But I don't want to "BE" in Kamala's world, as I would be required to BE what she wants me to BE.

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“Just BE” is a euphemism for “stick your head in the sand and forget the terrible condition of the country and how awful I am”.

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Yes. "Just be" is passive. It is not talk, sing, work, play, create. Don't do those things. Just "be."

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Why not? Are you sure you don't want "TO BE" censored, overwhelmed with illegal immigration, mandated to take unproven medical interventions, jailed by lawfare, or forced to fund forever wars? What's wrong with you??? /s

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Right?! "Freedom to just be..." is silly and vapid. Like an updated version of "change you can believe in...." after 15 years inhaling each other’s claptrap as verse, this must sound "refreshing" coming out of Brentwood ...lol.

Meantime in the real-world of bread and butter and day to day hardship of avg households: Trump pledged to place a temporary 10% cap on credit cards APR

Just how usury do revolving credit companies have the "freedom to be"? there's really no upper limit. Only fed service members have cap - 36.5% . While debt load is under 9.5K, avg APR is ~22.5% ...for those on the backside of debt-load and carry over $25k, and APR is 29-33%, going from 33% to 10% is an immediate frigging lifeline that doesn't cost taxpayers a fracking dime. Which groups carrying the most debt? Millennials and Gen X --folks with the kiddos. Yep. This is a win-win surrogates need to knuckle-down on with no tax on tips ie gig culture, no tax on social security. Freedom to be vs money in pocket. lol

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For some odd reason I got an "update" on a credit card that I rarely use and generally pay off immediately and one of the things I noticed was late payment fee $41. and interest rate 34.99% are they insane? I am going to tell them to close my account, I don't need anything from them.

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Don’t live your life for your credit rating. They want you to have good credit and borrow borrow borrow. Closing your account? Red flag that you aren’t ready to run up more consumer debt!!!

They are just training you to be their perfect consumer. You will own nothing you will have no money you will live in a perpetual state of penury supported only by your willingness to behave the way the credit agency wants you to.

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EXACTLY!!!! Live below your means and wise up to the corruption.

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my only worry for you would be impacting your credit rating. sometimes closing out an accounts reflect negatively on you individually. Right? It's like you're being proactive and they penalize you. It happened to me decade ago, and so from that point forward, I've let the companies close my accounts as 'nonactive'! lol.

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I know, isn't that insane but I don't care, I am old and my rating is high, lol. Come on!!! We need Musk to clean up the gov't corruption.

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Unburdened by what's not going to be.. ME, watching Oprah and Karmela.

No thank you❕️

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There used to be usury laws in the USA for many, many decades, which was going along with Biblical/Christian ideology. Then in the 90's (if I recall correctly), one state (MI ???) decided to allow a national credit card company to charge higher than the limit of about 19% (can't recall the exact rate) and so they did charge higher. Other credit card companies located to that state so that they could charge higher too,

and one by one, the other states decided they wanted the credit companies to move to their states and so they followed suit and got rid of usury laws so that credit card companies could be like loan shark, cut-throat and ruthless.

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Delaware, I believe. Joe Biden. Joe Biden earned the name MBNA JOE "the Senator from MBNA" when he was head of the Senate and he opened up the floodgates. And once he became president, the APR and credit card debt took off. Sure it's just a coincidence. And Elizabeth Warren buddy buddy with Joe tells us all we need to know about "oversight"....lol

MBNA moved from state to state as a way to offset lawsuits filed in state X, right? Sue them in state x, they just move to another state. lol. from Delaware, then North Dakota, Las Vegas, and back to Delaware. Eventually after record federal fines for ripping off vulnerable consumers, it was absorbed by BoA. Joe Biden secured Hunter's first job at MBNA, Think Hunter made something like $145k in 1994? Something like $300k today.

nepotism. reminds me of nepotism in California politics bred Gavin and Kamala Harris. lol

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Knowing the corruption of the past 3 plus years people are still wanting to vote for democrats??? How can anyone be this stupid? Phila has signs all over for them, crazy.

