I've encountered the same reaction from people, but I don't think it's discomfort with their own possible ignorance. It's just their way of trying to politely let you know that they think you are a crazy conspiracy theorist.
I've encountered the same reaction from people, but I don't think it's discomfort with their own possible ignorance. It's just their way of trying to politely let you know that they think you are a crazy conspiracy theorist.
Yes, that is my interpretation also! I would say at least that they show a high level of skepticism about any information that contradicts what they heard on MSNBC, coupled with a fear of hearing and evaluating the alternate perspective. It's like fear of being exposed to someone who just started coughing.
Irrespective of the fact that much that has been labeled 'conspiracy theories ' in the past has proven to be true or at least found to have some merit.
I've encountered the same reaction from people, but I don't think it's discomfort with their own possible ignorance. It's just their way of trying to politely let you know that they think you are a crazy conspiracy theorist.
Yes, that is my interpretation also! I would say at least that they show a high level of skepticism about any information that contradicts what they heard on MSNBC, coupled with a fear of hearing and evaluating the alternate perspective. It's like fear of being exposed to someone who just started coughing.
Irrespective of the fact that much that has been labeled 'conspiracy theories ' in the past has proven to be true or at least found to have some merit.