Jul 7·edited Jul 7

Whenever someone frets about Project2025, just ask them, “which part should we be worried about?” When they say, “everything”, ask them for specifics. Assuming they can give something specific, ask them, “what’s new about that? Republicans have been promising this same stuff for years. Why does it now worry you?” If they bring up abortion, just tell them that Trump has already said he’s not going to ban abortion, and that it should be left up to the states. The argument is over at the federal level, as long as Trump is in office.

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Good answer!

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Once again, we see that the fascist far-left has NOTHING but resorting to the tried-and-true tactics of lying through their teeth.

This is in the forward of the plan:

1. Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect

our children.

2. Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the

American people.

3. Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats.

4. Secure our God-given individual rights to live freely—what our Constitution

calls “the Blessings of Liberty.”

Just where is the threat?

Except to the globalists and the administrative state?

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As a regular viewer of Steve Bannon's War Room, I'm quite familiar with Project 2025 and its goals. I spent most of my career as a Federal government employee working for the Census Bureau and I know that a complete restructuring of the Federal government bureaucracy is desperately needed. Project 2025 is a good start at such a restructuring.

Trump's post regarding Project 2025 was not helpful but it was understandable. He simply doesn't want to get involved in defending every policy suggestion in a 900 page document. I wish he had phrased his post better but Trump is not a policy wonk and never will be.

Despite being the victim of an out of control administrative state that wants to put him prison for the rest of his life (and would kill if they thought they could get away with it), Trump can still be terribly naive about the malignant nature of our federal government. The last thing this country should be spending money on is a beautiful new FBI headquarters in downtown Washington DC and yet Trump has called for such a project.

I don't think there is one person in a million who could display the resilience and toughness that Trump has displayed in fighting those who are out to destroy him. He is an heroic figure and his election is absolutely necessary to save our country. But I also view him as a transitional figure.

This country is in a terrible mess and it will take something of a second revolution to bring it back, if that is even possible at this point. The election of Trump can stop the bleeding, but the bulk of the work needed to bring our country back will be left to whoever succeeds Trump in office, which is why his VP choice is so important.

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This is exactly on point @gsharper. Trump can only stop the blood letting, he cannot perform miracles.

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This is a wonderful explanation. Also, "If you're explaining, you're losing."

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I agree about Trump.. The democrats need to be defeated but that would just be the beginning of the battle.

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A complete restructuring of the Federal government is essential and impossible. What we need to do is escape the influence of the cities. (Same is true of UK and France apparently.)

When in the course of human events...

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You are probably correct about restructuring the government. In the agencies I've worked for and have knowledge of, the workforce could easily be reduced by 50 percent and entire agencies could be eliminated without anyone noticing. But the bureaucracy is entrenched and rooting them out will be extremely difficult.

I still think its worth trying however. Although most people are suspicious of the Federal government, they don't know the details of how wasteful and unnecessary so many of the government functions are. If Trump gets elected he needs to appoint someone who understands the Federal bureaucracy and can explain to the people why specific reductions are necessary. Like I said, Trump is not a detail oriented policy wonk and this job needs to be given to someone who is. Perhaps Vivek Ramaswamy would be the man for the job.

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State government type myself and I can assure you that the Deep State is not limited to the Federales.

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"Despite being the victim of an out of control administrative state that wants to put him prison for the rest of his life (and would kill if they thought they could get away with it),": Trump is the one who talks about executing opponents and retribution. He wants to try Liz Cheney by a military tribunal ( and no doubt would like to see her before a firing squad). Heritage Foundation’s (who wrote Project 2025) president, Kevin Roberts, cheered the immunity ruling and told a right-wing audience that the nation is at war, and he’s ready to kill “the left” if they fight back. Robert’s views Heritage’s role today as “institutionalizing Trumpism.”

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Yeah, OK. Trump was president for four years. He did not try to put his political opponents in prison as Biden has done. No former president has ever faced criminal prosecution by his successor (and given the behavior of some of our former presidents there was ample reason for prosecution). This line was not crossed for a reason.

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I think the s. Daniel case was a waste of time and no one's going to sentence him to prison I think the other 2 cases are much more important but will probably never be tried.

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What Democrats have done to this country is so awful, they must lie, cheat, and distract with "PROJECT 2025!" and more. They have no other choice . . . except to apologize and change course. And no way will they do that unless they have two or three massive election defeats. And maybe not even then.

