I think Smith and many of those at that event would benefit from spending a year working on an oil rig.

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Or in a Congolese child labor camp that digs rare earth minerals for their solar panels and electric cars. It's good for ESG! https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-raise-your-esg-score

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Talk about separating children from their parents…

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I think the number of children missing due to the no border Harris Biden policy is in the neighborhood of 250 - 300,000.

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Harris' border policy (we could spell it "boarder" because they board them) is non existent.

She doesn't give a squat about the children.

She only cares about replacing American citizens with people that will vote for her. It's DISGUSTING.

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And they conveniently ignore that. Honestly, why do they do that? It must just be for raw power, though I think some of them may not even know that.

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A lot people saying closer to 325,000. One is too many. So evil.

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So that the proper authorities can "affirm" them 🤯

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Even better.

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😂 👍

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Smith and the others look down on the great people who work on oil rigs and many other important jobs.

To them a hard days work is filing a legal brief with the court.

They will never get it.

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Can't change a tire or drive a stick shift.

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And likely asking: "What's a stick shift?"

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67 and still driving a manual tranny car!

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yOu CaN't SaY "tRaNnYyYYYyyyy!!!!!!" tHaT's oFfEnSiVe!!!!!!

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Or a dump truck.

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They probably can't take out their own trash. Then what would the servants do?

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Probably their entire lives have been that way. School, college, law school, clueless about most other things. Arrogant, and the price of arrogance is foolishness.

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After graduation they cycle between government and ngo's. Or mainstream journalism if they're one of the dumb ones.

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Truth! Leftist guys always look like Jack Smith...

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Sasha, Thank you for the window into that leftist Beehive! 🐝🐝🐝🐝😵‍💫

It's creepily interesting.

BUT we CAN'T WAIT for you to be back with your normal schedule and PODCASTS!!


<So VERY glad you've broken free from their group>

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That comment works with a full stop after the word "working." (And no, pretending to be other people is NOT work.)

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Had dinner last night with some old friends, all libs. Very lib. Smart successful people. Lot's of fun until the influence of alcohol passed a certain point. Then the politics begin. "Oh shit," I think. Gettin' past my bedtime. Out comes the Kammy/Timmy love and the ferocious hate of non-subscribers. No point in piping up - it's 8 vs 1 and I really don't give a shit. But one thing that struck me was how the things they were yammering about were so superficial and simple-minded. I mean, I can go toe to toe with a learned Marxist and we can have a good time about it. But useful idiots? Total lost cause.

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Glutton for punishment?

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I live in Marin County. My choice is social interaction or none. I'm not seeing the benefit of being a self-righteous outcast.

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I’m here in Berkeley and am in a similar situation. I mostly keep my mouth shut because I love my friends, but I try to drop little tidbits of dissidence here and there.

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I'm in Berkeley also. Everybody in my life from my sister, my longtime GF, circle of friends and larger network of live music lovers are leftists to one degree or other with just a handful of exceptions. I just keep my mouth shut.

Lately I've been horrified by the Kamala Kult that TPTB created quite rapidly. Like with Obummer people are projecting all kinds of virtue upon her. It is completely insane.

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Well, at least we know the new term for vacuous idiocy is "joy."

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I actually haven’t had any conversations about Kamala yet, but I do see social media posts that almost make me throw up in my mouth a little bit. It’s frustrating and baffles my mind. These are folks whom I’ve always considered intelligent, usually more so than my slacker self, but now I’m not so sure. Like, haven’t people been paying attention to what’s been going on for the past 8+ years? Apparently not. Or I guess their strong case of TDS and “blue no matter who” allegiances keep them blind and ignorant. It just goes to show that it really comes down to a popularity contest and cultish behavior.

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I do the same. It's a funny game with strange rules.

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That's the way it's done...little bits at a time...

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Enjoyed your comment. Had an email this morning from a long-time friend in England, clearly dyed-in-the-wool lefty, who had brought up politics in a previous email so I had responded with my views. Her response? "We won't be corresponding any longer." They just don't want to hear anything that challenges their views.

