It is like an echo that repeats fully or partially from so many places; Matt Taibbi with a stunned reaction to the delusional persecution he receives from a congresswoman at a hearing, Glenn Greenwald reacting to the enterprise he founded to tell the truth when other institutions failed turning on him for telling the truth. Myself when I hear people go out into public and declare that "white supremacy" is the most dangerous threat to our society. I couldn't be more shocked if an actual pig began speaking words and sentences. I can't wrap my mind around this nonsense. I feel like Oppenheimer clinging to his image of what this country is and how it behaves; but seeing something antithetical to what I know should be true, like watching water run uphill or seeing something that gets dropped float into the air instead of falling to earth. How can people today listen to a speech and hear the exact same words, yet come away with completely distinct and different visions of what was said? Sasha captures the essence of these things in this piece. What clarity. Thanks Sasha, perhaps sanity is possible in this insane world.

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“perhaps sanity is possible in this insane world.”

Many people are quite sane in our fallen world but unfortunately too often the insane rise to the top and have many useful idiot followers. Everything is now global though and the weapons are far too powerful to survive WW3. This is just not working at all.

“Our condition is forever precarious; even basic human decency can shatter and vanish in an instant.”

“Maoism had unique traits but Leys nonetheless always saw it as a member of what he called the “great totalitarian family”—ideologies produced by patterns of thought found across human societies, from tiny shipwrecked pre-Enlightenment microcosms to vast 20th century nations.”

“History does not repeat itself, but ideas do.”

“Analyst of Totalitarianism-Reading Simon Leys Today.”


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Nothing new under the sun. Be well and enjoy your day 🥰

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“Nothing new under the sun.” is not a very comforting thought when you consider the vast numbers of people exterminated by insane governments cheered on by many in the public in places like Germany, Russia and China during the dreadful twentieth century. My personal life is great. I’m 73 but feel like about 30. Many years of an intermittent fasting diet have given me superb health and greatly slowed down my aging. I’ve always liked reading history though plus worked for many years in Chicago manufacturing (CNC machinery) with mostly immigrants from all over the world who would tell me horror stories of life in their former countries so I know how truly demonic people can be. Here’s one: I had an Assyrian friend from Iraq at work in Chicago who once told me of an honor killing in his town near Baghdad when he was a boy. He was about 60 and had been here for 40 years.

He said there was a family living a block away where the daughter was having an affair with a neighbor boy. Both families were Muslim. The girl had an older brother who was a butcher. When this older brother found out about his sister's affair he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her out of the house into the street.

The neighbors heard her screaming and when they went outside to see what was happening they saw the brother using a butcher knife to cut his sister's throat. When she was dead he dipped both hands in her blood, went to her boyfriend's house and smeared her blood all over their front door.

I asked my friend what the police did about this. He said the police considered it a family matter so they didn't get involved. No denying our fallen world is full of evil but we also do have many beautiful things here so it’s not all bad. Anne Frank said “Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.” That’s good advice to follow. Beauty inclines us towards the good side of our nature rather than the demonic side which possesses many people. No denying that.

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I'm your age, do intermittent fasting, and have also retained a youthful appreciation for beauty. Good post.

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Gentlemen, what's your ratio? I'm ready to give IF a serious try, if only to conserve water.

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There’s a lot of info about IF on YouTube. Basic practice is 16/8. Eat during the 8 hours but only two meals, no snacks. I do one meal in the morning, then no food or calorie beverages till the next meal 23 hours later. I’ve also always taken anti inflammatories such as turmeric with bioperine, ginger and Ceylon cinnamon. My mother and uncle were crippled by RA which ruined their lives. On my fathers side they all had osteoarthritis, painful joints but not crippling. I always assumed I would have some type of arthritis as I got older but so far I’ve never had the slightest pain or stiffness. Never a major health problem, rarely anything minor. I feel like I have the many memories of an old man with the good health and sense of well being of a young man.

I’ve also always practiced self discipline. Once I read a book about a Hindu saint who considered self-control extremely important. At one point in the book he said “Discipline gives strength. A bird gets its strength from air. A king from his army. A man from his sense of discipline. Without discipline a man, be he a king or a Yogi, is but a human beast.” That made a great impression on me. I never forgot that. Just imagine how much better our society would be if the schools taught self control and the power of good habits rather than the Woke race and gender poison to children in our schools.