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Mark- I'm afraid not even then! Look at how much they learned from Trump getting in in 2016- ZILCH!!!

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It is not our country. Not as long as the cities are part of it.

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I have participated in Project 2025 matters, along with at least a few thousand other conservatives. Nothing conspiratorial about it!

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Same as always: when 'our side' does it, not only fine, but Just (Lincoln Project, etc).

The 'other side'? Apocalyptic, fascist, evil incarnate.

Ffs, how did we get this adolescent?

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I don't get it. It's just crazy

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Project 2025 may be one of the biggest political blunders of my lifetime.

As of right now, the only way to learn about the project from the "horse's mouth" is to go to their official website and read the 900-page PDF (or buy the book). NO ONE is going to read the whole thing. So everyone will read the 10-page summary on their website. EXCEPT THERE ISN'T ONE!! Since no one will read the 900 pages, and there is no summary, the Democrats have had free reign to control the narrative, by filling in all the blanks in the minds of voters and telling them how "frightening" it is. Now Republicans are having to play defense on something that should come as no surprise to anyone, when you dig into the details.

This reminds me how useless and counter-productive "think tanks" have become.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Project 2025 has been around since at least December 2023. If I had to guess, I would say the Dems were going to save this for October, but they had to pull it out now to take everyone's attention away from Biden's debate debacle.

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I think they are saving Orange Vaxxman Bad for October.

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Good one

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I wouldn't worry too much about Project 2025... the Dems/media will be hysterical about something the Republicans allegedly said or will do, that's a given.... But then, these are the same people that said that Joe was "as sharp as he's ever been" one day before the debate... their credibility is shot with most people at this point.

I do take your point about the uselessness of "think tanks." They are places where real thought goes to die.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

The people with TDS will always believe the Dems, especially for something as undisprovable as the idea that they should fear P2025. Also, they will believe anything that comports with their preconceived notion of Trump being "literally Hitler".

Having said that, I am also not worried about P2025 simply because this country has the world's shortest attention span, and 4 months in American politics might as well be 4 decades.

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Agree that they should have had talking point.

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This propaganda coming from Ms demand justice queen who actively works against the Supreme Court! Fearmongering BS! She is a piece of work! She got out while the getting was good!

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When you have a weak candidate who is running behind in the popular polls as well as the electoral polls , this leftist lying is all you got left in your arsenal.

Let’s hope the voters don’t buy into it.

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Many will though. I see the same hate they have for Trump also against Putin and even Elon Musk who is strongly opposed to Woke ideology and deeply hated for that. I have Tesla stock and follow videos and articles about Elon and it is surprising how many people just flat out hate him and want him destroyed in spite of all the very good things he’s done.

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Agree! When the Biden admin had the EV conference at the White House, they didn't even invite Musk, which is beyond ridiculous. They've filed frivolous lawsuits against him out of spite. One of the most important things he's done is buy Twitter and expose the Biden censorship. He's a national treasure.

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He's a Mover and Shaker, alright. Teslas are just a profitable sideline. I just saw his SpaceX Starship launches on YouTube. SpaceX can (and probably should) replace NASA.

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"But what Peter Navarro and Steven Bannon think or say or do doesn’t really have much of an impact on what Trump does."

It is unclear to me if anyone has much of an impact on what Trump says or does. There is no clear indication that he simply surrounds himself with sycophants who feed him back his own ideas. Trump is not an "ideas" guy in the sense of a thought-out integrated whole. If he has any ideology it is that Washington has lost touch with the "real American people" and is simply in it for itself. A fancied up version of this would be that institutional Washington DC no longer believes in democracy because it does not trust the common people on complicated issues (e.g., climate) ....a pessimistic idea of humanity that informed our entire Constitutional system of limited government and separation of powers. Trump trusts all the American people....if they elect him. (Democrats trust those American who support them, and demonize the rest.)

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So, the fascist far-left wants to talk about ‘whoppers’ eh?

Okay, let’s talk about the fact that they’ve been lying about Hitler and his ‘Gray shirted’ Iggy’s being Reactionaries for over 100 years


They were clearly leftists, despite the lies and incessant propaganda of over a century.

Anti-liberty leftists are experts on the subject of lies, deception and ‘whoppers’ – because that is their main mode of operation.