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This is exactly what I'm talking about. Not only is engagement futile it will put you on their blacklist of evil people. It's also likely your friend has advised others of your transgressions so there may be a lot of shunning of you going on that you're not yet aware of.

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I'd rather move, find an underground group I can socialize with or stay home and watch paint dry then subject myself to assholes who could care less about what I think, what I have to say or what matters to me. The rest is superficial bullshit and if you can't be authentic, what the hell is the point?

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So she gets to start the conversation and when she doesn't like your responses, she gets to end the conversation. Sounds about right!

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Time for new friends.

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What were they yammering on about specifically?

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It's all the talking points they repeat ad nauseum even amongst themselves. Opinions assigned to them by the NYT and PBS. It's just a simple fact that Trump is a racist and will end democracy, global warming will kill us all, and any laws regarding abortion are a straight line to The Handmaid's Tale. These are revealed truths and not open for debate.

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After leaning across the table while fine dining at a local pizza joint, my ex friend snarled you're a "putin lover"? followed by "I read the wall street journal" when asked where she gets her info. My fault - shouldn't be eating carbs with morons.

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"Eating carbs with morons" would make a great cooking show!

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Anyone who is interested in a negotiated peace between Ukraine and Russia is labeled a "Putin lover", even though hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are being slaughtered.

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I'd love to hear how they explain the increasing ice in the Arctic and the news that the Atlantic ocean is now cooling. As we enter a (predictable) global cooling phase, will they honestly believe they "saved the planet" or will they start listening to reason and admit they were wrong?

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I've spent a lot of time studying climate change and have come to the conclusion that yes, the climate changes. But their contention that it is caused by an increase in human generated CO2 and leads only in the direction of catastrophic warming is simply not knowable. The systems of atmosphere, land masses, and oceans are far too complex and our ability to measure and analyze data is crude at best. For starters, there is no way we even know what the temperature of the planet is (try monitoring the temperature trends in your entire house let alone the planet). What we do know is that the "climate crisis" has proven to be a very effective way to funnel money in desired directions and to implement authoritarian controls on industry and populations.

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100% agree. To hear more from the scientists who are looking at the data and reaching different conclusions than the climate alarmists, check out Tom Nelson's podcasts on YouTube. There are a lot of excellent presentations demonstrating how CO2 has a very minimal effect on warming, that water vapor is a much more significant greenhouse gas (and that the eruption of the Hunga Tonga volcano in 2022, and the resulting release of massive quantities of water vapor into the stratosphere, led directly to the spike in warming seen in 2023 and 2024), and that CO2 is beneficial and has resulted in significant greening of the planet as concentrations rise. Also, that the rise in CO2 actually tracks BEHIND the increase in warming, as CO2 is released from the oceans as temps rise. So man-made CO2 becomes more and more insignificant the more you find out about it.

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In 2000 I voted for Nader. There were about 1/2 dozen friends that were upset with me about that vote because they saw my politics as progressive (that was before progressive meant "nuts"). I told them we live in California and my vote didn't matter a bit because Gore would take the state anyway. It didn't matter, a week or a month later I'd hear the same complaints from the same people. To some people politics is like religion just like some believe Jesus rose from the dead, was born of a virgin, and was God of this endless Universe. Least anyone thinks I'm anti-Christian I don't think God talked to Mohammed, the Jews are chosen by God, or Moses talked to a burning bush. Irrational belief is destructive and in this election the Democrats are the party of destruction.

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I have the same voting attitude. I always tell my lib friends that it doesn't matter who I vote for, it's 100% guaranteed the state will go democrat. I tell them I'm going to give the 3rd party a little love rather than confess I'm voting for a republican. They can usually accept that. It's kind of the right-wing version of Taqiyya one is compelled to play in California.

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Being rejected by this crowd is a badge of honor.

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ride more. drive less.

jack smith is a beta.

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Bet he uses tampons.