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I think it might have been North Dakota. I looked into it after unexpectedly missing a payment on a Capitol One card and getting a late fee twice, once after I had paid the fine. In high school finance I had learned that a rate above 21% was usury and--that has changed. I think credit card debt might be the next bubble to burst, and if anyone really cares about the disadvantaged and equity--not everyone has the privilege of being able to get out of credit card debt. Yet no one has proposed changing the law back, despite all the new moral rules.

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Loan sharks is a good name for them and stock holders getting rich.

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Great response & addition to the considerations here, Papi Fresca — thank you! Let’s hope this is part of the message clearly taken to the people — before it’s too late!

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It won't be voluntary and that is a guarantee.

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word salad

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BUT you will “Be” unburdened by what has been!

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I love it! And I couldn't agree more as it would be like living in hell.

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What does Kamala want you to BE?

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My God. Not only is Harris a giant douchebag—she's a giant douchebag filled with vodka.

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Politics has always been full of d'bags and craven opportunists. The truly frightening aspect is those who are buying into it. It's not just the hardcore TDS set either, it's people whom you would expect to have enough common sense to see through the gaslighting. Yet they are completely incapable of or unwilling to do so.

She seems to have two modes of operation: rigid and scripted like in the pre-fab debate, or meandering, silly, word salad peppered with that slightly insane cackle. Whether she's actually drunk or this is just her natural state is a matter of interpretation, I suppose.

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It's the same bullshit script from Obama: a. serious person for serious stuff; b. aloof w/the celebs and just a normal, goofy thang.

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to be fair, vodka is HRC's and Aunt Nan's beverage of choice

Que Mala learned from the best

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Drunk or high, totally. Stupid scary.

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feeling like an AI meme is brewing... Kamala with a large cocktail, intoxicated on her own image, bathroom mirror reciting gaudy political verbage like in HBO series THE VEEP... it's really strange and weird and funny how they nailed the Kamalaesque politicians ...Kamala Kafka... Kafkaesque? hmm

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There's also Komrade Kafka Harris (she salutes and stands to attention).

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I think her problem is they they aren’t letting her drink before her public appearances, and without that crutch she panics and is visibly nervous and starts to stammer out nothing.

Also the schedule of interviews she has to keep up, limited as it is, doesn’t allow her time to memorize her lines before each appearance so she keeps falling back on the few that she does remember.

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A little teeny nip for some stage fright, no doubt.......

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How much?

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How can she say "the freedom to make decisions about your own body" with a straight face? As if the only decision one can make about one's own body is whether or not to have an abortion? How about the right to not be mandated to have an experimental job in order to keep one's job?

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Well, that’s different because……. Well it’s different, because it was more than 5 minutes ago, and besides, her values haven’t changed.

(leaving out the /sarc. Tag to help mitigate the effects of global cooling… warming… climate change.. climate crisis)

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100% different. Because no one WANTS to actually refuse a vaccine. No one SANE, anyway. Right? Everyone will HAPPILY give up their rights to bodily autonomy in ALL OTHER WAYS so long as abortion is legal. Because who wants to deny themselves a safe and effective shot? NO ONE THAT'S WHO! ...Sigh

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You’ve got to love the meme of the hipster woman pushing a shopping cart through a bombed out cityscape, looking for a few scraps of food with the caption of her thinking to herself: It was all worth it to keep all abortions legal….

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It’s different cuz” the science”. She will walk back any centrist policy interest as soon as she takes office. Just as Biden bent over for the ultra woke as soon as he got in. Completely fabricated douche of a candidate lying and bumbling through a campaign for the brainwashed.

This country is in for a hard decade.

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That’s different because she and her nice friends got a lot of money to force the vaccines on us.

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"she and her nice friends" 🤣

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Het own campaign mandates being “up to date” on Covid shots. Is she up to date herself?

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Exactly. Up-to-date at this point should mean "NOT NO WAY, NOHOW WILL I EVER GET ONE AGAIN" (for anyone who's already gotten one)

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Just after she picked up the muzzle loading revolver with the belt fed 43 bullet clip.