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I do 1 meal per day at 1 -2 pm. Black coffee in the morning, nothing else. Eat whatever I want for a meal, no restrictions. Maybe a few peanuts in the evening while watching Tucker. Body adapts quickly in response. The dulling affect of more food than the body needs goes away.

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Thanks William. I’ve been reading and re-reading the Book of Ecclesiastes and Solomon’s wisdom is indeed, great. Blessings.

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Because they have been heavily brainwashed by gov propaganda that had been doing this to us for many many years….

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This is an excellent piece. What so many are thinking. Thank you.

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What many are thinking yet afraid to speak.

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BE not afraid.

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Great piece - like usual. I have been to war for this country and am a volunteer firefighter; I will let others judge if I am a 'tough guy'... All I know is that I would NOT be able take the abuse Donald Trump has for even two hours without raising hell. And he just marches on... So must we.

I didn't vote for him in the 2016 primary because I too viewed things through a false prism. Now? He is the only credible force in politics right now.

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How about Vivek Ramaswamy?

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He is my number two choice. I will only vote for people who have assumed the risks of working in the private sector.

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He has some great economic insights and experience, for sure, and I'm glad his voice is part of the mix. He could make a formidable running mate, though my first choice would still be Tulsi Gabbard. Either one would blow the Leftoid's brains apart and destroy their white male colonialist patriarchy shibboleth.

Could you imagine Tulsi in a one-on-one debate with the current VP? It would be both beautiful and cruel at the same time. The Baroness vs. Cruella.

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Tulsi would be a great president. I’m always impressed by the superbly high quality of the people like Tulsi, Vivek, Elon, Tucker and so many others like them on our side. They are the greatest advantage we have against the ever more deranged Woke left democrats.

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Gabs, in a just world, is dogwalking every single person running for Prez (save for Dr. West). Alas, she's on to greater things. Such as being the

current commander of the 440th Civil Affairs Battalion.

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I giving him $100 per month so you can say I support him.

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Excellent. Thank you

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Babe 😉

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"Lying became like heroin..."

A line of which great writers could be proud.

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It's a hate movement Shasa.

Projection 101 is the norm.

The remedy for speech that is false is speech that is true. This is the ordinary course in a free society. The response to the unreasoned is the rational; to the uninformed, the enlightened; to the straight-out lie, the simple truth.

Anthony Kennedy

“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” – Attributed to Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn

We shall endure until the end ✝️ 🌹

Enjoy your day 🥰

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What a scary notion that we live in the same realm as Solzhenitsyn.

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Yeah, William, that is, to me, the most relevant quote of our time.

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I spent a weekend with two in the bubble. They decried 'woke culture' but didn't attach it to suppression of ideas/voices or reconsider how they voted or who they would support. The new line I'm now hearing when I bring up a subject that is outside the bubble is almost repeated verbatim from each person..."Oh, I don't know anything about that." Mainstream news= conspiracy theories two years late.

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Those who are in a cult are utterly incapable of realizing that fact. Or any facts. Such is the power of brainwashing, especially on the weak minded who search for some contrived belief system to embrace and are susceptible to nearly any dogmas. They long to belong and yearn for acceptance.

It's much the same I suspect with these young teenage girls who want to mutilate their genitals in the name of "gender-affirming care" because everyone in their peer group is doing it.

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And we all know, there are no “conspiracy theories”, only spoiler alerts!

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One of them repeated the line I've heard from politicians and others on the left, "Antifa doesn't exist." This after two years of video clips with masked people identifying themselves with the symbol of the 'A' inside a circle. It's shocking to hear that level of denial, but it's now happened several times so I am less surprised. What will happen when reality finally comes to their doorstep?

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Again, the power of propaganda. The MSM either ignores Anitfa all together, or contorts their coverage to paint them as "peaceful heroes" in the fight against MAGA (a.k.a. "White Nationalism"). Most Americans are blissfully unware of their terroristic tactics.

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Andy Ngo does an excellent job of documenting Antifa in his book 'Unmasked'.

NPR had a segment on Antifa 2 or 3 years ago. The NPR commentators gushed over how great Antifa is and they bashed Andy Ngo. At the time, I was considering becoming an NPR subscriber. NPR's Love Affair with Antifa was a deal breaker for me. Since then, it appears that NPR's political coverage comes off as an MSNBC 'wannabe'. It's frustrating that taxpayers provide some of the funding for NPR.