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Wow. That t-shirt. Virtue signaling at its authoritarian best.

And I say that as a person who prefers to walk or ride my bike rather than drive. It’s my personal preference and yeah I do wish it was other people’ preference, too. There’d be less traffic noise in my neighborhood.

But who am I to say what other people should do?

Commanding people do as you say via t shirt is so lame.

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Bet he "rode"'to Telluride in the back of a limo.

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Probably in a Govt SUV with his FBI agent protective detail.

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Two of the guys in the background (tan khaki pants) look like cops.

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Agreed. I lived in NYC for many years. It was just my preference and I wouldn't foist it on others. I didn't own a car and didn't drive much for years. It didn't make me a better person. Even though I'm in suburbia now, driving is not my preferred mode. Nonetheless, this is just virtue signaling.

Maybe we should just print shirts that say, "I am a good person." It'd be no more honest, but at least it would be more direct.

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It should be "I'm a good person. Are you?" Must be menacing ...

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As an avid bike rider, the shirt doesn’t bother me and I kind of agree with it.

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Don’t think her point was to not ride bikes… it was he flew and lots of others flew on private jets. So, they negate their virtue signaling by 1,000 times over.

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Yeah I agree with you.

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Here's a good banner to fly above the place: "If everyone is thinking the same thing, then someone isn't thinking." - George S Patton. Jr.

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Love that quote.

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Nice fag jeans Jack. I fantasize about kicking him to sleep.

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You made me laugh, because that was my 1st impression, too 😆

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Instead of “Ride More, Drive Less”; his shirt should say “Imma whore, Pay Less”. Go Airborne! Lots of veterans here btw.

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And cops.

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Welcome, brother.

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Are you there, too?

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Hey Lily, by “here” I meant on Sasha’s Substack site. I am not at the festival.

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All the way!

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It's sad that something you used to love doing has become such a dismal affair for you, Sasha. Now that your eyes are wide open, you can see how much the Dems have taken over the film industry and messaging and, now, it's all you see. I'm glad it hasn't made you jaded and cynical. But you must miss the good old days, and for that, I sympathize. You went so that we didn't have to. Thank you for that.

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Maybe Smith could crop by Aurora and ask the Venezuelan gangs to surrender. Oops my bad. That's !like real prosecutor type work.

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Yeah or maybe Errol Morris can make a documentary about it!

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Yeah and the other day I saw a commercial for an Oprah special with Christopher Wray. These people love the police state.

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I don’t know how you stand it!!😩😵‍💫😖

Are there ANY colleagues there of like mind? Or minds open even a crack??

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Agree 100%. That crowd makes me feel slimed. They hate white Christians so much they can’t hide it.

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I can think of worse hills to die on! But ur right / I never thought I’d be so hated during this life. But then I’m Irish so I guess we are used to it!

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I’m Irish American. Clan is from Donegal. Born in U.S. and have both Irish and US passports; just in case we need to get out of country in a hurry. Wasn’t difficult to get the Irish passport; basically need to show parent or grandparent was born there.

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I bet they’re not showing the movie Nefarious here. One of the most interesting movies I’ve ever seen. Streaming somewhere. Came out last year.

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I heard about that… what’s it about again?

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A guy on death row & needs a psych evaluation in order to be deemed ok for execution. So a youngish psychiatrist is charged with determining whether he’s fit to die. Most of the movie is their conversation. Reminded me of a CS Lewis book. Was really well done - it really showed how evil works in our world.

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Kudos for reporting from there...

Personally, I wouldn't last an hour, but, of course, I've never even thought to attend...

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I’d be physically sick the entire time.

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Thanks for the updates, kid; they mean a lot to me.

Izzit just me, or has the last 9 years or so been... tectonic?

Speaking of movies, I feel like Neo after escaping the Matrix.

But there are so, so many still in the thrall of the machines.

And, I'm sure there are many, many Cypher types out there. "Ignorance... is BLISS!" y'know?

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Who are the two thugs accompanying Jack Smith? Oh yes, his security detail.

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