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If you’re an “undecided voter” you’re in desperate need of help 🤷‍♂️

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Amen Britta. If you're an undecided voter then YOU are a part of the problem. The gulf of difference in these 2 candidates is GI-NORMOUS.

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The most hilarious part is where Ka Mala tells us it's about what's she for, not what she is against... This after endless attacks on Trump and his voters. The Dems have turned cognitive dissonance into an art form.

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You can’t have dissonance if there is no cognition to begin with.

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Right? There is nonstop fighting against.

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I.JUST.CANNOT. She speaks such bullshit. She exudes bullshit. She could not ADLIB her way out of Compton, CA. Fake. Fake. Fake. She doesn’t care about ANYONE but her poor, little daddy-issued SELF.

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Watching her speak to a Black or Hispanic audience using a cringy fake accent is utterly shameless. But when that audience cheers rather than boos they are basically saying, "Lie to me harder, mommy!"

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Brilliant as always, Sasha. 20 years ago, Team America World Police savaged Hollywood celebrities and their political opinions. Worth rewatching for a laugh - Kamala, F*** Yeah! https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/dicks-pussies-assholes-kamala

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“TeamAmerica”!!!One of my all time favorites. Don’t think I ever laughed as hard at any movie ever!

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“Fuck yeah!!!”

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Durka durka

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Got my buck o five ready.

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OK you Kamala supporters, we know you are lurking here (looking at you, NWCitizen!), come out and defend this Word Salad Annie of a train wreck... c'mon, we want to hear the pitch, why you are "down" with Kamala.... change our minds--if you can.

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Every gun owner knows the weapons he/she owns, or at least those most used. Brand, model, caliber, use. Someone ought to ask Kamala-la-ding-dong what she owns. Would love to see her reaction.

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It's a Red Rider BB gun.

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Ha! She'll poke her eye out.

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Santa needs to be sitting at the top, kicking her back down the slide while bellowing, "Hoe, hoe, hoe".

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Without the second amendment, the fourth amendment would be gone. They would simply search your house anytime they want with no warrant. That was done by the British at the time of the revolution.

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I would opine, that without the 2nd Amendment, the 1st Amendment is in jeopardy, at least over time.

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They all in jeopardy, even the 3A.

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I "just be" voting for Trump.

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“…the people before us understood that one of the greatest expressions for the love of our country, one of the greatest expressions of patriotism, is to fight for the ideals of who we are, which includes freedom to make decisions about your own body, freedom to be safe from gun violence, freedom to have access to the ballot box, freedom to be who you are and just be, to love who you love openly and with pride, freedom to JUST BE….”

L.O.L. That not a single “freedom” is something “constitutional”…the Kamalammendments

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Kamalamandments 🤣🤣🤣👍

That she fails to list “the right to free speech, the right to bear arms and defend ourselves from threats both foreign AND domestic, the right to fair elections, the right against unreasonable searches and seizures, the right to a jury for any amount over $25, the right to not lose our jobs to illegal immigrabts, the right to reject vaccines as part of that freedom of decisions about our own body…” yeah, she doesn’t believe in THOSE rights but the only way to support her chosen answer was to choose the rights to what THEY want despite the rest of us.

Alienate more Kamala, please.

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I don’t believe our forefathers fought the Brits to insure “reproductive rights”(ie the right to kill unborn children up until the moment of birth) or LGBTQ etc rights (ie the right to mutilate and render infertile young people without their parents’ knowledge or consent).

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Really strange that they are so willing to not protect the life of the human inside the womb. By the scientific definition, the baby is alive at conception and is indeed a human. Thus, per science, killing her or him is murder.

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I’m not surprised at all. Using logic and true debate is frowned upon.

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The DIMS appear to be obsessed with death, abortions, up to full term, and will soon be pushing for a parent’s right to murder their child, up to 90 days of age. (This has been seriously debated in the State of Virginia, by former DIM Governor Ralph Northam, a licensed Medical Doctor/Pediatrician.)