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Reminds me of something an immigrant friend at work once told me. I’m retired but used to work (CNC machinery) with a Jewish guy from the Soviet Union (Ukraine) in Chicago who came here around 1990 when they were allowed to leave. He said the main difference between the Nazi thugs and the Communist thugs in pre-war Germany was that the Nazis had an open hand, fingers extended salute whereas the Communists used the clenched fist salute. That’s not a whole lot of difference between them.

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I still harken back to the quote from an Associate Professor of History at Harvard in the New York Times Magazine, Sunday, April 4, 1948

Even he tried account for the incongruity of the lie, but failed.

In certain basic respects - a totalitarian state structure, a single party, a leader, a secret police, a hatred of political, cultural and intellectual freedom - fascism and communism are clearly more like each other than they are like anything in between.

Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., Associate Professor of History at Harvard New York Times Magazine, Sunday, April 4, 1948


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Thank you for the link to Schlesinger’s piece - it’s the best thing I’ve read today.

Perhaps the best thing we could do is stop using the terms Left & Right, after all the real dichotomy is between authoritarianism and freedom.

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Dave Rubin calls it the Woke vs the nonWoke. That’s what I go by. The word “Woke” seems to me to capture their always raging frenzied fanaticism. They are indeed possessed by the irrational. In other words, deranged.

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Woke v Nonwoke is like Crazy v Not. I think the whole woke thing is leftist rope-a-dope because it so enrages conservatives that they lose sight of the structural problems.

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Yes Historically speaking, there is not a dime's worth of difference between a Nazi and a Communist. It's amazing how many "liberals" do not understand that.

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Even now, the lie is being systematically decimated, such as this video that compared the concerning patterns in ALL Socialist childhoods – including the left’s “patron saint” Karl Marx:

A concerning pattern in ALL Socialist childhoods




00:00:21 Vladimir Lenin and concept outline

00:07:53 Leon Trotsky

00:16:40 Karl Marx

00:32:22 Friedrich Engels

00:36:47 Joseph Stalin

00:42:00 Benito Mussolini

00:45:53 Adolf Hitler

00:56:48 Mao Zedong

01:00:59 Pol Pot

01:03:57 Final Analysis


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It's been out for two years. The left only heard about it now because they exist in an echo chamber and Bidens weekend at bernies debate performance panicked them.

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The problem is that there machine is enormous and well oiled. Even my middle of the road friends are parroting this nonsense. We find it ridiculous but they believe it.

We still have learned to be better than them

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Well said: their “machine is enormous and well oiled”. I sometimes think conservatives do not realize what they are up against. Or simply bury their heads in the sand. The power is in Dems’ hands. And half of the country believe the bs the mass media has been spewing for the past 8 years and continue believing even more fervently with every day that Trump is an existential threat. Fear mongering works, especially so relentless. That’s how Nazi and Soviet propaganda worked so effectively: you beat the same nonsense into people’s heads 24/7, and they become brain dead. Just saw on TV a woman, who said she would vote for Biden even if he was in a casket - to save the democracy, of course. That encapsulates it all.

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And then they say that Trump is a threat to democracy. It’s all babble but people swallow it all

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I have noticed that all of my lefty friends and family are people who don’t pay attention to policy or logic, it’s just emotional reactions all the time. I asked them for logic and what they give me is emotion. Grow the hell up.

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To be honest, people respond emotionally on all sides. We are here in a babble too - in a babble where people mostly treat each other in a civil manner and have the same opinion on many issues (more often than not). To get a reality check, go to another substack publication - progressive or simply left of center. Works like a cold shower. I even saw one comment today where they describe a babble of TFP readers as escaping reality because we do not admit that Trump is Hitler, and we live in 1932 Germany. The democracy has to be cancelled to protect itself because Trump may come to power in a democratic election as Hitler did. Or read comments to a NYT article. Hard to find a more fanatical religious cult than NYT readership.

Our society is extremely fractured and compartmentalized to the point that we are no longer able to exchange ideas or arguments or even listen to one another. Whatever the result of 2024 elections, I don't see how we can heal and become a healthier nation. Feels like we are on the brink.

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I do read other publications but I can’t read the NYT. Their comments section is like insane drooling zombies. Actual crazy people. Plus they print lies that they don’t retract. I do like a substack called The Liberal Patriot.

