Those who wrote the Constitution were well aware that, over time, the elites of this or any country would work to consolidate power for themselves. The Constitution was specifically written so as to block this effect. It really did a remarkable job, holding them off for over two hundred years, but they have managed to slowly undermine it…
Those who wrote the Constitution were well aware that, over time, the elites of this or any country would work to consolidate power for themselves. The Constitution was specifically written so as to block this effect. It really did a remarkable job, holding them off for over two hundred years, but they have managed to slowly undermine it. Also, why not move Trumps trial to North Dakota? Or maybe the Butler, Pennsylvania of Tucker's monologue. I'm sure we could come up with a justification.
The Constitution was actually written to protect the states. That went the way of the Dodo Bird with Abe Lincoln, who had the ridiculous idea that the "the Union" preceded the Constitution and the Tenth Amendment.
Those who wrote the Constitution were well aware that, over time, the elites of this or any country would work to consolidate power for themselves. The Constitution was specifically written so as to block this effect. It really did a remarkable job, holding them off for over two hundred years, but they have managed to slowly undermine it. Also, why not move Trumps trial to North Dakota? Or maybe the Butler, Pennsylvania of Tucker's monologue. I'm sure we could come up with a justification.
The Constitution was actually written to protect the states. That went the way of the Dodo Bird with Abe Lincoln, who had the ridiculous idea that the "the Union" preceded the Constitution and the Tenth Amendment.