Then the puberty blockers, irreversible transitions to the opposite sex, (paid for, by you and me) k0molo’s de-population initiative, assassination attempts (the more, the better, and with real guns, and real ammunition, but only on Trump 45), reinstatement of the draft of both young men, and young women, 18 yrs of age, so they can become cannon fodder in the soon to be WW 111 that Jo is trying his best to incite, the endless PLANDEMICS, which will require many more mandatory experimental SHOTS, which are causing sudden death, by way of turbo cancers, strokes, and heart failures, look what they did to Biden, more brilliant proposals to further defund the Police.

Why have the DIMS worked so tirelessly to disarm all American citizens for the past 57 years, especially the most recent twenty years, while crafting their plans to illegally invade our Country with Tens of Millions of hardened criminals, freshly released from every prison and insane asylum, from around the world.

80% of them are radical Islamic jihadists, who would take your head off, at the mention of assimilation into our way of life. They are world renowned for holding their livestock in much higher esteem, above any woman.

Have you noticed? Sweden is now offering $34K to each Muslim, in exchange for their vow to leave Sweden, sadly, ‘the rape capitol of the world.’

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In 2008, I was told I could not be a single issue voter (as if I cared), in my case pro-life. I lived in Illinois at the time and prior to running for POTUS, Barack Obama was a state senator who would not vote FOR the born alive bill in the state legislature. The bill would require docs to care for a baby born alive from a botched abortion. I was sickened that this was even a thing as we entered a disgusting new circle of hell.

Interestingly, now it's perfectly fine to be a single issue voter as long as you're pro-abortion.

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How MDs reconcile First Do No Harm is beyond me.

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I’ve always said the same!

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If the zygote or fetus isn’t alive, how can you kill it? Am I the only one who took Zoology in college? We all started out as two cells that grow and grow into a baby, a child, a teen, and an adult, alive the entire time.

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Or practice the tried and true, time honored method of birth control, thus preventing the creation of a precious and helpless, but perhaps unwanted new child, to begin with.

Only a small effort is required, in order to avoid being faced with the notion of taking another person’s life.

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Marianne, hi there. Look, you’re trying to convince utterly brainwashed and dumber than a stump individuals how biology works. They ain’t gonna get it. Stupid people are too stupid to KNOW that they’re stupid. Don’t waste your time.

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Conception is when the two cells join and at that instant the baby is alive.

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Isn’t that setting the bar pretty low?

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Hi Seva, I don’t understand your question? Maybe I mis-wrote something?

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That’s even way less than the 6 week limit they have in some places. How could a ban on abortion right after conception work?

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Umm. OK. What's the argument here, then?

Zero abortion, no matter the circumstances?

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Yes. Give the baby the same rights as the adult since both are living human beings.

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And since it’s murder the obvious next step is to arrest these women and charge them with murder along with the doctors and nurses who were accomplices to these crimes. This is why pro-life people are distrusted by pro-choice people and why this is always such a major issue in our society. This is one of the many areas where we lack a common reality which makes it impossible to have a functional society so where does this leave us?

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It's been MANUFACTURED to be a major issue. We've NEVER had a serious convo re: abortion. Even the the Safe, Legal, and Rare convo took a back seat to 'life begins at heartbeat' vs 'I'm a woman and can do whatever I want' BS.

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There are millions, and I mean millions, of abortions each year and less than a thousand are because there is a real risk to the life of the mother. Thus, millions of children die in far greater numbers than the Holocaust. And make no mistake, history will in time record it as a Holocaust.

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Why exactly do you think an unwanted child should be brought into this world? I was unwanted and it was hell. That said, I don't get the relative silence on contraception. Prevent unwanted pregnancies and you won't have to abort unwanted fetuses.

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I am sorry your life was hell. Sincerely. I guess I just can’t condone killing another human being who poses no tangible threat to my life or anyone else’s. God bless you, France.

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So let's have REAL adult discussion then: let's discuss restrictions on abortion: it's not birth control, nor is it 'morally wrong' esp in cases of rape and incest, along with medical issues. Find the common ground, and leave extreme positions out of the convo

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I accept; abortion only in the case of incest or rape; incest to be proved via DNA test and rape to be evidenced by a criminal complaint filed (not arrest or conviction).