I think the real division is driven by the left, Dems in power, sometimes Reps in power (but less often), and the crown goes to the media—-they are nothing but mouthpieces of government propaganda.

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I read the Liberal Patriot too. It is always an odd experience. The two main contributors (not so much the guests) are pretty solid in their analysis except for one thing. They have a serious case of TDS but advocate that the Democrat party should take an approach that sounds Trumpian to me. I don't get it.

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They’re loyal and 100% dedicated to hating Trump. Zero ability to admit he had good policies or to admit all of the early chaos was completely on the Dems, Hillary, Obama, FBI, CIA etc. All nefarious actions by Dems. Even the “normal liberals” fell for all of it. The lefties still believe it. I think to myself, are they all stoned all the time so they don’t understand what happened?? It is truly mind blowing.

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what is 'intentionally unaliving'? Killing themselves? What is the teenage 'intentional unaliving' rate - I've heard it's increasing? It's hard to keep up with these new phrases. For example in Canada Justin Trudeau's ex has 're-partnered' - she's not shacking up with a married man or having an affair - re-partnering makes it sound acceptable. Acceptable enough to move new beau into a government owned lake house and fly him around on a government jet. Will re-partnering be used as his defense in a 'no fault' in a divorce case?

And I'm sorry but is it a democratic party requirement to be pig dog ugly? Is that another reason Sasha didn't fit in? Ugly thoughts make ugly faces.

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“Yet more mass hysteria from a party that has nothing to sell but fear.”

They’re also very big on promoting hate, the more the better. Here’s a comment made by a democrat on this WSJ editorial board article below that’s a good example of how a great many of our “fellow Americans” now reason and this is due to 8 years of nonstop hate mongering by the dems and their media against Trump and MAGA.

“Millions of Democrats, including me, have been aware of Biden's cognitive deficiencies for years, but made the affirmative choice to choose a candidate who is declining mentally over a vicious, evil criminal that hates everything and everyone. It's that simple. And if Biden stays in the race, we will make the same decision again.”

“The Almighty Calls for Biden.”

The Democratic Party establishment that covered for the Presidents decline now wants him gone.

Real Clear Politics. WSJ Editorial Board. July 7, 2024


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how can people be this totally ignorant not checking or remembering the facts. We had a great life with Trump as president. It was no one's fault but the Chinese that Covid hit the entire planet. This last regime of biden/harris has been a total total total nightmare for all of us. But so many people are so dense they do not stop and realize the truth. It's not rocket science. We are done for if democrats get in the WH again....understand? Done for as our once "one nation under God with liberty and justice for all. "

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“how can people be this totally ignorant not checking or remembering the facts.”

Some excerpts below from a Quillette review of a book about the irrational side of human nature. The last one says: “One comes away with the sense that civilization operates on narrow margins and is always on the verge of collapsing into irrationality.” That sure is the truth. Are we in a “Dark Age” where reason is in retreat? Certainly does seem so.

“Mackay makes the case, often in gory detail, that episodes of collective mania seem to be an inevitable consequence of human nature. Humans in every time and place have cast aside their better judgment and allowed themselves to be caught up in all manner of irrational hoopla.“

“His chapters on the Swabian Peasants’ War and Anabaptist uprisings are terrifying depictions of the end-times frenzy that wreaked havoc on northern Europe throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. The distance between these events in the German-speaking world and, say, the Reign of Terror in France or the Chinese Cultural Revolution is not that great. And the speed with which apparently reasonable people moved from the embrace of a new theological idea to a willingness to torture those whose own theological ideas diverged even slightly is startling.“

“There is plenty to recommend about The Delusions of Crowds. It is laden with great anecdotes and the writing is always engaging. One comes away with the sense that civilization operates on narrow margins and is always on the verge of collapsing into irrationality.”

“The Delusions of Crowds-A Review.”

Quillette. Feb 8, 2021


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Someone named Fauci was funding the Chinese effort.

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Well, looks like the dems now have a clear set of marching orders. The Handmaid's Tale will become reality! I'm beginning to think the Handmaid's Tale is to the Left what 1984 is to the Right.

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Time to remind everyone again that Atwood got the idea for the costumes in a visit to Afghanistan. How this got transmogrified into a Christian thing is something a leftist would have to explain.

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lol, like

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