan is the balls. Another unexpected find.

Great effort.

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Apparently, Buttigieg is playing Vance for Walz's debate prep. He has about half the IQ so this should be entertaining. He is so bad that people know who the Transportation Secretary is.

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jD Vance is alright glad I watched this. I had my doubts. Thank you

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Since there is no point in me producing comment number 12,000 about Carlson's Rosenberg event. I will comment here.

I don't really think he knows anything about Texas. Most of the population is in five cites in three metro areas: Dallas/Ft.Worth, Houston/Galveston, and San-Antonio/Austin, which are about to grow together. Since Galveston, though interesting and once full of European immigrants, is rather minor, I will ignore it from here on. As for the rest, Fort Worth, Austin, and San Antonio are western, whereas Dallas and Houston are eastern. Fort Worth and Dallas belong to the Bible Belt, whereas Austin, San Antonio, and Houston do not. Austin is intellectual, whereas San Antonio is anti-intellectual. As my mother's mother, who was from Dallas, once told me, "Dallas is a cold place", which is to say notably un-friendly. (When told of the JFK shooting, her first comment was "It must have been somebody from Fort Worth".) The cities have "night and day" differences, involving not only people but also terrain. Only San Antonio look somewhat like each other.

It is worth noting as well that the country in an E/W central swath is certainly not Bible-Belt: "The Best Little Whore-house in Texas" would hardly be welcome there. La Grange (which is where those "nice girls" were, is a Czech town.

The main thing to understand (for those who are interested) is that the state has no unity at all. It is a random agglomeration of cites and areas that have no real connection with each other. And do not really like each other.

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Don't be too niece Senator Vance, there's a lot that "they" can do. "They" have already attempted 2 assassinations, one was by the Grace of the Lord Jesus a cm away from being successful.

There's a lot "they" can still do

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nieve, not niece. C and V are right next to each other.

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Again, these drops are going to add subscribers.

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