I just reread 1984. Never before have I felt so close to that being our actual reality. Why is it no one in Washington uses the term TREASON? They use all the other words but never treason. One thing I know for sure, if they'd charge this family with treason and follow the punishment for it- this won't happen again, at least, not for a v…
I just reread 1984. Never before have I felt so close to that being our actual reality. Why is it no one in Washington uses the term TREASON? They use all the other words but never treason. One thing I know for sure, if they'd charge this family with treason and follow the punishment for it- this won't happen again, at least, not for a very, very long time. JB is a treasonous traitor to our country. He should be charged as such and the penalty for treason carried out.
That is the problem, though, as I see it. It's hard to get used to thinking this way, but there is a ruling class that holds most of the power in this country and also hangs with aristocrats and wealthy crooks in Europe and Russia. When the truckers were protesting in Canada, Trudeau just called Biden and Biden offered him help towing the truckers' trucks to break up the protest. After Musk bought Twitter and the leftists were going crazy with rage and grief, I read somewhere that Hilary Clinton had reached out to her friends in the European Union to pow wow with them about their restrictions on free speech on the internet, and how their laws could be used to restrict speech on Twitter. Now we are hearing that the European Union is very interested in censoring Twitter/X.
I just reread 1984. Never before have I felt so close to that being our actual reality. Why is it no one in Washington uses the term TREASON? They use all the other words but never treason. One thing I know for sure, if they'd charge this family with treason and follow the punishment for it- this won't happen again, at least, not for a very, very long time. JB is a treasonous traitor to our country. He should be charged as such and the penalty for treason carried out.
Democrats would surely block that. If we were still a country though our ruling class would all be tried for treason.
That is the problem, though, as I see it. It's hard to get used to thinking this way, but there is a ruling class that holds most of the power in this country and also hangs with aristocrats and wealthy crooks in Europe and Russia. When the truckers were protesting in Canada, Trudeau just called Biden and Biden offered him help towing the truckers' trucks to break up the protest. After Musk bought Twitter and the leftists were going crazy with rage and grief, I read somewhere that Hilary Clinton had reached out to her friends in the European Union to pow wow with them about their restrictions on free speech on the internet, and how their laws could be used to restrict speech on Twitter. Now we are hearing that the European Union is very interested in censoring Twitter/X.
Absolutely! Treasonous actions by this horrible person.