Great work Sasha. I wish there were more people who could see the world through your eyes. We are getting closer and closer to a very dangerous time in this country and yet the elite in charge remain blind to the damage they are doing. What is particularly mystifying to me is that they seem to actually believe that Trump is the problem a…
Great work Sasha. I wish there were more people who could see the world through your eyes. We are getting closer and closer to a very dangerous time in this country and yet the elite in charge remain blind to the damage they are doing. What is particularly mystifying to me is that they seem to actually believe that Trump is the problem and if only they can get rid of him we can somehow return back to normal. They don't realize that with every rule they break in their zeal to take down Trump, they are actually knocking another piece out of the already shaky foundation of this country, which will eventually come tumbling down. I can only hope that enough people will finally wake up to what is really going on before it is too late.
This is spot on! For those who don’t like Trump and don’t want him in office, ask yourself if you can stand behind a man who Soros has publicly stated he hopes will win (DeSantis)! Is Trump perfect, of course not. Is he the only one, besides RFKJr who will go after the Deep State…you bet he is! Electing a UniPartyist will do nothing to save this country, it will just be more of the same. Please think about this as you cast your vote…who does the Deep State want to keep out of office and why? Who is the NWO, Soros, Gates, et al, against so much they will break all of our Constitutional rights to persecute? They are shredding our Constitution and we are no longer a Republic. The USA we know is gone. If you want to fight the Deep State, there is only one course at the moment, and that is to support Trump, whether you “like” him or not.
The false claim that Soros endorsed Desantis WAS the deep state attacking Desantis.
I will probably show support for Vivek in the primary and then vote for NOT BIDEN in the general. Fully expecting the Donald to take the nomination and am just fine with that!
I will vote for DJT in the primary but DeSantis has done nothing as a Governor to indicate that he would not be a MAGA/Conservative R if he became POTUS. Therefore, I am pointing out that your statement about Soros hoping DeSantis will win is very disingenuous (and quite frankly, very very similar to what the Never-Trumpers do to DJT). Soros stated that he hopes that DeSantis wins the R nomination because he believes that DJT will then run as an Independent, thus splitting the R vote so that the dim candidate is almost 100% certain to win in a landslide. Do we know for certain if DeSantis would be a true MAGA/Conservative R if elected POTUS? No. However, the notion that Soros wants DeSantis to become the 47th POTUS is just ludicrous.
Great work Sasha. I wish there were more people who could see the world through your eyes. We are getting closer and closer to a very dangerous time in this country and yet the elite in charge remain blind to the damage they are doing. What is particularly mystifying to me is that they seem to actually believe that Trump is the problem and if only they can get rid of him we can somehow return back to normal. They don't realize that with every rule they break in their zeal to take down Trump, they are actually knocking another piece out of the already shaky foundation of this country, which will eventually come tumbling down. I can only hope that enough people will finally wake up to what is really going on before it is too late.
This is spot on! For those who don’t like Trump and don’t want him in office, ask yourself if you can stand behind a man who Soros has publicly stated he hopes will win (DeSantis)! Is Trump perfect, of course not. Is he the only one, besides RFKJr who will go after the Deep State…you bet he is! Electing a UniPartyist will do nothing to save this country, it will just be more of the same. Please think about this as you cast your vote…who does the Deep State want to keep out of office and why? Who is the NWO, Soros, Gates, et al, against so much they will break all of our Constitutional rights to persecute? They are shredding our Constitution and we are no longer a Republic. The USA we know is gone. If you want to fight the Deep State, there is only one course at the moment, and that is to support Trump, whether you “like” him or not.
To look at it another way, if the Deep State *isn't* coming after you then you are not a serious candidate.
The false claim that Soros endorsed Desantis WAS the deep state attacking Desantis.
I will probably show support for Vivek in the primary and then vote for NOT BIDEN in the general. Fully expecting the Donald to take the nomination and am just fine with that!
I will vote for DJT in the primary but DeSantis has done nothing as a Governor to indicate that he would not be a MAGA/Conservative R if he became POTUS. Therefore, I am pointing out that your statement about Soros hoping DeSantis will win is very disingenuous (and quite frankly, very very similar to what the Never-Trumpers do to DJT). Soros stated that he hopes that DeSantis wins the R nomination because he believes that DJT will then run as an Independent, thus splitting the R vote so that the dim candidate is almost 100% certain to win in a landslide. Do we know for certain if DeSantis would be a true MAGA/Conservative R if elected POTUS? No. However, the notion that Soros wants DeSantis to become the 47th POTUS is just ludicrous.