Joe Biden IS a bad man. Garland is just his enforcer. Poor old Joe is being deluded..... Please... His is the most corrupt political family in American history.

I went to school in Chicago for graduate school. I absolutely loved the city. To see it in the current state of chaos is heartbreaking. Chicago is on its way to becoming Detroit. election of BJ is the tipping point. If you own municipal bonds make sure you don't own any City of Chicago bonds. Those are about to become a whole lot less valuable.

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Visited Chicago in the late 90s-00s MANY times. I have friends there. One of my favorite cities in the states. I too am saddened to see what has happened to Chicago. Democrats destroy everytbing they touch.

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The man who attacked and undermined Anita Hill during the confirmation hearings of Clarence Thomas can never be considered a good man. That’s only one of his many inhumane transgressions.

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The Dem machine will be doing its damnedest to re-elect Biden, then sometime after, 25th Amendment him out to make way for Susan Rice (who stepped down today and I think will be announced as his VP down the road when general election time comes) Rice an acceptable swap out and upgrade to Dem voters for Harris

South Carolina will now also be 1st primary state, Iowa - and especially New Hampshire w/ it’s less predictable independents — must be taken out of weighing in first, after all they can’t be trusted to not promote and give steam to another Bernie (RFK Jr)…SC population and its vote much more controllable to determine the nominee

Doubt the Dems will even have a presidential debate this year

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Susan Rice is just as bad - a deceitful woman who has lied and lied about many things throughout her career....she's truly awful but I don't think Kamala 'word salad' Harris is any better

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But Joe just announced and they say it's inevitable that he will have a second term - I am petrified for the nation and my family.

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Watch Joe's performance in the Clarence Thomas hearings. He's evil.

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He's a malignant, dangerous and unfunny Grandpa Simpson. I'm so scared of what will happen if he wins again. We need help from above bad right now.

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I disagree with you Sasha about Joe. He IS a bad man. A dirty old man that is extremely corrupt. He is destroying our country, women’s rights and our children. He lies every time his mouth opens and he is racist. He is evil and in my lifetime the worst president our country has had.

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Apr 25, 2023
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Not even close.

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Joe Biden doesn’t have half the balls to do what trump has done and is continuing to do. Joe is so padded and protected by his party and his family(since they get all the benefits from him). He’s the biggest useful idiot of them all.

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Joe Biden doesn't have the imagination or vision to run the country - never did.

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If minors are not emotionally developed enough to buy cigarettes or face adult trial for criminal acts, how the hell are they supposed to be able to consent to permanent, life altering surgery? It's also telling that even the countries the Left holds up as exemplars are moving to protect children from this sanctioned abuse.

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It's a good thing you pose that question here – anywhere else, and you'd be considered a subversive for speaking the truth!

I wonder if the left wants to out-left those nations.

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You know we’ve sunk to new lows when speaking common sense is now considered subversive...

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Johns Hopkins University Hospital closed their transgender unit over 30 YEARS AGO concluding that removing body parts did not 'cure' transgenders - they determined that it was a mental illness that needed psychiatric treatment and counseling. BUT now we've plunged back into the Dark Ages for $$$$$$$$$$$$$

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Sasha, I don't know how you do it - week after week. Really good stuff.

But I will disagree with you on this - Biden is a bad man. Amongst many other things, he has a perversion problem. While he was VP, I remember reading an article that female secret service agents hated being assigned to his house detail because he liked to walk around the pool area naked. I used to think that was not true, but with the stories from his daughter's diary, and the picture of him as an adult and Jill as a teenager sitting on his lap has caused me to reconsider. Plus all the hair sniffing and grabbing of young women...even young girls...just creepy...

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Gimme a like if Joe Biden IS A BAD MAN!

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Teddy’s nationalism speech needs read and remembered as to what is important--family.

Great article, again, with one exception. You state Joe Biden is not a bad man. Biden is a horrible man, and disgusting president. He’s been a racist, cheat, liar, plagiarizer, and wrong on every issue. Only because Delaware was granted special privileges with banking regulations was he able to keep getting elected. “Barack Obama knew, as I did, that even the most high-powered MRI could not detect an honest or principled bone in Biden’s body. Barack Obama knew that with Joe Biden, there would be no honest disagreements or principled dissents from his policies.”

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‘Joe Biden is not a bad man’- what about his massive corruption, chronic lies, “past” racism? What about his daughter’s diary and son’s laptop information?

Otherwise, I agree with you.

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Yes! Biden is corrupt, a pedophile, traitor, and way past ‘bad’ but borderline evil.