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"The new line I'm now hearing when I bring up a subject that is outside the bubble is almost repeated verbatim from each person..."Oh, I don't know anything about that." "

Me too! I hear this same line every time! Usually their voice trails off at the end and their eyes shift towards some other part of the room where they won't have to continue talking to me.

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I've encountered the same reaction from people, but I don't think it's discomfort with their own possible ignorance. It's just their way of trying to politely let you know that they think you are a crazy conspiracy theorist.

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Yes, that is my interpretation also! I would say at least that they show a high level of skepticism about any information that contradicts what they heard on MSNBC, coupled with a fear of hearing and evaluating the alternate perspective. It's like fear of being exposed to someone who just started coughing.

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Irrespective of the fact that much that has been labeled 'conspiracy theories ' in the past has proven to be true or at least found to have some merit.

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We need to come up with a response that gets their attention...even just a little bit. Something like, "Are you curious or would you prefer to look the other way?"

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That is excellent! I have been thinking that these strategies that comment directly on manipulation, evasion and other non-verbal behaviors are the best way to go. It may lead to an overt blow-up on their part, as the next line of defense, but that too can be commented upon.

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Excellent essay that accurately describes the motives and tactics of the last few years. Well done and thank-you. I am liking your writing and ability to creatively make compelling arguments even more than I like those of Kim Strassel and Mollie Hemingway. Hope you write a book about your life, career and transformation. Good to see how you weave a bit of film (eg Oppenheimer) in to the essay also. I hope the persecution of Trump finally backfires and that adults realize that he is being bullied beyond all reason. Ironic that those who rightfully oppose bullying of some (eg trans, blacks, etc), are more than happy to bully and persecute those they don’t agree with. Bullies are bullies (and cowards) regardless of target.

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Great work Sasha. I wish there were more people who could see the world through your eyes. We are getting closer and closer to a very dangerous time in this country and yet the elite in charge remain blind to the damage they are doing. What is particularly mystifying to me is that they seem to actually believe that Trump is the problem and if only they can get rid of him we can somehow return back to normal. They don't realize that with every rule they break in their zeal to take down Trump, they are actually knocking another piece out of the already shaky foundation of this country, which will eventually come tumbling down. I can only hope that enough people will finally wake up to what is really going on before it is too late.

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This is spot on! For those who don’t like Trump and don’t want him in office, ask yourself if you can stand behind a man who Soros has publicly stated he hopes will win (DeSantis)! Is Trump perfect, of course not. Is he the only one, besides RFKJr who will go after the Deep State…you bet he is! Electing a UniPartyist will do nothing to save this country, it will just be more of the same. Please think about this as you cast your vote…who does the Deep State want to keep out of office and why? Who is the NWO, Soros, Gates, et al, against so much they will break all of our Constitutional rights to persecute? They are shredding our Constitution and we are no longer a Republic. The USA we know is gone. If you want to fight the Deep State, there is only one course at the moment, and that is to support Trump, whether you “like” him or not.

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To look at it another way, if the Deep State *isn't* coming after you then you are not a serious candidate.

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The false claim that Soros endorsed Desantis WAS the deep state attacking Desantis.

I will probably show support for Vivek in the primary and then vote for NOT BIDEN in the general. Fully expecting the Donald to take the nomination and am just fine with that!

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I will vote for DJT in the primary but DeSantis has done nothing as a Governor to indicate that he would not be a MAGA/Conservative R if he became POTUS. Therefore, I am pointing out that your statement about Soros hoping DeSantis will win is very disingenuous (and quite frankly, very very similar to what the Never-Trumpers do to DJT). Soros stated that he hopes that DeSantis wins the R nomination because he believes that DJT will then run as an Independent, thus splitting the R vote so that the dim candidate is almost 100% certain to win in a landslide. Do we know for certain if DeSantis would be a true MAGA/Conservative R if elected POTUS? No. However, the notion that Soros wants DeSantis to become the 47th POTUS is just ludicrous.

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This definitely resonates with me. I love how you speak what I’m thinking Sasha. Sadly, those on the other side are clueless. They can’t see past their “orange man bad” to see what is happening to our country. I tried, just last week, to talk to someone on the left about this and got absolutely no where. I share your posts every time in hopes someone needing it will listen and finally get it. Thank you for speaking truth!