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I agree but the same can be said about race. Our “conversation” about race is always just the usual condemnation of white racism, aka “systemic racism” which is always everywhere at all times oppressing “people of color” in general and blacks in particular. It’s obviously the opposite of what would be needed to have a functional multiracial society which is a shame since in many ways it worked out quite well.

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I dont disagree

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I listened to Kamala's speaking on Oprah's program, and I am stunned: has anyone - anywhere - asked her what her plans are for us and our position with the rest of the world? How would she plan to deal with Russia or China or Iran or anywhere? Has she discussed her position on the use of nuclear weapons- or ideas for international disarmament? What are her economic plans for the future? How about improving the performance of our children in school? Has she any other positions of note that look to improving our country, other than "Gay rights", infanticide - I mean abortion - and seizing "assault rifles" from citizens?

I think the term "empty suit" would be too generous.

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No, but she has a gun and would happily shoot an intruder. And all the libbies in the audience including Oprah think that's hilarious.

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Cackle cackle giggle !

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It's a stupid move on her part. Because she's now openly threatening people. It's like foolishly having a sign on the fence "beware dog in yard". If the dog bites a person who enters into the yard, the owner is now likely liable BECAUSE they knew the dog was a THREAT. It's been argued successfully already.

Kamala has told everyone she's a threat. The best answer to this riddle is "I have a gun for self-protection". simple. Or even better, "I am a gun owner."

No wonder she had a hard time passing the bar exam. wow. I bet there's a thousand injury lawyers out there slapping their foreheads, or possibly licking their lips. talk about a payday.

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No way she knows how to use a gun. she wanted to appear tough but forgot that she was anti-gun. hence "I shouldn't have said that, my team will deal with it".

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Right? Might explain why recruitment numbers are down, down, down, year after year under her leadership. Even with upward ends of $40-50k for those who ship quick.

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She’ll be joyful.

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Stunning , mind-boggling, frightening how bad she is.

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Yet she is still strongly supported by many of our “fellow Americans” who consider Trump another Hitler and therefore see her as the lesser of the evils.

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Demon-possessed meat puppet.

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Kamala Harris on How She Can Ruin Your Life With the Swipe of a Pen


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Note the smirk she acquires as she revels in her own power. It is a fleeting expression of her duper's delight.

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There’s a key difference between the adverts against each side.

The fascist far-left has to make things up against Donald Trump and then just repeat them, following the advice of Lenin and Goebbels on the BIG lie.

When it comes to Communazi Kamala, the Pro-freedom side just has to play clips of her malicious and tyrannical nature.

She should be nowhere near the levers of power.

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she comes off maniacal, underlying sadism -- high on absolute power. Think that's the "two-faced" folks keep catching on to when she's accused of standing for nothing, having no policy. Why it's gobbledygook and no soul. Why it's like she's always hiding something under the surface, toying with audience as if we are the police and she wants to get "caught" to show off her "cleverness", her deception. Maybe that's why Dick Cheney likes her so much. lol

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Sep 20Edited

JFC....that's nuts!

She also let the SF Archdiocese off the hook for sexual abuse. She threw Terrence Hallinan under the bus after years of ACTUAL DA work.


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To quote Todd Purdum(yes, Dee Dee Myers husband who’s trying to act objective in the NYT 🤣) Harris isn’t great on her feet but “she’ll get better with practice”!!! She’s not running for class President, for god’s sake!! Tell her to come back when she’s ready…no, forget that.

Not a single person outside California has voted for this person. She left the 2020 primaries before a single vote was cast and when she knew that even as a sitting US Senator she would lose the primary in her home state.

She had the lowest poll ratings of any VP in history. She was part of the coverup of Joe Biden’s cognitive issues but was willing to enthusiastically endorse him for another four year term. No one who would do that has ANY concern for the United States of America. Now she’s the savior of the nation? How stupid do you think we are? Yup, that stupid.

No Trump fan here but…you’ve boxed me in.

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"I probably shouldn't have said that..." Cackle. "My staff will deal with that later." A hallmark of weak leadership is when others are there to clean up up your mess. I prefer a leader who mean-tweets and owns up to it than this TBH.

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