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Biden has also been correctly sited for plagiarism - multiple times - as well.......he has lousy judgement as former CIA Director Gates said that, ' Biden hasn't made a correct foreign policy decision in his entire career". Biden is also a racist - he racist quotes are numerous ("They're gonna keep y'all in chains", etc)

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Good response. Where is that quote taken from..at the end of your comment?

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From the book written by Robert Gates, when hired by Obama.

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‘Joe Biden is not a bad man.’ You’re being very gracious. Joe Biden is not a good man. His daughter wrote in her diary that she thinks her sex, drug and alcohol addictions may be related to her father showering with her growing up.

Fathers who shower with their daughters growing up are not good men.

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“Joe Biden is not a bad man”.

You had me until you wrote that. I won’t even touch on his political related criminality.

Ok, so it’s fine that he showered with his daughter? So it’s fine that he was complicit in his sons Abuse of drugs and hookers?

Pretty ironic that in an otherwise stellar piece on ‘sexual’ matters you are defending Bidan.

Your writing and your topics are both first class. But that line removed a couple notches from the belt.

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May I share a quote from another? This VFW... Grrr...

"Tonight's Message of The Day

I believe more and more people are starting to feel the way I do.

I never cared if you were “gay” or whatever acronym you chose to call yourself, until you started wanting special privileges.

I never cared what color your skin was, until you started blaming me for your problems.

I never cared about your political affiliation, until you started to condemn me for mine.

I never cared where you were from in this great Republic, until you began condemning people based on where they were born and the history that makes them who they are.

I have never cared if you were well off or poor, because I’ve been both, until you started calling me names for working hard to make a better life for myself.

I’ve never cared if your beliefs are different than mine, until you said my beliefs are wrong.

I’ve never cared if you didn’t like guns, until you tried to take my guns away.

Now, I care!

I’ve given all the tolerance I have to give. This is no longer my problem, it’s your problem. You can still fix it, it’s not too late, but it needs to be soon.

I’m a very patient person. But I’m running out of patience. There are literally Tens of Millions of people just like me that are sick of all the Anti-American crap!

I’ve always cared about life, and all lives, but now you try to force the notion on me and other fellow citizens and patriots that certain lives matter more than others. You protest, riot, attack, burn, and loot. Your so-called “movement” has become a radical out-of-control bunch of thugs, criminals, and anarchists who are intent on destroying our Country.

The masses have had enough! America is the greatest country on Earth, and if you don’t like America then we invite you to leave. We are done caring about your misguided “feelings.”

You don’t have the right to enjoy American freedoms if you are trying to take that right away from me or other Americans."

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Or if you try to take the right to freedom away from Americans, Ukrainians, and other free people.

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“Joe Biden is not a bad man.” Nope, just the head of the most successful criminal political family enterprise in US history. Just how many tens of millions have the Bidens made from peddling influence to kleptocracies in the former VP’s country portfolio (China, Ukraine, Russia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, etc.)?

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Agree 100% about Biden, that was going to be my comment.

He has spent his life not just in government, but politics. He and his family have enriched themselves tremendously at the expense of his country.

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His niece was arrested for using stolen credit cards to the tune of $100,000 - Biden's buddy gave her a job after she got off PROBATION

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If you do a quick web search you'll see there's fewer than 170,000 black males between 15 and 45 in Chicago. Over 500 of them are getting murdered every year. Three to four times that number are shot and possibly disfigured, paralyzed etc. No one on the left seems to care.

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Its as if some black lives don't actually matter. Perhaps because they don't support a desired narrative. This is the problem with progressivism. It is UTOPIAN and purposefully ignores reality that doesn't suit the narrative.

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Good point.

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Nice piece. Just one thing . . .

Joe Biden is a very bad man. I didn't believe it either until I got out of the Democrat bubble, but the man is so bent he can't sleep straight in bed. He knew exactly what his family was doing and he was taking a cut. His brother and his son didn't get like they are without his permission and support.

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Thank you Sasha for sharing another intricately informative and wonderful podcast. ‘The man in the Arena’ is inspiring as well. Always, after a Sasha Stone podcast, ‘Good Tears’. :)

Sasha is generous, humble and reasonably cautious I think to call someone flat evil, and I like that and have wavered a bit as well, yet don’t think Biden is good like I once wanted to believe. And, ngl, I ‘feel’ intuitively through observation that he is evil and don’t think it’s just senility. Seems like he’s a hollow, yet willingly corrupt, puppet. Maybe I’m wrong, but at this point I’ll never trust him or the Left again, nor their corruptly aware enablers. Recently I heard the Bible says to hate evil, and love good. I think it means to hate the evil acts, love the good acts, and pray for the sinner. Seems reasonable. The world yet shouldn’t have to suffer anymore because of them, and they bring about their own suffering as well.