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I no longer support Trump for certain reasons. But I don't hate him. I hate the filthy hypocrites who wallow "in opulent wealth and privilege" after declaring war on their own audience. They openly hate their country and everyone who lives here. It's not Trump but us workers and little people these entitled, pampered snobs who lie and lie and lie and lie are trying to harm. And have harmed already.

Lying all the time is not moral superiority. Plotting to seize power "by any means necessary" does not make you the hero, oh quislings of Pravda. Plotting to destroy your own country and turn families and friends against one another to start another civil war makes you the villains. And it doesn't gain you popularity points with most of the commoners either. Openly despising and lying to your viewers does not make them like you better. Funny how us peasants resent that treatment instead of worshipping the media snobs the way they expect us to. (Bunch of deluded narcissists who can no longer tell reality from fantasy.)

Many of us still like Trump solely because he insults you, Pravda quislings. And many support him because of your lies and vitriol.

Yep. THAT is how much the American people respect and venerate you.

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There are 3 Donald Trumps (2 are good, 1 not so much) There is the Policy Trump, who is Pretty Darn Good, there is the Private Trump (what what I have read) is a Pretty Good Guy, then there is the Public Trump who bitter, resentful (with some justification), thin skinned, with an out of control ego (Note: ALL politicians have Ego's and the higher you get the bigger they are. Most can keep theirs under control, Donald Trump has trouble doing that.)

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Donald Trump is a typical New Yorker.

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Humility and the fear of the Lord bring wisdom, wealth and honor ✝️🌹 In the way of righteousness is life and along its pathway there is no death. Be well and God bless you and your family ✝️ 🌹 Enjoy your day 🥰

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Lying IS the endgame. A twisted 'domestic statecraft'. Kirn & Taibbi hit it spot on: controlling the info stream, then crafting whatever, however, outlandish or otherwise. We KNOW this. Bigger issue it whats to be done?

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Those who wrote the Constitution were well aware that, over time, the elites of this or any country would work to consolidate power for themselves. The Constitution was specifically written so as to block this effect. It really did a remarkable job, holding them off for over two hundred years, but they have managed to slowly undermine it. Also, why not move Trumps trial to North Dakota? Or maybe the Butler, Pennsylvania of Tucker's monologue. I'm sure we could come up with a justification.

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The Constitution was actually written to protect the states. That went the way of the Dodo Bird with Abe Lincoln, who had the ridiculous idea that the "the Union" preceded the Constitution and the Tenth Amendment.

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Another excellent piece.. Sasha & 'm so grateful that I found you on Substack

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Sasha, you made it onto the RCP front page list...again! This is some serious exposure. Good for both you and the nation.


Keep writing, please.

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Omg, I was glancing through the other articles on there and one was from Newsweek titled “Biden is the president America needs right now”. I think I threw up in my mouth a little. It boggles my mind how people can be so stupid. I personally think he’s one of the most vile and divisive presidents of my lifetime.

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Democrats are evil and I really can’t see how we can coexist with them but major cracks are already appearing in their black base due to their open southern border policy to import voters and expand their base. Recently the Chicago City Council passed a $51 million package for “migrant” aid and it will only last for one month and then they’ll need more money. I saw video of Johnson recently where he basically said he wants these “brown” people here so they can join with blacks to fight oppression by whites. His Woke ideology is all about tribalism and the Democratic Party is totally committed to this.

First of all, this Woke leftist belief in a black/brown coalition is absurd. I worked with many Hispanics, mostly Mexican, for many years in Chicago. They felt no commonality with blacks and in fact were appalled by black behavior. And, as the black woman in the video says, how does the government always so easily find money for illegals but not for them. Democrats, as always, will just double down on the stupidity and this will increasingly alienate their black base. This can only get worse.

“Breaking Down What’s Really In Mayor Of Chicago Executive Orders For Migrants.”

African Diaspora News Channel. Jun 11, 2023. (4 min)


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Seva, I've worked with many immigrants over 30+ years, from Latin America and Asia. My experience has been much the same as yours.

I laugh when I hear the talk of a black/brown coalition. It's clear that the elites who promote the idea don't really know any actual hard-working immigrants. Of course, leftists do not view people as real individuals; they only see abstract groups that they use to keep themselves in power.

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Chicago will bd broke soon s x will expect Biden to bail them out. The pure racism and hate coming from this mayor is appalling.

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Even more appalling is that the people of Chicago voted for him, knowing who he is.

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You write such great pieces.

Also, thank you for allowing free readers to comment. So many on Substack block us from sharing our views.

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