I’ll have to think too hard to recall any of Biden’s good acts though and only have so much energy left after the last three years. The man even manages to make ice cream seem unappealing.

In 2020 I was avoiding Twitter and too busy trying to live to watch enough of what was unfolding to understand, should I even have stumbled on any decent sources of news, and was told Biden wouldn’t be a Leftist Trojan Horse, he would be the good person he pretended to be, and reasonably calm and ‘unify’ much of the country with decent, centrist policies. Then Jan 6 happened, and the Left united in demonizing the other half of the country. The scales fell from my eyes when Pelosi spoke out shortly after Biden’s destructive speech, only to say “They (Trump supporters, though it was in thought, age and color a mixed crowd) chose their whiteness.” As Douglass Murray intuitively understood in his own interview with Megyn Kelly, Biden’s administration and the Left just ignored the pain of these forgotten Americans who had finally lost their temper after years of abuse and fought back, though not all in the same manner.

Somewhat secretly I began questioning everything, an act forbidden by the ideologically captured Left, and it seems by my observations maybe sometimes a few MBTI types known as Sensors who inexplicably make up the majority of the population and, when unhealthy, don’t seem to appreciate the art of questioning anyone they deem to be expert, establishment, ‘authority,’ nor allowing anyone else to question and link forbidden facts together to form potentially helpful thoughts. In reasonable times these traits may be helpful in holding society together, however in times of nearly complete ideological capture they may enable catastrophe. Just, quietly, saying. Thankfully, there are voices, likely Sensors included, who like asking enough questions to be able to connect some dots on this map of reality that yet doesn’t have to remain and keep growing quite so hellish, in spite of all Biden’s slurped ice cream.

This video, shown here in this Megyn Kelly interview with Tucker Carlson, surfaced in the comments under a James Lindsay tweet soon after Jan 6, and it was hard to forget. The same day CNN was busy excoriating a Trump supporter for believing exactly what Biden is dictating in the video. I found it on YouTube as well yet didn’t quite know if it was real, and was too afraid to ask. Then Tucker showed Megyn Kelly the video.

It starts at 22:15 -

The Megyn Kelly Show

Tucker Carlson on the Media’s Deception

September 24, 2001


Is Biden God?

He seems to think so, as many of the Left’s religion believe they themselves can read minds and hearts, and decide who is deserving and what is deserved. Anything is, for now, allowed the deserving and the believer, except the wrong questions. As those who truly believe in a God who sees everyone as a divine soul are dehumanized.

Biden has demonstrated he is a pathological liar, and to me he and his fake comrades embody the kind of covert narcissism I’ve seen too often, hiding varying degrees of evil under masks of vulnerability and goodness. America has become like a narcissistic family, demonizing it’s scapegoats - those who question official narratives, are able to see reality and mostly just wish to live and let live. So, as Sasha wrote on a previous podcast, I can’t look at him without feeling sick. There is no one left on the left I can trust, with maybe the exception of Kennedy, though I can’t help wondering if he’s elected he may be somehow unavoidably compromised shortly thereafter as well?

Which makes the questioning, thinking and kind voices of Sasha Stone, Megyn Kelly, Tucker, Lindsay, Vivek Ramaswamy, Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger, Theo Jordan (maybe check him out too if you would like, been waiting for Sasha and Theo to find each other’s voices :)) and others all the more valuable and important to the arena as we learn from them and help redraw this map on which we all must live into a saner, brighter reality. 💛

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Some comments deserve much more than just a “like” and yours is certainly one of them because of how thoughtful and thorough it is. Thanks, Leah.

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Thank you, Libertarian, for reading and your very kind comment.

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I read, enjoy and agree with virtually everything you write.

Except this. Joe Biden is a good man.

Joe Biden is a despicable, corrupt hack that is enormously deserving of every tiny shred of bad karma that millions wish upon him

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I need to take issue with your comment that Joe Biden is not a “bad man”.

If I had a son like Hunter Biden the last thing I would do is pursue a lifestyle or career path that serves to feed his illness. Joe Biden’s political ambitions, in my view, have aggravated an already troubled situation. It have HB a get out of jail free card at every turn.

I get it, HB is an adult.

However, I personally would sacrifice a lot of personal gratification and career ambition. to help my son (or daughter). So for me, his is a bad father which doesn’t say much for him as a man.

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It's not just HB, his daughter(s) have a pretty, um, "wild" history from what I recall.

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